16 research outputs found

    Performance of Sweet Cherry Cultivars and Advanced Selections on Gisela 5 Rootstock in Young Orchards

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    Six sweet cherry cultivars and two advanced selections of Gisela 5 rootstock were tested in 2015–2021 at the Institute of Horticulture, Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry. Fruit trees were planted at distances of 4.5 × 2.5 m and trained as spindles. Orchard floor management included frequently mown grass in alleyways with herbicide strips along tree rows. Cultivars ‘Mindaugė’ and ‘Irema BS’ were the most vigorous at the end of the seventh leaf. Their trunk diameter achieved 11.6 cm. The ‘Merchant’ cultivar had the smallest trunk diameter—9.3 cm. The average yield in 2018–2021 ranged from 2.75 t/ha for ‘Vega’ to 8.73 t/ha for ‘Regina’. Cultivars ‘Regina’, ‘Sunburst’, ‘Irema BS’ and ‘Merchant’ had the highest cumulative yield efficiency of 0.440–0.503 kg/cm2 with respect to the trunk cross-section area (TCSA). The least productive cultivar ‘Vega’ produced fruits of the highest average weight—9.9 g. Fruits of ‘Regina’ and ‘Sunburst’ were large as well—8.8–9.1 g. ‘Irema BS’ fruits had the highest soluble solids content (SSC)—20.2%. The lowest SSC was recorded in ‘Merchant’ and ‘Sunburst’ fruits—14.7–15.8%. The yield of advanced selection, No. 102, equaled to the yield of cv. ‘Regina’. No. 102 had a high fruit weight, and fruits were distinguished by attractiveness and taste.publishedVersio

    Effects of growth control on yield and fruit quality of the apple cultivar ‘Rubin’

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    The effect of tree growth-control technologies on apple tree vegetative development, productivity and fruit quality was investigated with apple cultivar ‘Rubin’ on dwarf rootstock P 60 at the Institute of Horticulture, Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry in 2015–2018. Eight treatments were established combining tree trunk incision by chainsaw before flowering, application of prohexadione-calcium in different dose and time, summer pruning in August and root pruning before flowering. Root pruning from both sides of the tree significantly reduced tree trunk diameter, shoot length and pruning weights but at the same time reduced fruit weight. It increased tree productivity and enhanced fruit colouring. Two applications of prohexadione-calcium significantly reduced mean shoot length and increased average fruit weight. Summer pruning had a positive impact on fruit colouring. Trunk incisions enhanced leaf P, K and Fe content. Pro-Ca increased leaf Ca content. Trees root pruned from both sides had one of the lowest contents of all tested minerals. All tree growth-control technologies had a positive impact on tree productivity , fruit quality and bearing stability comparing with control treatment

    Plum Cultivar Evaluation on Myrobalan Rootstock in Lithuania

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    Twenty plum cultivars on Myrobalan (Prunus cerasifera Ehrh.) seedling rootstock were tested in 2012–2017 at the Institute of Horticulture of the Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry. Plum trees were spaced at 4.5 × 2.5 m and trained as spindles. Orchard floor management included frequent mowing of grass in the alleyways with herbicide strips along tree rows. ‘Duke of Edinburgh’, ‘Kijevas Vēlā’, ‘Dąbrowicka Prune’, ‘Čačanska Najbolje’, ‘and ‘Štaro Vengrinė’ cultivars were the most vigorous plum trees at the end of 6th year. Their trunk diameter achieved 92–96 mm. ‘Valor’, ‘Queen Victoria’, ‘Herman’, ‘Čačanska Najbolje’, ‘Favorita del Sultano’, ‘Ave’, and ‘Jubileum’ cultivars had the lowest trunk diameter — 72–78 mm. The highest cumulative yield of four fruiting years was recorded for ‘Kometa’ and ‘Violeta’ cultivars, respectively, 43.0 and 46.5 kg/tree. ‘Favorita del Sultano’, ‘Rausvė’, and ‘Kijevas Vēlā’ produced the largest fruits — 52–60 g. The smallest fruit occurred on ‘Dąbrowicka Prune’ and ‘Herman’ cultivars, respectively, 22 and 25 g. ‘Dąbrowicka Prune’ had the highest soluble solids content (SSC) — 19.5%. The least SSC was recorded in ‘Kometa’, ‘Violeta’ and ‘Herman’ fruits — 10.6–11.8%. ‘Renklod Rannij Doneckij’, ‘Čačanska Najbolje’, and ‘Valor’ cultivars had the highest fruit flesh firmness

    The effect of rootstock on apple tree bearing stability in a cooler climate

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    The effect of rootstock on apple yield, productivity and alternate bearing was investigated at the Institute of Horticulture, Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry during a six-year period in a full bearing orchard. Apple cultivars ‘Ligol’ and ‘Auksis’ grafted on M.26 semi-dwarf rootstock; M.9, B.396, P 66, P 67 and Pure 1 dwarf rootstocks; and P 59, P 22, P 61, P 62 and PB.4 super-dwarf rootstocks were tested. Rootstock had a significant effect on apple tree growth, average yield and cumulative yield efficiency. Alternate apple bearing did not depend on rootstock vigour. Constant correlations between bearing regularity, average yield and cumulative yield efficiency were not established and differed on a cultivar or rootstock level. On the average of both tested cultivars, a more regular apple yield was recorded on Pure 1, P 59 and B.396 rootstocks. A significantly higher alternate bearing index was established on P 67, P 62 and M.9 rootstocks

    Location effects across northeastern Europe on bioactive compounds in apple fruit

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    A multi-location trial was performed in apple orchards planted in 2005 under a uniform scheme in Poland, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of the geographical apple-tree growing location on the accumulation of dominant bioactive compounds in apple fruits: phenolics and triterpenes as the most valuable substances for human health. The study included two apple cultivars, ‘Auksis’ and ‘Ligol’, on B.396 rootstock and was carried out from 2016 to 2018. Geographical apple-tree growing location had a significant impact on the composition and total content of the tested bioactive compounds in apple fruits. Increased accumulation of phenolic and triterpene compounds was recorded in the south–north direction. This could be explained by the different climate conditions in the trial locations: the sum of active temperatures gradually decreased by 200–300 °C in the south–north direction, and the vegetation period becomes shorter. Apples grown in Estonia, depending on the tested cultivar, had 77–139% more total phenolic compounds. Significant differences were recorded for all groups of phenolic compounds. The differences between the trial sites in accumulation of triterpene compounds were lower, although apples in at farthest north location had 18–32% more total triterpene compounds than apples grown in south

    Cattle Horn Shavings: A Possible Nitrogen Source for Apple Trees

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    The circular economy concept promotes the recycling of agricultural waste. This study was aimed at investigating the effects of cattle horn shavings on apple tree nitrogen nutrition. Ligol apple trees on P 60 rootstock were the object of the study. The experiment was conducted in the experimental orchard of the Institute of Horticulture, Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry, from 2015 to 2018. Two fertiliser rates were tested: 50 and 100 kg/ha N. Horn shavings (14.1% N) were applied at the end of autumn or at the beginning of vegetation in the spring and in one treatment 100 kg/ha N rate was divided into two equal parts and applied both in autumn and spring. The effects of the horn shavings were compared with the effects of ammonium nitrate (34.4% N) and the unfertilised treatment. The lowest mineral nitrogen content was found in the unfertilised orchard soil and the soil fertilised with horn shavings in the spring at 50 kg/ha N equivalent. In all other cases, the fertilisers increased the soil’s mineral nitrogen content. The lowest leaf nitrogen content was found in apple trees that grew in the unfertilised orchard soil or soil fertilised in the spring with 50 kg/ha N of horn shavings (1.58–2.13%). In other cases, leaf nitrogen content was higher (1.77–2.17%). The apple trees with the lowest leaf nitrogen content produced the smallest average yield (34.5–36.6 t/ha). The highest yield was recorded from fruit trees fertilised with 50 kg/ha N of ammonium nitrate applied in spring or horn shavings applied in autumn (42.4 and 41.4 t/ha, respectively). The influence of horn shavings on the other studied parameters was similar to that of ammonium nitrate. Horn shavings, like nitrogen fertiliser, could facilitate nitrogen nutrition management in apple trees, especially in organic orchards, where the use of synthetic fertilisers is prohibited

    Planting scheme (nutrition space) effect on growth, productivity and fruit quality of dwarf apple trees cultivar ‘Auksis’ in 10-15 years old orchard

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    Maitinamojo ploto įtakos žemaūgių veislės ‘Auksis’ obelų augumui, produktyvumui ir vaisių kokybei brandžiame 10–15 metų amžiaus sode tyrimas atliktas Lietuvos agrarinių ir miškų mokslų centro (toliau – LAMMC) Sodininkystės ir daržininkystės instituto eksperimentinėje bazėje, Kauno r. Tyrimas vykdytas 2010–2015 m. Tyrimo objektas buvo vienos iš populiariausių veislių Lietuvoje ‘Auksis’ obelys su vienu iš populiaresnių žemaūgių poskiepių Lietuvoje P 60. Vaismedžiai pasodinti pagal keturias sodinimo schemas: 3,00×1,50; 3,00×1,25; 3,00×1,00 ir 3,00×0,75 m. Tyrimais nustatyta, kad žemaūgiai ‘Auksis’ veislės vaismedžiai su P 60 poskiepiu, pasodinti rečiausiai, 3,00×1,50 m atstumais, brandžiame 10–15 metų sode išaugino storiausią kamieną, didžiausią bendrą metūglių ilgį ir skaičių, suformavo daugiausiai žiedynų ir išaugino didžiausią vaisių derlių iš vaismedžio. Tankinant vaismedžius iki 3,00×1,25 m kamieno skerspjūvio plotas, metūglių ir žiedynų skaičius buvo iš esmės mažesni, o bendras metūglių ilgis ir vaisių derlius iš vaismedžio, taip pat, turėjo tendenciją mažėti. Tankiausiai 3,00×0,75 m atstumais auginami vaismedžiai augo ir derėjo iš esmės prasčiausiai. Iš ploto vieneto tankiausiai 3,00×0,75 m atstumais auginami vaismedžiai davė iš esmės didžiausią derlių, nes priaugino iš esmės didžiausią saikingai augančių metūglių skaičių, nors, dėl didelio vaismedžių kiekio hektare, nugenėtų šakų masė buvo taip pat patikimai didžiausia. Daugeliu atvejų statistiškai patikimai geriausia vaisių kokybė gaunama auginant vaismedžius 3,00×1,50 ir 3,00×1,25 m atstumais. Iš esmės prasčiausia vaisių kokybė pagal vidutinę vaisiaus masę, skersmenį ir vaisių nusispalvinimą buvo tankiausiai 3,00×0,75 ir 3,00×1,00 m atstumais auginamuose variantuoseHorticulture, Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry in 2010–2015. The trees of cv. ‘Auksis’ on P 60 rootstock were spaced at 3.00×1.50; 3.00×1.25; 3.00×1.00 and 3.00×0.75 m. The trees planted at 3.00×1.50 m had the largest trunk circumference, the highest number of shoots and total shoot length, formed the highest number of inflorescences and gave the biggest yield per tree. 3.00×1.25 m spacing significantly decreased trunk circumference, the number of shoots and inflorescences. The densest (3.00×0.75 m) planted trees were significantly smaller and gave lower yield per tree. The highest yield per plot area was achieved in the densest orchard, though the average fruit weight, size and fruit colour was decreased significantly. The same negative effect on fruit quality was recorded at 3.00×1.00 m spacing. Based on complex evaluation of tree growth, productivity, yield and fruit quality parameters in a mature orchard 3.00×1.25 m is the optimal spacing of cv. ‘Auksis’ apple trees on P 60 rootstock. Such nutrition space is optimal for high and stable yields, ensures high fruit quality and moderate tree growth. In the case of less winterhardy apple varieties or rootstock combinations and as a consequence shorter orchard life span apple trees should be planted at 3.00×0.75–1.00 m in order to achieve high early yieldsLietuvos agrarinių ir miškų mokslų centro filialas Sodininkystės ir daržininkystės institutasVytauto Didžiojo universitetasŽemės ūkio akademij

    Sodinimo atstumų įtaka obelų augimui, vaisių derliui ir kokybei

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    Sodinimo atstumų įtakos žemaūgių obelų augimui, produktyvumui ir vaisių kokybei tyrimas buvo atliktas 15–18 metų amžiaus sode, įveistame Lietuvos agrarinių ir miškų mokslų centro Sodininkystės ir daržininkystės institute. Veislės ‘Auksis’ obelys su P 60 poskiepiu buvo pasodintos 3 × 1,5, 3 × 1,25, 3 × 1,00 ir 3 × 0,75 m atstumais. Padidėjus sodinimo tankumui, sumažėjo pavienių vaismedžių augimas, generatyvinis vystymasis ir derlius. Priešingi rezultatai buvo gauti šiuos rodiklius vertinant ploto vienete. Derlingumas ir vaisių kokybė buvo matuoti dviejuose vainiko aukščiuose: 0–1,5 ir 1,5–2,5 m. Vaismedžių vainiko viršutinėje dalyje vaisiaus vidutinė masė ir skersmuo buvo didesni, o spalva intensyvesnė ir mažiau priklausė nuo vaismedžių sodinimo tankumo. Vainiko apatinėje dalyje vaisių kokybė buvo prastesnė, didėjant vaismedžių tankumui ji dar blogėjo. Sodinimo atstumas turėjo esminės įtakos cukraus, tirpių sausųjų medžiagų ir sausųjų medžiagų kaupimuisi – rečiau pasodintame sode šių biocheminių junginių vaisiuose buvo daugiau. Ir atvirkščiai, didesnis fenolinių junginių ir triterpenų kiekis buvo nustatytas vaisiuose, užaugintuose tankiau pasodintame sode. Geriausias veislės ‘Auksis’ obelų su P 60 poskiepiu derlingumas ir vaisių kokybė pilnai derant gauti 3 × 1,25 m atstumu įveistame sodeA study on the influence of planting distances on the growth, productivity and fruit quality of dwarf apple trees in a 15- to 18-year-old orchard was carried out at the Institute of Horticulture, Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry. Trees of the apple (Malus × domestica Borkh) cultivar ‘Auksis’ on rootstock P 60 were planted at distances of 3 × 1.5, 3 × 1.25, 3 × 1.00 m and 3 × 0.75 m. With increasing density of fruit trees, single-tree growth, generative development and yield were significantly reduced. The opposite results were obtained when these parameters were evaluated per unit area. Yield and fruit quality measurements were made at two canopy heights: 0–1.5 and 1.5–2.5 m. In the upper part of the fruit tree canopy, fruit average weight and diameter were higher, while the colour was more intense and less dependent on the planting density of fruit trees. In the lower part of the canopy, fruit quality was inferior and with increasing fruit tree density it further deteriorated. Planting distances had a significant effect on the accumulation of sugar, soluble solids and dry matter content: greater planting distances resulted in increased sugar content from 10.97% to 11.90%, soluble solids – from 12.30% to 13.17% and dry matter content – from 13.80% to 14.80%. Conversely, higher accumulation of phenolic and triterpenic compounds in apple fruits was found with decreasing planting distances. A significant increase of phenolic compounds from 2.91 up to 4.03 mg g-1 DW (dry weight) was recorded at the upper part of the canopy, while an increase of triterpens from 12.9 up to 16.07 mg g-1 DW – at the lower part of the canopy. The best productivity and fruit quality of ‘Auksis’ apple trees on P 60 rootstock at the full bearing stage were obtained, when fruit trees had been spaced at 3 × 1.25 mAgronomijos fakultetasLietuvos agrarinių ir miškų mokslų centro Sodininkystės ir daržininkystės institutasLietuvos sveikatos mokslų universitetas. Medicinos akademijaVytauto Didžiojo universiteta

    Sea Buckthorn Leaf Powders: The Impact of Cultivar and Drying Mode on Antioxidant, Phytochemical, and Chromatic Profile of Valuable Resource

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    Sea buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides L. (HR)) leaf powders are the underutilized, promising resource of valuable compounds. Genotype and processing methods are key factors in the preparation of homogenous, stable, and quantified ingredients. The aim of this study was to evaluate the phenolic, triterpenic, antioxidant profiles, carotenoid and chlorophyll content, and chromatic characteristics of convection-dried and freeze-dried HR leaf powders obtained from ten different female cultivars, namely ‘Avgustinka’, ‘Botaniceskaja Liubitelskaja’, ‘Botaniceskaja’, ‘Hibrid Percika’, ‘Julia’, ‘Nivelena’, ‘Otradnaja’, ‘Podarok Sadu’, ‘Trofimovskaja’, and ‘Vorobjovskaja’. The chromatic characteristics were determined using the CIELAB scale. The phytochemical profiles were determined using HPLC-PDA (high performance liquid chromatography with photodiode array detector) analysis; spectrophotometric assays and antioxidant activities were investigated using ABTS (2,2′-Azino-bis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid)) and FRAP (ferric ion reducing antioxidant power) assays. The sea buckthorn leaf powders had a yellowish-green appearance. The drying mode had a significant impact on the total antioxidant activity, chlorophyll content, and chromatic characteristics of the samples; the freeze-dried samples were superior in antioxidant activity, chlorophyll, carotenoid content, and chromatic profile, compared to convection-dried leaf powder samples. The determined triterpenic and phenolic profiles strongly depend on the cultivar, and the drying technique had no impact on qualitative and quantitative composition. Catechin, epigallocatechin, procyanidin B3, ursolic acid, α-amyrin, and β-sitosterol could be used as quantitative markers in the phenolic and triterpenic profiles. The cultivars ‘Avgustinka’, ‘Nivelena’, and ‘Botaniceskaja’ were superior to other tested cultivars, with the phytochemical composition and antioxidant activity