9 research outputs found

    Rusijos geoenergetika ir Baltijos šalių atsakas: integracijos ir bendradarbiavimo iniciatyvų reikšmė

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    [straipsnis, santrauka lietuvių kalba; santrauka anglų kalba] Praėjus 27-eriems nepriklausomybės metams ir 13-ai narystės Europos Sąjungoje metų, elektros energijos srityje Baltijos šalys vis dar veikia iš Maskvos valdomoje sinchroninėje IPS/UPS zonoje, o iki 2014 m. pabaigos buvo visiškai priklausomos ir nuo Rusijoje priimamų sprendimų dėl gamtinių dujų tiekimo ir jų kainos. Vis dėlto priklausymas tai pačiai elektros energetikos sistemai ir Kaliningrado aprūpinimo per Lietuvą veiksnys teisinio abipusiškumo ir pasitikėjimo tarp Baltijos šalių ir Rusijos nesukūrė. Atvirkščiai, Rusijos politika sąlygojo konkrečius neigiamus padarinius Baltijos valstybėms: didesnes didmenines gamtinių dujų kainas, politinių, techninių bei kitų priežasčių sąlygotus energijos tiekimo sutrikimus, politinį šantažą ir pan. Kita vertus, pastarojo meto Lietuvos, Latvijos ir Estijos pažanga, siekiant energetinės nepriklausomybės, nuteikia optimistiškai – Baltijos šalys, regis, atrado Rusijos spaudimui pasipriešinti tinkamas priemones

    Investigation of electrical conductivity of milk in robotic milking system and its relationship with milk somatic cell count and other quality traits

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    The scientific research was carried out at Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Veterinary Academy, state enterprise “Pieno tyrimai”, as well as in dairy farms running automatic voluntary (robotic) milking systems in Lithuania. A total data set of 462574 cow milking records was assessed in the research. The objectives of this investigation were to evaluate the milk electrical conductivity indicator from robotic milking system and to assess the genetic correlation with the indices collected in a database of Lithuanian dairy cattle, to estimate heritability coefficient using multiple traits mixed linear model with permanent environment effects. The research has shown, that the electrical conductivity of milk ranged from 4.6 to 5.8 ms/cm in milk samples where somatic cell count did not exceed 200 thousand/ml and variation in electric conductivity of milk can be treated as one of the main parameters for cows’ health monitoring system. A high coefficient of heritability of electrical conductivity of milk (h2 = 0.512 ± 0.028; p < 0.001) and a very low coefficient of heritability of somatic cell count (h2 = 0.032 ± 0.014; p < 0.001) was determined. The results of the research have also revealed a positive genetic correlation of electrical conductivity with milk somatic cell count (rg = 0.332 ± 0.016; p < 0.001). Electrical conductivity of milk from robotic milking system can be introduced as an indicator of mastitis prevention in dairy cows and genetic selection based on this trait may be possible

    Baltic plug into European electricity network: perspectives of success

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    Implementation of strategic energy projects, such as LNG terminal in Klaipeda, interstate natural gas and electricity interconnections, have terminated infrastructural isolation of the Baltic States and integrated them into a wider European energy market. Despite the aforementioned achievements, the Baltic States stand out as the only EU members, whose electricity systems are synchronised with the Integrated Power System/Unified Power System (IPS/UPS) of the CIS, de-facto maintained by Russia. As the systemic integration into the post-Soviet systems is considered to be a strategic vulnerability, the Baltic States decided to desynchronise from CIS’ power system and synchronise its electricity system with Europe. This became the most challenging strategic project given its length, complicated negotiation process and substantial costs. This article aims to introduce the scope of the synchronisation project and the challenges that Baltic States face. At the end, it is emphasised that synchronization with ECN is the most feasible option among others, but there are three main factors that prevent further progress. These are limited success convincing Poland, endless internal discussion regarding technical aspects and Russian oppositionPolitologijos katedraRegionistikos katedraVytauto Didžiojo universiteta

    Russia pressures but the Baltic States strike back: who wins the poker of energy geopolitics?

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    Praėjus 27-eriems nepriklausomybės bei 13-ai narystės Europos Sąjungoje metų, elektros energijos srityje Baltijos šalys vis dar veikia iš Maskvos valdomoje sinchroninėje IPS/UPS zonoje, o iki 2014 m. pabaigos buvo visiškai priklausomos ir nuo Rusijoje priimamų sprendimų dėl gamtinių dujų tiekimo ir jų kainos. Vis dėlto, priklausymas tai pačiai elektros energetikos sistemai ir Kaliningrado aprūpinimo per Lietuvą veiksnys teisinio abipusiškumo ir pasitikėjimo tarp Baltijos šalių ir Rusijos nesukūrė. Atvirkščiai, Rusijos politika sąlygojo konkrečias neigiamas pasekmes Baltijos valstybėms: didesnes didmeninės gamtinių dujų kainas, politinių, techninių bei kitų priežasčių sąlygotus energijos tiekimo sutrikimus, politinį šantažą ir pan. Kita vertus, pastarojo meto Lietuvos, Latvijos ir Estijos pažanga, siekiant energetinės nepriklausomybės, nuteikia optimistiškai – Baltijos šalys, regis, atrado Rusijos spaudimui pasipriešinti tinkamas priemonesAfter 27 years of independence and 13 years of EU membership, the Baltic States remain operating in the synchronous IPS / UPS area. Until the end of 2014, they were completely dependent on decisions made by Russia on the supply of natural gas, on setting the price. It was common to receive formal or informal requirements of political nature during the negotiations on the supply of gas. Neither belonging to the same BRELL power system, nor the transit of gas or electricity to Kaliningrad created reciprocity in these relations. In other words, transit conditions did never become object or the key factor in the negotiation of such projects as the Kaliningrad and Ostrovets nuclear power plants or the Nord Stream gas pipeline. Overall energy relations between the Baltic States and Russia determined negative consequences for the countries of the region: higher wholesale gas prices, supply disruptions due to political, technical and other reasons, political blackmailing, etc. Nevertheless, recent developments and implementation of the projects linked with the consolidation of energy independence provoke optimism - the Baltic States seem to be struggling against Russian pressure quit successfullyGenerolo Jono Žemaičio Lietuvos karo akademijaPolitologijos katedraRegionistikos katedraVytauto Didžiojo universiteta

    The relationships of inbreeding degree with black and white cattle breeding value and culling frequency in Lithuania

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    Darbas atliktas Lietuvos sveikatos mokslų universiteto Veterinarijos akademijos Gyvūnų veislinės vertės tyrimų ir selekcijos laboratorijoje, Žemės ūkio informacijos ir kaimo verslo centre. Nustatyta, kad nors vidutinis įvaisos koeficientas Lietuvos juodmargių galvijų populiacijoje atitinka tolimą įvaisos koeficientą (0,61 proc. – bulių ir 0,81 proc. – karvių), prognozuojamas jo didėjimas po 0,038 proc. pagal gimimo metus (R 2 = 0,754) karvių ir 0,027 proc. (R 2 =0,421) – Lietuvoje naudojamų bulių (p<0,05). Didžiausias giminingo poravimo koeficiento vidurkis nustatytas Holšteino veislės bulių (1,5 karto didesnis, nei visos juodmargių galvijų populiacijos), mažiausias – Britanijos fryzų veislės bulių (p<0,001). Didėjant bulių giminingo poravimo koeficientui, statistiškai patikimai gerėja veislinės vertės indeksas pagal pieno produkciją ir sudėtį (p<0,001), prastėja – pagal somatinių ląstelių skaičių piene ir reprodukcijos bei ilgaamžiškumo indeksus (p<0,01). Galvijų brokavimo priežasčių tyrimai parodė, kad labiausiai su giminingo poravimo koeficientu siejosi brokavimo dėl leukozės dažnis (p<0,0001). Žinant, kad Lietuvos juodmargių galvijų populiacijoje tolygiai didėja giminingo poravimo koeficientas, būtina kontroliuoti bulių naudojimą karvių bandose ir taip išvengti galimos įvaisos depresijosThe present study was designed to evaluate the relationships of inbreeding degree with Black and White cattle breeding value and culling frequency in Lithuania. It was estimated that the average degree of inbreeding of the Black and Whites population in Lithuania corresponds to the distant inbreeding level (0.61% for bulls and 0.81% for cows), but it shows an increase in 0.038 % per year for cows (R 2 = 0.754) and in 0.027% per year for bulls (R 2 = 0.421) (P<0.05). The highest average of inbreeding coefficient was determined in the Holstein bulls (1.5 fold higher compared to the Black and Whites population) and the lowest in the British Friesian bulls (P<0.001). Increment of inbreeding degree in bulls, improve a statistically significant indexes of breeding value for milk production and composition (P<0.001) and worsen the somatic cell count in milk (P<0.01) and reproduction and longevity indexes (P<0.01). It was shown that the highest degree of inbreeding was significantly associated with the culling of cattle from leucosis (P<0.0001). Knowing that in the Lithuanian Black and White cattle population inbreeding degree of cows gradually increase, it is necessary to control the use of bulls in the herd, thus avoiding the possible occurrence of inbreeding depressionLietuvos sveikatos mokslų universitetasVytauto Didžiojo universitetasŠvietimo akademij

    Electrical conductivity of milk in different milking phases and relationship with subclinical mastitis and mastitis pathogens of cows

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    The aim of the study was to investigate the relationships between the electrical conductivity of milk in different milking phases with subclinical mastitis and productivity of cows. Three hundred fourteen Lithuanian Black and White cows in 2-4 lactation months were evaluated with Lactocorder®. We found on average 6.28 mS/cm and 7.17 mS/cm, for respectively electrical conductivity at highest milk flow (ELHMF) and electrical conductivity during the initial time (ELAP). The average was 6.66 mS/cm for the maximum electrical conductivity after reaching the highest milking speed (ELMAX) and 0.79 mS/cm for (beginning peak difference of the electrical conductivity (ELAD). The somatic cell count (r=0.196) and milk yield (r=-0.222) showed the strongest unfavorable correlation (P<0.01) with ELHMF. Higher ELHMF was related to a greater frequency of mastitis. Pathogens of intramammary gland were found by 39 % of cows in group of ELHMF<6 mS/cm and 52% - in group of ELHMF≥6 mS/cm (P=0.002). The milk from cows infected subclinically with Staphylococcus aureus had 0.55 - 0.68 mS/cm higher ELHMF, than with subclinically Streptococcus agalactiae, Streptococcus uberis, Streptococcus dysgalaetia (P<0.001)Lietuvos sveikatos mokslų universitetas. Veterinarijos akademijaVytauto Didžiojo universitetasŠvietimo akademij

    Investigation of electrical conductivity of milk in robotic milking system and its relationship with milk somatic cell count and other quality traits

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    The scientific research was carried out at Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Veterinary Academy, state enterprise “Pieno tyrimai”, as well as in dairy farms running automatic voluntary (robotic) milking systems in Lithuania. A total data set of 462574 cow milking records was assessed in the research. The objectives of this investigation were to evaluate the milk electrical conductivity indicator from robotic milking system and to assess the genetic correlation with the indices collected in a database of Lithuanian dairy cattle, to estimate heritability coefficient using multiple traits mixed linear model with permanent environment effects. The research has shown, that the electrical conductivity of milk ranged from 4.6 to 5.8 ms/cm in milk samples where somatic cell count did not exceed 200 thousand/ml and variation in electric conductivity of milk can be treated as one of the main parameters for cows’ health monitoring system. A high coefficient of heritability of electrical conductivity of milk (h² = 0.512 ± 0.028; p < 0.001) and a very low coefficient of heritability of somatic cell count (h² = 0.032 ± 0.014; p < 0.001) was determined. The results of the research have also revealed a positive genetic correlation of electrical conductivity with milk somatic cell count (rg = 0.332 ± 0.016; p < 0.001). Electrical conductivity of milk from robotic milking system can be introduced as an indicator of mastitis prevention in dairy cows and genetic selection based on this trait may be possibleLietuvos sveikatos mokslų universitetas. Veterinarijos akademijaVytauto Didžiojo universitetasŠvietimo akademij