9 research outputs found

    Law on operational activities as a source of criminal procedure law.

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    Through the analysis of similarities and differences it was attempted to disclose the relation between criminal process and law of operativ activities in the proces disclosing the points of coexistence between them: how information gathered in operativ activities can be used in criminal process, the effects these subjects have for human rights and other related problematic topics

    Whether cryptocurrency can be classified as money?

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    Kartu su besivystančiais globalizacijos reiškiniais, susidaro tvirtas pagrindas formuotis ir tobulėti įvairioms naujoms technologijoms. Kaip vieną iš jų svarbu paminėti – kripto valiutas; rodos, kurios dar tik nesenai pradėjo skaičiuoti pirmuosius egzistavimo metus, tačiau jau dabar aišku, kad pasaulio susidomėjimas šiuo reiškiniu, yra milžiniškas. Taigi, kalbant apie kripto valiutas, šiuo metu bemaž reikšmingiausias klausimas yra reiškinio teisinė prigimtis ir esmė. Manytina, jog moksliniame kontekste išaiškinus ir atskleidus pačią esmę, veikiausiai, tai ne tik turėtų reikšmingą ir tvirtą indėlį tolimesnei mokslo plėtotei, bet ir stipriai prisidėtų prie praktinio teisinio ir ekonominio konteksto. Tenka pastebėti, kad šia tematika Lietuvoje nėra išsamių mokslinių tyrimų, juolab ir Lietuvos teismų praktika šiuo klausimu vis dar išlieka tyloje. Žinoma, visi šie pavyzdžiai, tarytum inspiruoja, jog apie kripto valiutas aplamai nėra diskutuojama. Anaiptol, pasaulio teisininkų bendruomenėje netyla kalbos kripto valiutų reguliavimo klausimais. Juo labiau, kad šiuo metu esama šalių praktika yra įvairiaprasmė ir ganėtinai ženkliai skiriasi. Todėl tais sumetimais darbe, iš esmės, siekiama atskleisti klausimą, ar kripto valiutos yra pinigai. Magistro baigiamąjį darbą sudaro dvi dalys. Pirmoje dalyje, pirmiausiai, yra aptariama teisinė pinigų koncepcija, kuri, jeigu taip galima pasakyti, padeda apčiuopti problemą, jog pinigai, kaip materialinės teisės objektai, savo prigimtimi ir esme nėra vien tik teisinis reiškinys. Pinigai, savo ruožtu, artimai koreliuoja ir su ekonomine koncepcija. Ketvirtajame pirmos dalies poskyriuose, analizuojamos pinigų funkcijos, padedančios konceptualizuoti pinigų esmę ekonominiu požiūriu. Pagaliau grįžtant jau prie aptartų dviejų požiūrių, t.y. pinigų esmės teisiniu ir pinigų esmės ekonominiu požiūriu – jų sintezė sudaro pagrindą suformuoti bendrą kompleksinį pinigų apibrėžimą; padeda atskleisti pinigų sampratoje talpinamą dviejų disciplinų dichomotiją; ir suformuoja dviejų elementų: ekonominio ir teisinio – testą, leidžiantį patikrinti, ar konkretus reiškinys yra pinigai. (pasakytina, kad pirmosios dalies genezė slypi ne tik pinigų prigimties atskleidime, bet ir testo suformavime). Kadangi kalbama yra apie kripto valiutų kvalifikavimą pinigų atžvilgiu, todėl antrosios dalies pradžioje atskleidžiama skirtingų užsienio šalių: Kanados, Jungtinės Karalystės, Suomijos, Švedijos, Olandijos, Vokietijos, Europos bankų asociacijos ir Jungtinių Amerikos Valstijų, praktika teisiškai kvalifikuojant kripto valiutas. Apjungus aptartas sąlygas: pinigų sampratą, šalių praktiką ir pirmoje dalyje suformuotu pinigų testą, atsakoma į klausimą – ar kripto valiuta yra pinigai. Atlikus literatūros šaltinių analizę, suformuota hipotezė nepasitvirtino – teisiniu požiūriu kripto valiutos artimai koreliuoja su pinigais, jos – privatūs pinigai; ekonominiu požiūriu – nėra pinigai.Genesis of this Master thesis lies within the analysis of grounding question: whether cryptocurrency can be qualified as money. Speaking about fourth industry revolution, must be said that it has lead to fast and inevitable technology development. Alongside stacking up economy and finance system broadering, such global trends, made reasonable grounds to form and to emerge various technologies. For instance, to grasp the bigger picture – the essence of the development must be introduced with one, at the moment fastly developing technologies, called under the ticker of: blockchain. Although the “chap” is still counting its’ birth moment it is obvious that new phenomena already got caught world interest. For instance, lots of different groups are eager to extract value added from blockchain technology, e.g. banking sector, insurance sector, also it inspires such market agents as: artificial intelligence participants, fund rising participants, even such exotic alternatives like consumer protection, or countries. Legal qualification of cryptocurrencies inspires to say, that right now the question is taking place, whether cryptocurrencies is money whether it is other form of assets. To address more precise view, must be said that regarding aforementioned question Lithuania jurisprudence is still keeping silent mode. Although such questions deeply concerning world society, for example: different countries, supervisory authorities, legal community, etc. Also let us bring to the facts that countries like: UK, Canada, US, Germany etc. maintain very various meaning of cryptocurrencies. More over to that, US even qualifies it in four different manner. Regarding what was said, this master thesis struggles with the question, does cryptocurrencies phenomena fall beneath the concept of money, more precisely, whether cryptocurrency can be qualified as money. Finally, worth mentioning, that by conveying legal nature and essence of cryptocurrencies, it not only will enhance further legal science development, but also most probably would boost practical threshold towards further development. Master thesis consists of two parts. The first part covers legal concept of money, which also helps to grasp the money idea, as means of legal objects. By showing that money phenomena condense not only legal standard but also correlates with economic concept. It must be said that 1.1 section gives more detailed view by reviewing court decisions and law jurisprudence. By doing so it helps to derive money (un)legality test, which enforces to carry out the measurements by answering – whether concrete phenomena can be qualified as money. Shifting forward towards money concept disclosure, historical money origin is looked at 1.2 section. Such sequence of analysis makes sense, because it helps to reveal some important conditions regarding further discussion. With respect to money definition, 1.3 section serves as a complementary part, because it summarizes money functions. Finally, further discussion (1.4 section) traces back to already discussed conditions, i.e. money legal nature and money (un)legality test. It also exposes any reader with economy money nature, and by combining these two conditions the common concept of money is formed. Also, such merger plan exposes the fusion of two different disciplines and helps to form test, comprising of legal and economy elements. Must be conveyed that test answers the question: is specific phenomena can be recognized as money. The second part of the thesis follows cryptocurrency qualification discussion, regarding the money concept. In order to reach the rock bottom, first section outlines the idea how different countries define cryptocurrencies: Canada, UK, Finland, Sweden, Netherlands, Europe bank association and US. Worth noticing that concluding remarks gave the opening statement, that right now amongst different jurisdictions there is no common sense for cryptocurrencies qualification. On the other hand, signs show slighter shift towards money, i.e. cryptocurrencies phenomena are more akin to the money concept rather than other assets. Finally, by condensing afore discussed: different jurisdiction practice, money nature and money (un)legality test metrics thereby paper examines and extracts final findings which help to situate cryptocurrency qualification regarding money concept, by enclosing thesis hypothesis – whether cryptocurrency can be qualified as money. With respect to afore examined discussions thesis focuses on hypothesis – whether cryptocurrency can be qualified as money. The demand for the hypothesis to be denied or acknowledged, the paper determines the aim – to disclose whether cryptocurrency can be qualified as money. Having said the aim of this thesis, inter alia linguistic, systematic, historical, case analysis, comparative, analogy and logical methods are being used to attain the aim of this thesis. Also In order the aim of this thesis to be accessed, it isolates composition of three different objectives, as follows: 1. The first objective focuses on behalf of money nature disclosure regarding two different approaches: first of all, to expose the legal money nature; second to expose the economy money nature; additionally, concluding discussion is done to determine the causality amongst these two conditions. 2. Second objective is to examine the position of other countries have taken on the qualification of cryptocurrencies and how that came to legal regime of different jurisdictions. 3. Finally, bringing the money nature concept and different countries practice to make legal qualification of cryptocurrencies, by the means of legal objects, hereby denying or acknowledging strikes down this master thesis hypothesis. Findings help situate aforementioned hypothesis, by instructing that it has not been confirmed, i.e. from legal standpoint right now cryptocurrencies fall beneath the money concept as an alternative tender, in other words, as a private money; contrary to that, from the economic standpoint, cryptocurrencies do not satisfy all the necessary conditions to be qualified as money

    The Research of possibilities to integrate occupational pension funds in Lithuania

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    Pensijų sistemos daugelyje pasaulio šalių globalaus ekonominio nuosmukio metu susidūrė su sunkumais. Straipsnio tikslas yra išanalizuoti Lietuvos ir kitų šalių pensijų sistemas (Jungtinių Amerikos Valstijų ir Islandijos), jų patirtį ir metodologiją siekiant pasiūlyti efektyvius Lietuvos pensijų sistemos pagerinimus ir taip pat nustatyti galimybę integruoti profesinius pensijų fondus. Teorinė duomenų analizė parodė, kad užsienio šalys suteikia savo pensijų fondams plačias investavimo galimybes, tačiau yra keletas apribojimų, kurie yra taikomi tam, kad užtikrinti investicijų diversifikaciją. JAV ir Islandijos pensijų sistemos yra pagrįstos profesiniais pensijų fondais. Šių šalių patirtis buvo pritaikyta kuriant Lietuvos pensijų sistemos modelį. Taip pat buvo atsižvelgta į išskirtinius atvejus, tokius, kaip naudos išmokėjimas, darbo vietos ir pensijų fondo keitimas, darbdavio ir darbuotojo lengvatos. Norint užtikrinti sėkmingą pensijų fondų veiklą, yra būtinos aiškios pensijų fondų reguliavimo taisyklės. Pasiūlytas naujas Lietuvos pensijų sistemos tipas susideda iš trijų pakopų. Pirmos pakopos pensija priklauso nuo pensijos plano tipo, antra pakopa yra privatūs ir profesiniai pensijų fondai ir trečia – papildomas pensijos draudimas. Empirinių duomenų analizė parodė, kad profesinių pensijų fondų sistemos įdiegimo sėkmė priklauso nuo sistemos stabilumo, tęstinumo, santykių tarp darbdavio ir darbuotojo. Naujo tipo pensijų sistema stimuliuos šalies ekonominę veiklą, didins konkurenciją.Retirement savings are very important source of income, when a resident withdraws from labor market. But not always retirement savings are a sufficient source for a dignified senility. Many researchers are discussing about the best ways to change and sometimes completely reform pension systems in countries around the world. Yet there is no unique answer or reform for all different countries. Our pension system’s model for Lithuania was based on two foreign countries, which have occupational pension systems. The model proposes benefits for system’s participants and advantages for country’s economy

    Companies’ management during economic crisis

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    Lots of companies faced recent economic crisis. It was generated by global markets deregulation and it triggered relevant situation to emerge other types of crisis. Many scientists all over the world analyses how crisis affected global economy and changed companies’ management actions. Scientists exclude these types of crisis: economic, informational, physical, human resource, reputational, psychopathic acts production and financial. This paper examines economic crisis generated negative effects, how it started companies’ human resources and reputational crisis. Analysis is made by using triangular Crisis Management model (Alas, 2009) and Gao (2009) triangular of Main Types of Crisis. Two retail business companies were selected from Baltic countries: Lithuania and Estonia, to compare their financial results and managerial plans variation during pre-crisis, crisis and post-crisis periods

    Hepoclan - a software tool for heuristic possibilistic clustering

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    HEPOCLAN software package is described in the paper. Algorithms of a heuristic approach to possibilistic clustering are the basis of the software package. Basic concepts of corresponding algorithms, implemented in the package, are described shortly. Perspectives for the package developments are outlined

    Hepoclan - a software tool for heuristic possibilistic clustering

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    HEPOCLAN software package is described in the paper. Algorithms of a heuristic approach to possibilistic clustering are the basis of the software package. Basic concepts of corresponding algorithms, implemented in the package, are described shortly. Perspectives for the package developments are outlined