53 research outputs found

    Synergies between app-based car-related shared mobility services for the development of more profitable business models

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    Purpose: Emerging shared mobility services are an opportunity for cities to reduce the number of car single trips to both improve traffic congestion and the environment. Users of shared mobility services, such as carsharing, ridesharing and singular and shared ride-hailing services, often need to be customers of more than one service to cover all their transport needs, since few mobility providers offer more than one of these services from a single platform. On the other hand, providers offering these services separately do not optimize costly resources and activities, such as the vehicles or the technology. Hence, the aim of this paper is to find synergies between the different app-based car-related shared mobility services that foster the development of new business models, to increase the profitability of these services. Design/methodology/approach: The research approach is built on the literature of car-related shared mobility services business models, supported by the review of certain outstanding services websites, and face-to-face interviews with users and drivers of these transport services. The analysis is presented by means of the Business Model Canvas methodology. Findings: Based on the synergies found, this paper suggests a few different approaches for services to share some resources and activities. Originality/value: This study identifies the common features of carsharing, ridesharing and singular and shared ride-hailing services to develop more profitable business models, based on providing the services in aggregated form, or outsourcing activities and resources. In addition, the implications of these proposals are discussed as advantages and drawbacks from a business perspectivePeer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Development of a front handinterface for a novel Hybrid Detectorfor Microdosimetry (HDM)

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    This thesis consist on the design and implementation of a graphic user interface, called MANDARINA. This software is in charge of the data analysis in the read-out system of the Tissue Equivalent Proportional Counter detector (TEPC) in the Protontherapycenter in Trento, with which the characterization of the radiation field in a microscopicscale can be achieved. This characterization has a big importance in the radiotherapy field, as it is used in the Treatment Planning System in order to calculate the amount of radiation to apply to cancer patients. As the detector, MANDARINA is based in the microdosimetry approach. The main functionality of the program is the calculation and representation of microdosimetric distributions and its respective mean values. It also includes interface options that allows the user to tune the parameters needed in the distribution calculations, among other needs during the experimental sessions with the TEPC.Esta tesis consiste en el diseño e implementación de una interfaz gráfica, llamada MANDARINA. Este programa se encarga del análisis de datos del detector TEPC (Tissue Equivalente Proportionial Counter) en el centro de prototeràpia de Trento. Este detector se utiliza para la caracterización de la radiación a escala microscópica, proceso muy importante en el campo de la radioterapia. Como el detector, la MANDARINA se basa en la microdosimetria y su principal funcionalidad es el cálculo y la representación de las distribuciones microdosimètricas y sus respectivos valores medios. También, el programa incluye opciones de interfaz para poder variar los parámetros utilizados en el cálculo de las distribuciones, entre otras opciones.Aquesta tesi consisteix en el disseny i implementació d'una interfície gràfica, anomenada MANDARINA. Aquest programa s'encarrega de l'anàlisis de dades del detector TEPC (Tissue Equivalent Proportionial Counter) en el centre de prototeràpia de Trento. Aquest detector s'utilitza per a la caracterització de la radiació a escala microscòpica, procés molt important en el camp de la radioteràpia. Com el detector, la MANDARINA es basa en la microdosimetria i la seva principal funcionalitat és el càlcul i la representació de les distribucions microdosimètriques i els seus respectius valors mitjans. També, el programa inclou opcions d'interfície per tal de poder variar els paràmetres utilitzats en el càlcul de les distribucions, d'entre altres necessitats que poden aparèixer al laboratori

    Main design factors for shared ride-hailing services from a user perspective

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    Shared ride-hailing transportation is discreetly emerging in cities all over the world with the purpose of decongesting cities, offering a similar comfort and convenience of the private car, and this way, filling the gap between the cities’ bus services and the regular taxi services. Hence, the aim of this research is to detect the main factors that should be taken into account for the service design of shared ride- hailing transportation, as well as to compare this mean of transport with the bus and taxi services. The research was conducted through, first, an analysis of shared ride-hailing services business model. Then, a quantitative research was conducted to users of a small-scale one-week pilot in Barcelona. The results show that factors related to price and travel times are more important from a user perspective than the ones related to comfort, such as the walking distance to the pickup point or the comfort provided by the vehicle. Furthermore, results indicate the intended use of participants of a potential future shared ride-hailing service in different use casesPostprint (author's final draft

    Analysis of mobility patterns and intended use of shared mobility services in the Barcelona region

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    Social and economic trends have strongly changed in the last years due to the economic crisis and the evolution of technology. These factors have influenced a sharing revolution, also in the mobility sector motivated for the increasing urbanisation and environmental consciousness. The paper focuses on the intended use of shared mobility services by citizens of the metropolitan Barcelona region, relying on a quantitative analysis of their mobility patterns, behaviours, needs and expectations. Six hundred surveys with commuting travellers were conducted in order to identify the differences among customers regarding different factors, such as their age, daily trips or personal incomes. Results show clear different patterns depending on whether commuting trips are within or out of the city and a greater intended use of ridesharing, carsharing and ride-hailing services of the youngest population. Besides, data indicates that travellers do not have preferences for a single mean of transport but for the service that best meets their needs in each occasion.Postprint (published version

    80C537 Microcontroller remote lab for e-learning teaching

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    A remote microcontroller lab based on an 80C537 mock-up is presented. This paper presents a new way to interact with these kinds of systems via the Internet, giving the possibility for complete interaction. The Citrix Application Server is the platform which manages the debugging microcontroller software, and National Instruments LabVIEW 8 is used to develop the applications which allow the interaction between the system and the remote user. By means of LabVIEW web server, full remote interaction has been achieved. Our results suggest a new way to practise in laboratories without being present, yet retaining the feel of an actual laboratory environment.Postprint (published version

    Cerdanyola en guerra (1936-1939). Tensions per al control del poder polític i incautacions

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    Quan esclata la Guerra Civil al juliol de 1936 a Cerdanyola del Vallès esclata paral·lelament una revolució encapçalada per les forces anarcosindicalistes, majoritàriament formades per militants de la CNT-AIT. Els ideals d'aquestes topaven amb els ideals d'altres forces com ERC, la UGT o la UR, més moderades i millor acceptades per la població local. Durant tota la guerra aquests ideals i principis seran motiu de tensions, tot i formar totes elles el Consell municipal. El Comitè de Milícies Antifeixistes serà un dels protagonistes d'aquesta revolució, format principalment per militants de les forces anarcosindicalistes, i serà aquest qui ostentarà el poder real al carrer, del qual s'aprofitarà per fer-se amb diverses finques del municipi i cedir-les així a terceres persones. Un cop el govern vulgi fer-se càrrec d'aquesta situació descontrolada, es crearà la Comissió Mixta d'Administració i Control de la Vivenda per intentar donar resposta a la constant arribada de refugiats. A partir d'aquesta idea, el treball pretén ser un estudi d'aquestes tensions entre forces republicanes i anarcosindicalistes així com un anàlisis de l'acció del Comitè i de la Comissió per el que respecta les finques de Cerdanyola.Cuando explota la Guerra Civil en julio de 1936 en Cerdañola del Valles explota paralelamente una revolución encabezada por las fuerzas anarcosindicalistas, mayoritariamente formadas por militantes de la CNT-FAI. Los ideales de estas chocaban con los ideales de las otras fuerzas como ERC, la UGT o la UR, más moderadas y mejor aceptadas por la población local. Durante toda la guerra estos ideales y principios serán motivo de tensiones, aún y formar todas ellas el Consejo Municipal. El Comité de Milicias Antifascistas será uno de los protagonistas de esta revolución, formado principalmente por militantes de las fuerzas anarcosindicalistas, y será este quien ostentará el poder real en la calle, poder del que se aprovechará para hacerse con diversas fincas del municipio i cederlas así a terceras personas. Una vez el gobierno quiera hacerse cargo de esta situación descontrolada, se creará la Comisión Mixta de Administración y Control de la Vivienda para intentar dar respuesta a la constante llegada de refugiados. A partir de esta idea, el trabajo pretende ser un estudio de estas tensiones entre fuerzas republicanas y anarosindicalistas así como un análisis de la acción del Comité y de la Comisión por lo que respeta las fincas de Cerdañola.When the Civil War broke out in July 1936 un Cerdanyola del Vallès, a revolution headed by the anarcho-syndiicalist forces broke out at the same time, mostly composed of CNT-AIT militants. Their ideals met with the ideals of other forces such as ERC, UGT or UR, more moderate and better accepted by the local population. During the war these ideals and principles will cause tensions, despite the fact that they all were part of the Municipal Council. The Antifascist Militias Commitee, formed mainly by militants of the anarcho-syndicalist forces, will be one of the main characters of this revolution, and the one who will hold the real power in the streets, this fact will be used to take advantage of several town properties and to give them to third parties this way. Once the government wants to take over this uncontrolled situation, the Mixed Commission for Control and Property Administrstion will be created to try to respond to the constant arrival of refugees. Based on this idea, this research aims to be a study of these tensions between Republican and Anarcho-syndicalist forces as well as an analysis of the action

    Predicting cardiovascular disease morbidity and mortality in chronic kidney disease in Spain. The rationale and design of NEFRONA: a prospective, multicenter, observational cohort study

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    Background: Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of morbidity and mortality in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD). Cardiovascular risk assessment in this population is hampered by the failure of traditional risk factors to fully account for the elevated CVD risk (reverse epidemiology effect) and the presence of emerging risk factors specifically related to kidney failure. Therefore, diagnostic tools capable of improving cardiovascular risk assessment beyond traditional risk factors are currently warranted. We present the protocol of a 4-year prospective study aimed to assess the predictive value of non-invasive imaging techniques and biomarkers for CVD events and mortality in patients with CKD. Methods: From November 2009 to October 2010, 4137 asymptomatic adult patients with stages 2 to 5 CKD will be recruited from nephrology services and dialysis units throughout Spain. During the same period, 843 participants without CKD (control group) will be recruited from lists of primary care physicians, only at baseline. During the follow-up, CVD events and mortality will be recorded from all CKD patients. Clinical and laboratory characteristics will be collected in a medical documentation sheet. Three trained itinerant teams will carry out a carotid ultrasound to assess intima-media thickness and presence of plaques. A composite atherosclerosis score will be constructed based on carotid ultrasound data and measurement of ankle-brachial index. In CKD patients, presence and type of calcifications will be assessed in the wall of carotid, femoral and brachial arteries, and in cardiac valves, by ultrasound. From all participants, blood samples will be collected and stored in a biobank to study novel biomarkers. Conclusions: The NEFRONA study is the first large, prospective study to examine the predictive value of several non-invasive imaging techniques and novel biomarkers in CKD patients throughout Spain. Hereby, we present the protocol of this study aimed to explore the most effective way in which these tests can be integrated with traditional risk factors to maximize CVD detection in this population

    Reingresos hospitalarios en un servicio de Medicina Interna de un hospital de tercer nivel

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    Objetivo principal: Identificar la tipología de pacientes que reingresan y los factores que intervienen en el reingreso hospitalario no planificado de un Servicio de Medicina Interna de tercer nivel. Metodología: Estudio observacional descriptivo con una muestra de 100 pacien-tes que reingresaron de forma consecutiva y no programada, antes de haber transcurrido 180 días. De cada uno de ellos se estudió variables demográficas, socio-familiares, salud-enfermedad, preocupación al alta anterior, continuidad asistencial y seguimiento terapéutico. Resultados principales: Los reingresos se produjeron en un 65% antes de 1 mes. Un 50% tenía más de 80 años y un 60% eran mujeres. El 40% convivía con personas de igual edad, siendo estas su principal cuidador. El principal motivo de ingreso, de reingreso y de proble-ma en domicilio fue la disnea. El diagnóstico mayoritario fue la infección respiratoria, con una media de comorbilidad de 4 y una media de cuidados al alta anterior de 3. Las personas se sintieron bien informadas al alta. Un 42 % recibió respuesta de su centro de atención primaria antes de las 48 horas y se sintió satisfecho por la atención que recibió. Un 18% de los pacientes no fueron cumplidores. Conclusión principal: los reingresos son más frecuentes en los primeros 30 días. Los mayores de 71 años con problemas respiratorios son los que presentaron mayor riesgo de reingreso

    The Senior Citizens' Clubs in the Urban Area and the Orientation of Their Activating Policy -Results and Inference from a Questionnaire Survey in Hyogo Prefecture-

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    Background: Several studies have reported decreases in birth size associated with exposure to organochlorine compounds (OCs), but uncertainties remain regarding the critical windows of prenatal exposure and the effects on fetal body segments. Objective: We examined the relationship between prenatal OC concentrations and fetal anthropometry. Methods: We measured 4,4´-dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene (4,4´-DDE), hexachlorobenzene (HCB), and polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) congeners (138, 153, and 180) in 2,369 maternal and 1,140 cord serum samples in four Spanish cohorts (2003–2008). We used linear mixed models to obtain longitudinal growth curves for estimated fetal weight (EFW), abdominal circumference (AC), biparietal diameter (BPD), and femur length (FL) adjusted by parental and fetal characteristics. We calculated standard deviation (SD) scores of growth at 0–12, 12–20, and 20–34 weeks of gestation as well as size at gestational week 34 for the four parameters. We studied the association between OCs and the fetal outcomes by cohort-specific linear models and subsequent meta-analyses. Results: PCBs were associated with a reduction in AC up to mid-pregnancy, and BPD and FL from gestational week 20 onward. An inverse association was also found between HCB and AC growth in early pregnancy. The reduction of these parameters ranged from –4% to –2% for a doubling in the OC concentrations. No association between 4,4´-DDE and fetal growth was observed. Conclusions: To our knowledge, this is the first study to report an association between prenatal exposure to some PCBs and HCB and fetal growth: AC during the first two trimesters of pregnancy, and BPD and FL later in pregnancy

    Apolipoprotein C3 Polymorphisms, Cognitive Function and Diabetes in Caribbean Origin Hispanics

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    Apolipoprotein C3 (APOC3) modulates triglyceride metabolism through inhibition of lipoprotein lipase, but is itself regulated by insulin, so that APOC3 represents a potential mechanism by which glucose metabolism may affect lipid metabolism. Unfavorable lipoprotein profiles and impaired glucose metabolism are linked to cognitive decline, and all three conditions may decrease lifespan. Associations between apolipoprotein C3 (APOC3) gene polymorphisms and impaired lipid and glucose metabolism are well-established, but potential connections between APOC3 polymorphisms, cognitive decline and diabetes deserve further attention.We examined whether APOC3 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) m482 (rs2854117) and 3u386 (rs5128) were related to cognitive measures, whether the associations between cognitive differences and genotype were related to metabolic differences, and how diabetes status affected these associations. Study subjects were Hispanics of Caribbean origin (n = 991, aged 45-74) living in the Boston metropolitan area.Cognitive and metabolic measures differed substantially by type II diabetes status. In multivariate regression models, APOC3 m482 AA subjects with diabetes exhibited lower executive function (P = 0.009), Stroop color naming score (P = 0.014) and Stroop color-word score (P = 0.022) compared to AG/GG subjects. APOC3 m482 AA subjects with diabetes exhibited significantly higher glucose (P = 0.032) and total cholesterol (P = 0.028) compared to AG/GG subjects. APOC3 3u386 GC/GG subjects with diabetes exhibited significantly higher triglyceride (P = 0.004), total cholesterol (P = 0.003) and glucose (P = 0.016) compared to CC subjects.In summary, we identified significant associations between APOC3 polymorphisms, impaired cognition and metabolic dysregulation in Caribbean Hispanics with diabetes. Further research investigating these relationships in other populations is warranted
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