12 research outputs found

    O ritmo das grandes corporações em biotecnologia agrícola

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    This article analyzes the operation of the large agrochemical and food-processing companies in the area of biotechnological research and development. It examines the differences and competing interests between those two kinds of companies, as well as the internal and external barriers that delay the development of biotechnology by those companies. It includes as the main internal barriers the negative historical experience of some companies, the large volume of fixed assets in traditional technologies, the uncertainty about the advantages of competing research paths and the cooperation between firms within the industry. As external barriers it points out uncertain markets, the problems of acceptance of the new technologies by the public, government regulation and the inadequate protection of intellectual property rights.The author distinguishes between "neo-fordist" and "post-fordist" biotechnological innovations, trying to identify the trends of development ofthe new technical paradygm towards one of those alternatives.This article analyzes the operation of the large agrochemical and food-processing companies in the area of biotechnological research and development. It examines the differences and competing interests between those two kinds of companies, as well as the internal and external barriers that delay the development of biotechnology by those companies. It includes as the main internal barriers the negative historical experience of some companies, the large volume of fixed assets in traditional technologies, the uncertainty about the advantages of competing research paths and the cooperation between firms within the industry. As external barriers it points out uncertain markets, the problems of acceptance of the new technologies by the public, government regulation and the inadequate protection of intellectual property rights.The author distinguishes between "neo-fordist" and "post-fordist" biotechnological innovations, trying to identify the trends of development ofthe new technical paradygm towards one of those alternatives

    Neue Technologien bedrohen die Exporte der Entwicklungsländer

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    Die internationale Schuldenkrise habe, so betonen Vertreter internationaler Organisationen und Banken, an Schärfe verloren. Die Situation sei unter Kontrolle. Kritischere Stellungnahmen sind von ihnen auch nicht zu erwarten. Öffentlich geäußerte Befürchtungen wichtiger Akteure könnten leicht zur »self-fulfilling prophecy« werden. Die beschwichtigenden Stellungnahmen können jedoch nicht darüber hinwegtäuschen, daß die Probleme nicht gelöst sind. Langfristig hängt die Zahlungsfähigkeit der Entwicklungsländer von ihrer Fähigkeit ab, sich durch zunehmende Exporte die Devisen zu erwirtschaften, die sie für den Schuldendienst benötigen. Entweder müßte sich der Trend zu einer »neuen internationalen Arbeitsteilung«fortsetzen, in deren Rahmen ein wachsender Teil der Industrieproduktion für den Weltmarktin Entwicklungsländern angesiedelt wäre (F röbel, Heinrichs, Kreye 1977). Oder die Nachfrage nach Rohstoffen aus den Entwicklungsländern (oder auch deren Preis) müßte nachhaltig steigen. Nur bei einem kräftigen Exportwachstum der Entwicklungsländer ließen sich akute Krisen in der Zukunft eventuell vermeiden. In diesem Beitrag soll der Frage nachgegangen werden, wie es um die Exportaussichten der Entwicklungsländer bestellt ist

    Global Cooperation or Rival Trade Blocs?

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    This paper examines the question of whether the world will continue to move toward a liberal, multi-lateral world trade system or whether it will fall apart into rival trade blocs. It starts with a short comparison of different scenarios for the development of the world economy. It then tries to illustrate the importance of developments inside the major trade blocs for the relationships between these blocs, taking as an examples (a) the impact of Gernam reunification, (b) the impact of a possible break-up of China, and (c) the impact of domestic polarization within the United States. It then discusses how different research avenues give rise to different expectations with regard to cooperation versus rivalry. For instance, from a long waves perspective increasing rivalry can be expected. However, an analysis of strategic alliances points in the direction of more cooperation and collective management of international economic relations. And finally, analyses that give more attention to the internal restructuring of companies lead to the hypothesis that new societal demands for a more active state will be articulated, implying more frictions at the international level. An analysis in terms of "concepts of control" points in the same direction. The tenative conclusion of this paper, meanwhile, is that "managed rivalry" will characterize future relations between the main trading blocs

    Biotecnología agronómica: las grandes empresas no tienen prisa

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    Les grandes entreprises face à la révolution biotechnologique

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    Corporates face biotech revolution. Big corporations account for an increasingly large share of the R&D budget as regards biotechnologies. Their own constraints would seem to have led them to slow down rather than accelerate the applications of these new techniques. This could continue to be the case as long as the "Fordist" options that until now have influenced agricultural growth have not been called into question. The new research options could thereafter allow for a gradual change in the prédominant technological paradigms.Les grandes entreprises assurent une part sans cesse croissante des budgets de recherche et développement en matière de biotechnologie. Leurs contraintes et leurs stratégies propres les conduisent, semble-t-il, à ralentir plutôt qu'accélérer les applications de ces nouvelles techniques. Cette orientation pourrait perdurer tant que les options "fordistes" retenues jusqu'alors pour la croissance agricole ne sont pas remises en cause. Les options retenues en matière de recherche pourraient alors permettre un changement progressif des paradigmes technologiques en vigueur.Junne Gerd. Les grandes entreprises face à la révolution biotechnologique. In: Cahiers d'Economie et sociologie rurales, N°24-25, 3e et 4e trimestres 1992. Biotechnologie et agriculture. pp. 143-159