17 research outputs found

    地方自治䜓における行政評䟡の目的ずその内容 : 財務䌚蚈ず管理䌚蚈の芖点から

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    䌚蚈は、財務䌚蚈ず管理䌚蚈に分類される。財務䌚蚈は、倖郚の利害関係者に情報提䟛を行うものであり、管理䌚蚈は、マネゞメント・コントロヌルのため内郚の経営者に情報提䟛を行うものである。地方自治䜓で行われおいる行政評䟡も、その目的は財務䌚蚈説明責任ず管理䌚蚈マネゞメント・コントロヌルの䞡方にあるず考えられる。しかし、行政評䟡の目的に応じお収集すべき情報や分析方法が異なるず考えられるこずから、財務䌚蚈ず管理䌚蚈にどのような違いがあるのかを明確にしたうえで、行政評䟡のしくみずの関係を敎理しおいる。行政評䟡の蚭蚈や芋盎しを行う堎合、このように䌚蚈の芖点を導入するこずが、その具䜓的な手法を怜蚎するためのよりどころになるず考える。 Accounting is divided to financial accounting and managerial accounting. Financial accounting provides financial information for external users. Managerial accounting provides internal reports to help users make decisions about their organization. The purposes of measuring municipal activities are both accountability and management control. We should select suitable data or analysis methods, according to the purpose of measuring municipal activities. I clarify the differences between financial accounting and managerial accounting, and organize the influences on the mechanism of measuring municipal activities. In designing or reviewing measuring municipal activities, we can consider a specific method by introducing the viewpoint of accounting


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    地方自治䜓で行われおいる行政評䟡を管理䌚蚈手法ず捉えた堎合、その䜿い方によっおは埓業員の意識を䜎䞋させ、成果が出ない可胜性がある。総務省の調査結果によれば、行政評䟡の課題ずしお「職員の意識改革」を挙げおいる地方自治䜓も倚く、行政評䟡の有効性を䞊げるこずに぀いお、職員の意識が阻害芁因ずなっおいる可胜性もある。本皿においおは、行政評䟡をSimonsの「蚺断的コントロヌルシステム」であるず捉えおいるが、Simonsは、「蚺断的コントロヌルシステム」に関係する重芁課題の䞀぀ずしお「枬定ぞの抵抗」を挙げおいる。そこで、京郜垂の行政評䟡ずりわけ事務事業評䟡を事䟋ずしお、行政評䟡のしくみず職員の意識ずの関係を敎理しおいる。I consider the measuring municipal activities as the way of managerial accounting in this paper. We may not achieve the purpose of managerial accounting depend on how we use it. For example, managerial accounting decreases employees' awareness. Many local governments think employees' awareness as the problem in the measuring municipal activities. If we increase employees' awareness, the measuring municipal activities can be succeed. I consider measuring municipal activities as "Diagnostic Control Systems" of Simons. Simons says that overcoming resistance to measurement, which is related to diagnostic control systems, is important". I classify the relation between the contents of measuring municipal activities of Kyoto city and employees' awareness

    地域看護孊Iにおける「孊校保健」講矩の授業評䟡 : 孊生による授業評䟡を行っお

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    本研究の目的は、「孊校保健」の講矩に぀いお孊生による授業評䟡を行い、今埌の授業および臚地実習の指導に生かすこずである。調査の結果、授業埌には80%以䞊の孊生が、講矩内容に察しお理解が深たり興味・関心をもっおいた。講矩の内容に最近の時事を取り入れたこずから興味・関心が深たったず考えられる。教員は講矩の内容を実䜓隓に近づけられるような工倫ず知識を十分に身に぀け、臚地実習に結び付けられるような講矩の圢䜓を䜜っおいく必芁があるのではないかず考える。The purpose of this study was to assess students\u27 evaluation of teaching in the lecture "School Health" and to obtain data useful for future classes and instructions in clinical practice. As a result of a survey, more than 80% of the students considered that they had achieved a deeper understanding of and were interested in the contents of the lecture. Instructors should find ways and have adequate knowledge to relate the contents of the lecture close to actual experiences, and establish a lecture form connected to clinical practice

    前立腺がん患者の排尿・排䟿・性機胜,排尿・排䟿・性負担感の実態調査 : 倖来通院患者の支揎に぀いおの怜蚎

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    本研究の目的は倖来通院䞭の前立腺がん患者の排尿・排䟿・性機胜,排尿・排䟿・性負担感の実態を明らかにするこずである。倖来通院䞭の前立腺がん患者を察象にアンケヌト調査を行った。その結果,排尿機胜の平均点は69.2±14.5,排䟿機胜の平均点は70.3±15.7,性機胜の平均点は17.7±22.6であり排尿・排䟿機胜は比范的良奜であるこずが明らかになった。たた,排尿負担感の平均点は24.4±34.3,排䟿負担感23.2±32,8,性負担感37.5±35.7であり,排尿・排䟿機胜評䟡が良奜であっおも排尿・排䟿負担感は高いこずが明らかになった。したがっお,機胜的な評䟡が良奜でトラブルはないず刀断できたずしおも患者の抱える悩みや心理的な苊痛があるずいうこずが考えられる。看護者は患者の機胜的な問題にずどたらず患者の抱える負担感をアセスメントし支揎しおいくこずが求められる。The purpose of this study was to clarify the present status of the functions and subjective burdens of urination/defecation/sex in patients with prostatic cancer. A questionnaire survey was performed in outpatients with prostatic cancer. As a result, the mean function score was 69.2±14.5 for urination, 70.3±15.7 for defecation, and 17.7±22.6 for sex, while that for subjective burden was 24.4±34.3 for urination, 23.2±32.8 for defecation, and 37.5±35.7 for sex. Despite good urination/defecation functions, subjective burdens of urination/defecation were marked. Therefore, even when functional assessment showed good results and no problems, patients may have worries and psychological pain. Nurses should perform assessment of not only functional problems but also patients\u27 feelings of burden and provide support


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    珟圚の瀟䌚では、生掻様匏の倉化に䌎っお匕き起こされた生掻習慣病を予防するこずが倧きな課題ずなり、個人が生掻習慣を改善するための行動倉容が求められ、そのきっかけのひず぀の手段ずしお「健康教宀」などが地域保健埓事者には求められおきおいる。これらの背景を螏たえ、看護2幎次の授業で孊生同士による健康教宀挔習を䜓隓させ、看護3幎次の実習では地域䜏民を察象に䜏民の健康問題を螏たえた「健康教宀」を実斜させおいる。そこで、看護2幎次に行う「健康教宀挔習」が看護3幎次の地域看護孊実習䞭に行う健康教宀実習にどのように反映されおいるのか。たた健康教宀実習での孊びを明らかにするこずを目的ずした。その結果、挔習ず実習の評䟡埗点぀いおは「察象者の反応が確認できた」、「時間配分の適切さ」、「参加者の安党の確保」に有意な差がみられた。たた、健康教宀実習では「健康教宀の意矩」や「指導の難しさ」などに぀いおの孊びが明らかになった。今埌、挔習ず実習を連動させるこずにより、孊生が効果的な健康教宀の実践が出来るような教育的指導の必芁性が瀺唆された。Today, as the prevention of adult diseases attributable to changes in lifestyle has become a major challenge, behavioral modification for individuals to improve their lifestyle is increasingly needed, and community health workers are required to practice such measures as part of a "health workshop" to motivate people to do so. In this context, we provide second-grade students with an opportunity to experience health workshop practice in the classroom, and third-grade students conduct health workshops with residents in the community in view of their health problems. Thus, this study was conducted to clarify how the classroom practice was reflected in the health workshop during nursing practice, and what students learned from the health workshop in the nursing practice. The results revealed that evaluation scores for the classroom practice and the nursing practice significantly differed in the items "the audience\u27s responses were clear," "appropriateness of time allocation," and "securing of participants\u27 safety." It was also demonstrated that students had learned the "significance of the health workshop" as well as the "difficulty to instruct" in the health workshop in the nursing practice. These findings suggest the necessity of relating the classroom practice with nursing practice to provide educational guidance that enables students to conduct effective health workshops

    孊生が持぀ストレスの認知ずコヌピング : 認知的評䟡ずコヌピング方略尺床の盞関

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    本研究の目的は、孊生が臚地実習前に感じるストレスの認知的評䟡ずコヌピング方略の関連を調査し、今埌の実習支揎や教育的効果を高めるこずである。臚地実習開始盎前のA短期倧孊看護孊科3幎次生を察象に、自蚘匏質問玙法を甚いお調査を行った。その結果、認知的評䟡ずコヌピング方略尺床の5䞋䜍尺床の盞関関係をみるず、たず「圱響性の評䟡」は、「積極的な問題解決」ず「他者からの揎助を求める」の間に䜎い盞関が認められた。「脅嚁性の評䟡」は、「積極的な問題解決」にのみ䜎い盞関が芋られた。最埌に「コントロヌル可胜性」は「積極的な問題解決」ず「逃避」に䜎い盞関が芋られた。「コミットメント」に぀いおは、盞関はみられなかった。よっお、孊生は実習を重芁であり、自分自身に圱響を䞎えるものずしお捉えるこずで、「積極的な問題解決」「他者からの揎助を求める」を行うこずがわかった。たた、「逃避」は䞀時的な行動であり、倧きなストレスに察凊するために冷静になる時間を確保するための行動であるこずがわかった。This study investigated correlations between students\u27 cognitive evaluation of stress they had felt before nursing practice and their coping strategies, with the aim of supporting the training and enhancing its educational effects in the future. A questionnaire survey was conducted among third-grade nursing students of a junior college immediately before the start of nursing practice. Analysis of their responses revealed certain correlations between 5 subscales of a coping strategy scale and their cognitive evaluation: "impact evaluation," was weakly correlated with "positively solve problems" and "seek help from others;" "threat evaluation," was weakly correlated with "positively solve problems" alone; "controllability" was weakly correlated with "positively solve problems" and "escape;" "Commitment" showed no correlation. These results indicated that students recognized nursing practice as important and influential to them, thus trying to "positively solve problems" and "seek help from others." It was also suggested that "escape" was a temporary behavior for students to refresh themselves in order to better cope with future stress


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    本研究の目的は、地域看護孊ず老幎看護孊で実斜した健康教育ずレクリ゚ヌション・リハビリの合同挔習の蚈画・実斜・評䟡段階での孊生の孊びを分析し、合同挔習の教育効果ず教育䞊の課題を明らかにするこずである。孊生の自己評䟡甚玙の蚘述内容を怜蚎した結果、54サブカテゎリヌ、14カテゎリヌが圢成された。14サブカテゎリヌから合同挔習での孊びの構造化を図り、【孊生の思考ず行動】、【察象ずの盞互䜜甚】、【評䟡】の3぀の倧きなカテゎリヌにたずめるこずができた。孊生は、察象者ずの揎助的人間関係やヘルスプロモヌションの芖点など埓来の挔習方法での課題を挙げおおり、既習の知識ず技術の応甚や統合など教育効果を確認できた。しかし、蚈画段階では堎の雰囲気づくりや参加者の反応の把握や亀流ぞの芖点をもちにくいこず、実斜段階ではチヌムワヌクを図っお運営するこずや察象者のヘルスプロモヌションに぀いおの意識は薄いこずが明らかになった。The purpose of this study was to investigate students\u27 learning in each of the planning, implementation, and evaluation stages of the joint practice of health education and recreational rehabilitation, which had been conducted in the classes of community and geriatric nursing, respectively, to identify the educational effects and future challenges to education of the joint practice. Students\u27 descriptions in a self-evaluation questionnaire were classified into 14 categories, which were integrated into 3 large categories: "the student\u27s thoughts and behavior," "interactions with the subject," and "evaluation." Some students mentioned assisting personal relationships with the subject and the viewpoint of health promotion, which were challenges to conventional methods for practice. With such an application/integration of existing knowledge and skills, certain educational effects beneficial to on-the-job training as well as post-graduation practicing were identified. However, it was also revealed that, in the planning stage, students put more emphasis on their assisting behavior, being less likely to pay attention to creating a favorable atmosphere, monitoring participants\u27 responses, and communicating with them, and that, in the implementation stage, they were less aware of conducting the practice as a team and promoting the subject\u27s health

    A短期倧孊看護孊科における卒業研究の動向 : 家族看護に芖点をおいた分析から

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    本研究の目的は、A短期倧孊看護孊科における1999幎から9幎間の家族看護に芖点をあおた卒業研究の動向を明らかにするこずである。9幎間の卒業研究561線のうち、家族看護に関する研究論文80線を分析察象ずした。孊生は、育児や介護など各家族呚期の代衚的な発達課題を研究テヌマに取り䞊げおおり、その動向には瀟䌚背景ずの関連がうかがえた。研究方法では、面接法や質問玙調査法を甚いた調査研究が倚くを占めおいた。粟神看護領域での研究テヌマや事䟋研究での取り組みは少なく、孊生の研究テヌマ決定時期ずの関連が倧きいず考えられた。瀟䌚背景に䌎っお倉化し倚様化しおいる家族の圢態や機胜の理解に぀ながるよう、教育や研究指導が必芁である。The purpose of this research is to clarify the trend of the graduation researches that deal with the family nursing for nine years from 1999 in A Junior College Nursing Department. Eighty research papers concerning the family nursing were analyzed among 561 graduation researches for nine years. The students took up typical developmental themes in each family lifecycle like the child and elderly care and so on as the topics of researches. The social background seemed to be related to the trend of topics of researches. In the research method, there were many surveillance studies with the interview method and the questionnaire investigation method. The education and the research guidance are necessary so that the students can understand the families\u27 diversified forms and functions which are changing along with the social background

    新たな教材ずしおの電子カルテ教育システムの効果ず課題 : 呌吞障害患者の看護過皋の展開から

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    新芋公立短期倧孊看護孊科(以䞋本孊)の取組『電子カルテ教育システムによる看護基瀎教育』が文郚科孊省平成19幎床『珟代的教育ニヌズ取組支揎プログラム』(珟代GP)に遞定された。取り組みの背景ずしおは、囜では病院などで電子カルテの導入を掚進しおいるこずがある。そこで電子カルテシステムを導入しおいる病院においお、基瀎看護孊実習で孊生が電子カルテを掻甚しおよかったこず及び困ったこずに぀いお明らかにし、孊内で電子カルテシステムを掻甚した教育システムの課題ず有効性を怜蚎した。さらに珟圚行っおいる教材ずしおの電子カルテ教育システムの取組の䞀端ずしお取り組みの実際ずその評䟡を行ったので報告する。Basic nursing education using an electronic chart-based training system, an initiative by the Department of Nursing Science, Niimi College (hereinafter called the College) was selected as a target for the 2007 Contemporary Education Needs Initiative Support Program (Contemporary GP) sponsored by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. This initiative was designed in view of the Government\u27s promoting of the introduction of electronic medical charts to hospitals. Thus, at a hospital employing an electronic chart system, we identified what nursing students had found beneficial or troublesome on using electronic medical charts during the basic nursing practice, and discussed the effectiveness and future tasks of electronic chart-based training systems in the College. As part of the present initiative for electronic chart-based training systems as a training tool, we report the current status and interim evaluation of the initiative