27 research outputs found

    Daylight performance of courtyard wall design at low-cost flat in the tropics

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    Courtyard in a low-cost flat in the tropics provides daylight but it is usually protected with a corridor to control the solar radiation. Surrounded by a shaded corridor, daylight level of the adjacent dwelling rooms around the courtyard are reduced. Modification of courtyard wall by integrating a sloped light shelf is proposed to improve the daylight level on dwelling room and control excessive light penetration at the corridor. Experiment with simulation as a tool was used as a research method. Illuminance value, Daylight Factor and uniformity ratio of the base case, a courtyard wall design in a typical low-cost flat in Surabaya (latitude 7�15�55��S) using louver and case, a proposed courtyard wall design using sloped light shelf were compared, simultaneously with daylighting standards. The results demonstrated that courtyard wall modification reduced excessive average illuminance on the corridor in the range of 41% to 57.1% and improved average illuminance in dwelling room in the range of 0.9% to 19.2%. The proposed courtyard wall also increased illuminance uniformity ratio in both corridor and dwelling room. In order to improve daylight quantity and quality, a courtyard wall with sloped light shelf can be applied on a low-cost flat in the tropics

    Pengaruh Orientasi Bangunan Pada Kondisi Termal Rumah Tinggal Di Surabaya (Studi kasus Perumahan Yekape Penjaringansari, Surabaya)

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    Penelitian ini mengungkap seberapa besar perbedaan kinerja termal dua rumah dengan desain sama, yang dibangun pada dua tapak dengan orientasi yang berbeda. Gagasan ini didasarkan pada kenyataan bahwa banyak pengembang hanya menerapkan satu desain rumah untuk berbagai tapak dengan orientasi yang berbeda-beda. Analisis kinerja termal didasarkan pada hasil pengukuran lapangan yang meliputi: suhu udara dan kelembaban di dalam dua bangunan di atas. Hasil pengukuran dipakai untuk menganalisis kondisi termal masing-masing ruang dalam satu bangunan, serta perbedaan kondisi termal ruang-ruang pada bangunan yang satu terhadap bangunan yang lain. Perbedaan kondisi termal yang terjadi, secara deskriptif dianalisis berdasarkan pengaruh orientasi dan desain bangunan. Kata kunci : kinerja termal bangunan, orientasi bangunan


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    There are many ways to solve thermal on buildings, such as the installation of horizontal and vertical sun-shading devices on four-direction facades. However, rooftops are often ignored. In low-rise to high-rise buildings’ rooftop, there are leftover places exposed to solar heat radiation all day. Some rooftop places are equipped with polymer thermal roof insulation, and some are even without outer thermal insulation. The research aims to find a solution to diminish the horizontal thermal radiation by using eco-friendly material, pumice, as an outer thermal insulation. Exploiting method was used on one roof model as a conventional rooftop (without outer insulation), and another as a modified rooftop model covered with pumice. Couple HOBO data logger U12-012 temperature sensors were used to measure rooftop surface temperatures and room model temperatures. Results show that the thermal radiation were blocked efficiently: 26oC on pumice covered rooftop. It saved 8.4oC room temperature

    Remarkable 3-in-1 Pakis-Stem Green Roofs for Saving Thermal Flat Rooftop

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    The green councils in the world are often promoting green buildings in terms of energy savings by mitigating the thermal load on buildings,especially thermal rooftop, into the room. Green roofs can be the most effective to lower roof thermal in tropical regions, but complicated and costly to build a perfect green roof even for a simple extensive green rooftop. This research looks for a remarkable growing medium for constructing green roof. Pakis-stem blocks can perform a 3-in-1 function: as a light-weight growing medium for green rooftops, an easy-to-form urban farming in private buildings or residences, and an eco-friendly external roof insulation. After a deep measurement on the rooftop surface and room thermal behaviour, the pakis-stem green rooftop can reduce 16.4oC of surface dry-bulk temperature and approximately 7oC ambient room dry-bulk temperature lower compared to conventional rooftops at noon. Furthermore, the surface temperature and ambient room air temperature difference between Pakis vegetative green rooftops and miana scrub green rooftop is approximately 7oC and 3oC respectively

    Perception Study on Kinetic Recycled Compact Disc Facade in Tourism Hall, Jarak - Wonosalam

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    Indonesia is a country, rich with culture and natural resources that brings high tourism potential. Jarak village in Wonosalam is one of the villages in East Java that has these tourism potential, besides the religious harmony between the dwellers that initiates the construction of a tourism hall with the concept of sustainability. The hall reflects the harmony between man and nature. The tourism hall uses the kinetic panels from recycled compact discs as the facade, which is rotatable when blown by the wind. This research is meant to study peoples perception of the installed kinetic facade panel. Here, we divide the respondents into two groups, professionals (academician and architects), and non professionals (Jarak dwellers, visitors and general). The aspects observed are psychology, aesthetics, flexibility, impact to the environment and economics. The result is that there is a difference in perception regarding the flexibility, and also, the colour aspect of the installed kinetic facade is the most memorable aspect of the installed kinetic facade

    The Value of Corridor in Flat as Place Attachment In the Life of the Dwellers

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    Abstract. Place attachment has been researched extensively in the behavioral and architecture studies over the past two decades. In the production of housing, designers mainly focus on the quality of the physical components. Place attachment is just the form of connection between a person and the environmental setting. However, it is challenging for this study to grasp the aspects of meanings and attachment, both in the level of personal, community and natural environment contexts, which are not adequately considered in the design process. In this study, three dimensional model of personal and community attachments to their corridor in flat, was conceptually and empirically examined. The aim is to testing an integrated approach to measurement of place attachment at corridor in flat in understanding the values of places in the life of the dwellers. Sample cases include examining attachment to corridor in three flats of Surabaya, Indonesia. It was evident that the value of corridor as a places was affected with their daily experience of the places, social bonding, neighborhood interaction and landscape values

    Historical Old �Kampung� Toward Sustainable Green and Clean Habitat

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    The rapid develoment of modern city was not totally achieved by hundreds of old dwellings within it. Old settlements and residences, which are settled side-by-side, consisting of small-sized houses called �Kampung�, keep making a better living environment and socio-economical condition, even accomplishing creative remarkable programs toward green and clean sustainable habitats. These programs come from the Aga Khan Award for Architecture called �Kampung Improvement Programme [KIP] on 1968-1993, C-KIP (1995-2003) and Surabaya�s Government Green and Clean competition creativity agenda from 2005 to now. This paper explores the objective and the spectacular programs on old kampungs. Each kampung participated in achieving the highest award by introducing many programs such as planting greenaries and fruits, recycling dry and wet wastes, producing greenary gas and eco-friendly fertilizer, filtering and reusing grey water, and planting medical plants as well as conducting waste bank in order to increase the sosio-economic activity in the kampung by stimulating people to collect and separate daily waste


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    Desa Jarak, Kecamatan Wonosalam, Kabupaten Jombang telah ditetapkan oleh pemerintah daerah sebagai destinasi agrowisata dan menjadi satu kawasan agropolitan wilayah pengembangan Mojowarno � Jombang sejak tahun 2009. Desa Jarak memiliki banyak potensi wisata, namun hingga saat ini potensi tersebut belum terpetakan dengan baik sehingga belum dikembangkan lebih lanjut. Kendala pengembangan lainnya adalah kualitas sumber daya manusia desa yaitu rendahnya tingkat pendidikan dan kompetensi warga terkait kepariwisataan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksploratif deskriptif yang bertujuan untuk melakukan pemetaan potensi wisata yang dimiliki Desa Jarak. Potensi yang ada selanjutnya dapat dikembangkan menjadi daya tarik wisata yang unik, yang menjadi keunggulan daya saing Desa Jarak dibandingkan dengan desa agrowisata lainnya di kecamatan Wonosalam dalam menarik wisatawan. Pendekatan kualitatif digunakan dalam penelitian ini dimana pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan metode observasi, wawancara dan diskusi kelompok terfokus (focus group discussion - FGD). Data yang terkumpul diolah dengan metode triangulasi dan dianalisis secara deskriptif yang menghasilkan pemetaan 19 titik potensi wisata desa jarak, yang dikelompokkan kedalam 3 jenis saya tarik wisata yaitu alam, buatan dan budaya

    Effect Of Orientation On Indoor Temperature Case Study: Yekape Penjaringansari Housing in Surabaya

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    Abstract : Building orientation has an important impact to the indoor building temperature. Theoretically, different building orientation would received different heat gain thus different indoor temperature accordingly. Housing developer usually built a typical house-design without building orientation heat gain difference as concern.This paper aimed to explore the impact of building orientation toward the indoor temperature of typical house-design, which built on two different site orientations. The time measurement based on extreme sun-paths of Surabaya in wet and dry seasons to describe thoroughly the outdoor temperature and the house’s indoor temperature of both orientations. By comparing the rooms indoor temperature of each house, the indoor temperature profile wiil be gained