182 research outputs found

    Mesh Represented Recycle Learning for 3D Hand Pose and Mesh Estimation

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    In general, hand pose estimation aims to improve the robustness of model performance in the real-world scenes. However, it is difficult to enhance the robustness since existing datasets are obtained in restricted environments to annotate 3D information. Although neural networks quantitatively achieve a high estimation accuracy, unsatisfied results can be observed in visual quality. This discrepancy between quantitative results and their visual qualities remains an open issue in the hand pose representation. To this end, we propose a mesh represented recycle learning strategy for 3D hand pose and mesh estimation which reinforces synthesized hand mesh representation in a training phase. To be specific, a hand pose and mesh estimation model first predicts parametric 3D hand annotations (i.e., 3D keypoint positions and vertices for hand mesh) with real-world hand images in the training phase. Second, synthetic hand images are generated with self-estimated hand mesh representations. After that, the synthetic hand images are fed into the same model again. Thus, the proposed learning strategy simultaneously improves quantitative results and visual qualities by reinforcing synthetic mesh representation. To encourage consistency between original model output and its recycled one, we propose self-correlation loss which maximizes the accuracy and reliability of our learning strategy. Consequently, the model effectively conducts self-refinement on hand pose estimation by learning mesh representation from its own output. To demonstrate the effectiveness of our learning strategy, we provide extensive experiments on FreiHAND dataset. Notably, our learning strategy improves the performance on hand pose and mesh estimation without any extra computational burden during the inference

    Hybrid model for Single-Stage Multi-Person Pose Estimation

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    In general, human pose estimation methods are categorized into two approaches according to their architectures: regression (i.e., heatmap-free) and heatmap-based methods. The former one directly estimates precise coordinates of each keypoint using convolutional and fully-connected layers. Although this approach is able to detect overlapped and dense keypoints, unexpected results can be obtained by non-existent keypoints in a scene. On the other hand, the latter one is able to filter the non-existent ones out by utilizing predicted heatmaps for each keypoint. Nevertheless, it suffers from quantization error when obtaining the keypoint coordinates from its heatmaps. In addition, unlike the regression one, it is difficult to distinguish densely placed keypoints in an image. To this end, we propose a hybrid model for single-stage multi-person pose estimation, named HybridPose, which mutually overcomes each drawback of both approaches by maximizing their strengths. Furthermore, we introduce self-correlation loss to inject spatial dependencies between keypoint coordinates and their visibility. Therefore, HybridPose is capable of not only detecting densely placed keypoints, but also filtering the non-existent keypoints in an image. Experimental results demonstrate that proposed HybridPose exhibits the keypoints visibility without performance degradation in terms of the pose estimation accuracy

    Forest and Crop Leaf Area Index Estimation Using Remote Sensing: Research Trends and Future Directions

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    Leaf area index (LAI) is an important vegetation leaf structure parameter in forest and agricultural ecosystems. Remote sensing techniques can provide an effective alternative to field-based observation of LAI. Differences in canopy structure result in different sensor types (active or passive), platforms (terrestrial, airborne, or satellite), and models being appropriate for the LAI estimation of forest and agricultural systems. This study reviews the application of remote sensing-based approaches across different system configurations (passive, active, and multisource sensors on different collection platforms) that are used to estimate forest and crop LAI and explores uncertainty analysis in LAI estimation. A comparison of the difference in LAI estimation for forest and agricultural applications given the different structure of these ecosystems is presented, particularly as this relates to spatial scale. The ease of use of empirical models supports these as the preferred choice for forest and crop LAI estimation. However, performance variation among different empirical models for forest and crop LAI estimation limits the broad application of specific models. The development of models that facilitate the strategic incorporation of local physiology and biochemistry parameters for specific forests and crop growth stages from various temperature zones could improve the accuracy of LAI estimation models and help develop models that can be applied more broadly. In terms of scale issues, both spectral and spatial scales impact the estimation of LAI. Exploration of the quantitative relationship between scales of data from different sensors could help forest and crop managers more appropriately and effectively apply different data sources. Uncertainty coming from various sources results in reduced accuracy in estimating LAI. While Bayesian approaches have proven effective to quantify LAI estimation uncertainty based on the uncertainty of model inputs, there is still a need to quantify uncertainty from remote sensing data source, ground measurements and related environmental factors to mitigate the impacts of model uncertainty and improve LAI estimation

    Prediction of renal recovery following sepsis-associated acute kidney injury requiring renal replacement therapy using contrast-enhanced ultrasonography

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    Background Microcirculatory dysfunction plays a critical role in sepsis-associated acute kidney injury (S-AKI) development; however, its impact on renal recovery remains uncertain. We investigated the association between cortical microcirculatory function assessed using contrast-enhanced ultrasonography (CEUS) and renal recovery after S-AKI needing renal replacement therapy (RRT). Methods This retrospective study included 23 patients who underwent CEUS among those who underwent acute RRT for S-AKI. In addition, we acquired data from 17 healthy individuals and 18 patients with chronic kidney disease. Renal recovery was defined as sustained independence from RRT for at least 14 days. Results Of the CEUS-derived parameters, rise time, time to peak, and fall time were longer in patients with S-AKI than in healthy individuals (p = 0.045, 0.01, and 0.096, respectively). Fourteen patients (60.9%) with S-AKI receiving RRT experienced renal recovery; and these patients had higher values of peak enhancement, wash-in area under the curve (AUC), wash-in perfusion index, and wash-out AUC than those without recovery (p = 0.03, 0.01, 0.03, and 0.046, respectively). We evaluated the receiver operating characteristic curve and found that the peak enhancement, wash-in AUC, wash-in perfusion index, and wash-out AUC of CEUS derivatives estimated the probability of renal recovery after S-AKI requiring RRT (p = 0.03, 0.01, 0.03, and 0.04, respectively). Conclusion CEUS-assessed cortical microvascular perfusion may predict renal recovery following S-AKI that requires RRT. Further studies are essential to validate the clinical utility of microcirculatory parameters obtained from CEUS to estimate renal outcomes in various etiologies and severities of kidney disease

    ??????????????? GIS??? ????????? ?????? ??????, ?????? ??? ??????

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    As remote sensing and GIS have been considered to be essential technologies for disasters information production, researches on developing methods for analyzing spatial data, and developing new technologies for such purposes, have been actively conducted. Especially, it is assumed that the use of remote sensing and GIS for disaster management will continue to develop thanks to the launch of recent satellite constellations, the use of various remote sensing platforms, the improvement of acquired data processing and storage capacity, and the advancement of artificial intelligence technology. This spatial issue presents 10 research papers regarding ship detection, building information extraction, ocean environment monitoring, flood monitoring, forest fire detection, and decision making using remote sensing and GIS technologies, which can be applied at the disaster prediction, monitoring and response stages. It is anticipated that the papers published in this special issue could be a valuable reference for developing technologies for disaster management and academic advancement of related fields. ??????????????? GIS??? ????????? ???????????? ????????? ?????? ????????? ???????????? ????????? ?????? ????????? ???????????? ??????????????? ?????? ?????? ??? ?????? ????????? ?????? ????????? ????????? ???????????? ??????. ?????? ??????????????? ????????? ????????? ???????????????????????? ??????, ????????? ????????? ?????? ??? ?????? ????????? ??????, ???????????? ????????? ?????? ????????? ?????? ?????? ????????? ????????????????????? GIS ????????? ????????? ?????? ????????? ????????? ????????? ??????. ?????? ??????????????? ????????? ??????, ?????? ????????? ?????? ???????????? ????????????, ????????? ??????, ???????????? ??????, ????????????, ????????????, ????????? ?????? ????????? ??????????????????????????? ????????? ??????????????? GIS ????????? ????????? ????????? ????????? 10?????? ????????? ???????????????. ?????? ???????????? ????????????????????? ?????? ?????? ????????? ????????? ?????? ?????? ????????? ????????? ????????? ???????????? ??? ????????? ????????????

    Retrieval of Melt Ponds on Arctic Multiyear Sea Ice in Summer from TerraSAR-X Dual-Polarization Data Using Machine Learning Approaches: A Case Study in the Chukchi Sea with Mid-Incidence Angle Data

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    Melt ponds, a common feature on Arctic sea ice, absorb most of the incoming solar radiation and have a large effect on the melting rate of sea ice, which significantly influences climate change. Therefore, it is very important to monitor melt ponds in order to better understand the sea ice-climate interaction. In this study, melt pond retrieval models were developed using the TerraSAR-X dual-polarization synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data with mid-incidence angle obtained in a summer multiyear sea ice area in the Chukchi Sea, the Western Arctic, based on two rule-based machine learning approachesdecision trees (DT) and random forest (RF)in order to derive melt pond statistics at high spatial resolution and to identify key polarimetric parameters for melt pond detection. Melt ponds, sea ice and open water were delineated from the airborne SAR images (0.3-m resolution), which were used as a reference dataset. A total of eight polarimetric parameters (HH and VV backscattering coefficients, co-polarization ratio, co-polarization phase difference, co-polarization correlation coefficient, alpha angle, entropy and anisotropy) were derived from the TerraSAR-X dual-polarization data and then used as input variables for the machine learning models. The DT and RF models could not effectively discriminate melt ponds from open water when using only the polarimetric parameters. This is because melt ponds showed similar polarimetric signatures to open water. The average and standard deviation of the polarimetric parameters based on a 15 x 15 pixel window were supplemented to the input variables in order to consider the difference between the spatial texture of melt ponds and open water. Both the DT and RF models using the polarimetric parameters and their texture features produced improved performance for the retrieval of melt ponds, and RF was superior to DT. The HH backscattering coefficient was identified as the variable contributing the most, and its spatial standard deviation was the next most contributing one to the classification of open water, sea ice and melt ponds in the RF model. The average of the co-polarization phase difference and the alpha angle in a mid-incidence angle were also identified as the important variables in the RF model. The melt pond fraction and sea ice concentration retrieved from the RF-derived melt pond map showed root mean square deviations of 2.4% and 4.9%, respectively, compared to those from the reference melt pond maps. This indicates that there is potential to accurately monitor melt ponds on multiyear sea ice in the summer season at a local scale using high-resolution dual-polarization SAR data.open

    Zooplankton and micronekton respond to climate fluctuations in the Amundsen Sea polynya, Antarctica

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    The vertical migration of zooplankton and micronekton (hereafter 'zooplankton') has ramifications throughout the food web. Here, we present the first evidence that climate fluctuations affect the vertical migration of zooplankton in the Southern Ocean, based on multi-year acoustic backscatter data from one of the deep troughs in the Amundsen Sea, Antarctica. High net primary productivity (NPP) and the annual variation in seasonal ice cover make the Amundsen Sea coastal polynya an ideal site in which to examine how zooplankton behavior responds to climate fluctuations. Our observations show that the timing of the seasonal vertical migration and abundance of zooplankton in the seasonally varying sea ice is correlated with the Southern Annular Mode (SAM) and El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO). Zooplankton in this region migrate seasonally and overwinter at depth, returning to the surface in spring. During +SAM/La Nina periods, the at-depth overwintering period is shorter compared to -SAM/El Nino periods, and return to the surface layers starts earlier in the year. These differences may result from the higher sea ice cover and decreased NPP during +SAM/La Nina periods. This observation points to a new link between global climate fluctuations and the polar marine food web