3,127 research outputs found

    Voluntary auction conducted by the distrainor

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    Voluntary auction conducted by the distrainor Abstract This thesis introduces other aktivity performer by the distrainor consisting in conducting an auction at the request of the owner or a person authorized to dispose of the thing. At present, it is used mainly by insolvency practitioner to liquidate the assets in the insolvency proceedings. The chosen title of this thesis expresses the main features of this other, less known activity of a distrainor, but it is not a term that would be known and used by any legal regulation valid in the Czech Republic. It is a special type of auction, in some respects similar to a public voluntary sale pursuant to Act No. 26/2000. The distrainor is obliged to proceed in an appropriate manner in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Distraint Procedure and Civil Procedure Code governing the enforcement of a decision, authoritatively granting performance in a situation where it is not performed voluntarily, by execution sale of movable and immovable property. The main difficulty arises in determining the scope and limits of appropriate applicability of individual legal provisions, voluntary auction is regulated by legal provisions used in enforcement sale, The thesis tries to introduce the chosen topic in the theoretical and practical level. The content is compiled...Exekutorská dobrovolná dražba Abstrakt Tato práce pojednává o další činnosti vykonávané soudním exekutorem, jenž spočívá v provádění dražby na návrh vlastníka či osoba oprávněné s věcí disponovat. V současné době jsou návrhy na provedení dobrovolné dražby podávány hlavně ze strany insolvenčních správců při zpeněžování majetkové podstaty. Zvolený název práce vyjadřuje hlavní znaky této další, méně známé činnosti soudního exekutora, nejde však o pojem, který by znal a používal některý právní předpis platný v České republice. Jde o zvláštní typ dražby, v jistém ohledu podobný veřejné dobrovolné dražbě dle zákona č. 26/2000 Sb. Soudní exekutor je však povinen při provádění dobrovolné exekutorské dražby postupovat přiměřeně dle ustanovení exekučního a občanského soudního řádu upravující nucený výkon rozhodnutí, autoritativně přiznávající plnění v situaci, kdy není plněno dobrovolně, prodejem movité a nemovité věci. Právě v důsledku zvolené právní úpravy se praxe potýká s řadou problémů, neboť pro exekutorskou dobrovolnou dražbu je typická její dobrovolnost, kterou u výkonu rozhodnutí nenajdeme. Hlavní úskalí vznikají při určení rozsahu a hranice přiměřenosti použitelnosti jednotlivých zákonných ustanovení. Práce se snaží v teoretické i praktické rovině zpracovat zvolené téma, když její obsahová část je sestavena...Department of Civil LawKatedra občanského právaPrávnická fakultaFaculty of La

    Grapevine cultivar Müller-Thurgau and its true to type descent

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    Ampelographic investigations supported by molecular marker analysis were used to reevaluate the progenitors of the grapevine cv. Muller-Thurgau. From these studies we conclude Muller-Thurgau to be a descent of the offspring of a Riesling and Madeleine Royale (syn. Konigliche Magdalenentraube) hybridisation. The results reveal the importance of true to typeness of the grapevine varieties used for genotyping, parentage analyses, etc

    Intuition, intuitives Wissen und epistemische Ungerechtigkeit

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    Dieser Aufsatz untersucht einige Zusammenhänge zwischen der Zuschreibung von Intuitionen und intuitivem Wissen einerseits und epistemischen Ungerechtigkeiten andererseits. Der Aufsatz gliedert sich in zwei Teile. Ausgangspunkt ist im ersten Teil Frickers Theorie der epistemischen Ungerechtigkeit. Ich zeige auf, dass dem Verweis auf die „weibliche Intuition“ eine Schlüsselrolle in der Etablierung der Konzepte der testimonialen und hermeneutischen Ungerechtigkeit zukommt, da in ihm systematische Vorurteile über gender-codierte Denkmuster und Verhaltensweisen kulminieren, die paradigmatisch für strukturelle epistemische Ungerechtigkeiten sind. Allerdings gilt es zu betonen, dass der Begriff der Intuition nicht nur im Sinne einer epistemischen Abwertung, sondern auch im Sinne einer Aufwertung höchst problematisch ist. Hierdurch wird eine Schwachstelle in Frickers Theorie deutlich, da diese durch die Annahme einer grundlegenden Asymmetrie zwischen Glaubwürdigkeitsdefiziten und -exzessen ihre Perspektive auf epistemische Ungerechtigkeiten zu weit einschränkt. Im zweiten Teil werde ich anhand zweier ausgewählter metaphilosophischer Debatten einige Verbindungen zwischen dem Intuitionsbegriff in der analytischen Philosophie und Fragen nach epistemischen Ungerechtigkeiten aufdecken. Hierbei werde ich in Bezug auf die Debatte um die sog. Expertise-Verteidigung dafür argumentieren, dass diese nicht auf epistemische Fragestellungen begrenzt werden kann, sondern auch auf eine ethische Dimension verweist. Mit Blick auf die Debatte um die Gender-Lücke in der akademischen Philosophie werde ich aufzeigen dass hier zwar epistemische und ethische Perspektiven zusammengeführt werden, dass bestimmte Argumentationsmuster aber so angelegt sind, dass sie sich implizit an eine problematische, dualistische Vorstellung von Intuition binden

    Objective cough frequency monitoring in real-world practice

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    Sexual harassment prevention program for Indonesian nursing aides: a mixed-methods study

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    Available evidence suggests that sexual harassment is widespread among Indonesian nurse aids working overseas, however little research has been done on the topic. This study investigated the effectiveness of sexual harassment prevention program for Indonesian foreign nursing aides working in long term care in Taiwan. Average work experience was 54.8 months and 93% of participants were female. We used mixed methods followed by a focus group. Quantitative data were analyzed using Wilcoxon signed rank test. Most participants had higher post-test scores, indicating a significant positive change in their awareness about sexual harassment (effect size r=0.84). More work experience correlated with less sexual harassment and greater job satisfaction. Content analysis was used to analyze qualitative data. Four themes emerged from the discussion: harassment may not be intentional, perpetrators are male patients, communicating in an effective and timely manner is important, and personal safety on the job is a concern. Although sexual harassment prevention programs are important for nurse aides, these programs should also include patients, their families, and staff members at long term care facilities. Further recommend the Indonesian Economic and Trade Office in Taiwan collaborate with private agencies to provide legal protection and training programs on these issues

    The role of motivation factors in exergame interventions for fall prevention in older adults: A systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Balance disorders and falls are common in the elderly population. Regular balance exercises are an evidence-based physical intervention to prevent falls in older adults, while patient motivation and adherence are important factors for intervention outcome. Exergames are a relatively new, alternative intervention for physical rehabilitation as they improve balance and strength in older adults. The aims of this systematic review and meta-analysis were to assess the (1) effect of motivation factors as per the Capability, Opportunity and Motivation model of Behavior change (COM-B) on the effectiveness of exergame interventions in healthy older adults, (2) effectiveness of exergames to improve balance in older healthy adults and, (3) impact of exergames on cognitive outcomes. Results show that motivation and capability components influence the general outcome of the exergame training. Motivational factors should thus be considered when setting-up an exergame intervention. Furthermore, exergame intervention appears to be a promising training method in comparison to traditional exercise training. However, exergame training in itself might not be sufficient to improve fall risk and cognitive performance

    Nitrogen isotope ratios trace high-pH conditions in a terrestrial Mars analog site

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    This research was financially supported by the Leverhulme Trust to T.W.L. E.E.S. acknowledges start-up funds from the University of St. Andrews. The NASA Astrobiology Institute under Cooperative Agreement no. NNA15BB03A issued through the Science Mission Directorate also provided funds as did a NASA Fellowship in support of C.T. under Cooperative Agreement no. 80NSSC19K1739 issued through the NASA Office of STEM Engagement.High-pH alkaline lakes are among the most productive ecosystems on Earth and prime targets in the search for life on Mars; however, a robust proxy for such settings does not yet exist. Nitrogen isotope fractionation resulting from NH3 volatilization at high pH has the potential to fill this gap. To validate this idea, we analyzed samples from the Nördlinger Ries, a Miocene impact crater lake that displayed pH values up to 9.8 as inferred from mineralogy and aqueous modeling. Our data show a peak in δ15N of +17‰ in the most alkaline facies, followed by a gradual decline to around +5‰, concurrent with the proposed decline in pH, highlighting the utility of nitrogen isotopes as a proxy for high-pH conditions. In combination with independent mineralogical indicators for high alkalinity, nitrogen isotopes can provide much-needed quantitative constraints on ancient atmospheric Pco2 (partial pressure of CO2) and thus climatic controls on early Earth and Mars.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Out-of-Pocket Health Care Expenditures in Uzbekistan: Progress and Reform Priorities

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    Over the past twenty years, Uzbekistan’s health system changed drastically from the inherited Soviet health system. This research aims to examine the main aspects of the Uzbek health financing system and policy process that led to out-of-pocket (OOP) health care expenditures by using a mixed-method case study approach. Qualitative findings reveal that the covered basic benefit package is limited. Health care evaluation methods and accessible information on health quality are lacking. This leads to inefficient use of resources and a risk of using unnecessary or low-quality health services. Quantitative findings reveal that especially the chronically ill have high OOP. Furthermore, alcohol use, health status of the household head, money saved in the past and place of residence proved to be significant factors. This research showed that the limited benefit package, lacking evaluation methods, and inaccessible information on health care led to high OOP. Policies remain inefficient at addressing OOP due to limited civilian participation, lack of data, and limited evidence-based decision making. This research suggests that the benefit package should be expanded to cover the chronically ill