166 research outputs found

    Aid and Universal Primary Education

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    Universal Primary Education (UPE) is one of the main objectives of development aid. However, very little empirical evidence of its effectiveness actually exists. Until very recently, the quality of available data was not sufficient to obtain robust results regarding the relationship between international aid and educational achievements. In this article, the latest, more disaggregated and more reliable data is used to study the relationship between aid to education and educational achievements. The focus here not only on educational variables in term of coverage, but also in term of equity and process. The year of Fast Track Initiative (FTI) endorsement is used as an original instrument to tackle the endogeneity problem of aid. Our results are very robust and indicate that aid to primary education has a strong effect on primary school enrollment and gender parity. A negative impact on repetitions rate is also indicated while no effect on the pupil teacher ratio can be observed. Diminishing return in the effectiveness of aid to primary education may also be highlighted. Finally, the governance variables do not appear to have an impact on this relationship.aid effectiveness, education, Sector-specific aid

    Intracameral cefuroxime for prophylaxis of endophthalmitis following cataract surgery a South African perspective

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    Includes abstract.Includes bibliographical references

    A Strategy to Overcome Loandependency to the Moneylenders (Research of Employees at Industrial Companies in Banten Province)

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    One of the economic diseases of society in human civilization is usury. Difficulties in a community in the lending money to some financial industry services, especially in the banking industry, have become a target for a moneylender in offering their services. The moneylenders’ main motivation was to make other people's difficulties in a business field that benefits themselves. The dilemma of people's socio-economic life, especially among company employees, was related to financial problems, it caused employees to need sudden funds to meet their daily needs. This research aimed to analyze the effect of religiosity factor, cultural factor, social factor, personal factor, psychological factor, and the existence of Sharia Micro Finance Institution (SMFI) on loan dependency to the moneylenders, this research aimed to formulate a strategy to overcome loan dependency to the moneylenders. The type of research method in this paper was a combination of the type of investigation and the unit of analysis because this research analyzed the effect and simultaneous relationship between several studied variables using cross-section type data. The methods used in this research were SEM (Structural Equation Modeling).The results showed that religiosity factor, cultural and social factors did not have a significant effect on loan decision making. Meanwhile, personal factor, psychological factor, and the existence of SMFI factor have a significant effect on loan decisions. To reduce the dependency of employees on taking loan from the moneylenders, companies are expected to provide awareness of saving and caring for others through Islamic philanthropy. The Novelty in this research was that the religiosity factor did not have a significant effect on loan dependency to the moneylenders for employees at industrial companies in Banten. Keywords: moneylenders, usury, structural equation modeling DOI: 10.7176/EJBM/13-6-05 Publication date:March 31st 202


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    ABSTRAK Penelitian ini di dasari dengan adanya kebiasaan prilaku nongkrong pada masa Rasulullah Saw yang melarang para sahabatnya untuk menjauhi perbuatan tersebut (dalam Hadits Bukhari, Muslim, Abu Dawud, Al-Tirmidzi, dan Ibnu Majah) karena perbuatan nongkrong tersebut banyak mudlorat dari pada mamfaat. Prilaku nongkrong/Kongkow ini dapat menimbulkan prilaku yang negatif seperti Kenakalan Remaja (ghibah, merokok, minum-minuman keras dan berjudi). Adapun jenis penelitian yang penulis gunakan dalam pengumpulan data penelitian ini adalah metode library research (kajian perpustakaan). Pendekatan yang penulis gunakan dalam penelitian ini ialah fenomenologi dalam kajian takhrij hadis dan fahmil hadis, oleh karena itu, penelitian ini menggunakan teknik pengumpulan data-data dari sumber pustaka. Sumber pustaka dalam kajian dapat berupa jurnal penelitian ilmiah, disertasi, tesis, skripsi, buku, makalah. Adapun hasil dari penelitian ini menjelaskan adalah supaya kita mengikuti perkataan nabi Saw supaya tidak melakukan perbuatan nongkrong tersebut dan jika masih melakukan perilaku tersebut maka ada beberapa hal atau ada beberapa unsure yang harus kita terapkan yang mana telah ditetapkan oleh Nabi seperti; menjawab salam, menundukkan pandangan, tidak mengganggu dan ber’amar ma’ruf dan menjauhi nahi munkar sehingga menjadi insan yang berkualitas

    Spontaneous osteo-dural fistulae of petrous bone posterior wall

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    SummaryObjectiveTo raise awareness of the possibility of spontaneous temporal bone cerebrospinal fistula in case of clear retrotympanic effusion.Case reportA 63-year-old man with no particular history presented with unilateral spontaneous right retrotympanic clear effusion. CT found defects in the posterior part of the right temporal bone, in contact with arachnoid granulations, with no other visible abnormalities.Discussion/ConclusionUnilateral clear retrotympanic effusion in an adult subject should, apart from serous otitis media, suggest possible cerebrospinal fistula. In the absence of otologic or traumatic history, arachnoid granulation is one possible etiology, inducing spontaneous cerebrospinal fluid leakage when facing the temporal bone. Diagnosis is suggested by bone defects in the tegmen tympani or posterior wall of the temporal bone on CT, with the adjacent mastoid cavities filled with fluid. Pneumococcal vaccination and early surgical repair of the fistula should be performed to avoid neuromeningeal infection

    Dampak Praktek Rentenir terhadap Sosial Ekonomi di Kelurahan Gunung Sari Kecamatan Rappocini

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    Adapun hasil yang didapatkan pada penelitian ini adalah dampak rentenir terhadap sosial ekonomi sangat merugikan masyarakat karena dalam kegiatannya, rentenir yang berkembang di kalangan masyarakat Kelurahan Gunung Sari Kecamatan Rappocini banyak mendapat hambatan khususnya bagi masyarakat yang berpendidikan tinggi. Serta, tinjauan ekonomi islam terhadap rentenir sangat bertentangan dengan hukum dan syariat islam. Maka tidak diwajibkan kepada orang muslim untuk melaksanakan kegiatan rente. Dan khusus Keluraha Gunung Sari,setidaknya dapat meninggalkan praktek rente yang telah berkembang di masyarakat

    Acuerdos reparatorios en principio de oportunidad por agresiones contra la mujer o grupo familiar

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    objetivo: Evaluar el alcance de simplificación de los acuerdos reparatorios previstos en aplicación del principio de oportunidad, como mecanismo de solución pronta y eficaz para los delitos de agresiones contra la mujer o grupo familiar previstos en el artículo 122-B del Código Penal. Metodología: diseño no experimental, de tipo básico o teórico, nivel descriptivo entre variables e indicadores y de enfoque cualitativo. La muestra fue de cien elementos agremiados al Colegio de Abogados de Huaura, a quienes se le encuestará anónimamente vía cuestionario de preguntas cerradas con varias alternativas. Resultados: El 50 % en desacuerdo con la aplicación del numeral 25 de la Ley 30364 que, prohíbe la conciliación entre víctima y agresor de violencia familiar art. 122-B del CPenal, debido a que, buen porcentaje de casos fiscales y expedientes judiciales obedecen a las agresiones de mínima lesividad sin penas efectivas penitenciarias. Conclusiones: Vendría dándose interpretación errónea del artículo 25 de la Ley 30364, pues lo que prohíbe son actos de conciliación consensuados y voluntarios entre la víctima y su agresor, a diferencia del principio de oportunidad que se aplica ante la configuración de un delito atenuado con suficientes elementos probatorios, características que lo hacen totalmente diferentes

    Prediksi Erosi dan Arahan Penggunaan Lahan di Bagian Hulu DAS Wai Illa Desa Amahusu Kecamatan Nusaniwe Kota Ambon

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    The use of land without a good management lead to land destruction and environmental damage. Prevention should be done by soil conservation. The objective of this research was to estimate the level of soil erosion in the upstream of watershed area of Wai Illa by using a survey method for field observations and USLE (Universal Soil Loos Equation) method to predict the amount of eroded soil. The results showed that the existing land use in areas of research was mixed farms, and scrub with a low level of soil damage on land L433 unit1 and high slopes on the land slopes L533 unit 4. It was predicted that actual annual erosion ranged from 16.524 t/ha up to 315.659 t/ha

    Kewenangan Pemerintah Kota Ambon Terhadap Anak Korban Eksploitasi Ekonomi

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    The authority of the Ambon city government over child victims of economic exploitation is urgently needed, given that children are the next generation of the nation and state that must always be protected, and their growth and development is paid attention to with the rights they have which have been regulated in the Laws and Regulations. The purpose of this study was to find out and understand how the authority of the Ambon City Government for Children Victims of Economic Exploitation is in accordance with Legislation and what forms of legal protection for children who are victims of economic exploitation. The research method used is normative legal research method and is analyzed qualitatively. The results and discussion show that the Ambon City Regional Government is based on the provisions of Article 20 and Article 21 paragraph (1) to (4) of Law Number 35 of 2014 concerning Child Protection and the provisions of Article 23 paragraph (4) of Ambon City Regional Regulation Number 1 of 2019 Concerning the Implementation of Child Friendly Cities, has authority over the implementation of Child Protection, respects the fulfillment of Children's Rights, guarantees the fulfillment of Children's Rights and is responsible for formulating and implementing policies in the field of implementing Child Protection. Authority Regional Government Against Children according to Law Number 35 of 2014 concerning Child Protection includes the obligations and responsibilities of the Regional Government. However, in the Ambon City Regional Government Regulation which specifically regulates the implementation of Means of Fulfilling Legal Protection Rights for children, it does not give law enforcement authority to the Regional Government against the perpetrators