59 research outputs found

    The Effect of Reverse Strain on Microstructure and Strengthening of Copper Fabricated by Severe Plastic Deformation of Torsion Process

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    The unidirectional single torsion process of commercially pure copper was followed by different number of reverse turns of torsion deformation. The effect of reverse strain on the material refinement and hardening was investigated. It is found that the grain refinement is significantly blocked in the reverse torsion strain in comparison with that only suffered in monotonic torsion strain. The strengthening slightly decreases with the torsional direction change. This phenomenon is interpreted in terms of the average dislocation density. A qualitative assumption is proposed to explain the retarded phenomenon of material refinement and hardening in the reverse torsion process. The reverse strain maybe improves the uniformity and stress-strain equilibrium of severe plastic deformation induced material.DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5755/j01.ms.24.3.18414</p

    Integrated gene-based and pathway analyses using UK Biobank data identify novel genes for chronic respiratory diseases

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    BackgroundChronic respiratory diseases have become a non-negligible cause of death globally. Although smoking and environmental exposures are primary risk factors for chronic respiratory diseases, genetic factors also play an important role in determining individual’s susceptibility to diseases. Here we performed integrated gene-based and pathway analyses to systematically illuminate the heritable characteristics of chronic respiratory diseases.MethodsUK (United Kingdom) Biobank is a very large, population-based prospective study with over 500,000 participants, established to allow detailed investigations of the genetic and nongenetic determinants of the diseases. Utilizing the GWAS-summarized data downloaded from UK Biobank, we conducted gene-based analysis to obtain associations of susceptibility genes with asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and pneumonia using FUSION and MAGMA software. Across the identified susceptibility regions, functional annotation integrating multiple functional data sources was performed to explore potential regulatory mechanisms with INQUISIT algorithm. To further detect the biological process involved in the development of chronic respiratory diseases, we undertook pathway enrichment analysis with the R package (clusterProfiler).ResultsA total of 195 susceptibility genes were identified significantly associated with chronic respiratory diseases (Pbonferroni &lt; 0.05), and 24/195 located out of known susceptibility regions (e.g. WDPCP in 2p15). Within the identified susceptibility regions, functional annotation revealed an aggregation of credible variants in promoter-like and enhancer-like histone modification regions and such regulatory mechanisms were specific to lung tissues. Furthermore, 110 genes with INQUISIT score ≥1 may influence diseases susceptibility through exerting effects on coding sequences, proximal promoter and distal enhancer regulations. Pathway enrichment results showed that these genes were enriched in immune-related processes and nicotinic acetylcholine receptors pathways.ConclusionsThis study implemented an integrated gene-based and pathway strategy to explore the underlying biological mechanisms and our findings may serve as promising targets for future clinical treatments of chronic respiratory diseases

    RNA sequencing reveals CircRNA expression profiles in chicken embryo fibroblasts infected with velogenic Newcastle disease virus

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    IntroductionNewcastle disease virus (NDV) is an important avian pathogen prevalent worldwide; it has an extensive host range and seriously harms the poultry industry. Velogenic NDV strains exhibit high pathogenicity and mortality in chickens. Circular RNAs (circRNAs) are among the most abundant and conserved eukaryotic transcripts. They are part of the innate immunity and antiviral response. However, the relationship between circRNAs and NDV infection is unclear.MethodsIn this study, we used circRNA transcriptome sequencing to analyze the differences in circRNA expression profiles post velogenic NDV infection in chicken embryo fibroblasts (CEFs). Gene ontology (GO) and Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) enrichment analyses were used to reveal significant enrichment of differentially expressed (DE) circRNAs. The circRNA- miRNA-mRNA interaction networks were further predicted. Moreover, circ-EZH2 was selected to determine its effect on NDV infection in CEFs.ResultsNDV infection altered circRNA expression profiles in CEFs, and 86 significantly DE circRNAs were identified. GO and KEGG enrichment analyses revealed significant enrichment of DE circRNAs for metabolism-related pathways, such as lysine degradation, glutaminergic synapse, and alanine, aspartic-acid, and glutamic-acid metabolism. The circRNA- miRNA-mRNA interaction networks further demonstrated that CEFs might combat NDV infection by regulating metabolism through circRNA-targeted mRNAs and miRNAs. Furthermore, we verified that circ-EZH2 overexpression and knockdown inhibited and promoted NDV replication, respectively, indicating that circRNAs are involved in NDV replication.ConclusionsThese results demonstrate that CEFs exert antiviral responses by forming circRNAs, offering new insights into the mechanisms underlying NDV-host interactions

    Affective and Cognitive Empathy in Pre-teachers With Strong or Weak Professional Identity: An ERP Study

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    Pain empathy is influenced by a number of factors. However, few studies have examined the effects of strength of professional identity on pain empathy in pre-service teachers. This study used the event-related potential (ERP) technique, which offers a high temporal resolution, to investigate the neurocognitive mechanisms of pain empathy in pre-teachers with strong or weak professional identity. The N110 and P300 components have been shown to reflect an individual’s emotional sharing and cognitive evaluation in pain empathy, respectively. The results of the current study show that pre-teachers with strong professional identity showed a significant difference in N110 amplitudes evoked towards painful and non-painful stimuli; whereas pre-teachers with weak professional identity did not show a significant difference in the amplitudes evoked by the two stimulus types. For the P300 component, pre-teachers with weak professional identity showed a significant difference in the amplitudes evoked towards painful and non-painful stimuli; whereas pre-teachers with strong professional identity did not show a significant difference in the amplitudes evoked by the two stimulus types. Our results indicate that pre-teachers with strong professional identity show a higher level of pain empathy than those with weak professional identity

    Type IIn Supernova SN 2010jl: Optical Observations for Over 500 Days After Explosion

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    We present extensive optical observations of a Type IIn supernova (SN) 2010jl for the first 1.5 years after the discovery. The UBVRI light curves demonstrated an interesting two-stage evolution during the nebular phase, which almost flatten out after about 90 days from the optical maximum. SN 2010jl has one of the highest intrinsic H_alpha luminosity ever recorded for a SN IIn, especially at late phase, suggesting a strong interaction of SN ejecta with the dense circumstellar material (CSM) ejected by the progenitor. This is also indicated by the remarkably strong Balmer lines persisting in the optical spectra. One interesting spectral evolution about SN 2010jl is the appearance of asymmetry of the Balmer lines. These lines can be well decomposed into a narrow component and an intermediate-width component. The intermediate-width component showed a steady increase in both strength and blueshift with time until t ~ 400 days after maximum, but it became less blueshifted at t ~ 500 days when the line profile appeared relatively symmetric again. Owing to that a pure reddening effect will lead to a sudden decline of the light curves and a progressive blueshift of the spectral lines, we therefore propose that the asymmetric profiles of H lines seen in SN 2010jl is unlikely due to the extinction by newly formed dust inside the ejecta, contrary to the explanation by some early studies. Based on a simple CSM-interaction model, we speculate that the progenitor of SN 2010jl may suffer a gigantic mass loss (~ 30-50 M_sun) in a few decades before explosion. Considering a slow moving stellar wind (e.g., ~ 28 km/s) inferred for the preexisting, dense CSM shell and the extremely high mass-loss rate (1-2 M_sun per yr), we suggest that the progenitor of SN 2010jl might have experienced a red supergiant stage and explode finally as a post-red supergiant star with an initial mass above 30-40 M_sun.Comment: 34 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in A

    A spectral data release for 104 Type II Supernovae from the Tsinghua Supernova Group

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    We present 206 unpublished optical spectra of 104 type II supernovae obtained by the Xinglong 2.16m telescope and Lijiang 2.4m telescope during the period from 2011 to 2018, spanning the phases from about 1 to 200 days after the SN explosion. The spectral line identifications, evolution of line velocities and pseudo equivalent widths, as well as correlations between some important spectral parameters are presented. Our sample displays a large range in expansion velocities. For instance, the Fe~{\sc ii} 51695169 velocities measured from spectra at t∼50t\sim 50 days after the explosion vary from ${\rm 2000\ km\ s^{-1}}to to {\rm 5500\ km\ s^{-1}},withanaveragevalueof, with an average value of {\rm 3872 \pm 949\ km\ s^{-1}}.Power−lawfunctionscanbeusedtofitthevelocityevolution,withthepower−lawexponentquantifyingthevelocitydeclinerate.WefoundananticorrelationexistingbetweenH. Power-law functions can be used to fit the velocity evolution, with the power-law exponent quantifying the velocity decline rate. We found an anticorrelation existing between H\betavelocityatmid−plateauphaseanditsvelocitydecayexponent,SNeIIwithhighervelocitiestendingtohavesmallervelocitydecayrate.Moreover,wenoticedthatthevelocitydecayrateinferredfromtheBalmerlines(i.e.,H velocity at mid-plateau phase and its velocity decay exponent, SNe II with higher velocities tending to have smaller velocity decay rate. Moreover, we noticed that the velocity decay rate inferred from the Balmer lines (i.e., H\alphaandH and H\beta)havemoderatecorrelationswiththeratioofabsorptiontoemissionforH) have moderate correlations with the ratio of absorption to emission for H\alpha$ (a/e). In our sample, two objects show possibly flash-ionized features at early phases. Besides, we noticed that multiple high-velocity components may exist on the blue side of hydrogen lines of SN 2013ab, possibly suggesting that these features arise from complex line forming region. All our spectra can be found in WISeREP and Zenodo

    Identification of genetically predicted DNA methylation markers associated with non-small cell lung cancer risk among 34,964 cases and 448,579 controls.

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    BackgroundAlthough the associations between genetic variations and lung cancer risk have been explored, the epigenetic consequences of DNA methylation in lung cancer development are largely unknown. Here, the genetically predicted DNA methylation markers associated with non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) risk by a two-stage case-control design were investigated.MethodsThe genetic prediction models for methylation levels based on genetic and methylation data of 1595 subjects from the Framingham Heart Study were established. The prediction models were applied to a fixed-effect meta-analysis of screening data sets with 27,120 NSCLC cases and 27,355 controls to identify the methylation markers, which were then replicated in independent data sets with 7844 lung cancer cases and 421,224 controls. Also performed was a multi-omics functional annotation for the identified CpGs by integrating genomics, epigenomics, and transcriptomics and investigation of the potential regulation pathways.ResultsOf the 29,894 CpG sites passing the quality control, 39 CpGs associated with NSCLC risk (Bonferroni-corrected p ≤ 1.67 × 10-6 ) were originally identified. Of these, 16 CpGs remained significant in the validation stage (Bonferroni-corrected p ≤ 1.28 × 10-3 ), including four novel CpGs. Multi-omics functional annotation showed nine of 16 CpGs were potentially functional biomarkers for NSCLC risk. Thirty-five genes within a 1-Mb window of 12 CpGs that might be involved in regulatory pathways of NSCLC risk were identified.ConclusionsSixteen promising DNA methylation markers associated with NSCLC were identified. Changes of the methylation level at these CpGs might influence the development of NSCLC by regulating the expression of genes nearby.Plain language summaryThe epigenetic consequences of DNA methylation in lung cancer development are still largely unknown. This study used summary data of large-scale genome-wide association studies to investigate the associations between genetically predicted levels of methylation biomarkers and non-small cell lung cancer risk at the first time. This study looked at how well larotrectinib worked in adult patients with sarcomas caused by TRK fusion proteins. These findings will provide a unique insight into the epigenetic susceptibility mechanisms of lung cancer
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