48 research outputs found

    Nikah Sirri: Sub Ordinasi Perempuan Berbungkus Hukum

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    The difference of individual or group of people pursuant of "behavior", entangling numbers of problems which deal with woman value in society and woman value as an individual. Though al-Qu'ran differentiate pursuant to pious charitable, al-Qur'an do not build peripheral assess for certain behavior. This matter makes every social system determine different value behavior. Every ordinary social system conduct and every society have made difference between scope of woman clan and men folk. Its problem is depending on tradition that man used to be looked more valuable than woman. How unfair that viewpoint division. Unregistered married looked as one of subordination style woman in togetherness value point of view. This article will study farther about unregistered married from side of subordinating woman

    Ibu Rumah Tangga: Streotype Perempuan Pengangguran

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    The building of the household Division the role of structure members. In many ways, the role of women truly are always in the most important constellations in domestic life. Study of Denys Lombard and Geertz among studies that give the conclusion. Along with this, the reality is still a demonstration of counterproductive, as the phrase is still socialized "Women do not need high school high, useless cost alone, anyway will be back also entered the kitchen". Whether it be a Bachelor\u27s degree and then become a housewife or homemaker who holds a Bachelor\u27s degree is worth less? Plus then "create what learning and cost is so expensive, but eventually became a housewife. People think of what high school to achieve a doctoral degree, but ultimately just working at home. Isn\u27t that the same as wasting the science that has been obtained? The kitchen in the family becomes a costly activity often underestimated, while women prefer being a career with a matter of much more expensive kitchen expenses from income the women\u27s careers, should be how the kitchen still work when disepelekan is included by the women themselves? Whether household activities referred to by the profession as a job

    Interkoneksi Ekonomi Pancasila Dan Hukum Ekonomi Syariah Era Post Pandemi Covid-19

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis interkoneksi ekonomi Pancasila dan hukum ekonomi syariah era post pandemi covid-19. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan studi literatur. Kajian penelaahan ini menggunakan pendekatan yuridis-normatif. Kajian ini menunjukkan bahwa era post pandemi Covid-19 telah memberikan transfigurasi secara substansial, baik positif maupun negatif. Salah satu efek yang ditunjukkan dalam penelitian ini, interkoneksi ekonomi Pancasila dan hukum ekonomi syariah yang didasarkan pada aturan hukum yang sudah diberlakukan di Indonesia terutama pada Pasal 33 UUD Republik Indonesia tahun 1945 sebagai upaya mengembalikan prinsip dan nilai-nilainya pada masyarakat mayoritas muslim di Indonesia, dan menguatkan kembali teori penting dari ekonomi Pancasila. Penyusunan kebijakan tersebut haruslah memprioritaskan dan mempertimbangkan terhadap kebutuhan masyarakat yang terdampak. Penetapan prioritas tersebut dilakukan agar menjadi upaya penguatan ekonomi nasional

    Halal Travel Decision Analysis (Case Study: Visitors to Pilgrimage Tourism at Pringsewu District)

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    Traveling is an activity that is done to unwind and get entertainment. Usually, tourist attractions have inherent value or culture, natural beauty and history. The example is pilgrimage tourism in the Pringsewu district which has a historical value from scholars in Lampung. This study uses a quantitative approach with the aims to examine the effect of promotion and innovation on halal travel decisions from 2016-2022. The measurement this study using SPSS statistical tools, secondary data using questionnaires and documents contained in BPS Lampung 2016-2022. Researchers came to the conclusion that (1) the promotion variable has a positive effect on halal travel decisions to visit pilgrimage tourism. (2) innovation variables have a positive effect on halal travel decisions on pilgrimage tourism visitors in Lampung Pringseweu district


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    The difference of individual or group of people pursuant of "behavior", entangling numbers of problems which deal with woman value in society and woman value as an individual. Though al-Qu’ran differentiate pursuant to pious charitable, al-Qur'an do not build peripheral assess for certain behavior. This matter makes every social system determine different value behavior. Every ordinary social system conduct and every society have made difference between scope of woman clan and men folk. Its problem is depending on tradition that man used to be looked more valuable than woman. How unfair that viewpoint division.  Unregistered married looked as one of subordination style woman in togetherness value point of view. This article will study farther about unregistered married from side of subordinating woman

    Kualitas Metode Penelitian Kualitatif Program Strata 1 dalam Pengarusutamaan Gender : Telaah Awal

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    This journal from the study entitled Improving the Quality of Qualitative Research Methods and Study of Figures in Gender Mainstreaming Material for Strata 1 Students. The initial study of this study departs from research results that are refuted from the results of research on how to find experts in research that found two main findings, namely: First, issues that develop among students discussing lecture questions that are easy to understand but difficult to implement; Secondly, the failure of students to build motivation is closely related to systematic in the research effort. In many cases this starts from (1) the difficulty of finding the first word in each time it will write, concocting word choices and finding relationships between paragraphs; (2) developing patterns of making intuitive standard papers without reference and most extreme by learning through copy paste of papers on the internet. Therefore the contribution of the results of the questionnaire answers became the main data for the development of this stud

    Ibu Rumah Tangga: Streotype Perempuan Pengangguran

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    The building of the household Division the role of structure members. In many ways, the role of women truly are always in the most important constellations in domestic life. Study of Denys Lombard and Geertz among studies that give the conclusion. Along with this, the reality is still a demonstration of counterproductive, as the phrase is still socialized "Women do not need high school high, useless cost alone, anyway will be back also entered the kitchen". Whether it be a Bachelor's degree and then become a housewife or homemaker who holds a Bachelor's degree is worth less? Plus then "create what learning and cost is so expensive, but eventually became a housewife. People think of what high school to achieve a doctoral degree, but ultimately just working at home. Isn't that the same as wasting the science that has been obtained? The kitchen in the family becomes a costly activity often underestimated, while women prefer being a career with a matter of much more expensive kitchen expenses from income the women's careers, should be how the kitchen still work when disepelekan is included by the women themselves? Whether household activities referred to by the profession as a job

    Budaya Kerja Melayu dalam Mengembangkan Wirausaha Mahasiswa di Perguruan Tinggi Kota Palembang

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    Budaya melayu dan nilai nilai agama berada dalam substansi materi kuliah wirausaha. Beberapa sifat dasar budaya melayu optimis dalam hidup dan kehidupan serta toleran, mengambil positif dari budaya orang lain, berpegang pada agama dan adat, sopan santun, ramah, demokratis, mengutamakan diplomasi dari pada kekerasan. Strategi pembelajaran belum memberikan motivasi secara komprehensif karena lebih mendominasi model ceramah. Secara khsusus mahasiswa menerima materi kuliah dan memiliki kesadaran bahwa budaya Melayu termunculkan di setiap upacara. Namun demikian mereka belum siap berlatih berwirausaha dalam kuliah. Malay cultural and religious values are in substance entrepreneurial course material. Some basic nature of Malay cultural is optimistic in life and life and tolerant, to take something positive from the culture of others, adhering to the religion and customs, manners, friendly, democratic, give priority to diplomacy than violence. Learning strategies have not provided a comprehensive motivation because it dominates the discourse models. In particular, students receive course material and have an awareness that the Malay culture appear in every ceremony. However, they have not ready for practicing entrepreneurship in college

    Gender Dan Feminisme Dalam Islam

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    Feminism and gender is basically a simple concept where women just want to get justice in all matters, especially education, not to exceed man and nature. Because it gives the concept of gender-feminist groups depart from the differences of men and women that is due to be formed by the social differences are not judged by the natural aspect. The term feminism and gender with various forms of the concept and its implementation in conducting a lawsuit over the values subbordinasi women did not exist in Islam, because Islam itself does not distinguish the position of a person based on gender and gender bias does not exist in Islam. Islam put men and women in the same position and the same glory


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    The world of business, especially in buying and selling transactions in era of globalization as it is today is different from the classical transaction, it is the impact of technological advances that are growing rapidly. Like Dropshipping, Dropshipping is a retail shale that is similar to retail sales, unique in dropshipping retailers do not need to store the product physically. Retailers estabilish business partnerships with individuals or wholesale companies that are suppliers of product sold by retailers. This system only provide invormation about  the goods to be sold and usually in the form of photo, product detail articles to consumers and complete specifications, if anyone is interested to buy than the goods will be sent directly from supplier or distributor.                                                                           ***   Dunia bisnis khususnya dalam transaksi jual beli di era globalisasi seperti saat ini berbeda dengan transaksi klasik, hal tersebut adalah dampak dari kemajuan teknologi yang berkembang semakin pesat. Seperti halnya dropshipping. Dropshipping adalah jual beli yang mirip dengan penjualan dengan cara eceran, uniknya dalam dropshippping pengecer tidak perlu menyimpan barang secara fisik, pengecer menjalin kerjasama bisnis dengan perorangan atau perusahaan grosir yang merupakan pemasok dari produk yang dijual oleh pengecer. Sistem ini hanya memberikan informasi mengenai barang yang akan dijual dan biasanya berupa poto, artikel detail produk kepada konsumen serta spesifikasi yang lengkap. Jika ada yang tertarik untuk membeli maka barang akan dikirim langsung oleh pihak supplier dan distributornya. Keyword; Transactions, Dropshipping and selle