41 research outputs found

    Musculoskeletal Disorder among Municipal Solid Waste Collectors

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    Objective: This cross sectional study investigates the prevalence of MSDs among solid waste collectors.Method: Data collection was conducted through face to face structured interviews with waste collectors using Nordic. Musculoskeletal Questionnaire (NMQ). Next, Rapid Upper Limb Assessment (RULA) was used to observe the workers’ exposure to the risk factors. Result: Results revealed that, the highest prevalence of MSDs symptoms during last 12 months is low back pain (54.50%) followed by upper back pain (27.30%) and at shoulder region (22.70%). RULA analysis of the observed results showed that 43.20% of the waste collectors have scored 7 indicates postural changes must be done immediately. Meanwhile 45.5% of waste collectors scored 5 an indication of postural changes must be carried out soon. From the chi-square analysis, the results displayed a significant association between neck and low back pain prevalence with the identified risk level at p<0.05. Conclusion: Findings from this study provided an evidence of a significant association between MSDs symptoms reported in NMQ and the risk level exposed by the respondents obtained by RULA. Physical demanding activities among waste collectors such as handling heavy workload, awkward posture and repetitive task might be the reason of the association

    Pasang alat pengesan elak tragedi tertinggal anak dalam kereta

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    KES kematian kanak-kanak ditinggalkan dalam kenderaan oleh ibu bapa atau penjaga berlaku setiap tahun, sekali gus menjadi trauma kepada individu terbabit

    Allergy to air pollution and frequency of asthmatic attacks among asthmatic primary school children

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    A cross-sectional comparative study was conducted on asthmatic primary school children in 3 areas in Kuala Lumpur and Selangor in Malaysia. The main objective was to study the relationship between air pollutants and frequency of asthmatic attacks. A total of 207 asthmatic children comprising of 87 from the urban, 67 from the industrial and another 53 from the rural areas were involved. Only asthmatic children diagnosed by medical professionals were selected with reference to the medical records provided by the school. These 2nd to 5th grade students had written consent from their parents. A modified ISAAC Questionnaire was completed by the parents. Continuous ambient air pollutants data was obtained from the Department of Environment. The prevalence of asthma was higher in urban and industrial children. In 2008, the annual mean PM10 in the industrial areas (64.9 μg/m3) was slightly higher than the Malaysian Ambient Air Quality Guideline. SO, was significantly higher in the industrial area (0.003ppm), while CO (1.31ppm) and NO2 (0.03 ppm) were higher in the urban area. Significant association between the prevalence of respiratory symptoms with locations found. Urban children have more respiratory symptoms such as difficulty in breathing, (p = 0.01) chest tightness, (p = 0.047) and wheezing (p = 0.029). Allergy symptoms such as skin rashes, nasal symptoms and watery eyes and nose were also higher among urban children. Results showed that PEF variability and allergy to pollen significantly influenced the frequency of asthmatic attacks while higher fathers' education was a protective factor. Urban and industrial asthmatic children were at greater risk of getting more frequent asthmatic attack due to allergy to high levels of air pollutants in the form of particulates such as pollen, or chemical content and gases which affect the PEF variability leading to asthmatic attacks

    Psychosocial and health impacts of bauxite mining among Felda Bukit Goh communities in Kuantan, Malaysia

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    Introduction: Communities who live near bauxite mining areas experienced social, psychosocial and health impact from the environmental activities. Some of the problems identified were the nuisance by noise emanating from bauxite lorries, traffic congestions, road damage with red mud, deforestation, increase of erosion, air pollution such as dust which resulted in bad vision during hot dry days, dusty homes and properties, respiratory and skin problems, soil and water pollutions. Objectives: The objectives were to study the social, psychosocial and health impacts of bauxite activities on the Felda Bukit Goh and its neighboring communities. Methodology: One hundred and sixty two residents within the bauxite mining areas were selected randomly as respondents. Face to face interview using questionnaires were used to collect data. Result: A majority of respondents reported medium scores of psychosocial impact (43.2%).. The environmental problems were mainly due to the mining activities which increased air pollution (87.7%) dustier house (87.7%) and frequent cleaning (79.6%), road damage (69.8%), agricultural problem (53.1%) and loss of calmness (46.35). The health symptoms (27.2%), was mainly due to stress. Stress (35.8%), cough with phlegm (27.8%) and itchiness (19.1%) were some of the health symptoms reported There was significant correlation between the psychosocial impacts (stress) due to the environmental factors with health complaints. Psychosocially, the stress experienced by respondents were significantly associated with noise, dusty and dirty environment, contaminated and disrupted water supply, damaged roads, congested traffic and frequent cleaning of properties. The stress finally impaired their physical system (increased respiratory and dermal symptoms reported (p<0.001), reduced energy (p=0.019) and reduced appetite (p=0.020), sleep disturbance (p=0.023) as well as musculoskeletal system disorder (p=0.047), were reported. Conclusion: The combined effects of the environmental disturbance due to mining activities have culminated into health problems among the surrounding communities. These impacts on these communities would be worst if no appropriate mitigating measures provided to protect the environment and human well-being


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    Background and Purpose: The success and demise of a business venture continuously fascinates the attention of many. Specifically, when it relates to micro-entrepreneurs as they are very vulnerable to business failures. Despite many struggles, there are few who succeed. Intrigued with this scenario, the researchers aim to look for factors that lead to the success of micro-entrepreneurs in their business ventures. Following the Social Cognitive Theory and earlier research, the present study predicts that technology adoption and self-efficacy will influence entrepreneurial business success. Additionally, this study posits that self-efficacy mediates the relationship between technology adoption and entrepreneurial business success. &nbsp; Methodology: The research employed a survey technique using a quantifiable method. The researchers distributed 350 questionnaires to low-income micro-entrepreneurs in Kelantan, Malaysia. Two hundred forty-five people responded, but only 240 data proceeded for further analysis. The research used SPSS and AMOS version 26 to analyse the data gathered. Findings: Results indicated that both variables, namely entrepreneurial self-efficacy and technology adoption, significantly influenced business success. Additionally, the results indicated that entrepreneurial self-efficacy significantly mediated the relationship between technology adoption and entrepreneurial business success. &nbsp; Contributions: The discoveries provide valuable insights to policy makers, poverty agencies, micro-entrepreneurs and the likes in formulating strategies and intervention programs for entrepreneurial success. Indeed, successful entrepreneurs are crucial in elevating the social status of the poor and eradicating national poverty. In addition, it realises the Sustainable Development Goals’ agendas that all states in Malaysia are free from poverty by 2030. &nbsp; Keywords: Business success factors, micro entrepreneurs, self-efficacy, technology adoption. &nbsp; Cite as: Ariffien, M. A., Zakaria, M., Syed Yusuf, S. N., &amp; Ahmad, J. H. (2023). Technology adoption, self-efficacy and entrepreneurial business success. Journal of Nusantara Studies, 8(TI), 257-276. http://dx.doi.org/10.24200/jonus.vol8issTIpp257-27

    Creating a culture of prevention in occupational safety and health practice: perceived body discomfort in two sitting positions

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    Prolonged sitting is one of the factors for back discomfort. Sitting in the same position for long periods of time is worse. This experimental based study was conducted to achieve three objectives. There were to 1) identify whether is there any differences between perceived body discomfort among respondents before and after upright sitting, 2) identify whether is there any differences between perceived body discomfort among respondents before and after slump sitting and 3) compare the level of perceived body discomfort among respondents after two sitting postures. Thirty young and healthy adults were recruited as study respondents. Each respondent was asked to sit in a posture either upright or slump for 30 minutes. Respondents were then rated their body discomfort using Borg CR-10 scale before and after sitting. Another sitting posture was carried out after one day interval. There is a significant difference between perceived body discomfort among respondents before and after upright and slump sitting. Body discomfort of upright sitting was shown significantly greater than slump sitting. Although, slump sitting caused less discomfort than upright, but it proven by previous studies did not provide benefit to occupational safety and health practice in preventing occupational health related disease

    Peranan kepimpinan Melayu Brunei dalam pentadbiran BNBC di Borneo Utara

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    Makalah ini membincangkan tentang peranan kepimpinan Melayu Brunei dalam pentadbiran pada zaman British North Borneo Chatered Company (BNBC) di Borneo Utara dari tahun 1881 sehinggalah 1941. Makalah ini merupakan satu usaha untuk merekonstruksikan semula landasan penjelasan tentang penglibatan kepimpinan Melayu Brunei di dalam pentadbiran yang direncanakan oleh pihak BNBC. Kebanyakan sumber yang digunakan terdiri daripada sumber yang berkaitan dengan topik yang telah dibincangkan namun, telah diolah dan dinilai semula di dalam perspektif yang baharu. Makalah ini juga akan akan membincangkan peranan dan kaedah yang digunakan oleh pihak BNBC untuk menarik ketua-ketua tempatan khususnya kepimpinan Melayu Brunei untuk menyertai institusi peribumi dan seterusnya mengikat kesetiaan mereka dengan pihak syarikat. Menerusi kajian ini juga didapati bahawa pihak BNBC telah berjaya menemui formula yang berkesan bagi memastikan masyarakat peribumi khususnya masyarakat Melayu Brunei untuk mengikuti semua polisi dan dasar baharu yang ditetapkan oleh pihak BNBC sehingga akhirnya perubahan ini telah mempengaruhi keberadaan dan pengekalan kepimpinan Melayu Brunei dalam pentadbiran di Borneo Utara pada tahun-tahun berikutnya

    National survey of Research and Development in Malaysian 2016

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    Malaysia's R&D landscape has grown tremendously over the last decade. Malaysia has put serious efforts in improving its research, development and innovation activities. As a result, Malaysia has managed to stand at par with many developed countries with regard to its competitiveness through adopting science and technology policies and taking significant actions to increase the research and development infrastructure in the past deeades. The country has also witnessed a marked increase in a number of R&D activities. In every cycle of Malaysia Plan, emphasis is given to R&D. During the Tenth Plan, series of actions to strengthen ecosystem were undertaken, among others include shaping a supportive ecosystem by creating enabling environment for stakeholders to carry out innovation activities, and providing funds for research development and commercialisation (R&D&C) initiatives. This is due to the fact that innovation is crucial for the development agenda to increase productivity and improve competitiveness into new wealth for the nation. For the Eleventh Plan, Malaysia has outlined series of efforts to be undertaken to translate innovation into new wealth for the nation. Strategies will be targeted at two levels -the enterprise and society with the aim of translating innovation to wealth. One of the measures of a developed country is the ability to produce quality research that can benefit the entire nation and improve the national gross domestic product. This is what the National Survey of R&D seeks to measure and the survey has been conducted by the Malaysian Science and Technology Information Centre (MASTIC) since 1994. The National Survey of R&D 2016 was based on the financial year of 2015 unless specified otherwise. The data was collected between 2015 and 2016 utilizing both primary and secondary data. The survey comprised of Business Enterprises (BEs ), Higher Learning Institutions (HLis) and Government and Research Institutes (GRis). Unfortunately, no Non­Governmental Organisations (NGOs) were included in the survey as they did not conduct R&D based on the parameters ofFrascati Manual, 2015

    Kuasa Raja-Raja Melayu dulu dan kini: Analisis bandingan dari sudut sejarah dan perundangan

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    Makalah ini menukilkan fakta-fakta sejarah dan dokumen perundangan untuk menilai artikulasi ini benar dan hakikat sebenar kedudukan kuasa raja Melayu pada masa dahulu dan pada masa kontemporari. Sumber-sumber rujukan dari sudut sejarah terdiri daripada teks-teks sejarah watan, termasuk Sulalatus Salatin (Sejarah Melayu), Hikayat Raja-raja Pasai, Hikayat Aceh, Hikayat Melayu Siak, Tuhfat al-Nafis, Undang-Undang 99 Perak, Bustanul-Salatin, dan Thamarat al-Muhimmah (sekadar menyebut beberapa). Manakala sumber-sumber rujukan dari sudut perundangan antaranya adalah terdiri daripada dokumen Perjanjian Pangkor 1874, Perjanjian Persekutuan Tanah Melayu 1948, Perlembagaan Persekutuan Malaysia 1957, Undang-undang Tubuh Kerajaan Johor dan Undang-undang Tubuh Kerajaan Terengganu (sekadar menyebut beberapa). Berdasarkan sumber-sumber yang dirujuk itu, makalah ini menghujah bahawa sebenarnya pada zaman mana sekali pun raja-raja Melayu tidak pernah memerintah. Pada zaman bila sekalipun kedudukan dan fungsi raja-raja Melayu dalam lima perkara berikut: memberi pengampunan, mengistihar perang, menjatuhkan hukuman mati, menentukan hubungan luar (antarabangsa) dan pemilik kedaulatan. Sebaliknya, pihak sebenar yang menjalankan pemerintahan kerajaan adalah para pembesar. Pada zaman dahulu mereka terdiri daripada Pembesar Empat iaitu Bendahara, Penghulu Bendahari, Temenggung dan Laksamana. Manakala pada masa kontemporari, di peringkat Kerajaan Negeri mereka terdiri daripada Menteri Besar bersama DUN (Pengerusi-Pengerusi Jawatankuasa), dan di peringkat Kerajaan Pusat (Persekutuan) terdiri daripada Perdana Menteri bersama Jemaah Menteri. Penukilan fakta-fakta primer (atau utama) ini penting dilakukan kerana ia dapat memberi penjelasan tentang kedudukan sebenar raja-raja Melayu pada hari ini. Fakta-fakta yang dinukilkan menjelaskan bahawa di sebalik pelbagai peristiwa yang berlaku, termasuk pada zaman pendudukan British, raja-raja Melayu tidaklah mengalami kehilangan kuasa. Ini sekaligus dapat menghilangkan kekaburan tentang kedudukan institusi raja Melayu yang menjadi asas kestabilan dan keamanan negara

    Warisan Budaya Etnik Bajau Samah di Kota Belud, Sabah

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    Sabah terkenal dengan kepelbagaian etnik dalam kalangan masyaraka yang terdiri daripada Kadazandusun, Bajau, Bugis, Iranum, Brunei, Bonggi dan beberapa etnik lagi. Adanya kepelbagaian etnik di Sabah, maka wujudlah kepelbagaian adat istiadat dan warisan etnik masing-masing. Antara seni warisan yang terkenal di Sabah ialah etnik Bajau Samah di Kota Belud, Sabah. Namun demikian, seni warisan etnik Bajau Samah ini tidak berkembang seperti mana keunggulan yang di miliki oleh warisan tersebut. Oleh itu, kajian ini dijalankan untuk: (1) mengenalpasti bentuk-bentuk warisan budaya Etnik Bajau Samah; (2) menganalisis cabaran dalam mengekalkan warisan budaya; dan (3) mengkaji usaha-usaha dalam mempromosikan warisan budaya kepada masyarakat. Kaedah campuran terdiri daripada Primer dan Sekunder diaplikasikan dalam kajian ini. Data primer diperolehi daripada temubual dengan para informan dan kaedah pemerhatian sewaktu menjalankan kajian lapangan; dan data sekunder diperolehi daripada perpustakaan Universiti Malaysia Sabah, di Pusat Sumber FSSK,UMS dan di ARKIB Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan warisan budaya etnik Bajau Samah dapat dipecahkan kepada dua bahagian iaitu budaya benda dan budaya bukan benda. Terdapat pelbagai cabaran yang dihadapi oleh etnik Bajau Samah untuk mengekalkan warisan budaya mereka terutama sekali dari segi keterlibatan generasi muda yang tidak mahu mempelajari dan mengambil tahu tentang warisan mereka sendiri. Namun, terdapat usaha yang dilakukan oleh Persatuan Etnik Bajau Samah, di Kota Belud bagi mengekalkan dan menonjolkan warisan budaya mereka agar dapat menarik minat generasi muda untuk mempelajari dan memelihara warisan budaya mereka agar tidak hilang ditelan zaman. Kesimpulannya, antara usaha persatuan etnik Bajau Samah dan golongan tua ini adalah dengan menonjolkan keunikan dan keistimewaan warisan budaya etnik Bajau Samah kepada masyarakat di dalam dan di luar negara dengan pelbagai cara, terutamanya dengan menggunakan pengaruh media massa