12,489 research outputs found

    Theory of spin current in chiral helimagnet

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    We give detailed description of the transport spin current in the chiral helimagnet. Under the static magnetic field applied perpendicular to the helical axis, the magnetic kink crystal (chiral soliton lattice) is formed. Once the kink crystal begins to move under the Galilean boost, the spin-density accumulation occurs inside each kink and there emerges periodic arrays of the induced magnetic dipoles carrying the transport spin current. The coherent motion of the kink crystal dynamically generates the spontaneous demagnetization field. This mechanism is analogous to the D\"{o}ring-Becker-Kittel mechanism of the domain wall motion in ferromagnets. To describe the kink crystal motion, we took account of not only the tangential ϕ\phi-fluctuations but the longitudinal θ\theta-fluctuations around the helimagnetic configuration. Based on the collective coordinate method and the Dirac's canonical formulation for the singular Lagrangian system, we derived the closed formulae for the mass, spin current and induced magnetic dipole moment accompanied with the kink crystal motion. To materialize the theoretical model presented here, symmetry-adapted material synthesis would be required, where the interplay of crystallographic and magnetic chirality plays a key role there.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figures, to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Interchain Coupling Effects and Solitons in CuGeO_3

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    The effects of interchain coupling on solitons and soliton lattice structures in CuGeO3 are explored. It is shown that interchain coupling substantially increases the soliton width and changes the soliton lattice structures in the incommensurate phase. It is proposed that the experimentally observed large soliton width in CuGeO3 is mainly due to interchain coupling effects.Comment: 4 pages, LaTex, one eps figure included. No essential changes except forma

    Functional renormalization-group approach to the Pokrovsky-Talapov model via modified massive Thirring fermion model

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    A possibility of the topological Kosterlitz-Thouless~(KT) transition in the Pokrovsky-Talapov~(PT) model is investigated by using the functional renormalization-group (RG) approach by Wetterich. Our main finding is that the nonzero misfit parameter of the model, which can be related with the linear gradient term (Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya interaction), makes such a transition impossible, what contradicts the previous consideration of this problem by non-perturbative RG methods. To support the conclusion the initial PT model is reformulated in terms of the 2D theory of relativistic fermions using an analogy between the 2D sine-Gordon and the massive Thirring models. In the new formalism the misfit parameter corresponds to an effective gauge field that enables to include it in the RG procedure on an equal footing with the other parameters of the theory. The Wetterich equation is applied to obtain flow equations for the parameters of the new fermionic action. We demonstrate that these equations reproduce the KT type of behavior if the misfit parameter is zero. However, any small nonzero value of the quantity rules out a possibility of the KT transition. To confirm the finding we develop a description of the problem in terms of the 2D Coulomb gas model. Within the approach the breakdown of the KT scenario gains a transparent meaning, the misfit gives rise to an effective in-plane electric field that prevents a formation of bound vortex-antivortex pairs.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figure

    Direct detection of the relative strength of Rashba and Dresselhaus spin-orbit interaction: Utilizing the SU(2) symmetry

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    We propose a simple method to detect the relative strength of Rashba and Dresselhaus spin-obit interactions in quantum wells (QWs) without relying on the directional-dependent physical quantities. This method utilize the asymmetry of critical gate voltages that leading to the remarkable signals of SU(2) symmetry, which happens to reflect the intrinsic structure inversion asymmetry of the QW. We support our proposal by the numerical calculation of in-plane relaxation times based on the self-consistent eight-band Kane model. We find that the two different critical gate voltages leading to the maximum spin relaxation times [one effect of the SU(2) symmetry] can simply determine the ratio of the coefficients of Rashba and Dresselhaus terms. Our proposal can also be generalized to extract the relative strengths of the spin-orbit interactions in quantum wire and quantum dot structures.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Diffusion-limited loop formation of semiflexible polymers: Kramers theory and the intertwined time scales of chain relaxation and closing

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    We show that Kramers rate theory gives a straightforward, accurate estimate of the closing time τc\tau_c of a semiflexible polymer that is valid in cases of physical interest. The calculation also reveals how the time scales of chain relaxation and closing are intertwined, illuminating an apparent conflict between two ways of calculating τc\tau_c in the flexible limit.Comment: Europhys. Lett., 2003 (in press). 8 pages, 3 figures. See also, physics/0101087 for physicist's approach to and the importance of semiflexible polymer looping, in DNA replicatio

    4p states and X-Ray Spectroscopy

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    The 4p states in transition metals and their compounds usually play minor roles on their physical quantities. Recent development of resonant x-ray scattering (RXS) at the K-edge of transition metals, however, casts light on the 4p states, because the signals on orbital and magnetic superlattice spots are brought about by the modulation in the 4p states. The 4p states are extending in solids and thereby sensitive to electronic states at neighboring sites. This characteristic determines the mechanism of RXS that the intensity on the orbital superlattice spots are mainly generated by the lattice distortion and those on magnetic superlattice spots by the coupling of the 4p states with the orbital polarization in the 3d states at neighboring sites. Taking up typical examples for orbital and magnetic RXS, we demonstrate these mechanisms on the basis of the band structure calculation. Finally, we study the MCD spectra at the K-edge, demonstrating that the same mechanism as the magnetic RXS is working.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figures, submitted to Physica Scripta (comment

    Theory of magnetoelastic resonance in a mono-axial chiral helimagnet

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    We study magnetoelastic resonance phenomena in a mono-axial chiral helimagnet belonging to hexagonal crystal class. By computing the spectrum of coupled elastic wave and spin wave, it is demonstrated how hybridization occurs depending on their chirality. Specific features of the magnetoelastic resonance are discussed for the conical phase and the soliton lattice phase stabilized in the mono-axial chiral helimagnet. The former phase exhibits appreciable non-reciprocity of the spectrum, the latter is characterized by a multi-resonance behavior. We propose that the non-reciprocal spin wave around the forced-ferromagnetic state has potential capability to convert the linearly polarized elastic wave to circularly polarized one with the chirality opposite to the spin wave chirality.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures, Accepted in Phys. Rev.

    The role of the N(2080)N^*(2080) resonance in the γpK+Λ(1520)\vec{\gamma} p \to K^+ \Lambda(1520) reaction

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    We investigate the Λ(1520)\Lambda(1520) photo-production in the γpK+Λ(1520)\vec{\gamma} p \to K^+ \Lambda(1520) reaction within the effective Lagrangian method near threshold. In addition to the "background" contributions from the contact, tt-channel KK exchange, and ss-channel nucleon pole terms, which were already considered in previous works, the contribution from the nucleon resonance N(2080)N^*(2080) (spin-parity JP=3/2J^P = 3/2^-) is also considered. We show that the inclusion of the nucleon resonance N(2080)N^*(2080) leads to a fairly good description of the new LEPS differential cross section data, and that these measurements can be used to determine some of the properties of this latter resonance. However, serious discrepancies appear when the predictions of the model are compared to the photon-beam asymmetry also measured by the LEPS Collaboration.Comment: 9 pages,6 figures, 1 tabl

    Interaction between a fast rotating sunspot and ephemeral regions as the origin of the major solar event on 2006 December 13

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    The major solar event on 2006 December 13 is characterized by the approximately simultaneous occurrence of a heap of hot ejecta, a great two-ribbon flare and an extended Earth-directed coronal mass ejection. We examine the magnetic field and sunspot evolution in active region NOAA AR 10930, the source region of the event, while it transited the solar disk centre from Dec. 10 to Dec. 13. We find that the obvious changes in the active region associated with the event are the development of magnetic shear, the appearance of ephemeral regions and fast rotation of a smaller sunspot. Around the area of the magnetic neutral line of the active region, interaction between the fast rotating sunspot and the ephemeral regions triggers continual brightening and finally the major flare. It is indicative that only after the sunspot rotates up to 200^{\circ} does the major event take place. The sunspot rotates at least 240^{\circ} about its centre, the largest sunspot rotation angle which has been reported.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figures, ApJ Letters inpres

    Transport magnetic currents driven by moving kink crystal in chiral helimagnets

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    We show that the bulk transport magnetic current is generated by the moving magnetic kink crystal (chiral soliton lattice) formed in the chiral helimagnet under the static magnetic field applied perpendicular to the helical axis. The current is caused by the non-equilibrium transport momentum with the kink mass being determined by the spin fluctuations around the kink crystal state. An emergence of the transport magnetic currents is then a consequence of the dynamical off-diagonal long range order along the helical axis. We derive an explicit formula for the inertial mass of the kink crystal and the current in the weak field limit.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.