35 research outputs found

    Correlation of Environmental Factors Associated with the Incidence of Diarrhea in Under-five in Indonesia : a Community Based Total Sanitation Approach Toward Achievement Millennium Development Goals

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    Background: Diarrhea is a worldwide health problem, especially in the developing countries. Based on WHO (2010) that 58% of under-five deaths were caused by infectious diseases, one on it was diarrhea. Based on Ministry of Health Indonesia (2011), 8.8 million child deaths in the world was 1,3 million caused by diarrhea in 2008, and more than 98% of it occur in 68 the developing countries. In Indonesia 5% of under-five deaths were caused by diarrhea (WHO, 2010). The purpose of this research is to analyze the association between environmental factors with the incidence of diarrhea in under-five.Method: The method used in documentation was by collecting the data from the results of research studies as well as supporting the secondary data sources. The data analysis was descriptive analysis technique.Result: The research results of Eralita (2001), showed that variables had significant correlation with diarrhea were clean water facilities OR=6.610, having latrine OR=2.896, waste water sewage facilities OR=5.967, and solid waste container facilities OR=3.746. The research by Sinthamurniwaty (2006), the risk factor that influence diarrhea in under-five was who do not use clean water source (OR = 2,208). Also, the research results of Rosyidi (2011) at District Lebong, Bengkulu Province showed the variable that associated was location of septic tank OR=4.934. It strengthened by the research of Santoso (2003) in the Sukarta City, that was discovered coliform content in water sources clean. This suggests the existence of contamination by feces as a source of diarrhea disease.Conclusion: There is association between a family privy with incidence of diarrhea, this indicates that environment pollution caused by faces as the source of diarrhea

    Karakteristik Flavor Beras Varietas Padi Aromatik Dari Ketinggian Lokasi Yang Berbeda

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    To express its optimum flavor, aromatic rice variety should be planted at a specific location. Elevation and soil types are generally considered as the main influencing factors. In this research, three sites, representing low, medium and high elevation, were used to test aromatic rice varieties for its flavor expression. The sites of research were Garut (over 1000 m above sea level/asl), Sumedang (over 500 m asl), and Subang (less then 500 m asl). The flavor components were measured using Gas Chromatograph Mass Spectrometer, GCMS. The data were analyzed using principle component method. Elevation of the sites greatly affected the flavor components of Gilirang, Cimelati, and Sintanur varieties. Among the volatile compounds constituting the rice flavor, hydro carbon aromatic and aldehyde were the most influential ones. Based on the principle component analysis, there were five components contributing to the flavor, namely: butyric acid, benzaldehyde, 2-nonen-1-ol, toluene, and hepthl alcohol. The 2AP (2-Acetyl-1-pyrroline) which gives the pandanus flavor in aromatic rice, was found only from the aromatic rice variety planted at high elevation of Garut. The volatile compounds influencing the taste preference, based on hedonic test, was detected most on Cimelati rice variety as a strong flavor aroma. The general responses of panelist with regard to the aroma, showed moderate aroma to all varieties tested. But for taste, texture, and preferences, most panelists chose Sintanur variety planted at medium elevations (Sumedang)

    Peran Pemerintah Daerah dalam Mengoptimalisasi Penanganan Pencemaran Lingkungan di Wilayah Pesisir Kota Batam

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    Pollution due to industrial waste occurs mostly in coastal ecosystems as well as on sea water conditions. Meanwhile, when looking at the damage that occurred in coastal areas and oceans, the damage that occurred in the form of damage to coastal ecosystems such as mangroves and coral reefs due to reclamation and pollution. This condition occurs when Batam is held by the Batam Authority. Associated with environmental pollution problems caused by the industry bring tremendous impact on people\u27s lives, because it can cause environmental damage. Therefore, it needs serious handling to overcome them. So that between government, society and the environment needed a reciprocal relationship that must always be developed to stay in a harmonious and dynamic state. Keywords: The role of government in handling Pollution in coastal area of Batam City   Pencemaran akibat limbah industri banyak terjadi pada ekosistem pesisir serta pada kondisi air laut. Sedangkan bila melihat kerusakan yang terjadi di wilayah pesisir dan lautan, kerusakan yang terjadi berupa rusaknya ekosistem pesisir seperti mangrove dan terumbu karang akibat reklamasi dan pencemaran. Kondisi ini banyak terjadi ketika Batam dipegang Otorita Batam. Terkait dengan permasalahan pencemaran lingkungan akibat industri membawa dampak yang luar biasa terhadap kehidupan masyarakat, karena bisa menimbulkan kerusakan lingkungan. Oleh karena itu, perlu penanganan yang serius untuk mengatasinya. Sehingga antara pemerintah, masyarakat dan lingkungan dibutuhkan hubungan timbal Balik yang selalu harus dikembangkan agar tetap dalam keadaan yang serasi dan dinamis. Kata kunci: Peran pemerintah dalam penanganan Pencemaran di wilayah pesisir Kota Bata

    Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever in Bantul, Jogyakarta, Indonesia

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    An epidemiological investigation of DHF outbreak was done from November to Desember 1976 in Bantul, which is an agricultural district located 25 kilometers south east Jogjakarta, Central Jawa. One hundred and twenty six cases were studied and 97 or 73% were confirmed as dengue infecti­on, the case fatality rate was 3.1%. The median age was 7 years and male to female ratio was 1:1.8. Clinically the observed cases ranged in severity from undifferentiated fever to shock and death. Dengue type, 1, 3 and 4 were isolated but dengue 3 was the predominant virus with 60% (27) isolates. Dengue type 1 and 4 were isolated also in equal numbers. Both A. Aegypti and A. albopictus showed a diversity of breeding habitats. While A. aegypti preferred the large cement tans and A. Albopictus cut bamboo stumps, there was considerable overlapping many breeding sites were shared by the 2 species

    Acoustic emission based damage localization in composites structures using Bayesian identification

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    Acoustic emission based damage detection in composite structures is based on detection of ultra high frequency packets of acoustic waves emitted from damage sources (such as fibre breakage, fatigue fracture, amongst others) with a network of distributed sensors. This non-destructive monitoring scheme requires solving an inverse problem where the measured signals are linked back to the location of the source. This in turn enables rapid deployment of mitigative measures. The presence of significant amount of uncertainty associated with the operating conditions and measurements makes the problem of damage identification quite challenging. The uncertainties stem from the fact that the measured signals are affected by the irregular geometries, manufacturing imprecision, imperfect boundary conditions, existing damages/structural degradation, amongst others. This work aims to tackle these uncertainties within a framework of automated probabilistic damage detection. The method trains a probabilistic model of the parametrized input and output model of the acoustic emission system with experimental data to give probabilistic descriptors of damage locations. A response surface modelling the acoustic emission as a function of parametrized damage signals collected from sensors would be calibrated with a training dataset using Bayesian inference. This is used to deduce damage locations in the online monitoring phase. During online monitoring, the spatially correlated time data is utilized in conjunction with the calibrated acoustic emissions model to infer the probabilistic description of the acoustic emission source within a hierarchical Bayesian inference framework. The methodology is tested on a composite structure consisting of carbon fibre panel with stiffeners and damage source behaviour has been experimentally simulated using standard H-N sources. The methodology presented in this study would be applicable in the current form to structural damage detection under varying operational loads and would be investigated in future studies

    Serological evidence for transmission of multiple dengue virus serotypes in Papua New Guinea and West Papua prior to 1963

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    Little is known about the natural history of dengue in Papua New Guinea (PNG). We assessed dengue virus (DENV)-specific neutralizing antibody profiles in serum samples collected from northern and southern coastal areas and the highland region of New Guinea between 1959 and 1963. Neutralizing antibodies were demonstrated in sera from the northern coast of New Guinea: from Sabron in Dutch New Guinea (now known as West Papua) and from four villages in East Sepik in what is now PNG. Previous monotypic infection with DENV-1, DENV-2, and DENV-4 was identified, with a predominance of anti-DENV-2 neutralizing antibody. The majority of positive sera demonstrated evidence of multiple previous DENV infections and neutralizing activity against all four serotypes was detected, with anti-DENV-2 responses being most frequent and of greatest magnitude. No evidence of previous DENV infection was identified in the Asmat villages of the southern coast and a single anti-DENV-positive sample was identified in the Eastern Highlands of PNG. These findings indicate that multiple DENV serotypes circulated along the northern coast of New Guinea at different times in the decades prior to 1963 and support the notion that dengue has been a significant yet neglected tropical infection in PNG for many decades

    Consequences of the Expanding Global Distribution of Aedes albopictus for Dengue Virus Transmission

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    The dramatic global expansion of Aedes albopictus in the last three decades has increased public health concern because it is a potential vector of numerous arthropod-borne viruses (arboviruses), including the most prevalent arboviral pathogen of humans, dengue virus (DENV). Ae. aegypti is considered the primary DENV vector and has repeatedly been incriminated as a driving force in dengue's worldwide emergence. What remains unresolved is the extent to which Ae. albopictus contributes to DENV transmission and whether an improved understanding of its vector status would enhance dengue surveillance and prevention. To assess the relative public health importance of Ae. albopictus for dengue, we carried out two complementary analyses. We reviewed its role in past dengue epidemics and compared its DENV vector competence with that of Ae. aegypti. Observations from “natural experiments” indicate that, despite seemingly favorable conditions, places where Ae. albopictus predominates over Ae. aegypti have never experienced a typical explosive dengue epidemic with severe cases of the disease. Results from a meta-analysis of experimental laboratory studies reveal that although Ae. albopictus is overall more susceptible to DENV midgut infection, rates of virus dissemination from the midgut to other tissues are significantly lower in Ae. albopictus than in Ae. aegypti. For both indices of vector competence, a few generations of mosquito colonization appear to result in a relative increase of Ae. albopictus susceptibility, which may have been a confounding factor in the literature. Our results lead to the conclusion that Ae. albopictus plays a relatively minor role compared to Ae. aegypti in DENV transmission, at least in part due to differences in host preferences and reduced vector competence. Recent examples of rapid arboviral adaptation to alternative mosquito vectors, however, call for cautious extrapolation of our conclusion. Vector status is a dynamic process that in the future could change in epidemiologically important ways