24,935 research outputs found

    Public Theology in the face of pain and suffering: A proletarian perspective

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    A basic understanding of theology is the quest for knowledge of the Divine—the study of God. But why, one may ask, undertake such an endeavour, and to what end? My simple response would be, to know God is to enhance and enrich my life and service. To know God is to understand His creation – humanity and, the created context. I practice theology to learn more about God and His creation. In the process, that knowledge serves to improve my professional practice as a spiritual care provider in a public health institution. Thus, originates the burden of this task – the implication of doing theology in a public domain. My hope is to reflect on the implications of my professional practice as a spiritual care provider engaging in theological discourse in a public health institution. I’ll attempt a discussion of the implications of public theology in a specific context – public health institution, employing a specific approach. By its nature, public theology may serve as a medium through which all the other branches of theology interact with the other disciplines and seek to promote the idea of individuals living out their spiritual values and beliefs for the good of the general public. This can be applied in any field including, educational, social, health, political, and/or religious institutions, whether public or private. Public theology may vary depending on the context and practitioners at any given time and place, but have similar goals. Before getting to how I practice theology publicly, I’ll first discuss my understanding of the term public theology

    Prevalence and Immediate Outcomes of Hypoxic Ischaemic Encephalopathy (HIE) Among Infants with Birth Asphyxia Admitted at the Neonatal ward of Muhimbili National Hospital in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

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    \ud To determine the prevalence and immediate outcome of infant with hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy (HIE) admitted at the Neonatal ward [ward 36] of Muhimbili National Hospital. Prospective cohort hospital based study at the neonatal unit of Muhimbili National Hospital (MNH). It involved neonates with either low apgar score (score≤ 7 at 5 minutes) and/or those young infants that were found to have symptoms and signs suggestive of HIE. Data were collected using a checklist, and analysed using Epi-info computer program. The study showed the prevalence of birth asphyxia at neonatal ward MNH to be 30.9% and among these, 92 neonates (82.1%) had HIE. Mortality due to HIE was 27.2%. Majority of neonates with mild HIE (92.3%) was discharged to their mothers while majority of those with severe HIE (51.6%) died. A total of 92 neonates were recruited in the study. The prevalence of birth asphyxia at the Neonatal ward MNH from 13th may to 31st may 2007 was 30.9%.h 27.2%. 92.3% of neonates with Mild HIE discharged within seven (7) days while more than half those with severe HIE (51.3%) died and 72% of deaths occurred within first three (3) days of life. Also the less the severity of HIE the less time of stay in the ward and the earlier the neonates started breastfeeding while the vise versa is true. HIE score chart is simple to use and its correct use can predict the prognosis of the neonates with HIE\u

    Impactos do Programa Bolsa Floresta: uma avaliação preliminar (Cadernos de Sustentabilidade)

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    Este estudo trata do Programa Bolsa Floresta (PBF), um dos maiores programas de Pagamento por Serviços Ambientais (PSA) do mundo, com mais de 35 mil pessoas atendidas em 15 Unidades de Conservação Estaduais (UCs) do Amazonas. Seus objetivos visam: melhorar a qualidade de vida das populações tradicionais e promover a manutenção dos serviços ambientais providos pelas florestas, por meio do não desmatamento e degradação florestal

    Book Review: Perspectives on Uganda – Reflections of an ODI Fellow by Prajakta Kharkar Nigam

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    Linet Juma says that Perspectives on Uganda – Reflections of an ODI Fellow stands out for giving practical examples of how to tailor policy around different contexts and not contexts around polic

    Pembentukan Kata Benda Bahasa Jerman Dalam Jugend Magazin (Juma)

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    TION Diese Untersuchung behandelt sich über “Die Bildung des Nomens im Jugend Magazin (JUMA)”. Sie hat das Ziel, um die Bildung des deutschen Nomens zu klassifizieren, zu identifizieren, zu analysieren und zu beschreiben. Die Daten werden von Jugend Magazin (JUMA) bekommen. Die Untersucherin benutzt eine deskriptive Methode, um die Daten zu analysieren. In diesem Fall beruhen die Theorien der Analyse auf den Meinungen von Bünting und Bernd Naumann. Nach Bünting besteht die Wortbildung aus Zusammensetzung und Derivation oder Ableitung oder abgeleitete Wörter; und nach Bernd Naumann kann die Bildung des deutschen Nomens bei anderen Wortarten gebildet werden. Das Ergebniss der Untersuchung wird gesogen, daβ die Bildung des deutschen Nomens durch Expansion, Derivation und geprägte Wörter gebildet werden. Derivation besteht aus zwei Arten sind funktionale Derivation und semantische Derivation. In dieser Wortbildung gibt es die wichtigen Elemente und sie haben auch mehrere Bedeutung. Die Bildung des deutschen Nomens kann durch Nomen von Nomen, Nomen von Adjektiv und Nomen von Verben geschehen werden. Stichwörter: Wort, Nomen, die Bildung, Jugend Magazin (JUMA

    Arts: Fiction and Fiction Writers: The Americas

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    This essay by Rachel Norman, which originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Women & Islamic Cultures, discusses contemporary Muslim fiction published in the United States with a particular focus on three novels: Mojha Kahf\u27s The Girl in the Tangerine Scarf, Laila Halaby\u27s Once in a Promised Land, and Randa Jarrar\u27s A Map of Home

    Does use of ICT-based market information services (MIS) improve welfare of smallholder farm households: Evidence from Kenya

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    The need to provide agricultural information to farmers has led to emergence of numerous ICT-based MIS projects in developing country. These projects aim at promoting commercialization of smallholder agriculture and subsequently their welfare. This study examines the welfare effects of one such project in western Kenya. It uses household food security and access to medical health services as proxies of welfare. The study finds that farmers that use ICT-based market information are more food secure and have better access to medical health services than their counterpart. It highlights policy implications of these findings.Smallholder farmers, market information service, mobile phones, well-being, Kenya, Food Security and Poverty, Institutional and Behavioral Economics, International Development, Marketing,

    Argument structure and agency in Bemba passives

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    Bemba employs two passive constructions: an older one with verbal extension -w- and a more recent construction involving the class 2 subject marker ba-. We argue that ba- is ambiguous between an ordinary, referential class 2 marker, and an underspecified passive marker, and is disambiguated by the overt encoding of a class 2 subject, or an oblique semantic agent phrase. Under the passive interpretation, the semantic patient displays both subject-like and object-like properties, posing a problem for the analysis of argument structure in these constructions, and of subjects and objects in Bantu. In contrast, the -w- passive extension is increasingly used in contexts where the agent cannot be expressed, but also in combination with the neutro-passive extension -ik-, that is, with predicates with reduced valency, where it licenses the expression of an agent oblique phrase. We argue that the ba- passive is used in more typical passive contexts, while the -w- passive becomes increasingly restricted to more marginal grammatical contexts. The paper shows that both passive constructions are taking part in a wider grammaticalization process, in which two main functions of the passive, change of argument structure and encoding of agency, are becoming dissociated