228 research outputs found

    Entanglement of bosonic modes in symmetric graphs

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    The ground and thermal states of a quadratic hamiltonian representing the interaction of bosonic modes or particles are always Gaussian states. We investigate the entanglement properties of these states for the case where the interactions are represented by harmonic forces acting along the edges of symmetric graphs, i.e. 1, 2, and 3 dimensional rectangular lattices, mean field clusters and platonic solids. We determine the Entanglement of Formation (EoF) as a function of the interaction strength, calculate the maximum EoF in each case and compare these values with the bounds found in \cite{wolf} which are valid for any quadratic hamiltonian.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figures, 3 tables, Latex, Accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Exciton spin-flip rate in quantum dots determined by a modified local density of optical states

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    The spin-flip rate that couples dark and bright excitons in self-assembled quantum dots is obtained from time-resolved spontaneous emission measurements in a modified local density of optical states. Employing this technique, we can separate effects due to non-radiative recombination and unambiguously record the spin-flip rate. The dependence of the spin-flip rate on emission energy is compared in detail to a recent model from the literature, where the spin flip is due to the combined action of short-range exchange interaction and acoustic phonons. We furthermore observe a surprising enhancement of the spin-flip rate close to a semiconductor-air interface, which illustrates the important role of interfaces for quantum dot based nanophotonic structures. Our work is an important step towards a full understanding of the complex dynamics of quantum dots in nanophotonic structures, such as photonic crystals, and dark excitons are potentially useful for long-lived coherent storage applications.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Quantum teleportation between light and matter

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    Quantum teleportation is an important ingredient in distributed quantum networks, and can also serve as an elementary operation in quantum computers. Teleportation was first demonstrated as a transfer of a quantum state of light onto another light beam; later developments used optical relays and demonstrated entanglement swapping for continuous variables. The teleportation of a quantum state between two single material particles (trapped ions) has now also been achieved. Here we demonstrate teleportation between objects of a different nature - light and matter, which respectively represent 'flying' and 'stationary' media. A quantum state encoded in a light pulse is teleported onto a macroscopic object (an atomic ensemble containing 10^12 caesium atoms). Deterministic teleportation is achieved for sets of coherent states with mean photon number (n) up to a few hundred. The fidelities are 0.58+-0.02 for n=20 and 0.60+-0.02 for n=5 - higher than any classical state transfer can possibly achieve. Besides being of fundamental interest, teleportation using a macroscopic atomic ensemble is relevant for the practical implementation of a quantum repeater. An important factor for the implementation of quantum networks is the teleportation distance between transmitter and receiver; this is 0.5 metres in the present experiment. As our experiment uses propagating light to achieve the entanglement of light and atoms required for teleportation, the present approach should be scalable to longer distances.Comment: 23 pages, 8 figures, incl. supplementary informatio

    Decay dynamics of quantum dots influenced by the local density of optical states of two-dimensional photonic crystal membranes

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    We have performed time-resolved spectroscopy on InAs quantum dot ensembles in photonic crystal membranes. The influence of the photonic crystal is investigated by varying the lattice constant systematically. We observe a strong slow down of the quantum dots' spontaneous emission rates as the two-dimensional bandgap is tuned through their emission frequencies. The measured band edges are in full agreement with theoretical predictions. We characterize the multi-exponential decay curves by their mean decay time and find enhancement of the spontaneous emission at the bandgap edges and strong inhibition inside the bandgap in good agreement with local density of states calculations.Comment: 9 pages (preprint), 3 figure

    Sequential Generation of Matrix-Product States in Cavity QED

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    We study the sequential generation of entangled photonic and atomic multi-qubit states in the realm of cavity QED. We extend the work of C. Schoen et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 110503 (2005)], where it was shown that all states generated in a sequential manner can be classified efficiently in terms of matrix-product states. In particular, we consider two scenarios: photonic multi-qubit states sequentially generated at the cavity output of a single-photon source and atomic multi-qubit states generated by their sequential interaction with the same cavity mode.Comment: 11 page

    Experimental demonstration of quantum memory for light

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    The information carrier of today's communications, a weak pulse of light, is an intrinsically quantum object. As a consequence, complete information about the pulse cannot, even in principle, be perfectly recorded in a classical memory. In the field of quantum information this has led to a long standing challenge: how to achieve a high-fidelity transfer of an independently prepared quantum state of light onto the atomic quantum state? Here we propose and experimentally demonstrate a protocol for such quantum memory based on atomic ensembles. We demonstrate for the first time a recording of an externally provided quantum state of light onto the atomic quantum memory with a fidelity up to 70%, significantly higher than that for the classical recording. Quantum storage of light is achieved in three steps: an interaction of light with atoms, the subsequent measurement on the transmitted light, and the feedback onto the atoms conditioned on the measurement result. Density of recorded states 33% higher than that for the best classical recording of light on atoms is achieved. A quantum memory lifetime of up to 4 msec is demonstrated.Comment: 22 pages (double line spacing) incl. supplementary information, 4 figures, accepted for publication in Natur

    Quantum benchmark for storage and transmission of coherent states

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    We consider the storage and transmission of a Gaussian distributed set of coherent states of continuous variable systems. We prove a limit on the average fidelity achievable when the states are transmitted or stored by a classical channel, i.e., a measure and repreparation scheme which sends or stores classical information only. The obtained bound is tight and serves as a benchmark which has to be surpassed by quantum channels in order to outperform any classical strategy. The success in experimental demonstrations of quantum memories as well as quantum teleportation has to be judged on this footing.Comment: 4 pages, references added, minor change

    Characterizing the spin state of an atomic ensemble using the magneto-optical resonance method

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    Quantum information protocols utilizing atomic ensembles require preparation of a coherent spin state (CSS) of the ensemble as an important starting point. We investigate the magneto-optical resonance method for characterizing a spin state of cesium atoms in a paraffin coated vapor cell. Atoms in a constant magnetic field are subject to an off-resonant laser beam and an RF magnetic field. The spectrum of the Zeeman sub-levels, in particular the weak quadratic Zeeman effect, enables us to measure the spin orientation, the number of atoms, and the transverse spin coherence time. Notably the use of 894nm pumping light on the D1-line, ensuring the state F=4, m_F=4 to be a dark state, helps us to achieve spin orientation of better than 98%. Hence we can establish a CSS with high accuracy which is critical for the analysis of the entangled states of atoms.Comment: 12 pages ReVTeX, 6 figures, in v2 added ref. and corrected typo

    Differential atom interferometry beyond the standard quantum limit

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    We analyze methods to go beyond the standard quantum limit for a class of atomic interferometers, where the quantity of interest is the difference of phase shifts obtained by two independent atomic ensembles. An example is given by an atomic Sagnac interferometer, where for two ensembles propagating in opposite directions in the interferometer this phase difference encodes the angular velocity of the experimental setup. We discuss methods of squeezing separately or jointly observables of the two atomic ensembles, and compare in detail advantages and drawbacks of such schemes. In particular we show that the method of joint squeezing may improve the variance by up to a factor of 2. We take into account fluctuations of the number of atoms in both the preparation and the measurement stage, and obtain bounds on the difference of the numbers of atoms in the two ensembles, as well as on the detection efficiency, which have to be fulfilled in order to surpass the standard quantum limit. Under realistic conditions, the performance of both schemes can be improved significantly by reading out the phase difference via a quantum non-demolition (QND) measurement. Finally, we discuss a scheme using macroscopically entangled ensembles.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures; eq. (3) corrected and other minor change

    Towards an eficient atomic frequency comb quantum memory

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    We present an efficient photon-echo experiment based on atomic frequency combs [Phys. Rev. A 79, 052329 (2009)]. Echoes containing an energy of up to 35% of that of the input pulse are observed in a Pr3+-doped Y2SiO5 crystal. This material allows for the precise spectral holeburning needed to make a sharp and highly absorbing comb structure. We compare our results with a simple theoretical model with satisfactory agreement. Our results show that atomic frequency combs has the potential for high-efficiency storage of single photons as required in future long-distance communication based on quantum repeaters.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure
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