189 research outputs found

    Genomic approaches to understand sweetpotato root development in relation to abiotic factors

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    Storage root development is the most important physiological process in sweetpotato. Understanding the underlying genetics is the overall objective of this research. A secondary objective is examining the impact of abiotic stress on gene expression and storage root development. A comprehensive analysis of a high-throughput RNA sequencing data (sweetpotato root, stem, and leaf) and public Expressed Sequences Tags was done to generate a genome-wide transcriptome assembly. About 33 million sequences were assembled into 77,663 unigenes; 52,322 (69.55%) of these unigenes matched to a protein sequence from UniprotKB. Data from de novo root transcriptome enriched the existing sweetpotato gene index by 37,697 new sequences. Genes which control storage root formation under normal and drought and salt stress conditions were identified through a combination of (quantitative) reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (qRT-RT-PCR) and microarray analysis. Global gene expression analysis using a custom sweetpotato oligo array, including ~ 14,000 unigenes derived from the de novo transcriptome, identified 1,111 differentially expressed transcripts between fibrous and young storage roots; the majority of these transcripts are involved in basic cellular processes as well as development and differentiation. A set of regulatory genes, such as BEL1-like (BELL), basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) and HD-Zip homeobox, and signal transduction genes, such as those encoding calcium binding proteins (CBP), calcium dependent protein kinases (CDPK) and genes involved in post-transcriptional modifications (protein phosphatase 2A and a phosphatase associated protein) were up-regulated in early developing storage roots in comparison to fibrous roots. Thirteen out of 20 selected genes showed altered expression under drought stress and suppressed expression under salt stress. Interestingly, IbBEL1 and IbCRF1 (cytokinin response factor) were upregulated in two-week-old adventitious roots of the plants given drought stress at planting but were downregulated in storage roots as revealed from sequence-based digital gene expression and microarray analyses. Field and greenhouse studies showed a significant reduction in storage root number and size under drought stress. Altogether, this study furthers our knowledge in identification of new genes that are crucial in the physiological, metabolic, and molecular events during root organogenesis in sweetpotato under normal conditions and in response to external stimuli – drought and/or salt stress

    The Effect of Traditional Practices in the Efficiency of Dairy Farms in Wisconsin

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    The US dairy sector is facing structural changes including a geographical shift in dairy production and a tendency towards the implementation of more intensive production systems. These changes might significantly affect farm efficiency, profitability and the long-term economic sustainability of the dairy sector, especially in more traditional dairy production areas. Consequently, the goal of this study was to examine the impact of practices commonly used by dairy farmers and the effect of intensification on the performance of the farms. We used a sample of 273 Wisconsin dairy farms to estimate a stochastic production frontier simultaneously with a technical inefficiency model. The empirical analysis showed that at a commercial level the administration of bovine somatotropin hormone to lactating cows increases milk production. In addition, we found that production exhibits constant returns to scale and that farm efficiency is positively related to farm intensification, the level of contribution of family labor in the farm activities, the use of a total mixed ration (TMR) feeding system and the milking frequency.Technical inefficiency, stochastic production frontier, intensification, Livestock Production/Industries, Productivity Analysis,

    Cadena de suministro y gestión de demanda: modelando su integración

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    La investigación propone gestionar en simultáneo las decisiones referidas al suministro y las que provienen de la demanda, para alcanzar una mayor rentabilidad. En esta propuesta, tanto el suministro (sometido a capacidades) como la demanda (sometida al mercado) son factibles de gestión. Se busca eliminar las situaciones conflictivas mediante la integración de las acciones de ventas y marketing con las condiciones complejas y cambiantes de la cadena de suministro.La investigación propone gestionar en simultáneo las decisiones referidas al suministro y las que provienen de la demanda, para alcanzar una mayor rentabilidad. En esta propuesta, tanto el suministro (sometido a capacidades) como la demanda (sometida al mercado) son factibles de gestión. Se busca eliminar las situaciones conflictivas mediante la integración de las acciones de ventas y marketing con las condiciones complejas y cambiantes de la cadena de suministro

    A Sweeping Process Control Problem Subject To Mixed Constraints

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    In this study, we investigate optimal control problems that involve sweeping processes with a drift term and mixed inequality constraints. Our goal is to establish necessary optimality conditions for these problems. We address the challenges that arise due to the combination of sweeping processes and inequality mixed constraints in two contexts: regular and non-regular. This requires working with different types of multipliers, such as finite positive Radon measures for the sweeping term and integrable functions for regular mixed constraints. For non-regular mixed constraints, the multipliers correspond to purely finitely additive set functions.Comment: 6 page

    Inserción de las empresas peruanas en las cadenas globales de suministro

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    La creciente importancia de la gestión de cadenas de suministro globales es resaltada por muchos investigadores y empresarios. La progresiva liberalización de las transacciones internacionales, los avances en los sistemas de producción, las facilidades para el acceso a información mundial en tiempo real y las mejoras en la logística y los servicios, han incentivado la creación de cadenas globales con participantes ubicados geográficamente en diversos países. Ante esta situación la manera en que un país debe planificar estratégica y tácticamente su potencial exportador, tiene que evolucionar recurriendo al conocimiento actual en el tema y a las posibilidades digitales de obtención y procesamiento de información de nuestros días

    Las mejoras salariales en los trabajadores públicos a través de la Ley N° 31188

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    El presente estudio analiza la Ley Nº 31188 Ley de Negociación Colectiva en el sector público, publicado el día 30 de abril del año 2021 y su implicancia en las mejoras salariales de los trabajadores y servidores del estado, debiendo comprender que dichos convenios han sido un proceso largo y difícil y se enmarca dentro de las relaciones laborales de los trabajadores del sector público. Los convenios colectivos alinean las responsabilidades laborales de los trabajadores con los derechos y beneficios que les corresponde a cada uno por cumplir con su función al servicio del estado, siendo esta perspectiva un buen indicador de la cultura de negociación para los organismos internacionales y la demostración de su capacidad de diálogo y consenso entre ellos, observándose que en el Perú la mayoría de los logros y beneficios de los trabajadores se han obtenido mediante movilizaciones y luchas de las organizaciones sindicales destacando entre ellos a la Confederación de Trabajadores Estatales del Perú, como también los sindicatos que se articulan en torno a esta matriz sindical, concluyendo en que el Congreso ha aprobado por insistencia la Ley de Negociación Colectiva en el Sector público; La ley establece ítems que corresponden a las cláusulas económicas, condiciones económicas, mejores condiciones laborales, procedimientos de seguridad y salud en el trabajo, garantías de género y las relaciones laborales entre el Estado y sus servidores, por lo que, con la dación del Decreto Supremo 008-2022-PCM se abrió un nuevo camino a los sindicatos. A pesar de que, el artículo 28 de la Carta Magna del 1993, establece una garantía democrática del derecho a la negociación colectiva existe una real contradicción con el régimen económico del estado en el cual en su artículo 58 permite una real libertad en la iniciativa privada y el ejercicio una economía social de mercado, llegando así a perjudicar a los trabajadores en sus respectivos derechos y beneficios laborales, al extremo de bloquear todo tipo de convenios y mejoras salariales hasta la dación de la presente ley. Finalmente, debo mencionar la participación nuestro equipo en la Comisión de Trabajo en el Congreso periodo 2018-2019 presidida por el congresista Lapa, donde articulamos el texto sustitutorio cuyos términos están contenidas en la Ley Nº 31188, reconociendo nuestro vital aporte, de las organizaciones sindicales, instituciones como MTPE, Servir y otras, que en diversas mesas de trabajo contribuyeron para la cristalización de este anhelo de un sector importante de la ciudadanía que son los trabajadores públicos.This study analyzes Law No. 31188 Collective Bargaining Law in the public sector, published on April 30, 2021, and its implication in the salary improvements of state workers and servants, understanding that said agreements have been a process long and difficult and is part of the labor relations of public sector workers. Collective agreements align the work responsibilities of workers with the rights and benefits that correspond to each one for fulfilling their role at the service of the state, this perspective being a good indicator of the culture of negotiation for international organizations and the demonstration of their capacity for dialogue and consensus among them, noting that in Peru most of the achievements and benefits of the workers have been obtained through mobilizations and struggles of the union organizations, highlighting among them the Confederation of State Workers of Peru, as well as the unions that are articulated around this union matrix, concluding that Congress has insistently approved the Law on Collective Bargaining in the Public Sector; The law establishes items that correspond to economic clauses, economic conditions, better working conditions, safety and health procedures at work, gender guarantees and labor relations between the State and its servants, therefore, with the issuance of the Decree Supreme 008-2022-PCM a new path was opened for the unions. Despite the fact that article 28 of the Magna Carta of 1993 establishes a democratic guarantee of the right to collective bargaining, there is a real contradiction with the economic regime of the state in which article 58 allows real freedom in private initiative. and the exercise of a social market economy, thus harming workers in their respective labor rights and benefits, to the point of blocking all types of agreements and salary improvements until the enactment of this law. Finally, I must mention the participation of our team in the Labor Commission in Congress for the 2018-2019 period chaired by Congressman Lapa, where we articulated the substitute text whose terms are contained in Law No. 31188, recognizing our vital contribution, from the union organizations , institutions such as MTPE, Servir and others, which in various work groups contributed to the crystallization of this desire of an important sector of the citizenry that are public workers

    Modelos de integración en cadenas de suministros globales

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    El objetivo de esta investigación fue crear un modelo de referencia, de tal manera que un país planifique estratégica y tácticamente su potencial exportador, haciendo uso de la información que los medios digitales ponen al alcance de todo analista hoy en día, y con el poder de procesamiento que tiene una simple computadora personal.El objetivo de esta investigación fue crear un modelo de referencia, de tal manera que un país planifique estratégica y tácticamente su potencial exportador, haciendo uso de la información que los medios digitales ponen al alcance de todo analista hoy en día, y con el poder de procesamiento que tiene una simple computadora personal

    Antigen-Induced IL-1RA Production Discriminates Active and Latent Tuberculosis Infection

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    The IGRA (Interferon Gamma Release Assays) test is currently the standard specific test for Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection status. However, a positive test cannot distinguish between active tuberculosis disease (ATBD) and latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI). Developing a test with this characteristic is needed. We conducted longitudinal studies to identify a combination of antigen peptides and cytokines to discriminate between ATBD and LTBI. We studied 54 patients with ATBD disease and 51 with LTBI infection. Cell culture supernatant from cells stimulated with overlapping Mycobacterium tuberculosis novel peptides and 40 cytokines/chemokines were analyzed using the Luminex technology. To summarize longitudinal measurements of analyte levels, we calculated the area under the curve (AUC). Our results indicate that in vitro cell stimulation with a novel combination of peptides (Rv0849-12, Rv2031c-14, Rv2031c-5, and Rv2693-06) and IL-1RA detection in culture supernatants can discriminate between LTBI and ATBD
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