1,876 research outputs found
La regularització dels textos vuitcentistes espanyols
La regularització dels textos vuitcentistesespanyols és el resultat de lamagna empresa que porta a terme alllarg d’un segle la Real Academia Española,institució creada el 1714 per FelipV. A partir de 1815, podem considerarque la llengua ja ha quedat bàsicamentfixada i uniformada. En aquest articlefem una repassada ràpida pel procésd’estandardització de la llengua castellanai el seu reflex en la producciótextual. A més a més, s’aborda un delsproblemes als quals s’ha d’enfrontarqualsevol editor crític, en aquest cas concret, el model de llengua que fanservir els editors espanyols en recuperartextos de fa tres segles
Desafiant la censura : Joan Dalla d'Àngel Guimerà
L’últim drama que va escriure ÀngelGuimerà fou Joan Dalla (1921). Lapeça, de marcada exaltació patriòtica,recrea el setge i la caiguda deBarcelona l’11 de setembre de 1714.La companyia de teatre del directori actor Jaume Borràs tenia previst estrenar-la el dimarts 11 de gener de1921 al Teatre Novetats de Barcelona,però unes hores abans el governadorcivil i militar, don Severiano MartínezAnido, en denega l’autoritzaciói anuncia la suspensió de l’estrena ambcaràcter definitiu. Un parell de mesosmés tard, Josep M. Poblet demanapermís a Guimerà per representarl’obra a la localitat de Montblanc i, enconnivència amb l’alcalde, estrenenal Casino de la vila la peça que nohavia estat autoritzada a Barcelona.Diversos petits pobles de Catalunyasegueixen l’exemple montblanquí, i elJoan Dalla es converteix en un símbolde catalanitat i en un desafiament al’autoritat. L’obra no es representà a laciutat comtal fins l’adveniment de la IIRepública, en 1931
Irene Polo, Spanish translator of Pride and Prejudice. A story of adversity
El 1936 Irene Polo marxa a Sud-Amèrica formant part de la companyia dramàtica de Margarita Xirgu. L’esclat de la Guerra Civil n’impedeix el retorn. Dissolta la companyia, s’instal·la a Buenos Aires i, per guanyar-se la vida, comença a fer traduccions; entre elles, la d’Orgullo y perjuicio, de Jane Austen, per a la Biblioteca Primor d’Editorial Juventud Argentina. Aviat el volum es converteix en rar i curiós, per diversos motius, i la seva traducció és presa de l’anonimat o de l’apropiació indeguda.In 1936 Irene Polo travelled to South America as part of the theatre company led by Margarita Xirgu. The outbreak of the Spanish Civil War prevented her from returning to Spain. Once the company was disbanded, she settled in Buenos Aires and began earning her living as a translator, publishing, among other titles, Jane Austen’s Orgullo y perjuicio for the series Biblioteca Primor at Editorial Juventud Argentina publishing house. The volume soon became a rare and curious edition for several reasons, and her translation fell into anonymity and misappropriation
Vejamen de Alfonso de Batres para la academia de 1638
Durante el mes de febrero de 1638 se celebraron en el palacio del Buen Retiro las
fiestas de carnestolendas. Entre las actividades programadas, se realizó una academia literaria en
la que participaron poetas y cortesanos. De ella se conservan tres vejámenes: el de Alfonso de
Batres, el de Antonio Coello y el de Francisco de Rojas Zorrilla.
En el presente artículo se analiza y edita críticamente el vejamen que Batres defendió
ante sus majestades en el Salón Real del Retiro el 11 de febrero de 1638.During February 1638 the Fiestas de carnestolendas were celebrated at the Buen
Retiro Palace, Madrid. Among the programmed activities, a literary gathering was held, open to
numerous poets and courtiers. From this gathering three vejamenes have been preserved: those
of Alfonso de Batres, Antonio Coello and Francisco de Rojas Zorrilla.
In this paper we analyze and annotate the vejamen that Batres read before His Majesties
in the Royal Salon of the Retiro Palace on February 11, 1638
"No hay para un padre reposo": Conflictos paternofiliales en las comedias cainitas de Francisco de Rojas Zorrilla
Critics concur in pointing out that in No hay ser padre siendo rey, El Caín de
Cataluña and El más impropio verdugo, Rojas Zorrilla develops two motifs that are
inextricably interwoven: Cainism, resulting from sibling envy, and the conflict
between paternal love and social duty, as fatherhood often coincides with powerholding. Nevertheless, there is a topic that is often overlooked which comes through
in all of them: father–son confrontation. This study presents the complex father–son
relations in these plays and analyzes the differences and similarities between them.La crítica coincide en señalar que en No hay ser padre siendo rey, El Caín de
Cataluña y El más impropio verdugo Rojas Zorrilla desarrolla dos motivos
íntimamente relacionados: el cainismo, resultado de la envidia entre hermanos, y el
conflicto entre el amor paternal y el deber social, pues a la condición de padre suele
asociarse la de poderoso. No obstante, hay un tema que suele pasarse por alto y que
está presente en todas ellas: el enfrentamiento paternofilial. En el presente trabajo
nos acercamos a las complejas relaciones entre el padre y los hijos que aparecen en
estas piezas y analizamos las diferencias y semejanzas que existen entre ellas
Varicella Zoster Virus and Relapsing Remitting Multiple Sclerosis
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an immune-mediated disorder; however, little is known about the triggering factors of the abnormal immune response. Different viruses from the herpes family have been mentioned as potential participants. Here, we review the evidences that support the association of varicella zoster virus (VZV) with MS. Epidemiological studies from geographical areas, where incidence of MS has increased in recent decades, pointed out a high frequency of varicella and zoster in the clinical antecedents of MS patients, and also laboratory investigations have found large quantities of DNA from VZV in leucocytes and cerebrospinal fluid of MS patients restricted to the ephemeral period of MS relapse, followed by disappearance of the virus during remission. The above observations and the peculiar features of VZV, mainly characterized by its neurotropism and long periods of latency followed by viral reactivation, support the idea on the participation of VZV in the etiology of MS. However, as with reports from studies with other viruses, particularly Epstein Barr virus, conflicting results on confirmatory studies about the presence of viral gene products in brain tissue indicate the need for further research on the potential participation of VZV in the etiology of MS
Test of Spanish sentences to measure speech intelligibility in noise conditions
This article describes the development of a test for measuring the intelligibility of speech in noise for the Spanish language, similar to the test developed by Kalikow, Stevens, and Elliot (Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 5, 1337–1360, 1977) for the English language. The test consists of six forms, each comprising 25 high-predictability (HP) sentences and 25 low-predictability (LP) sentences. The sentences were used in a perceptual task to assess their intelligibility in babble noise across three different signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) conditions in a sample of 474 normal-hearing listeners. The results showed that the listeners obtained higher scores of intelligibility for HP sentences than for LP sentences, and the scores were lower for the higher SNRs, as was expected. The final six forms were equivalent in intelligibility and phonetic conten
Lists of Spanish sentences with equivalent predictability, phonetic content, length, and frequency of the last word
This paper presents a pool of Spanish sentences designed for use in cognitive research and speech processing in circumstances in which the effects of context are relevant. These lists of sentences are divided into six lists of 25 equiva- lent high-predictability sentences and six lists of 25 low-predictability sentences according to the extent to which the last word can be predicted by the preceding context. These lists were also equivalent in phonetic content, length and frequency of the last word. These lists are intended for use in psycholinguistic research with Spanish-speaking listener
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