44 research outputs found


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    Desde su introducción, los motores de combustión interna alternativos han sido desarrollados con el fin de reducir el consumo y mejorar el rendimiento y facilidad de conducción. Con el tiempo, la contaminación se ha convertido en un factor crítico para los gobiernos y como consecuencia se han introducido regulaciones para reducir las emisiones contaminantes de los motores. Con el constante progreso tecnológico requerido por las normas contra la contaminación, la inyección directa se ha vuelto indispensable en cuanto a los motores Diesel. La introducción de combustible en la cámara de combustión permite un alto nivel de control sobre la liberación de energía del proceso de combustión. Con las novedosas estrategias de combustión empleadas, el proceso de inyección se ha convertido en el tema principal y el chorro es el factor principal. El trabajo realizado a lo largo de este estudio para analizar el proceso de mezcla aire-combustible se basa en el desarrollo de técnicas láser de diagnóstico. Inicialmente, la inyección de Diesel se ha estudiado en una atmósfera isoterma para evitar la evaporación del combustible (dodecano) a través del uso de una iluminación estructurada para medir la distribución de la mezcla mediante el control de la dispersión de Mie. La aplicación de la dispersión de Rayleigh en la parte evaporada del chorro inyectado en una cámara a alta temperatura ha permitido la obtención de la distribución de combustible en una situación equivalente a la existente en un motor real. El análisis y comparación de los distintos parámetros del chorro inyectado en condiciones de baja o alta temperatura da la posibilidad de entender mejor lo que es el proceso de mezcla en los motores Diesel. Por otra parte, según el estado del fluido inyectado, líquido o gaseoso, las condiciones experimentales tendrán diferentes efectos y la mezcla aire-combustible también tendrá un comportamiento distinto.Manin ., JL. (2011). ANALYSIS OF MIXING PROCESSES IN LIQUID AND VAPORIZED DIESEL SPRAYS THROUGH LIF AND RAYLEIGH SCATTERING MEASUREMENTS [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/10189Palanci

    Transcritical mixing of sprays for multi-component fuel mixtures

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    [EN] The mixing of fuels with oxidizer has been an increasingly interesting area of research with new engine technologies and the need to reduce emissions, while leveraging efficiency. High-efficiency combustion systems such as diesel engines rely on elevated chamber pressures to maximize power density, producing higher output. In such systems, the fuel is injected under liquid state in a chamber filled with pressurized air at high temperatures. Theoretical calculations on the thermodynamics of fuel mixing processes under these conditions suggest that the injected liquid can undergo a transcritical change of state. Our previous experimental efforts in that regard showed through highspeed imaging that spray droplets transition to fluid parcels mixing without notable surface tension forces, supporting a transcritical process. Only mono-component fuels were used in these studies to provide full control over boundary conditions, which prevented extrapolation of the findings to real systems in which multi-component fuels are injected. Multi-component fuels add another layer of complexity, especially when detailed experiments serve model development, requiring the fuels to be well characterized. In this work, we performed high-speed microscopy in the near-field of high-pressure sprays injected into elevated temperature and pressure environments. A reference diesel fuel and several multi-component surrogates were studied and compared to single component fuels. The results support that a transition occurs under certain thermodynamic conditions for all fuels. As anticipated, the transition from classical evaporation to diffusive mixing is affected by ambient conditions, fuel properties, droplet size and velocity, as well as time scales. Analogous to previous observations made with the normal alkane sprays, the behavior of the multi-component fuels correlate well with their bulk critical properties.This work was supported by the UK’s Engineering and Physical Science Research Council [grant number EP/K020528/1]. The authors gratefully acknowledge Coordinating Research Council Project AVFL-18a for formulating, characterizing, and providing the target and surrogate fuels used in this study. This study was performed at the Combustion Research Facility, Sandia National Laboratories is a multi-mission laboratory managed and operated by National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC., a wholly owned subsidiary of Honeywell International, Inc., for the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration under contract DE-NA0003525.Manin, J.; Crua, C.; Pickett, LM. (2017). Transcritical mixing of sprays for multi-component fuel mixtures. En Ilass Europe. 28th european conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 553-560. https://doi.org/10.4995/ILASS2017.2017.5065OCS55356

    Diesel ignition delay and lift-off length through different methodologies using a multi-hole injector

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    In this paper, lift-off length has been measured via both broadband luminosity and OH chemiluminescence. In addition, ignition delay has also been measured via broadband chemiluminescence and Schlieren imaging. A 3 orifice injector from the Engine Combustion Network (ECN) set, referred to as Spray B, and a single component fuel (n-dodecane) was used. Experiments were carried out in a constant flow and pressure facility, that allowed to reproduce engine-like thermodynamic conditions, and enabled the study to be performed over a wide range of test conditions with a very high repetition rate. Data obtained was also compared with results from a single orifice injector also from the Engine Combustion Network, with analog orifice characteristics (90 lm outlet diameter and convergent shape) and technology as the injector used. Results showed that there is good correlation between the ignition delay measured through both methodologies, that oxygen concentration and injection pressure plays a minor role in the ignition delay, being ambient temperature and density the parameters with the highest influence. Lift-off length measurements showed significant differences between methodologies. Minor deviation was observed between injectors with different nozzle geometry (seat inclination angle), due to temperature variations along the chamber, highlighting the importance of temperature distribution along combustion vessels. Empirical correlations for lift-off and ignition delay were calculated, underlining the effect of the conditions on the parameters studied. Coefficients of the correlations were compared with results for the single orifice injector, this showed that variations of test conditions have the same impact on ignition delay and lift-off length regardless the nozzle orifice configuration.This work was sponsored by "Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad" of the Spanish Government in the frame of the Project "Comprension de la influencia de combustibles no convencionales en el proceso de injeccion y combustion tipo Diesel", Reference TRA2012-36932. Additionally, the optical equipment used for the project was purchased with funding from Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad FEDER-ICTS-2012-06.Payri, R.; Salvador Rubio, FJ.; Manin, J.; Viera Sotillo, AA. (2016). Diesel ignition delay and lift-off length through different methodologies using a multi-hole injector. Applied Energy. 162:541-550. doi:10.1016/j.apenergy.2015.10.118S54155016

    On the transcritical mixing of fuels at diesel engine conditions

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    Whilst the physics of both classical evaporation and supercritical fluid mixing are reasonably well characterized and understood in isolation, little is known about the transition from one to the other in the context of liquid fuel systems. The lack of experimental data for microscopic droplets at realistic operating conditions impedes the development of phenomenological and numerical models. To address this issue we performed systematic measurements using high-speed long-distance microscopy, for three single-component fuels (n-heptane, n-dodecane, n-hexadecane), into gas at elevated temperatures (700-1200 K) and pressures (2-11 MPa). We describe these high-speed visualizations and the time evolution of the transition from liquid droplet to fuel vapour at the microscopic level. The measurements show that the classical atomization and vaporisation processes do shift to one where surface tension forces diminish with increasing pressure and temperature, but the transition to diffusive mixing does not occur instantaneously when the fuel enters the chamber. Rather, subcritical liquid structures exhibit surface tension in the near-nozzle region and then, after time surrounded by the hot ambient gas and fuel vapour, undergo a transition to a dense miscible fluid. Although there was clear evidence of surface tension and primary atomization for n-dodecane and n-hexadecane for a period of time at all the above conditions, n-heptane appeared to produce a supercritical fluid from the nozzle outlet when injected at the most elevated conditions (1200 K, 10 MPa). This demonstrates that the time taken by a droplet to transition to diffusive mixing depends on the pressure and temperature of the gas surrounding the droplet as well as the fuel properties. We summarise our observations into a phenomenological model which describes the morphological evolution and transition of microscopic droplets from classical evaporation through a transitional mixing regime and towards diffusive mixing, as a function of operating conditions. We provide criteria for these regime transitions as reduced pressure–temperature correlations, revealing the conditions where transcritical mixing is important to diesel fuel spray mixing

    Particle Size Calibration Testing in the NASA Propulsion Systems Laboratory

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    The particle size characterization portion of the 2017 Propulsion Systems Laboratory (PSL) Cloud Calibration is described. The work focuses on characterizing the particle size distribution of the icing cloud as a function of simulated atmospheric conditions.These results will aid in upcoming ice crystal and supercooled liquid icing tests in PSL. Measurements acquired with the Phase Doppler Interferometer and High Speed Imaging instruments are presented. Experimental results indicate that the particle size distribution is primarily a function nozzle air and water pressures, and that air speed is not a significant effect for ice crystal clouds in PSL and both thermodynamic conditions and air speed are not significant effects for supercooled liquid water clouds in PSL

    Particle Size Calibration Testing in the NASA Propulsion Systems Laboratory

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    The particle size characterization portion of the 2017 Propulsion Systems Laboratory (PSL) Cloud Calibration is described. The work focuses on characterizing the particle size distribution of the icing cloud as a function of simulated atmospheric conditions.These results will aid in upcoming ice crystal and supercooled liquid icing tests in PSL. Measurements acquired with the Phase Doppler Interferometer and High Speed Imaging instruments are presented. Experimental results indicate that the particle size distribution is primarily a function nozzle air and water pressures, and that air speed is not a significant effect for ice crystal clouds in PSL and both thermodynamic conditions and air speed are not significant effects for supercooled liquid water clouds in PSL

    Internal and near nozzle measurements of Engine Combustion Network "Spray G" gasoline direct injectors

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    [EN] Gasoline direct injection (GDI) sprays are complex multiphase flows. When compared to multi-hole diesel sprays, the plumes are closely spaced, and the sprays are more likely to interact. The effects of multi-jet interaction on entrainment and spray targeting can be influenced by small variations in the mass fluxes from the holes, which in turn depend on transients in the needle movement and small-scale details of the internal geometry. In this paper, we present a comprehensive overview of a multi-institutional effort to experimentally characterize the internal geometry and near-nozzle flow of the Engine Combustion Network (ECN) Spray G gasoline injector. In order to develop a complete pictitre of the near-nozzle flow, a standardized setup was shared between facilities. A wide range of techniques were employed, including both X-ray and visible-light diagnostics. The novel aspects of this work include both new experimental measurements, and a comparison of the results across different techniques and facilities. The breadth and depth of the data reveal phenomena which were not apparent from analysis of the individual data sets. We show that plume-to-plume variations in the mass fluxes from the holes can cause large-scale asymmetries in the entrainment field and spray structure. Both internal flow transients and small-scale geometric features can have an effect on the external flow. The sharp turning angle of the flow into the holes also causes an inward vectoring of the plumes relative to the hole drill angle, which increases with time due to entrainment of gas into a low-pressure region between the plumes. These factors increase the likelihood of spray collapse with longer injection durations.The X-ray experiments were performed at the 7-BM and 32-ID beam lines of the APS at Argonne National Laboratory. Use of the APS is supported by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) under Contract No. DE-AC02-06CH11357. Research was also performed at the Combustion Research Facility, Sandia National Laboratories, Livermore, California. Sandia National Laboratories is managed and operated by National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Honeywell International, Inc., for the U.S. Department of Energy National Nuclear Security Administration under contract DE-NA-0003525.Duke, DJ.; Kastengren, AL.; Matusik, KE.; Swantek, AB.; Powell, CF.; Payri, R.; Vaquerizo, D.... (2017). Internal and near nozzle measurements of Engine Combustion Network "Spray G" gasoline direct injectors. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science. 88:608-621. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.expthermflusci.2017.07.015S6086218

    Fuel temperature influence on diesel sprays in inert and reacting conditions

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    The detailed knowledge of the evaporationecombustion process of the Diesel spray is a key factor for the development of robust injection strategies able to reduce the pollutant emissions and keep or increase the combustion efficiency. In this work several typical measurement applied to the diesel spray diagnostic (liquid length, lift-off length and ignition delay) have been employed in a novel continuous flow test chamber that allows an accurate control on a wide range of thermodynamic test conditions (up to 1000 K and 15 MPa). A step forward in the control of the test boundary conditions has been done employing a special system to study the fuel temperature effect on the evaporation and combustion of the spray. The temperature of the injector body has been controlled with a thermostatic system and the relationship between injector body and fuel temperature has been observed experimentally. Imaging diagnostics have been employed to visualize the liquid phase penetration in evaporative/inert conditions and, lift-off length and ignition delay in reactive condition. The results underline a clear influence of the injector body temperature on both conditions, evaporative and, in a lesser degree, reactive; finally the physical models found in the literature have been compared with the results obtained experimentallyThis research has been funded in the frame of the project FLEXIFUEL reference TRA2010-17564 from Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion. The injectors are part of the ECN international project.Payri Marín, R.; García Oliver, JM.; Bardi, M.; Manin, J. (2012). Fuel temperature influence on diesel sprays in inert and reacting conditions. Applied Thermal Engineering. 35:185-195. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2011.10.027S1851953

    Determination of the optical depth of a DI diesel spray

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    The optical depth is responsible of limiting the optical diagnostic using visible wavelength in the sprays. This paper proposes to measure the optical depth directly in a real Diesel spray through line-of-sight laser extinction measurements. This easily reproducible method which does not require expensive or complex optical techniques is detailed and the measurement procedure is presented in this paper. As diesel sprays are mostly optically thick, the measurements in the denser region are not reliable and a fuel concentration model has been used to derive the results to the entire spray. This work provides values of SMD at different distance from the nozzle tip depending on the specific parameters like injection pressure or discharge density. The values extracted from a combined experimental/computational approach have been compared to PDPA measurements under the same testing conditions. The results have shown that the maximum optical depth was higher than 10 and that an increase of the injection pressure led to higher ¿ values. The SMD values appeared to be below the results measured by the PDPA and the droplet diameter showed to be the main responsible of the optical depth of the jet under the tested conditions. © 2011 The Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.Payri González, F.; Pastor, JV.; Payri, R.; Manin, JL. (2011). Determination of the optical depth of a DI diesel spray. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology. 25(1):209-219. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12206-010-1024-xS209219251L. Pickett and D. Siebers, Non-sooting, low flame temperature mixing-controlled DI diesel combustion, SAE Paper, 2004-01-1399 (2004).S. Cheng, A. Upatnieks and C. J. Mueller, Investigation of fuel effects on dilute, mixing-controlled combustion in an optical direct-injection diesel engine, Energy & Fuels, 21 (2007) 1989–2002.S. Park, H. 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