13 research outputs found

    KATANIN-dependent mechanical properties of the stigmatic cell wall mediate the pollen tube path in Arabidopsis.

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    Successful fertilization in angiosperms depends on the proper trajectory of pollen tubes through the pistil tissues to reach the ovules. Pollen tubes first grow within the cell wall of the papilla cells, applying pressure to the cell. Mechanical forces are known to play a major role in plant cell shape by controlling the orientation of cortical microtubules (CMTs), which in turn mediate deposition of cellulose microfibrils (CMFs). Here, by combining imaging, genetic and chemical approaches, we show that isotropic reorientation of CMTs and CMFs in aged Col-0 and katanin1-5 (ktn1-5) papilla cells is accompanied by a tendency of pollen tubes to coil around the papillae. We show that this coiled phenotype is associated with specific mechanical properties of the cell walls that provide less resistance to pollen tube growth. Our results reveal an unexpected role for KTN1 in pollen tube guidance on the stigma by ensuring mechanical anisotropy of the papilla cell wall

    Aorto-venous fistula between an abdominal aortic aneurysm and an aberrant renal vein: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>The potential complications of an abdominal aortic aneurysm include rupture, compression of surrounding structures, thrombo-embolic events and fistula. The most common site of arterio-venous fistula is the inferior vena cava. Fistula involving a renal vein is particularly uncommon.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>This report describes a 54-year-old Caucasian woman who was admitted to the emergency department with fatigue, severe dyspnea and bilateral lower limb edema. In the first instance this anamnesis suggested possible heart failure. In fact, our patient presented with multi-organ system failure due to a fistula between an infra-renal aortic aneurysm and an aberrant retro-aortic renal vein.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>To our knowledge, this is the first report of a woman with a fistula between an infra-renal aortic aneurysm and an aberrant retro-aortic left renal vein. Aorto-venous fistulas may be asymptomatic or may present with symptoms characteristic of arterio-venous shunting and/or aneurysm rupture. This type of fistula is a rare cause of heart failure. Clinical examination and imaging are essential for detection.</p

    Disappearance of FDG uptake on PET scan after antimicrobial therapy could help for the diagnosis of Coxiella burnetii spondylodiscitis

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    A 55 year-old man was admitted for worsening of a chronic low back pain associated with L4-L5 anterolisthesis, despite taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for several months. He had a medical history of high blood pressure and obesity (body mass index, 37 kg/m2). He lived in the countryside but had no direct contact with animals except his dog. There were no fever, chills, sweats or weight loss. C reactive protein (CRP) wa

    Une histoire pour un royaume (XIIe-XVe siècle)

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    Actes du colloque "Corpus regni : politique et histoire à la fin du Moyen Âge" organisé en hommage à Colette Beaune, Université Paris X-Nanterre, 20, 21 et 22 septembre 2007International audienceAu Moyen Âge, le lettré chargé d'écrire l'histoire pour le roi écrit sans nul doute l'histoire de la nation. Ainsi, les mythes royaux, les références à des passés légendaires n'ont d'autres buts que de rassembler les sujets autour de la figure idéale du roi. Les Capétiens seront tour à tour victorieux, saints ou pères des pauvres, unis à leur peuple par un amour partagé.Pas moins d'une trentaine d'historiens retracent ici cette histoire d'un royaume de France en gloire. Mais ils n'omettent pas de nous en conter la part d'ombre : trahison, folie, défaites ou absence d'héritier frappent le lignage capétien. Des révoltes, comme celle des barons de Saint Louis, ou encore la folie de Charles VI font vaciller le trône, inspirent le doute : un pouvoir errant ou faible n'a-t-il pas quelque péché à expier ? Parfois, le consensus politique se reforme autour d'un héros sauveur. Il y eut Du Guesclin, le Grand Ferré ou Jeanne d'Arc. Pourtant, et c'est l'enseignement que l'on retire de cet ouvrage passionnant et très vivant, les Français n'ont souvent eu qu'une passion éphémère pour ces figures issues du peuple, leur préférant pour longtemps encore l'immémoriale sacralité de la monarchie

    Ubiquitous water-soluble molecules in aquatic plant exudates determine specific insect attraction.

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    Plants produce semio-chemicals that directly influence insect attraction and/or repulsion. Generally, this attraction is closely associated with herbivory and has been studied mainly under atmospheric conditions. On the other hand, the relationship between aquatic plants and insects has been little studied. To determine whether the roots of aquatic macrophytes release attractive chemical mixtures into the water, we studied the behaviour of mosquito larvae using olfactory experiments with root exudates. After testing the attraction on Culex and Aedes mosquito larvae, we chose to work with Coquillettidia species, which have a complex behaviour in nature and need to be attached to plant roots in order to obtain oxygen. This relationship is non-destructive and can be described as commensal behaviour. Commonly found compounds seemed to be involved in insect attraction since root exudates from different plants were all attractive. Moreover, chemical analysis allowed us to identify a certain number of commonly found, highly water-soluble, low-molecular-weight compounds, several of which (glycerol, uracil, thymine, uridine, thymidine) were able to induce attraction when tested individually but at concentrations substantially higher than those found in nature. However, our principal findings demonstrated that these compounds appeared to act synergistically, since a mixture of these five compounds attracted larvae at natural concentrations (0.7 nM glycerol, <0.5 nM uracil, 0.6 nM thymine, 2.8 nM uridine, 86 nM thymidine), much lower than those found for each compound tested individually. These results provide strong evidence that a mixture of polyols (glycerol), pyrimidines (uracil, thymine), and nucleosides (uridine, thymidine) functions as an efficient attractive signal in nature for Coquillettidia larvae. We therefore show for the first time, that such commonly found compounds may play an important role in plant-insect relationships in aquatic eco-systems

    A genomic amplification affecting a carboxylesterase gene cluster confers organophosphate resistance in the mosquito Aedes aegypti : from genomic characterization to high-throughput field detection

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    By altering gene expression and creating paralogs, genomic amplifications represent a key component of short-term adaptive processes. In insects, the use of insecticides can select gene amplifications causing an increased expression of detoxification enzymes, supporting the usefulness of these DNA markers for monitoring the dynamics of resistance alleles in the field. In this context, the present study aims to characterise a genomic amplification event associated with resistance to organophosphate insecticides in the mosquito Aedes aegypti and to develop a molecular assay to monitor the associated resistance alleles in the field. An experimental evolution experiment using a composite population from Laos supported the association between the over-transcription of multiple contiguous carboxylesterase genes on chromosome 2 and resistance to multiple organophosphate insecticides. Combining whole genome sequencing and qPCR on specific genes confirmed the presence of a ~100 Kb amplification spanning at least five carboxylesterase genes at this locus with the co-existence of multiple structural duplication haplotypes. Field data confirmed their circulation in South-East Asia and revealed high copy number polymorphism among and within populations suggesting a trade-off between this resistance mechanism and associated fitness costs. A dual-colour multiplex TaqMan assay allowing the rapid detection and copy number quantification of this amplification event in Ae. aegypti was developed and validated on field populations. The routine use of this novel assay will improve the tracking of resistance alleles in this major arbovirus vector

    Combining genetic crosses and pool targeted DNA‐seq for untangling genomic variations associated with resistance to multiple insecticides in the mosquito Aedes aegypti

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    International audienceIn addition to combating vector-borne diseases, studying the adaptation of mosquitoes to insecticides provides a remarkable example of evolution-in-action driving the selection of complex phenotypes. Actually, most resistant mosquito populations show multi-resistance phenotypes as a consequence of the variety of insecticides employed and of the complexity of selected resistance mechanisms. Such complexity makes the identification of alleles conferring resistance to specific insecticides challenging and prevents the development of molecular assays to track them in the field. Here we showed that combining simple genetic crosses with pool targeted DNA-seq can enhance the specificity of resistance allele's detection while maintaining experimental work and sequencing effort at reasonable levels. A multi-resistant population of the mosquito Aedes aegypti was exposed to three distinct insecticides (deltamethrin, bendiocarb and fenitrothion), and survivors to each insecticide were crossed with a susceptible strain to generate three distinct lines. F2 individuals from each line were then segregated based on their survival to two insecticide doses. Hundreds of genes covering all detoxifying enzymes and insecticide targets together with more than 7,000 intergenic regions equally spread over mosquito genome were sequenced from pools of F0 and F2 individuals unexposed or surviving insecticide. Differential coverage analysis identified 39 detoxification enzymes showing an increased gene copy number in association with resistance. Combining an allele frequency filtering approach with a Bayesian FST-based genome scan identified multiple genomic regions showing strong selection signatures together with 50 nonsynonymous variations associated with resistance. This study provides a simple and cost-effective approach to improve the specificity of resistance allele's detection in multi-resistant populations while reducing false positives frequently arising when comparing populations showing divergent genetic backgrounds. The identification of novel DNA resistance markers opens new opportunities for improving the tracking of insecticide resistance in the field

    Impact of selection regime and introgression on deltamethrin resistance in the arbovirus vector Aedes aegypti – a comparative study between contrasted situations in New Caledonia and French Guiana

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    International audienceBACKGROUNDPyrethroid insecticides such as deltamethrin have been massively used against Aedes aegypti leading to the spread of resistance alleles worldwide. In an insecticide resistance management context, we evaluated the temporal dynamics of deltamethrin resistance using two distinct populations carrying resistant alleles at different frequencies. Three different scenarios were followed: a continuous selection, a full release of selection, or a repeated introgression with susceptible individuals. The responses of each population to these selection regimes were measured across five generations by bioassays and by monitoring the frequency of knockdown resistance (kdr) mutations and the transcription levels and copy number variations of key detoxification enzymes.RESULTSKnockdown resistance mutations, overexpression and copy number variations of detoxification enzymes as a mechanism of metabolic resistance to deltamethrin was found and maintained under selection across generations. On comparison, the release of insecticide pressure for five generations did not affect resistance levels and resistance marker frequencies. However, introgressing susceptible alleles drastically reduced deltamethrin resistance in only three generations.CONCLUSIONThe present study confirmed that strategies consisting to stop deltamethrin spraying are likely to fail when the frequencies of resistant alleles are too high and the fitness cost associated to resistance is low. In dead-end situations like in French Guiana where alternative insecticides are not available, alternative control strategies may provide a high benefit for vector control, particularly if they favor the introgression of susceptible alleles in natural populations