510 research outputs found

    Étude de l’interaction entre le champignon mycorhizien Glomus irregulare et les bactĂ©ries du sol

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    Dans cette Ă©tude, nous avons isolĂ© et cultivĂ© des bactĂ©ries intimement liĂ©es aux spores du champignon mycorhizien Glomus irregulare prĂ©levĂ©es dans la rhizosphĂšre de plants d’Agrostis stolonifera L. rĂ©coltĂ©s dans un sol naturel. Le sĂ©quençage des 29 morphotypes isolĂ©s a rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© la prĂ©sence de seulement sept taxons bactĂ©riens (Variovorax paradoxus, Microbacterium ginsengiosoli, Sphingomonas sp., Bacillus megaterium, B. simplex, B. cereus et Kocuria rhizophila). Des isolats de chacun de ces sept taxons ont ensuite Ă©tĂ© cultivĂ©s in vitro sur le mycĂ©lium de G. irregulare afin d’observer par microscopie leur capacitĂ© Ă  croitre et Ă  s’attacher au mycĂ©lium en absence d’élĂ©ments nutritifs autres que ceux fournis par le champignon. Tous les isolats, sauf B. cereus, ont Ă©tĂ© capables de bien croitre dans le systĂšme expĂ©rimental et de s’attacher au mycĂ©lium en formant des structures ressemblant Ă  des biofilms sur la surface du champignon. Toutefois, B. simplex formait ces structures plus rapidement, soit en 15 jours, alors que les autres isolats les ont formĂ©s aprĂšs 30 jours (K. rhizophila et B. megaterium) ou 45 jours (V. paradoxus, M. ginsengiosoli et Sphingomonas sp.). D’autre part, la technique PCR-DGGE a permis d’analyser la diversitĂ© bactĂ©rienne associĂ©e aux spores. La diversitĂ© des taxons associĂ©s aux spores de G. irregulare qu’il a Ă©tĂ© possible d’isoler et de cultiver in vitro a Ă©tĂ© nettement moindre que celle qui Ă©tait prĂ©sente sur la surface des spores, alors que la biodiversitĂ© bactĂ©rienne totale du sol a Ă©tĂ© encore beaucoup plus Ă©levĂ©e. Les bactĂ©ries associĂ©es aux champignons mycorhiziens jouent probablement un rĂŽle important dans la capacitĂ© des plantes Ă  rĂ©sister aux stress biotiques et abiotiques auxquels elles sont soumises.In this study, we isolated and cultivated bacterial cells intimately associated with Glomus irregulare spores in a natural soil Agrostis stolonifera rhizosphere. Sequencing of the 29 morphotypes isolated revealed the presence of only seven bacterial taxa (Variovorax paradoxus, Microbacterium ginsengiosoli, Sphingomonas sp., Bacillus megaterium, B. simplex, B. cereus and Kocuria rhizophila). These seven isolates were cultivated in vitro on the mycelium of G. irregulare to allow microscopic observation of growth and attachment to the mycelium in absence of nutritive sources other than those derived from the fungal mycelium. All isolates but B. cereus were able to grow on the experimental system and to attach to the mycelium to form biofilm-like structures on their surface. However, B. simplex formed these structures more quickly, in 15 days, than the remaining isolates that have formed them only after 30 days (K. rhizophila and B. megaterium) or 45 days (V. paradoxus, M. ginsengiosoli and Sphingomonas sp.). In addition, PCR-DGGE was used to compare bacterial diversity. The bacterial biodiversity associated with spores of G. irregulare that were isolated and cultured in vitro was significantly lower than that present on the spore surface, while total soil bacterial diversity was much higher. The bacteria associated with mycorrhizal fungi probably have an important role in the ability of plants to withstand biotic and abiotic stresses to which they are submitted

    Seismic Monitoring of Permafrost in Svalbard, Arctic Norway

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    We analyze data from passive and active seismic experiments conducted in the Adventdalen valley of Svalbard in the Norwegian Arctic. Our objective is to characterize the ambient wavefield of the region and to investigate permafrost dynamics through estimates of seismic velocity variations. We are motivated by a need for early geophysical detection of potentially hazardous changes to permafrost stability. We draw upon several data sources to constrain various aspects of seismic wave propagation in Adventdalen. We use f-k analysis of five years of continuous data from the Spitsbergen seismic array (SPITS) to demonstrate that ambient seismic noise on Svalbard consists of continuously present body waves and intermittent surface waves appearing at regular intervals. A change in wavefield direction accompanies the sudden onset of surface waves when the average temperature rises above the freezing point, suggesting a cryogenic origin. This hypothesis is supported further by our analysis of records from a temporary broadband network, which indicates that the background wavefield is dominated by icequakes. Synthetic Green's functions calculated from a 3D velocity model match well with empirical Green's functions constructed from the recorded ambient seismic noise. We use a shallow shear-wave velocity model, obtained from active seismic measurements, to estimate the maximum depth of Rayleigh wave sensitivity to changes in shear velocity to be in the 50-100 m range. We extract seasonal variations in seismic velocities from ambient noise cross-correlation functions computed over three years of SPITS data. We attribute relative velocity variations to changes in the ice content of the shallow (2-4 m depth) permafrost, which is sensitive to seasonal temperature changes. A linear decreasing trend in seismic velocity is observed over the years, most likely due to permafrost warming.Peer reviewe

    Le Mobiliscope, un outil de géovisualisation des rythmes quotidiens des métropoles

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    Un établissement du début du premier ùge du Fer en Eure-et-Loir : Sours, Les Ouches

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    La fouille du site des Ouches Ă  Sours (28) a permis la mise au jour d’une importante occupation du NĂ©olithique ancien et la dĂ©couverte, dans la partie nord de l’emprise, de plusieurs structures datables du dĂ©but de l’ñge du Fer (Hallstatt C). Elles correspondent Ă  des structures domestiques (un bĂątiment et des fosses) et Ă  une entitĂ© “ cultuelle ”: un double enclos en “ U ”.L’habitation et ses annexes sont reprĂ©sentĂ©es par un bĂątiment de plan quadrangulaire sur poteaux et une grande fosse riche en mobilier (cĂ©ramiques, ossements et silex taillĂ©s). Cette structure peut ĂȘtre associĂ©e au fonctionnement d’un four de type “ polynĂ©sien ” et avoir servi de fosse de rejet.Le double enclos, ouvert vers le nord, est localisĂ© au nord-est du site.MĂȘme si trois cĂ©ramiques entiĂšres ont Ă©tĂ© trouvĂ©es dans son fossĂ© externe, l’essentiel du mobilier cĂ©ramique (177 individus sur 192) est issu de la grande fosse. Il s’agit principalement de coupes, de jattes parfois incisĂ©es, de petits gobelets Ă  panse globulaire typiques du Hallstatt C ou de vases servant au stockage. Ils sont dotĂ©s de maniĂšre rĂ©guliĂšre de cordons digitĂ©s.Ce petit Ă©tablissement du dĂ©but de l’ñge du Fer a livrĂ© un bon Ă©chantillon des cĂ©ramiques en usage en Eure-et-Loir Ă  cette Ă©poque ainsi que des vestiges archĂ©ozoologiques et lithiques en quantitĂ© intĂ©ressante. Ces dĂ©couvertes donnent de nouvelles informations sur les affinitĂ©s culturelles Ă  la transition entre l’ñge du Bronze et l’ñge du Fer, pĂ©riode peu documentĂ©e dans le Nord de la rĂ©gion Centre.The excavation of the site of Ouches at Sours (28) has enabled the updating of an important settlement from the early Neolithic and the discovery, in the northern part of the site, of several structures datable to the beginning of the Iron Age (Hallstatt C). They correspond to domestic structures (a building and some ditches) and a “worship” entity: a double enclosure in a “U” shape.The dwelling and its annexes are represented by a quadrangular building on posts and a large ditch which is rich in furnishings (ceramic, bone and worked flint). This structure may be associated to the working of a “Polynesian” type kiln and serve as a reject pit. The double enclosure, open towards the north) is situated to the north-east of the site.Even though three entire ceramic vessels have been found in the outer ditch, the majority of the ceramic furnishings (177 out of 192) have come from the large ditch, principally cups, bowls which are sometimes inscribed, small goblets with a globular middle typical of Hallstatt C or vessels used for storing. They regularly have finger made cords.This small dwelling from the beginning of the Iron Age has provided a good sample of ceramics in use in Eure-et-Loir in this period as well as some archaeozoological remains and lithics in interesting quantities. These discoveries provided new information on the cultural affinities to the transition between the Bronze and Iron ages, a period which is little researched in the north of the Centre region

    Influence des défauts géométriques sur le comportement des assemblages boulonnés métal-composite

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    L’utilisation croissante de matĂ©riaux composites dans le domaine aĂ©ronautique conduit Ă  des assemblages mĂ©caniques mĂ©tal-composite nĂ©cessitant un grand nombre de fixations. A titre d’exemple, l’A380 comporte environ trois millions de fixations dont Ÿ de rivets et ÂŒ de boulons. La contrainte d’interchangeabilitĂ© des piĂšces ainsi que les tolĂ©rances serrĂ©es usuelles en aĂ©ronautique augmentent considĂ©rablement le coĂ»t et le temps d’assemblage. Peu d’études s’intĂ©ressent Ă  l’influence des dĂ©fauts gĂ©omĂ©triques sur le comportement des assemblages mĂ©tal-composite, et ce pour plusieurs raisons. D’une part, la diversitĂ© des modes de dĂ©gradation du composite (micro-flambage des fibres, dĂ©cohĂ©sion fibre/matrice, rupture des fibres, fissuration de la matrice) induit un comportement fortement non-linĂ©aire du matĂ©riau, et donc difficile Ă  modĂ©liser. D’autre part, les essais expĂ©rimentaux nĂ©cessitent une bonne maĂźtrise du dĂ©faut introduit, tant du point de vue de sa rĂ©alisation que de sa mesure. Seul l’effet du jeu dans les assemblages boulonnĂ©s a donc fait l’objet de publications. Dans la prĂ©sente Ă©tude on s’intĂ©resse Ă  l’influence du dĂ©faut de positionnement des alĂ©sages, couplĂ© Ă  celui du jeu, sur des Ă©prouvettes Ă  double-recouvrement aluminium-composite Ă  2 boulons. On introduit le dĂ©faut entre les alĂ©sages du composite, de maniĂšre Ă  ne plus respecter la coaxialitĂ© entre les double-alĂ©sages aluminium-composite. Pour compenser cette variation gĂ©omĂ©trique, le matĂ©riau va subir une prĂ©contrainte aprĂšs assemblage. Les transferts de charge entre les boulons en seront donc modifiĂ©s en phase de chargement. Les essais expĂ©rimentaux et des simulations Ă©lĂ©ments finis participent au dĂ©veloppement d’un modĂšle analytique adĂ©quat prenant en compte toute la complexitĂ© de l’assemblage avec dĂ©faut et notamment l’effet de l’endommagement par matage du composite sur les transferts de charge. La rĂ©ponse aux diffĂ©rents niveaux de jeu et de dĂ©faut de positionnement permettra de conclure quant Ă  l’importance des dĂ©passements de tolĂ©rance sur la tenue mĂ©canique globale des assemblages boulonnĂ©s mĂ©tal-composite

    Bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells drive lymphangiogenesis.

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    It is now well accepted that multipotent Bone-Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cells (BM-MSC) contribute to cancer progression through several mechanisms including angiogenesis. However, their involvement during the lymphangiogenic process is poorly described. Using BM-MSC isolated from mice of two different backgrounds, we demonstrate a paracrine lymphangiogenic action of BM-MSC both in vivo and in vitro. Co-injection of BM-MSC and tumor cells in mice increased the in vivo tumor growth and intratumoral lymphatic vessel density. In addition, BM-MSC or their conditioned medium stimulated the recruitment of lymphatic vessels in vivo in an ear sponge assay, and ex vivo in the lymphatic ring assay (LRA). In vitro, MSC conditioned medium also increased the proliferation rate and the migration of both primary lymphatic endothelial cells (LEC) and an immortalized lymphatic endothelial cell line. Mechanistically, these pro-lymphangiogenic effects relied on the secretion of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF)-A by BM-MSC that activates VEGF Receptor (VEGFR)-2 pathway on LEC. Indeed, the trapping of VEGF-A in MSC conditioned medium by soluble VEGF Receptors (sVEGFR)-1, -2 or the inhibition of VEGFR-2 activity by a specific inhibitor (ZM 323881) both decreased LEC proliferation, migration and the phosphorylation of their main downstream target ERK1/2. This study provides direct unprecedented evidence for a paracrine lymphangiogenic action of BM-MSC via the production of VEGF-A which acts on LEC VEGFR-2

    Does Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor-1 Drive Lymphangiogenesis?

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    The purpose of this study is to explore the function of plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) during pathological lymphangiogenesis. PAI-1, the main physiological inhibitor of plasminogen activators is involved in pathological angiogenesis at least by controlling extracellular proteolysis and by regulating endothelial cell survival and migration. Protease system's role in lymphangiogenesis is unknown yet. Thus, based on its important pro-angiogenic effect, we hypothesized that PAI-1 may regulate lymphangiogenesis associated at least with metastatic dissemination of cancer cells. To address this issue, we studied the impact of PAI-1 deficiency in various murine models of tumoral lymphangiogenesis. Wild-type PAI-1 proficient mice were used as controls. We provide for the first time evidence that PAI-1 is dispensable for tumoral lymphangiogenesis associated with breast cancers either induced by mammary carcinoma cell injection or spontaneously appearing in transgenic mice expressing the polyomavirus middle T antigen (PymT) under the control of a mouse mammary tumor virus long-terminal repeat promoter (MMTV-LTR). We also investigated inflammation-related lymphatic vessel recruitment by using two inflammatory models. PAI-1 deficiency did neither affect the development of lymphangioma nor burn-induced corneal lymphangiogenesis. These novel data suggest that vascular remodelling associated with lymphangiogenesis and angiogenesis involve different molecular determinants. PAI-1 does not appear as a potential therapeutic target to counteract pathological lymphangiogenesis
