2,677 research outputs found
Home schooling
This study addresses the issue of home schooling in our state and our nation. Benefits and disadvantages associated with home schooling are discussed. Guidelines for planning a successful home schooling program are outlined for parents. Conclusions were drawn from the literature review, and recommendations were made for the future of home schooling
Childhood height, adult height, and the risk of prostate cancer
PURPOSE: We previously showed that childhood height is positively associated with prostate cancer risk. It is, however, unknown whether childhood height exerts its effects independently of or through adult height. We investigated whether and to what extent childhood height has a direct effect on the risk of prostate cancer apart from adult height. METHODS: We included 5,871 men with height measured at ages 7 and 13 years in the Copenhagen School Health Records Register who also had adult (50–65 years) height measured in the Danish Diet, Cancer and Health study. Prostate cancer status was obtained through linkage to the Danish Cancer Registry. Direct and total effects of childhood height on prostate cancer risk were estimated from Cox regressions. RESULTS: From 1996 to 2012, 429 prostate cancers occurred. Child and adult heights were positively and significantly associated with prostate cancer risk. When adjusted for adult height, height at age 7 years was no longer significantly associated with the risk of prostate cancer. Height at 13 years was significantly and positively associated with prostate cancer risk even when adult height was adjusted for; per height z-score the hazard ratio was 1.15 [95 % confidence interval (CI) 1.01–1.32]. CONCLUSIONS: The effect of height at 13 years on the risk of prostate cancer was not entirely mediated through adult height, suggesting that child height and adult height may be associated with prostate cancer through different pathways
«Ja, men nå er de fleste sjøsamer slik som oss kanskje»
Som lærere har vi en rekke styringsdokumenter som krever at samiske perspektiver er en del av undervisningen vår. I naturfag har vi gjennom Fagfornyelsen fått et eget kompetansemål som sier følgende: «Gi eksempler på samers tradisjonelle kunnskap om naturen og diskutere hvordan denne kunnskapen kan bidra til bærekraftig forvaltning av naturen» (Kunnskapsdepartementet, 2019). Det er få studier og lite litteratur å se til når det kommer til hvordan man skal undervise i naturfag om samisk tradisjonskunnskap, og det som eksisterer av kilder vektlegger gjerne innlandssamisk kultur og tradisjon. Den innlandssamiske kulturen utgjør kun en liten andel av det øvrige samiske samfunnet. Vi befinner oss i et distrikt som er nærmere tilknyttet det sjøsamiske. Selv har vi ikke særlige relasjoner til samisk kultur og tradisjon, og derfor oppleves det som utfordrende å vite hvordan vi skal innlemme samiske perspektiver i naturfagundervisningen vår.
Vi har gjennomført et aksjonsforskningsprosjekt hvor vi gjennom tre uker har hatt naturfagundervisning for en klasse på ungdomstrinnet med tema sjøsamisk tradisjonskunnskap. Vi har gjennom observasjoner, refleksjonssamtaler og lydopptak i klasserommet forsøkt å identifisere hvilke utfordringer vi som lærere står ovenfor i arbeidet med samisk tradisjonskunnskap i naturfag. Ved å drive med aksjonsforskning har vi fått muligheten til å planlegge, gjennomføre og evaluere flere aksjoner i løpet av studien vår. Dermed har vi forsøkt å jobbe med utfordringene vi møtte på underveis ved å modifisere undervisningen vår fra aksjon til aksjon.
Til tross for at vi drev med aksjonsforskning hvor vi kontinuerlig forsøkte å utvikle og forbedre egen undervisning, så vi fra datamaterialet at det var fem utfordringer som i stor grad gjentok seg gjennom hele studien. Disse utfordringene omhandlet blant annet bruk av pronomen som distanserte lærer og elever fra det sjøsamiske, som eksempelvis «de» og «dem». Dette i motsetning til pronomen som fremmer tilhørighet slik som «vi». Andre utfordringer vi opplevde omhandlet identifisering av sjøsamisk egenart, fokus på fortiden, elevenes anvendelse av introduserte begreper og kunnskaper og stedets betydning/forankring i nærområdet. Ved å identifisere disse utfordringene ønsker vi å utvikle egen og andre naturfagslæreres undervisningspraksis rundt samisk tematikk. På denne måten kan vi sammen anerkjenne de utfordringene vi står ovenfor slik at man samlet kan jobbe mot en bedre undervisning for og om samiske perspektiver
Comparison of general and cardiac care-specific indices of spatial access in Australia
© 2019 Versace et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. Objective To identity differences between a general access index (Accessibility/ Remoteness Index of Australia; ARIA+) and a specific acute and aftercare cardiac services access index (Cardiac ARIA). Research design and methods Exploratory descriptive design. ARIA+ (2011) and Cardiac ARIA (2010) were compared using cross-tabulations (chi-square test for independence) and map visualisations. All Australian locations with ARIA+ and Cardiac ARIA values were included in the analysis (n = 20,223). The unit of analysis was Australian locations. Results Of the 20,223 locations, 2757 (14% of total) had the highest level of acute cardiac access coupled with the highest level of general access. There were 1029 locations with the poorest access (5% of total). Approximately two thirds of locations in Australia were classed as having the highest level of cardiac aftercare. Locations in Major Cities, Inner Regional Australia, and Outer Regional Australia accounted for approximately 98% of this category. There were significant associations between ARIA+ and Cardiac ARIA acute (χ2 = 25250.73, df = 28, p<0.001, Cramer’s V = 0.559, p<0.001) and Cardiac ARIA aftercare (χ2 = 17204.38, df = 16, Cramer’s V = 0.461, p<0.001). Conclusions Although there were significant associations between the indices, ARIA+ and Cardiac ARIA are not interchangeable. Systematic differences were apparent which can be attributed largely to the underlying specificity of the Cardiac ARIA (a time critical index that uses distance to the service of interest) compared to general accessibility quantified by the ARIA + model (an index that uses distance to population centre). It is where the differences are located geographically that have a tangible impact upon the communities in these locations–i.e. peri-urban areas of the major capital cities, and around the more remote regional centres. There is a strong case for specific access models to be developed and updated to assist with efficient deployment of resources and targeted service provision. The reasoning behind the differences highlighted will be generalisable to any comparison between general and service-specific access models
What You Don’t Know Can Hurt You: Communicating Health Law with Vermont Physicians
Background: Physicians today need a working knowledge of pertinent medical law. With an increased focus on patients’ rights in health care, states are encouraged to set specific laws protecting patients. The additional medical legislation places a challenge on physicians to continually update their medical-legal acumen such as disease reporting, malpractice issues, and medical information access.Little research has been conducted on physicians’ knowledge of the law and medicine. In an effort to expand upon these topics and to find an efficient way to make information about the law and medicine accessible to Vermont physicians, the University of Vermont College of Medicine partnered with the Vermont Board of Medical Practice to answer the following questions: • How well do Vermont physicians understand laws that relate to the practice of medicine? • How do Vermont physicians access nformation on law and medicine? • What topics are most relevant and important to Vermont physicians? • What educational methods willbe effective and how can the Vermont Board of Medial Practice best serve such education needs?https://scholarworks.uvm.edu/comphp_gallery/1018/thumbnail.jp
Impact of pre-enrolment medication use on clinical outcomes in SUMMIT
The impact of prior treatment on results of clinical trials in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) has been debated. We used data from the Study to Understand Mortality and Morbidity in COPD Trial to examine the impact of prior treatment on the effects of randomised study drugs on mortality and exacerbations. We used data on 16 417 patients with moderate COPD and heightened cardiovascular risk and information on prior medications to examine the effects of fluticasone furoate (FF), vilanterol (VI) and combined FF/VI compared to placebo on moderate and severe exacerbation as well as mortality. The study was event-driven with a median study exposure of 1.8 years. This study was registered with ClinicalTrials.gov, number NCT01313676. There were no consistent associations between treatment prior to study entry and the effects of FF, VI or FF/VI on exacerbations during the study. However, patients taking inhaled corticosteroids and one or more bronchodilators prior to study entry seemed to have a better effect of active treatments than of placebo on mortality (hazard ratio for FF/VI 0.65, 95% CI 0.48–0.89). Survival in those randomised to placebo was independent of treatment prior to study enrolment. Prior treatment appears to affect treatment effects on mortality but not exacerbations in a randomised controlled trial of patients with COPD and heightened cardiovascular risk
Intelligence in Williams Syndrome Is Related to STX1A, Which Encodes a Component of the Presynaptic SNARE Complex
Although genetics is the most significant known determinant of human intelligence, specific gene contributions remain largely unknown. To accelerate understanding in this area, we have taken a new approach by studying the relationship between quantitative gene expression and intelligence in a cohort of 65 patients with Williams Syndrome (WS), a neurodevelopmental disorder caused by a 1.5 Mb deletion on chromosome 7q11.23. We find that variation in the transcript levels of the brain gene STX1A correlates significantly with intelligence in WS patients measured by principal component analysis (PCA) of standardized WAIS-R subtests, r  = 0.40 (Pearson correlation, Bonferroni corrected p-value  = 0.007), accounting for 15.6% of the cognitive variation. These results suggest that syntaxin 1A, a neuronal regulator of presynaptic vesicle release, may play a role in WS and be a component of the cellular pathway determining human intelligence
La CJUE rejette la présomption de consentement au placement des cookies
À l’ère de l’expansion du numérique, l’heure est au renforcement de la protection des données. L’entrée en vigueur du règlement général sur la protection des données (RGPD) a donné du grain à moudre à la Cour de justice de l’Union européenne (CJUE). Cette dernière a récemment eu l’occasion de préciser l’étendue du droit au déréférencement et a considéré que le « droit à l’oubli » n’avait pas de portée mondiale. Les débats autour de la sauvegarde des droits et libertés fondamentales des internautes sont donc en plein développement.Â
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