13 research outputs found


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    Objetivos: Analizar, partiendo de la visión de los enfermeros de Atención Primaria, las contribuciones de la práctica educativa en la prevención dela Lesión por Presión y promoción de salud. Método: Estudio Convergente Asistencia, con 20 enfermeros, realizado entre julio y agosto de 2014en Santa Catarina, desarrollado en dos etapas y cuatro reuniones, utilizándose cuestionario en la primera entrevista, realizándose luego tres talleres.Resultados: Datos analizados resultando en dos categorías: Dígale No a la Lesión por Presión y La práctica del enfermero en la prevención de laLP y la promoción de la salud en la APS, expresando adquisición y mejoramiento de conocimientos, construcción de nuevo saber, contribuyendoa acciones sanitarias. Conclusión: La práctica educativa consiguió su propósito, innovando y renovando el conocimiento de los enfermeros en elcuidado preventivo y promoción de salud. Resultan esenciales capacitaciones continuas, reflexionando sobre avances en la práctica asistencial ycientífica de Enfermería.Objectives: To analyze, from the views of Primary Care nurses, the contributions of educational practice in the prevention of Pressure Ulcer and healthpromotion. Method:. Convergent Care research with 20 nurses conducted between July and August 2014, in the State of Santa Catarina, developed intwo stages and including four meetings. First, the nurses were interviewed, through the use of a questionnaire, and subsequently participated in threeworkshops. Results: Data was submitted to analysis, and two categories emerged: Say no to Pressure Ulcer and The practices developed by nurses inthe prevention of PU and health promotion in PHC, which expressed acquisition and improvement of knowledge, construction of new knowledge,contributing to the promotion of health actions. Conclusion: The educational practice was successful, as it promoted innovation and the nurses gainedmore knowledge on preventive health care and health promotion. Continuous training is necessary, as it improves nursing care and scientific practice.Objetivos: Analisar, a partir da visão dos enfermeiros da Atenção Primária, as contribuições da prática educativa naprevenção da Lesão por Pressão e promoção da saúde. Método: Estudo Convergente Assistencial com 20 enfermeiros,realizado entre julho e agosto de 2014, no Estado de Santa Catarina, desenvolvido em duas etapas e quatro encontros,sendo a primeira entrevista com a utilização de questionário e, posteriormente, três oficinas. Resultados: Os dadosforam analisados e resultaram em duas categorias: Diga não à Lesão por Pressão e A prática do enfermeiro na prevençãoda LP e promoção da saúde na APS, que expressaram aquisição e aprimoramento de conhecimentos, construção donovo saber, contribuindo para ações de saúde. Conclusão: A prática educativa alcançou seu propósito, inovando erenovando o conhecimento dos enfermeiros no cuidado preventivo e promoção da saúde. São essenciais capacitaçõescontínuas, refletindo em ganhos na prática assistencial e científica da Enfermagem

    Vascular flora of the Legado das Águas, Reserva Votorantim, municipalities of Tapiraí, Miracatú and Juquiá, São Paulo, Brazil

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    We present  a list of vascular plants found in Legado das Águas, Reserva Votorantim, a private reserve having an area of approximately 35,000 ha that spans the municipalities of Tapiraí, Miracatú, and Juquiá, in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. The reserve is part of a complex of state-protected areas including Alto Ribeira Touristic State Park, Intervales State Park , Carlos Botelho State Park, Jurupará State Park, and Serra do Mar State Park. Together, these form an important and large area of continuous and well-preserved forest. Our study, which involved two main floristic surveys in March/April 2013 and April 2014, recorded 768 species, representing 131 families and 432 genera. The majority of species were angiosperms (619) representing 106 families and 370 genera. There were also two species of gymnosperms belonging to two genera in separate families; 147 species of ferns and lycophytes belonging to 23 families and 60 genera. In demonstrating the presence of almost 800 species of plants, of which 16 are threatened, our study highlights the importance of floristic surveys and the critical role of private protected areas in managing and preserving native flora

    Taxonomic study of the Leguminosae - \"Caesalpinioideae\" of Caparaó National Park, Espirito Santo, Minas Gerais, Brazil

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    O presente trabalho refere-se ao estudo taxonômico de Leguminosae - \"Caesalpinioideae\" do Parque Nacional do Caparaó. O parque está localizado na divisa dos Estados de Minas Gerais e Espírito Santo entre as coordenadas 20º19\'- 20º37\' S e 41º43\' - 41º53\' W, a 300km de Vitória, e a 340km de Belo Horizonte. O Parque Nacional do Caparaó situa-se numa região montanhosa, que compreende parte da Serra do Mar e da Serra da Mantiqueira. Seu ponto culminante é o Pico da Bandeira com 2890m de altitude e as áreas mais baixas variam entre 1000 e 1500 m. Quanto à vegetação, é bastante variada, formada por florestas e campos de altitude. Leguminosae possui distribuição cosmopolita, incluindo cerca de 727 gêneros e 19327 espécies. No Brasil, ocorrem aproximadamente 212 gêneros e 2729 espécies, amplamente distribuídas em todo o território nacional. As mais significativas utilizações comerciais de espécies de Leguminosae estão no fato de serem fonte de alimento, elementos florísticos em ecossistemas naturais e ornamentais. O presente estudo baseou-se no levantamento bibliográfico, consulta a herbários nacionais e observações de campo. Constam também descrições, chaves de identificação, ilustrações, e comentários. De acordo com o levantamento, o Parque Nacional do Caparaó está representado por 20 espécies e duas variedades de Leguminosae-\"Caesalpinioideae\", distribuídos em 8 gêneros.The present study refers to the taxonomic study of the Leguminosae - \"Caesalpinioideae\" of the Caparaó National Park. The park is located on the border of Minas Gerais and Espírito Santo States, between the geographic coordinates 20º19\'- 20º37\' S and 41º43\' - 41º53\' W, 300 km from Vitória and 340 km from Belo Horizonte. The Caparaó National Park is located in a mountainous region, which comprises part of the Serra do Mar and Serra da Mantiqueira. Its highest point is the Pico da Bandeira with 2,890 meters of altitude and the lower areas ranging from 1,000 to 1,500 meters. The vegetation is diverse and consists of forests and altitude fields. Leguminosae has a cosmopolitan distribution, including about 727 genera and 19,327 species. In Brazil there are 212 genera and 2,729 species (estimated figure), widely distributed throughout the national territory. The most significant commercial uses of Leguminosae species are the fact this family providing a food source for mankind, floristic elements in natural ecosystems and also ornamental. The present study was based on bibliographic review, consults to national herbaria, and fields observation. Descriptions, identification keys, illustrations, and comments are also presented about each species. According to the survey, the Caparaó National Park is represented by 20 species and two varieties of Leguminosae-\"Caesalpinioideae\", distributed in 8 genera

    Vascular flora of the Legado das Águas, Reserva Votorantim, municipalities of Tapiraí, Miracatú and Juquiá, São Paulo, Brazil

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    We present  a list of vascular plants found in Legado das Águas, Reserva Votorantim, a private reserve having an area of approximately 35,000 ha that spans the municipalities of Tapiraí, Miracatú, and Juquiá, in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. The reserve is part of a complex of state-protected areas including Alto Ribeira Touristic State Park, Intervales State Park , Carlos Botelho State Park, Jurupará State Park, and Serra do Mar State Park. Together, these form an important and large area of continuous and well-preserved forest. Our study, which involved two main floristic surveys in March/April 2013 and April 2014, recorded 768 species, representing 131 families and 432 genera. The majority of species were angiosperms (619) representing 106 families and 370 genera. There were also two species of gymnosperms belonging to two genera in separate families; 147 species of ferns and lycophytes belonging to 23 families and 60 genera. In demonstrating the presence of almost 800 species of plants, of which 16 are threatened, our study highlights the importance of floristic surveys and the critical role of private protected areas in managing and preserving native flora

    Vascular flora of the Legado das Águas, Reserva Votorantim, municipalities of Tapiraí, Miracatú and Juquiá, São Paulo, Brazil

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    We present  a list of vascular plants found in Legado das Águas, Reserva Votorantim, a private reserve having an area of approximately 35,000 ha that spans the municipalities of Tapiraí, Miracatú, and Juquiá, in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. The reserve is part of a complex of state-protected areas including Alto Ribeira Touristic State Park, Intervales State Park , Carlos Botelho State Park, Jurupará State Park, and Serra do Mar State Park. Together, these form an important and large area of continuous and well-preserved forest. Our study, which involved two main floristic surveys in March/April 2013 and April 2014, recorded 768 species, representing 131 families and 432 genera. The majority of species were angiosperms (619) representing 106 families and 370 genera. There were also two species of gymnosperms belonging to two genera in separate families; 147 species of ferns and lycophytes belonging to 23 families and 60 genera. In demonstrating the presence of almost 800 species of plants, of which 16 are threatened, our study highlights the importance of floristic surveys and the critical role of private protected areas in managing and preserving native flora

    Multiple sclerosis starting before the age of 18 years: the Brazilian experience

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    Multiple sclerosis (MS) starting in childhood and adolescence poses a challenge for diagnosis and management of the disease. The aim of the present study was to assess the characteristics of early onset MS in Brazilian patients. Methods Retrospective data collection from specialized MS units. Results From 20 MS units in 11 Brazilian states, 117 cases of MS starting before the age of 18 years were collected. These patients had an average of 10 years of disease duration, still typically with low disability and one relapse every 2.5 years. The mean age for disease onset was 13.7 years. Conclusion The present study introduces a large series of Brazilian cases of pediatric MS. Although some patients presented a very severe form of MS, on the whole the group of patients with MS starting in childhood or adolescence presented a relatively mild form of this disease in Brazil

    Multiple sclerosis in South America: month of birth in different latitudes does not seem to interfere with the prevalence or progression of the disease

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    Objective To assess whether the month of birth in different latitudes of South America might influence the presence or severity of multiple sclerosis (MS) later in life. Methods Neurologists in four South American countries working at MS units collected data on their patients' month of birth, gender, age, and disease progression. Results Analysis of data from 1207 MS patients and 1207 control subjects did not show any significant variation in the month of birth regarding the prevalence of MS in four latitude bands (0–10; 11–20; 21–30; and 31–40 degrees). There was no relationship between the month of birth and the severity of disease in each latitude band. Conclusion The results from this study show that MS patients born to mothers who were pregnant at different Southern latitudes do not follow the seasonal pattern observed at high Northern latitudes

    Esclerose multipla na America do Sul: mes de nascimento em diferentes latitudes nao parece interferir com a prevalencia ou progressao da doenca

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    Objective To assess whether the month of birth in different latitudes of South America might influence the presence or severity of multiple sclerosis (MS) later in life. Methods Neurologists in four South American countries working at MS units collected data on their patients' month of birth, gender, age, and disease progression. Results Analysis of data from 1207 MS patients and 1207 control subjects did not show any significant variation in the month of birth regarding the prevalence of MS in four latitude bands (0–10; 11–20; 21–30; e 31–40 degrees). There was no relationship between the month of birth and the severity of disease in each latitude band. Conclusion The results from this study show that MS patients born to mothers who were pregnant at different Southern latitudes do not follow the seasonal pattern observed at high Northern latitudes.Objetivo Avaliar se o mês de nascimento em diferentes latitudes da América do Sul pode influenciar a presença ou gravidade da esclerose múltipla (EM) na vida. Método Neurologistas de quatro países da América do Sul trabalhando em unidades de EM coletaram os dados de seus pacientes com referência ao mês de nascimento, gênero, idade e progressão da doença. Resultados A análise dos dados mostrou que, para 1207 pacientes com EM e 1207 controles, não havia diferença significativa no mês de nascimento com relação à prevalência de EM em quatro zonas de latitude (0–10; 11–20; 21–30; e 31–40 graus). Não houve relação entre o mês de nascimento e a gravidade da doença em nenhuma destas zonas. Conclusão Os resultados deste estudo mostram que pacientes com EM nascidos de mães grávidas em diferentes latitudes sul não seguem o padrão dos resultados sazonais encontrados nas latitudes norte.57357

    Growing knowledge: an overview of Seed Plant diversity in Brazil

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