2,312 research outputs found

    Desgarrandonos de Nuestra Lengua: Ripping Us from our Language

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    Using a testimonio methodology, this study provides insight on how language ideologies, family, and education in the Texas Borderlands impacted two Latina teachers’ view and understanding of their identity. Through our personal experiences as PK-16 students, classroom teachers, and doctoral students, we were able to understand the colonization of our language and the subsequent endangerment of our bilingualism, which upon reflecting, had an impact on how we see ourselves as individuals, bilinguals, teachers, and Latinas. Our experiences with our bilingualism affected the way in which we perceive ourselves and our community. The reflection and analysis of our experiences allowed us to adjust our mindset towards a culturally sustaining lens, to improve our instructional practices, and to accept ourselves for who we are and where we were raised. Findings reveal how others’ ideologies about language and education can have a lasting consequence on us as well as how we go about changing our mindset to one of acceptance and pride

    Barcelona en Comù: Questions Facing a New Brand of Political Action

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    International audienceOur sociological inquiry emerged in the process of crossing the border between France and Catalonia in 2016. Our objective was to understand the political, social, and activist trajectories of certain individuals who were elected to the new Barcelona municipal government (and of their supporters) as closely as possible to their personal dimensions. Having won the elections, in May 2015, in what the European media considered to be quite a surprising victory, Ada Colau, a figure from the social movements that were fighting against housing evictions, became the mayor of Barcelona and was steadfastly determined to "deglobalize" the city. We decided to go meet this new political generation, which had been shaped by the "not in our name" intellectual and activist contexts of the early 2000s, and won over to the methods of empowerment and continuous deliberation, often learned in the framework of their professional experience in cooperation and development networks in Latin America

    Letter from Former Hermosa Workers

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    This document is part of a digital collection provided by the Martin P. Catherwood Library, ILR School, Cornell University, pertaining to the effects of globalization on the workplace worldwide. Special emphasis is placed on labor rights, working conditions, labor market changes, and union organizing.FLA_Hermosa_Workers_Letter.pdf: 22 downloads, before Oct. 1, 2020

    Reporting back environmental exposure data and free choice learning.

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    Reporting data back to study participants is increasingly being integrated into exposure and biomonitoring studies. Informal science learning opportunities are valuable in environmental health literacy efforts and report back efforts are filling an important gap in these efforts. Using the University of Arizona's Metals Exposure Study in Homes, this commentary reflects on how community-engaged exposure assessment studies, partnered with data report back efforts are providing a new informal education setting and stimulating free-choice learning. Participants are capitalizing on participating in research and leveraging their research experience to meet personal and community environmental health literacy goals. Observations from report back activities conducted in a mining community support the idea that reporting back biomonitoring data reinforces free-choice learning and this activity can lead to improvements in environmental health literacy. By linking the field of informal science education to the environmental health literacy concepts, this commentary demonstrates how reporting data back to participants is tapping into what an individual is intrinsically motivated to learn and how these efforts are successfully responding to community-identified education and research needs

    Integrating Content and Language to increase motivation and foster self-direction in language learning

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    80 páginas incluye diagramasThe Colombian Ministry of Education demands effective results in improving language levels to strengthen students’ communication skills in its “Programa de Fortalecimiento en Lengua Extranjera”, however teacher-researchers have confronted many problems during the process of facilitating the learning of English as a foreign language, particularly situations regarding the learners’ motivation towards the language, one of the most influential factors in any language learning process. For this reason, the study “Integrating Content and Language to increase motivation and foster self-direction in language learning” aims at improving student motivation in the foreign language learning by integrating content and language. This research project is also an attempt to foster self-directed language learning by implementing some strategies such as setting learning goals and collaborative work

    Improving Transgender Policy for a More Equitable Workplace

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    Sex and gender categories have become more fluid in recent years. With evolving understandings of sexual orientation and gender identity, public administrators are confronted with questions of how to craft policy and make decisions based on new conceptions of sex and gender for transgender employees. Policy and practice is especially challenging in the workplace where sex and gender encompass both personal and professional dimensions. Within the public sector, the federal government is recognized as a leader on these issues, and this work examines federal transgender policy to answer the following questions: 1) how are federal agencies addressing transgender issues in the workplace through formal policy? and 2) what can be done to improve future transgender policy? To gain a better understanding of what constitutes an effective transgender workplace policy, we conducted a qualitative content analysis of nine transgender plans from the following federal agencies: Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, Internal Revenue Service, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, United States Office of Special Counsel, United States Department of Interior, United States Department of Labor, United States Environmental Protection Agency, and United States Office of Personnel Management. Our analysis includes the identification of major themes within the nine policy documents. From this analysis, we propose best practices and future policy directions, as well as suggest ways of expanding the limited scholarship on transgender issues in the public sector

    Gestión de recursos humanos en el desempeño laboral de un hospital nivel II Cajamarca, 2023

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    Esta investigación se realizó para demostrar si existe influencia de la gestión los recursos humanos sobre el desempeño laboral de los profesionales de un hospital de nivel II de Cajamarca en 2023, tiene enfoque cuantitativo, es una investigación aplicada con diseño no experimental, de nivel explicativo. La población es de 186 profesionales asistenciales y administrativos, el muestreo aleatorio equivalente a 126 trabajadores, encontrándose que más de la mitad de los encuestados cree que hay un buena gestión de recursos humanos y además se consideran competentes en sus funciones, y el 61% considera que hay un nivel medio en el desempeño laboral, y un 73.8 % de los encuestados considera que tiene un nivel medio de cumplimiento de metas. Existe influencia de la gestión de recursos humanos sobre el desempeño laboral con una significancia de 0,685. Además, existe influencia sobre las competencias con una significancia de 0,726, por el contrario, se encontró que no existe influencia de la gestión de recursos humanos sobre el cumplimiento de metas con una significancia de 0,161. Como conclusión se tiene que la gestión de recursos humanos influye con un alto nivel de significancia sobre el desempeño laboral de los profesionales de un hospital nivel II de Cajamarca

    « Barcelona en comù » Questions posées à un nouvel agir politique

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    International audienceTraverser, en 2016, la frontière de la France vers la Catalogne est le projet d'une enquête qui s'est donné l'objectif de comprendre, au plus près de leur dimension personnelle, les trajectoires politiques, sociales, militantes, de certains élus et sympathisants de la nouvelle municipalité de Barcelone, arrivés, de façon étonnante selon les médias européens, en tête des élections, en mai 2015. Le leadership municipal est alors porté par Ada Colau, une personnalité issue des mouvements sociaux, et résolument décidée à « démondialiser » la ville. Con fidences, récits des trajectoires, compétences d'historicité des interviewés et ré flexivités partagées, ont été permis par une série d'entretiens, qui finissent par interroger les frontières entre citoyenneté intime, citoyenneté publique et exercice du pouvoir ; entre action militante et pouvoir institutionnel ; entre échelle locale et échelle inter ou trans-nationale, et plus largement entre mémoire et histoire. Traverser la frontière de la France vers la Catalogne est aussi le moment d'une rencontre et d'un dialogue ouvert, amical et sérieux, entre art et sciences sociales. Julia Ramírez Blanco, historienne et critique d'art, s'attache ainsi à l'analyse de sept oeuvres qui accompagnent et interrogent autrement la lecture socio-anthropologique du politique