139 research outputs found

    Responsibility versus sustainability, ethics, and societal engagement: The German Science, Technology, Innovation context

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    We examine the concept of responsible research and innovation (RRI) in Germany in the context of national science, technology and innovation (STI) as well as its legal and normative framework in relation to ethics and societal engagement and compare the results to similar international research. Our analysis shows that responsibility plays a central role in research practice guided by research ethics standards and societal grand challenges. Consequently, there is a significant increase in demands for inclusion and engagement of a wider stakeholder spectrum in STI. Compared to other countries, the concept of RRI in Germany is increasingly superseded by that of sustainability. We argue that responsibility and sustainability are conceptually close and highly interchangeable in the German national debate. We conclude with basic recommendations for greater clarity in research on responsibility and sustainability and the aims of ethics and societal engagement.Im Folgenden wird das Konzept "Responsible Research and Innovation" (RRI) im Kontext nationaler Forschung, Technologie und Innovation (FTI) sowie seiner rechtlichen und normativen Rahmen in Bezug auf Ethik und gesellschaftliche Partizipation untersucht und mit Erkenntnissen internationaler Forschung verglichen. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass Verantwortung eine zentrale Rolle in einer Forschungspraxis einnimmt, die auf forschungsethische Standards und große gesellschaftliche Herausforderungen ausgerichtet ist. Forderungen nach Einbeziehung und Partizipation eines breiteren Stakeholder-Spektrums in FTI nehmen daher deutlich zu. Im Vergleich zu anderen Ländern zeigt sich, dass das RRI-Konzept in Deutschland jedoch zunehmend durch das der Nachhaltigkeit verdrängt wird. Wir argumentieren, dass Verantwortung und Nachhaltigkeit in der deutschen Debatte konzeptionell nahe beieinander liegen und häufig austauschbar sind. Der Beitrag schließt mit grundlegenden Handlungsempfehlungen für mehr Klarheit in der Forschung zu Verantwortung und Nachhaltigkeit sowie den Zielen von Ethik und gesellschaftlicher Partizipation

    Error-related brain activity as a transdiagnostic endophenotype for obsessive-compulsive disorder, anxiety and substance use disorder

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    Background Increased neural error-signals have been observed in obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), anxiety disorders, and inconsistently in depression. Reduced neural error-signals have been observed in substance use disorders (SUD). Thus, alterations in error-monitoring are proposed as a transdiagnostic endophenotype. To strengthen this notion, data from unaffected individuals with a family history for the respective disorders are needed. Methods The error-related negativity (ERN) as a neural indicator of error-monitoring was measured during a flanker task from 117 OCD patients, 50 unaffected first-degree relatives of OCD patients, and 130 healthy comparison participants. Family history information indicated, that 76 healthy controls were free of a family history for psychopathology, whereas the remaining had first-degree relatives with depression (n = 28), anxiety (n = 27), and/or SUD (n = 27). Results Increased ERN amplitudes were found in OCD patients and unaffected first-degree relatives of OCD patients. In addition, unaffected first-degree relatives of individuals with anxiety disorders were also characterized by increased ERN amplitudes, whereas relatives of individuals with SUD showed reduced amplitudes. Conclusions Alterations in neural error-signals in unaffected first-degree relatives with a family history of OCD, anxiety, or SUD support the utility of the ERN as a transdiagnostic endophenotype. Reduced neural error-signals may indicate vulnerability for under-controlled behavior and risk for substance use, whereas a harm- or error-avoidant response style and vulnerability for OCD and anxiety appears to be associated with increased ERN. This adds to findings suggesting a common neurobiological substrate across psychiatric disorders involving the anterior cingulate cortex and deficits in cognitive control

    "Grau, theurer Freund, ist alle Theorie"? Theorien und Erkenntniswege Schul- und Berufspraktischer Studien

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    Der vorliegende Band stellt eine erste Sammlung und Systematisierung von Bezugstheorien und Erkenntniswegen im Kontext Schul- und Berufspraktischer Studien dar. Intendiert sind eine theoretische Fundierung sowie eine methodologische und methodische Profi lierung des Gegenstandsbereichs. Damit wird auch der Versuch unternommen, ein akademisches Niveau der Auseinandersetzung zu markieren, das in zukünft igen Diskursen zum Gegenstands- und Studienbereich aus fachgesellschaft - licher Perspektive Standards setzt. Ohne den Anspruch zu formulieren, eine eigenständige Disziplin zu begründen, stellt sich die Frage nach den für den Gegenstandsbereich genuinen Bezugstheorien bzw. danach, ob es einen alle Bereiche umspannenden Th eorierahmen gibt. Aus unserer Perspektive bieten Professionsund Professionalisierungstheorien eine solche Rahmung an, da alle die Lehrerinnenund Lehrerbildung umfassenden Fächer und Disziplinen zumindest mit impliziten Erwartungen und Vorstellungen hinsichtlich einer guten Lehrerinnen- und Lehrerbildung sowie im Ergebnis einer professionellen Lehrperson darauf zugreifen (könnten). Würde man diese das eigene hochschulische Tun begleitenden, inhärenten Erwartungen und Vorstellungen explizieren, würden sich vermutlich nicht nur in Bezug auf Ziele und Wirksamkeitsunterstellungen Unterschiede zwischen den Akteurinnen und Akteuren zeigen, sondern es würde auch deutlich werden, dass in der Lehrerinnen- und Lehrerbildung nicht alle „an einem Strang ziehen“

    The Shape of Global Technology Assessment

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    This chapter draws tentative conclusions from the findings of the book contributions with regard to possible future ways to organise TA on a global scale. These considerations comprise a discussion of possible organisational shapes that can support the global interchange and sharing of TA capacities, and increase its political relevance and operability on a global level. Beyond such medium-and long-term aspirations, the outlook reflects on more short-term practical steps that could be taken within the globalTA Network to improve interchange of knowledge and expertise, engage in joint projects and mutually foster analytical and methodological capacities.</p

    Introduction:Technology Assessment Beyond National Boundaries

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    Modern societies are immensely permeated by technologies and thus also dependent on them. Increasingly, this is also true for countries in the global South. As a result, questions about the interdependencies of technology and society, the possible mutual influences and the social governance of technology are becoming a global challenge.</p

    Building community - or why we need on ongoing conference platform for TA

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    As a background for current outlooks towards strengthening the technology assessment (TA) community, Scherz et al. give a historical overview of efforts to establish international fora for communication among professionals and researchers in TA. Against this background, the article conveys experiences from the first two bi-annual TA conferences, arranged in the context of the PACITA project. The authors describe experiences of mutual learning across national boundaries and communicate a renewed understanding of the necessity for supporting TA capacities at the national level through professional community building. Ultimately, Scherz et al. argue that a European TA platform is necessary for establishing a common language for TA and for supporting the spread of TA across borders

    Model-based exploration of hypokalemia in dairy cows

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    Hypokalemia in dairy cows, which is characterized by too low serum potassium levels, is a severe mineral disorder that can be life threatening. In this paper, we explore different originating conditions of hypokalemia—reduced potassium intake, increased excretion, acid-base disturbances, and increased insulin—by using a dynamic mathematical model for potassium balance in non-lactating and lactating cows. The simulations confirm observations described in literature. They illustrate, for example, that changes in dietary intake or excretion highly effect intracellular potassium levels, whereas extracellular levels vary only slightly. Simulations also show that the higher the potassium content in the diet, the more potassium is excreted with urine. Application of the mathematical model assists in experimental planning and therefore contributes to the 3R strategy: reduction, refinement and replacement of animal experiments

    Model-based exploration of hypokalemia in dairy cows

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    Hypokalemia in dairy cows, which is characterized by too low serum potassium levels, is a severe mineral disorder that can be life threatening. In this paper, we explore different originating conditions of hypokalemia—reduced potassium intake, increased excretion, acid-base disturbances, and increased insulin—by using a dynamic mathematical model for potassium balance in non-lactating and lactating cows. The simulations confirm observations described in literature. They illustrate, for example, that changes in dietary intake or excretion highly effect intracellular potassium levels, whereas extracellular levels vary only slightly. Simulations also show that the higher the potassium content in the diet, the more potassium is excreted with urine. Application of the mathematical model assists in experimental planning and therefore contributes to the 3R strategy: reduction, refinement and replacement of animal experiments.publishedVersio