2,258 research outputs found

    Neuropsychological, Psychosocial, and Mood Outcomes Following Mild Traumatic Brain Injury

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    Traumatic brain injury (TBI) in adolescents and adults can result in cognitive, emotional, behavioral and neurological deficits that can persist more than a year after an injury. The aim of the current preliminary study was to use a comprehensive neuropsychological assessment to determine the nature of cognitive impairments and their relationship with specific psychosocial factors, including coping skills and perceived quality of life, following mild TBI (mTBI). Neuropsychological tests administered measured intelligence, pre-morbid intelligence, executive functioning, verbal memory, complex visual construction and non-verbal memory, sustained attention distractibility, and vigilance, verbal learning and memory, fine motor speed, and novel problem solving and executive functioning. Psychological and life satisfaction measures assessed perceived quality of life, coping style, anxiety, and depression. MTBI subjects showed decreased attention, verbal and non-verbal memory, quality of life, and increased depression and anxiety when compared with healthy controls. Additionally, it was found that quality of life mediated the relationship between head injury and depression, anxiety, and attention. These findings may suggest that psychotherapy interventions may be able to improve quality of life and aspects of cognition following TBI

    Cerebral Metabolic and Neuropsychological Outcomes Following Mild Traumatic Brain Injury

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    Traumatic brain injury (TBI) in adolescents and adults can result in cognitive, emotional, behavioral and neurological deficits that can persist more than a year after an injury. The current preliminary study used 3D magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging (MRSI) and comprehensive neuropsychological assessment to determine if prolonged cerebral metabolic and cognitive alterations occur in individuals with persistent neurocognitive deficits following a mild TBI (mTBI). The current study evaluated the potential interactions between cerebral metabolism and neuropsychological performance, coping style, mood, and perceived quality of life in mTBI subjects with chronic post-concussive symptoms. The mTBI subjects performed worse than controls on neuropsychological measures, endorsed poorer mood and reported significantly poorer perceived quality of life than healthy controls. Additionally, cerebral metabolic differences were found between groups as well as significant interactions between neuropsychological performance and cerebral metabolism. The current findings may potentially guide future research to more eagerly strive to understand possible ways to alter cerebral metabolism, possibly through medication, diet, or other behavioural changes

    An Exhaustive Symmetry Approach to Structure Determination: Phase Transitions in Bi2Sn2O7

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    The exploitable properties of many materials are intimately linked to symmetry-lowering structural phase transitions. We present an automated and exhaustive symmetry-mode method for systematically exploring and solving such structures which will be widely applicable to a range of functional materials. We exemplify the method with an investigation of the Bi2Sn2O7 pyrochlore, which has been shown to undergo transitions from a parent γ cubic phase to β and α structures on cooling. The results include the first reliable structural model for β-Bi2Sn2O7 (orthorhombic Aba2, a = 7.571833(8), b = 21.41262(2), and c = 15.132459(14) Å) and a much simpler description of α-Bi2Sn2O7 (monoclinic Cc, a = 13.15493(6), b = 7.54118(4), and c = 15.07672(7) Å, β = 125.0120(3)°) than has been presented previously. We use the symmetry-mode basis to describe the phase transition in terms of coupled rotations of the Bi2O′ anti-cristobalite framework, which allow Bi atoms to adopt low-symmetry coordination environments favored by lone-pair cations

    A Comparison of the Storage-Only Deficit and Joint Mechanism Deficit Hypotheses of the Verbal Working Memory Storage Capacity Limitation of Children with Developmental Language Disorder

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    Purpose: The storage-only deficit and joint mechanism deficit hypotheses are two possible explanations of the verbal working memory (vWM) storage capacity limitation of school-age children with developmental language disorder (DLD). We assessed the merits of each hypothesis in a large group of children with DLD and a group of same-age typically developing (TD) children. Method: Participants were 117 children with DLD and 117 propensity-matched TD children 7-11 years of age. Children completed tasks indexing vWM capacity, verbal short-term storage, sustained attention, attention switching, and lexical long-term memory (LTM). Results: For the DLD group, all of the mechanisms jointly explained 26.5% of total variance. Storage accounted for the greatest portion (13.7%), followed by controlled attention (primarily sustained attention 6.5%), and then lexical LTM (5.6%). For the TD group, all three mechanisms together explained 43.9% of total variance. Storage accounted for the most variance (19.6%), followed by lexical LTM (16.0%), sustained attention (5.4%), and attention switching (3.0%). There was a significant LTM by Group interaction in which stronger LTM scores were associated with significantly higher vWM capacity scores for the TD group as compared to the DLD group. Conclusions: Results support a joint mechanism deficit account of the vWM capacity limitation of children with DLD. Results provide substantively new insights into the underlying factors of the vWM capacity limitation in DLD

    “Whatdunit?” Developmental changes in children\u27s syntactically based sentence interpretation abilities and sensitivity to word order

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    Aim 1 of this study was to examine the developmental changes in typically developing English-speaking children’s syntactically-based sentence interpretation abilities and sensitivity to word order. Aim 2 was to determine the psychometric standing of the novel sentence interpretation task developed for this study, as we wish to use it later with children with Specific Language Impairment (SLI). Children listened to semantically implausible sentences in which noun animacy and the natural affordance between the nouns were removed, thus controlling for event probability. Using this novel “whatdunit?” agent selection task, 256 children 7-11 years listened to two structures with canonical word order and two with non-canonical word order. After each sentence, children selected as quickly as possible the picture of the noun they believed was “doing the action.” Children interpreted sentences with canonical word order with greater accuracy and speed than those with non-canonical word order. Older children (AgeM = 10:8) were more accurate and faster than younger children (AgeM = 8:1) across all sentence forms. Both older and younger children demonstrated similar error patterns across sentence type. The “whatdunit?” task also proved to have strong validity and reliability, making it suitable for studies with children with SLI

    Soil carbon distribution and quality in a montane rangeland forest mosaic in northern Utah

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    Relatively little is known about soil organic carbon (SOC) dynamics in montane ecosystems of the semi-arid western U.S. or the stability of current SOC pools under future climate change scenarios. We measured the distribution and quality of SOC in a mosaic of rangeland-forest vegetation types that occurs under similar climatic conditions on non-calcareous soils at Utah State University’s T.W. Daniel Experimental Forest in northern Utah: the forest types were aspen [Populus tremuloides] and conifer (mixture of fir [Abies lasiocarpa] and spruce [Picea engelmannii]); the rangeland types were sagebrush steppe [Artemisia tridentata], grass-forb meadow, and a meadow-conifer ecotone. Total SOC was calculated from OC concentrations, estimates of bulk density by texture and rock-free soil volume in five pedons. The SOC quality was expressed in terms of leaching potential and decomposability. Amount and aromaticity of water-soluble organic carbon (DOC) was determined by water extraction and specific ultra violet absorbance at 254 nm (SUVA) of leached DOC. Decomposability of SOC and DOC was derived from laboratory incubation of soil samples and water extracts, respectively. Although there was little difference in total SOC between soils sampled under different vegetation types, vertical distribution, and quality of SOC appeared to be influenced by vegetation. Forest soils had a distinct O horizon and higher SOC concentration in near-surface mineral horizons that declined sharply with depth. Rangeland soils lacked O horizons and SOC concentration declined more gradually. Quality of SOC under rangelands was more uniform with depth and SOC was less soluble and less decomposable (i.e., more stable) than under forests. However, DOC in grass-forb meadow soils was less aromatic and more bioavailable, likely promoting C retention through cycling. The SOC in forest soils was notably more leachable and decomposable, especially near the soil surface, with stability increasing with soil depth. Across the entire dataset, there was a weak inverse relationship between the decomposability and the aromaticity of DOC. Our data indicate that despite similar SOC pools, vegetation type may affect SOC retention capacity under future climate projections by influencing potential SOC losses via leaching and decomposition

    A Re-Examination of the Taxonomic Boundaries of \u3cem\u3eSymphysia\u3c/em\u3e (Ericaceae)

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    DNA sequence data were generated for the nuclear ITS region for Symphysia racemosa and for 26 additional Vaccinieae representing 12 sections in the genus Vaccinium plus one species from each of five additional segregate genera. Our focus is on the placement of S. racemosa relative to Vaccinium sensu scricto and Vaccinium sect. Oreades (represented by V. poasanum). Maximum parsimony analysis of 608 bp of nrITS region suggests that S. racemosa and V. poasanum form a well-supported clade in spite of substantial morphological divergence. Futhermore, this clade is a sister group to a clade consisting of all segregate genera examined. These molecular results led us to undertake a morphological cladistic analysis of all of the other Central American green-flowered taxa. We suggest that the genus Symphysia should be expanded to encompass these 15 taxa, despite the lack of phylogenetic resolution within this group. This will necessitate eight new combinations, via. Symphysia almedae (= V. almedae), Symphysia costaricensis (= V. costaricense), Symphysia jefensis (= V. jefense), Symphysia orosiensis (= V. orosiense), Symphysia ovata (= Lateropora ovata), Symphysia perardua (= V. santafeënsis), Symphysia poasana (= Vaccinium poasanum), Symphysia santafeënsis (= L. santafeënsis), and Symphysia tubulifera (= L. tubulifera)

    Consistency of a nonword repetition task to discriminate children with and without developmental language disorder in Catalan-Spanish and European Portuguese speaking children

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    Nonword repetition has been proposed as a diagnostic marker of developmental language disorder (DLD); however, the inconsistency in the ability of nonword repetition tasks (NRT) to identify children with DLD raises significant questions regarding its feasibility as a clinical tool. Research suggests that some of the inconsistency across NRT may be due to differences in the nature of the nonword stimuli. In this study, we compared children’s performance on NRT between two cohorts: the children in the Catalan–Spanish cohort (CS) were bilingual, and the children in the European Portuguese cohort (EP) were monolingual. NRT performance was assessed in both Spanish and Catalan for the bilingual children from Catalonia-Spain and in Portuguese for the monolingual children from Portugal. Results show that although the absolute performance differed across the two cohorts, with NRT performance being lower for the CS, in both Catalan and Spanish, as compared to the EP cohort in both, the cut-points for the likelihood ratios (LH) were similar across the three languages and mirror those previously reported in previous studies. However, the absolute LH ratio values for this study were higher than those reported in prior research due in part to differences in wordlikeness and frequency of the stimuli in the current study. Taken together, the findings from this study show that an NRT consisting of 3-, 4-, and 5-syllable nonwords, which varies in wordlikeness ratings, when presented in a random order accurately identifies and correctly differentiates children with DLD from TD controls the child is bilingual or monolingual.This research was funded by the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD) Grant [R0105263] awarded to Dr. Evans, from The National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) Grant [P30HD03352] awarded to the Waisman Center, The University of Wisconsin Madison; by the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad Grant [2016EDU2016-75368-P/BES-2014-070511] awarded from Dr. Andreu and from the Agència de Gestió d’Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca (AGAUR) de la Generalitat de Catalunya [2017SGR387] awarded to the Grup de Recerca en Cognició i Llenguatge (UOC-UB); by the CIEd—Research Centre on Education, Institute of Education, University of Minho, projects [UIDB/01661/2020] and [UIDP/01661/2020], through national funds of FCT/MCTES-PT

    Bridging the Digital Divide: The UNBIASED national study to unravel the impact of ethnicity and deprivation on diabetes technology disparities in the United Kingdom

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    While diabetes technology offers significant clinical and quality-of-life benefits to people with type 1 diabetes, persistent inequalities in technology use based on ethnicity and deprivation are becoming increasingly evident. To date, there is limited research into the challenges and barriers to accessing and using diabetes technology and concerns felt by end-users from racially minoritised and socioeconomically disadvantaged groups. Their views are often under-represented in the literature, and healthcare professionals’ perspectives on barriers to technology access have also been neglected. This article explores the nuanced relationship between ethnicity, socioeconomic status, and technology access. By understanding the parallels between health and technology inequalities, we can pave the way for targeted interventions to bridge the digital gap and create a more inclusive technological landscape. The UNBIASED study is currently being conducted across England, and is exploring the lived experiences of under-represented children and young people with type 1 diabetes regarding the (lack of) utilisation of life-changing diabetes technologies. The study is also consulting healthcare professionals who can act as gatekeepers to technology, with the ultimate goal of identifying and dismantling existing barriers and inequities to access. By synthesising the perspectives of both people with type 1 diabetes and healthcare providers, this research seeks to develop inclusive, practical, and implementable solutions to foster improved access to cutting-edge diabetes technologies within the National Health Service (NHS)