26 research outputs found

    Inhibition of the JAK/STAT Signaling Pathway in Regulatory T Cells Reveals a Very Dynamic Regulation of Foxp3 Expression

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    The IL-2/JAK3/STAT-5 signaling pathway is involved on the initiation and maintenance of the transcription factor Foxp3 in regulatory T cells (Treg) and has been associated with demethylation of the intronic Conserved Non Coding Sequence-2 (CNS2). However, the role of the JAK/STAT pathway in controlling Foxp3 in the short term has been poorly investigated. Using two different JAK/STAT pharmacological inhibitors, we observed a detectable loss of Foxp3 after 10 min. of treatment that affected 70% of the cells after one hour. Using cycloheximide, a general inhibitor of mRNA translation, we determined that Foxp3, but not CD25, has a high turnover in IL-2 stimulated Treg. This reduction was correlated with a rapid reduction of Foxp3 mRNA. This loss of Foxp3 was associated with a loss in STAT-5 binding to the CNS2, which however remains demethylated. Consequently, Foxp3 expression returns to normal level upon restoration of basal JAK/STAT signaling in vivo. Reduced expression of several genes defining Treg identity was also observed upon treatment. Thus, our results demonstrate that Foxp3 has a rapid turn over in Treg partly controlled at the transcriptional level by the JAK/STAT pathway

    reChIP-seq reveals widespread bivalency of H3K4me3 and H3K27me3 in CD4+ memory T cells

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    The combinatorial action of co-localizing chromatin modifications and regulators determines chromatin structure and function. However, identifying co-localizing chromatin features in a high-throughput manner remains a technical challenge. Here we describe a novel reChIP-seq approach and tailored bioinformatic analysis tool, normR that allows for the sequential enrichment and detection of co-localizing DNA-associated proteins in an unbiased and genome-wide manner. We illustrate the utility of the reChIP-seq method and normR by identifying H3K4me3 or H3K27me3 bivalently modified nucleosomes in primary human CD4+ memory T cells. We unravel widespread bivalency at hypomethylated CpG-islands coinciding with inactive promoters of developmental regulators. reChIP-seq additionally uncovered heterogeneous bivalency in the population, which was undetectable by intersecting H3K4me3 and H3K27me3 ChIP- seq tracks. Finally, we provide evidence that bivalency is established and stabilized by an interplay between the genome and epigenome. Our reChIP-seq approach augments conventional ChIP-seq and is broadly applicable to unravel combinatorial modes of action

    Killer-like receptors and GPR56 progressive expression defines cytokine production of human CD4+ memory T cells

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    All memory T cells mount an accelerated response on antigen reencounter, but significant functional heterogeneity is present within the respective memory T-cell subsets as defined by CCR7 and CD45RA expression, thereby warranting further stratification. Here we show that several surface markers, including KLRB1, KLRG1, GPR56, and KLRF1, help define low, high, or exhausted cytokine producers within human peripheral and intrahepatic CD4+ memory T-cell populations. Highest simultaneous production of TNF and IFN-γ is observed in KLRB1+KLRG1+GPR56+ CD4 T cells. By contrast, KLRF1 expression is associated with T-cell exhaustion and reduced TNF/IFN-γ production. Lastly, TCRβ repertoire analysis and in vitro differentiation support a regulated, progressive expression for these markers during CD4+ memory T-cell differentiation. Our results thus help refine the classification of human memory T cells to provide insights on inflammatory disease progression and immunotherapy development

    Methylation matters: binding of Ets-1 to the demethylated Foxp3 gene contributes to the stabilization of Foxp3 expression in regulatory T cells

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    The forkhead-box protein P3 (Foxp3) is a key transcription factor for the development and suppressive activity of regulatory T cells (Tregs), a T cell subset critically involved in the maintenance of self-tolerance and prevention of over-shooting immune responses. However, the transcriptional regulation of Foxp3 expression remains incompletely understood. We have previously shown that epigenetic modifications in the CpG-rich Treg-specific demethylated region (TSDR) in the Foxp3 locus are associated with stable Foxp3 expression. We now demonstrate that the methylation state of the CpG motifs within the TSDR controls its transcriptional activity rather than a Treg-specific transcription factor network. By systematically mutating every CpG motif within the TSDR, we could identify four CpG motifs, which are critically determining the transcriptional activity of the TSDR and which serve as binding sites for essential transcription factors, such as CREB/ATF and NF-κB, which have previously been shown to bind to this element. The transcription factor Ets-1 was here identified as an additional molecular player that specifically binds to the TSDR in a demethylation-dependent manner in vitro. Disruption of the Ets-1 binding sites within the TSDR drastically reduced its transcriptional enhancer activity. In addition, we found Ets-1 bound to the demethylated TSDR in ex vivo isolated Tregs, but not to the methylated TSDR in conventional CD4+ T cells. We therefore propose that Ets-1 is part of a larger protein complex, which binds to the TSDR only in its demethylated state, thereby restricting stable Foxp3 expression to the Treg lineage

    High dose CD11c-driven IL15 is sufficient to drive NK cell maturation and anti-tumor activity in a trans-presentation independent manner

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    The common gamma (γc)-chain cytokine interleukin 15 (IL15) is a multifunctional immune-modulator which impacts the generation, maturation and activity of many cell types of the innate, as well as the adaptive immune system, including natural killer (NK) and CD8(+) T cells. Using a new series of transgenic mice, we analyzed the in vivo potential of IL15 as an immune-regulator when available at different concentrations or delivery modes, i.e. soluble monomer or complexed to its specific receptor α (Rα)-chain. We have identified distinct effects on selected IL15-responsive populations. While CD8(+) T cells required complexed forms of IL15/IL15Rα for full functionality, mature NK populations were rescued in an IL15/IL15Rα-deficient environment by high levels of CD11c-restricted IL15. These IL15-conditions were sufficient to limit tumor formation in a lung metastasis model indicating that the NK cell populations were fully functional. These data underline the potential of "free" IL15 in the absence of Rα-complex as a powerful and specific immuno-modulator, which may be beneficial where selective immune-activation is desired.</p

    Inhibition of the JAK/STAT Signaling Pathway in Regulatory T Cells Reveals a Very Dynamic Regulation of Foxp3 Expression

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    International audienceThe IL-2/JAK3/STAT-5 signaling pathway is involved on the initiation and maintenance of the transcription factor Foxp3 in regulatory T cells (Treg) and has been associated with demethylation of the intronic Conserved Non Coding Sequence-2 (CNS2). However, the role of the JAK/STAT pathway in controlling Foxp3 in the short term has been poorly investigated. Using two different JAK/STAT pharmacological inhibitors, we observed a detectable loss of Foxp3 after 10 min. of treatment that affected 70% of the cells after one hour. Using cycloheximide, a general inhibitor of mRNA translation, we determined that Foxp3, but not CD25, has a high turnover in IL-2 stimulated Treg. This reduction was correlated with a rapid reduction of Foxp3 mRNA. This loss of Foxp3 was associated with a loss in STAT-5 binding to the CNS2, which however remains demethylated. Consequently, Foxp3 expression returns to normal level upon restoration of basal JAK/STAT signaling in vivo. Reduced expression of several genes defining Treg identity was also observed upon treatment. Thus, our results demonstrate that Foxp3 has a rapid turn over in Treg partly controlled at the transcriptional level by the JAK/STAT pathway

    Antituberculosis Drug Resistance Survey in Lesotho, 2008-2009: Lessons Learned.

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    Drug resistance is an increasing threat to tuberculosis (TB) control worldwide. The World Health Organization advises monitoring for drug resistance, with either ongoing surveillance or periodic surveys.The antituberculosis drug resistance survey was conducted in Lesotho in 2008-2009. Basic demographic and TB history information was collected from individuals with positive sputum smear results at 17 diagnostic facilities. Additional sputum sample was sent to the national TB reference laboratory for culture and drug susceptibility testing.Among 3441 eligible smear-positive persons, 1121 (32.6%) were not requested to submit sputum for culture. Among 2320 persons submitted sputum, 1164 (50.2%) were not asked for clinical information or did not have valid sputum samples for testing. In addition, 445/2320 (19.2%) were excluded from analysis because of other laboratory or data management reasons. Among 984/3441 (28.6%) persons who had data available for analysis, MDR-TB was present in 24/773 (3.1%) of new and 25/195 (12.8%) of retreatment TB cases. Logistical, operational and data management challenges affected survey results.MDR-TB is prevalent in Lesotho, but limitations reduced the reliability of our findings. Multiple lessons learned during this survey can be applied to improve the next drug resistance survey in Lesotho and other resource constrained countries may learn how to avoid these bottlenecks

    CD137+CD154− Expression As a Regulatory T Cell (Treg)-Specific Activation Signature for Identification and Sorting of Stable Human Tregs from In Vitro Expansion Cultures

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    Regulatory T cells (Tregs) are an attractive therapeutic tool for several different immune pathologies. Therapeutic Treg application often requires prolonged in vitro culture to generate sufficient Treg numbers or to optimize their functionality, e.g., via genetic engineering of their antigen receptors. However, purity of clinical Treg expansion cultures is highly variable, and currently, it is impossible to identify and separate stable Tregs from contaminating effector T cells, either ex vivo or after prior expansion. This represents a major obstacle for quality assurance of expanded Tregs and raises significant safety concerns. Here, we describe a Treg activation signature that allows identification and sorting of epigenetically imprinted Tregs even after prolonged in vitro culture. We show that short-term reactivation resulted in expression of CD137 but not CD154 on stable FoxP3+ Tregs that displayed a demethylated Treg-specific demethylated region, high suppressive potential, and lack of inflammatory cytokine expression. We also applied this Treg activation signature for rapid testing of chimeric antigen receptor functionality in human Tregs and identified major differences in the signaling requirements regarding CD137 versus CD28 costimulation. Taken together, CD137+CD154− expression emerges as a universal Treg activation signature ex vivo and upon in vitro expansion allowing the identification and isolation of epigenetically stable antigen-activated Tregs and providing a means for their rapid functional testing in vitro

    A comprehensive analysis of 195 DNA methylomes reveals shared and cell-specific features of partially methylated domains

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    Abstract Background Partially methylated domains are extended regions in the genome exhibiting a reduced average DNA methylation level. They cover gene-poor and transcriptionally inactive regions and tend to be heterochromatic. We present a comprehensive comparative analysis of partially methylated domains in human and mouse cells, to identify structural and functional features associated with them. Results Partially methylated domains are present in up to 75% of the genome in human and mouse cells irrespective of their tissue or cell origin. Each cell type has a distinct set of partially methylated domains, and genes expressed in such domains show a strong cell type effect. The methylation level varies between cell types with a more pronounced effect in differentiating and replicating cells. The lowest level of methylation is observed in highly proliferating and immortal cancer cell lines. A decrease of DNA methylation within partially methylated domains tends to be linked to an increase in heterochromatic histone marks and a decrease of gene expression. Characteristic combinations of heterochromatic signatures in partially methylated domains are linked to domains of early and middle S-phase and late S-G2 phases of DNA replication. Conclusions Partially methylated domains are prominent signatures of long-range epigenomic organization. Integrative analysis identifies them as important general, lineage- and cell type-specific topological features. Changes in partially methylated domains are hallmarks of cell differentiation, with decreased methylation levels and increased heterochromatic marks being linked to enhanced cell proliferation. In combination with broad histone marks, partially methylated domains demarcate distinct domains of late DNA replication

    Blockade of JAK/STAT signaling pathway leads to down modulation of Foxp3 in Treg.

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    <p>(<b>a</b>) CD25-enriched T cells were cultured for one hour in complete medium alone (Med.), with IL-2 (IL-2), or IL-2 supplemented with ZM-39923 (IL-2+ZM) or AG-490 (IL-2+AG). Profiles shown are gated in CD4<sup>+</sup> cells and are representative of 4 independent experiments. (<b>b</b>) Frequencies of pSTAT5<sup>+</sup> cells among CD4<sup>+</sup> cells cultured for one hour with IL-2 alone (IL-2) or in presence of IL-2 and the indicated JAK inhibitors (ZM, AG). Results are compiled from 4 independent experiments. <b>(c)</b> In vitro expanded CD4<sup>+</sup>GFP<sup>+</sup> Treg were treated with IL-2 and with either 100ug/mL of AG490 (IL-2+AG) or vehicle control (absolute ethanol; EtOH) for 2 hrs (IL-2). Proteins were extracted in lysis buffer and blotted followed by anti-Foxp3 and anti-actin staining. Intensity values were normalized to the actin band in each blot. The specificity of the Foxp3 staining is attested by the absence of the Foxp3 band in extracts from splenocytes of a scurfy (genetically deficient for Foxp3) mouse. <b>(d)</b> Human CD4<sup>+</sup>CD25<sup>+</sup> cells were enriched from PBMC of healthy donors by magnetic sorting and treated with IL-2 (600 IU/mL) with or without ZM (50 μM) for 1h. MFI of CD25 and FOXP3 in human CD4<sup>+</sup>CD3<sup>+</sup> cells after treatment with IL-2 alone (IL-2) or IL-2 in presence of ZM (IL-2+ZM). The MFI of Foxp3 and CD25 shown were normalized by the MFI of control cultures. These data are compiled from 3 independent experiments. Statistical significance was tested using Student t-test (***p<0.001, **p<0.01, *p<0.05).</p