12 research outputs found

    Promoção de competências de auto-regulação na escrita: um estudo no 1.º ciclo do ensino básico

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    Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Psicologia (área de especialização em Psicologia Escolar e da Educação)A presente dissertação expõe uma investigação realizada em torno dos processos de autoregulação da aprendizagem, tendo como objectivo principal avaliar o impacto do programa de competências auto-regulatórias na escrita em 31 alunos do 4.º ano do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico de um estabelecimento privado no distrito do Porto, recorrendo a duas metodologias de avaliação, uma de aptidão (i.e. inventário de auto-relato) e outra de evento (i.e. grelha). O programa implementado teve como base o Projecto “Sarilhos do Amarelo” (Rosário, Núñez & González-Pienda, 2007), uma ferramenta educativa que está orientada no sentido de discutir com crianças sub-10 (desde o pré-escolar até ao final do 1º ciclo do Ensino Básico) questões sobre estratégias e processos de auto-regulação da aprendizagem. A ferramenta Sarilhos do Amarelo consiste numa narrativa que descreve um conjunto de aventuras vividas pelas cores do arco-íris em busca do seu amigo Amarelo perdido no bosque. A leitura dos capítulos do livro foram contemplados por parte da docente titular da turma, e a exploração da estória, realizada semanalmente durante um período lectivo, pela investigadora. Com o presente estudo pretende-se contribuir com dados para investigações futuras realizadas nesta área. A intervenção realizada foi submetida a mais do que uma metodologia de avaliação (Zimmerman, 2008). Procurou-se avaliar o impacto do programa através da análise de uma medida de aptidão “O Inventário de Processos de Auto-Regulação da Aprendizagem” (IPAA – 1.º CEB) (Rosário, Nuñez, González-Pienda, Carezo & Valle, 2010) e da prova “Avaliação da Compreensão Leitora (ACL-4) (Catalã et al., 2001), aplicados num momento de pré e pós-teste. Foi nosso objectivo, avaliar, ainda, o processo auto-regulatório como um evento, através da recolha repetida e continuada de composições elaboradas com o apoio inicial de uma grelha, percebendo deste modo como se processa e desenvolve a aquisição de estratégias de aprendizagem na escrita. Os resultados obtidos corroboraram com a literatura, apontando para um aumento progressivo dos níveis de auto-regulação na escrita através da combinação de estratégias para a elaboração de composições, assim como para um elevado nível de eficácia do programa. Os alunos demonstraram ter assimilado correctamente o conteúdo, dentro e fora da sala de aula, adoptando estratégias de aprendizagem promovidas e transferências para outras actividades do seu dia-a-dia.The following dissertation presents an investigation developed about self-regulated learning, whose main goal is to evaluate the impact of the self-regulatory writing competence program on 31 students of a private school in the district of Oporto, making use of two distinct evaluation methodologies, one of aptitude (i. e. self-reporting inventory) and another of event (i. e. grid). The implemented program is based on the “Sarilhos do Amarelo” project (Rosário, Núñez & González-Pienda, 2007), an educational tool oriented to discuss self-regulatory learning strategies and procedures with sub-10 children (from pre-school to the end of Elementary School). The tool Sarilhos do Amarelo consists of a narrative that describes the set of adventures lived by the rainbow colors looking for their friend Amarelo (Yellow), who is lost in the woods. The reading of the book chapters was done by the teacher responsible for the class, and the exploration of the story was performed weekly by the investigator during the classroom hours. The present study intends to contribute with data for future investigations carried out in this area. The performed intervention was submitted to more than one evaluation methodology (Zimmerman, 2008). It was attempted to evaluate the program’s impact through the analysis of an aptitude measurement “O Inventário de Processos de Auto-Regulação da Aprendizagem” (IPAA – 1º CEB) - Learning Self-Regulation Procedures Inventory (Rosário, Nuñez, González-Pienda, Carezo & Valle, 2010) and through the test “Avaliação da Compreensão Leitora” (ACL-4) (Catalã et al., 2001) applied both on the pre and pos-test moments. It was also intended to evaluate the self-regulatory procedure as an event, by repeated and continuous collecting of essays written by the students with an initial support by a grid, realizing, thus how to acquire learning and develop strategies for writing. Data corroborates with literature, indicating a progressive increase of the levels of writing selfregulation through the union of essay-development strategies, as well as a high level of efficiency of the program. The students proved to assimilate the contents correctly, inside and out of class, employing more advanced learning strategies and adaptations for other daily-life activities.Die folgende Dissertation beschreibt eine Untersuchung über selbst reguliertes Lernen, mit dem Ziel einer Bewertung über das selbst regulierte Schreiben mit 31 Schülern der vierten Klasse einer Privatschule in Porto. Angewandt wurden zwei Methoden: Fähigkeit der Selbstüberwachung von sich wiederholenden Abläufen, sowie unter Anwendung eines Rasters. Dieses Programm basiert auf der Studie „Sarilhos do Amarelo“ (Rosário, Núñez & Gonzáles– Pienda, 2007), eine Strategie des selbstregulierten Lernens mit unter 10 jährigen Kindern, beginnend im Vorschulalter. Die Methode basiert auf einer Erzählung bei welcher der Regenbogen Abenteuer auf der Suche nach seinem Freund Amarelo (der Farbe Gelb) besteht, welcher sich im Wald verirrt hat. Die Kapitel der Geschichte wurden von der Klassenlehrerein vorgetragen. Die Fortschritte wurden wöchentlich während der Unterrichtsstunden ermittelt. Die Studie soll als Grundlage für künftige Untersuchungen dienen und wurde mehreren Methoden bewertet (Zimmermann, 2008). Durch Analyse der Lernfähigkeit wurde versucht die Wirkung des Programms durch „O Inventário de Processos de Auto-Regulacao da Aprendizagem“ (IPAA – 1.º CEB) (Rosário, Núñez, González-Pienda, Carezo & Valle, 2010) „Methoden zum selbst regulierten Lernen“ und durch Beweis der „Avaliação da Compreensão Leitora“ (ACL-4) (Catalã et al., 2001) zu bestätigen, jeweils vor und nach den Tests. Es wurde ebenfalls beabsichtigt die selbstregulierende Anwendung zu bewerten, indem von den Schülern wiederholt, vor und nach Anwendung des Rasters Arbeiten eingesammelt und ausgewertet wurden. Die Auswertung ergab einen progressiven Anstieg des selbst regulierten Lernens, durch Literatur untermauert, bestätigt die hohe Effizienz des Programms. Es konnte bewiesen werden, dass die Schüler die implementierte Strategie nicht nur im Lernprozess erfolgreich angewandt haben, sondern diese auch bei anderen Aktivitäten im täglichen Leben Anwendung fanden

    Erratum to: Writing week-journals to improve the writing quality of fourth-graders’ compositions

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    The online version of the original article can be found under doi:10.1007/s11145-016-9710-4. Also available at: http://repositorium.sdum.uminho.pt/handle/1822/54295In the original publication of the article, last author family name was spelt incorrectly as ”Rodrigues“.The correct name is provided in this erratum

    Improving self-regulation procedures in writing: A study with 4th grade students in the elementary school

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    Tese de Doutoramento em Psicologia AplicadaA escrita de composições consiste numa atividade extremamente complexa que exige dos alunos não só conhecimentos acerca do texto, do assunto a escrever, como também de estratégias a utilizar durante o planeamento, escrita e revisão do texto. Segundo dados nacionais e internacionais, grande parte dos alunos manifestam severas dificuldades nesta atividade, tendo repercussões negativas ao longo de todo seu percurso escolar e vida adulta. Por este motivo, nas últimas décadas, têm sido efetuadas reformas para o ensino da escrita, contudo, as dificuldades face à mesma subsistem, sendo superiores à leitura e à matemática. Dado o cenário apresentado, que reúne preocupações diversas, urge a necessidade de desenhar programas com diferentes graus de intervenção para responder ao variado leque de necessidades educativas de acordo com os recursos existentes. De modo a responder às lacunas identificadas, a presente tese encontra-se estruturada em quatro capítulos correspondentes a quatro trabalhos científicos. No primeiro capítulo salienta-se (i) o papel da autorregulação da aprendizagem no ensino das estratégias de escrita para a melhoria da qualidade da escrita; (ii) a utilização das estórias como eficazes ferramentas promotoras de competências de autorregulação da aprendizagem; e (iii) o contributo das estórias na promoção de competências de autorregulação na escrita. Este trabalho, aceite para publicação num capítulo de um livro internacional sintetiza todo o corpo teórico que sustenta os estudos empíricos incluídos na presente tese. O segundo capítulo providencia um manual prático dirigido a professores do 1.º ciclo do Ensino Básico sobre um programa de promoção de competências de autorregulação na escrita de composições que combina um modelo de intervenção na escrita empiricamente validado e uma estória-ferramenta. Este capítulo, que correspondeu a um convite dos investigadores do SIG (i.e., Special Interested Group) de escrita da EARLI será publicado oportunamente num e-book. Este descreve todas as sessões do programa, fornecendo estratégias e materiais para melhorar a qualidade da escrita de composições. No terceiro capítulo é apresentado o primeiro estudo empírico desta tese (submetido a uma revista científica internacional) que avalia o impacto da utilização de atividades livres de escrita (i.e., escrever um journal sobre as experiências vividas durante semana) na melhoria da qualidade da escrita de composições ao longo de 12 semanas. Este estudo é de grande relevância educacional e social, uma vez que revela que escrever journals semanalmente, contribui significativamente para a melhoria da qualidade da escrita de composições de alunos do 4.º ano de escolaridade num reduzido período de tempo. O estudo revela ainda que as melhorias são tanto maiores quanto melhor for a qualidade dos journals escritos pelos alunos. Contudo, esta atividade de escrita apresenta um efeito de teto após três semanas de utilização. Apesar dos resultados serem promissores, continua a haver necessidade de intervir sobre as dificuldades de escrita dos alunos, passando para campos de ação que envolvam programas especializados na promoção de competências de escrita e autorregulação da aprendizagem. O último capítulo apresenta um segundo estudo empírico, submetido a uma revista científica internacional, que procurou avaliar, ao longo de 12 semanas, o impacto de três intervenções promotoras da qualidade da escrita de composições com grau crescente de especialização destinadas a alunos do 4.º ano de escolaridade (i.e., escrita de journals semanais; programa de intervenção na escrita empiricamente validado; programa de intervenção na escrita empiricamente validado combinado com uma estória-ferramenta promotora de competências de autorregulação da aprendizagem). Os dados revelam que a melhoria da qualidade da escrita de composições aumenta tanto quanto maior é o grau de especialização da intervenção implementada. Contudo, as diferenças entre os alunos que participaram no programa de intervenção na escrita empiricamente validado e os alunos que participaram no programa de intervenção combinado não são estatisticamente significativas. Apesar de não se verificar uma melhoria significativamente superior nos alunos que participaram no programa combinado, os relatos dos professores e a experiência no terreno indicam que a utilização da estória-ferramenta facilitou o envolvimento dos alunos na aprendizagem das estratégias de escrita. No futuro são necessários mais estudos que aprofundem o conhecimento sobre o processo de autorregulação na escrita, por exemplo, combinando metodologias quantitativas e qualitativas de investigação. Os trabalhos desenvolvidos permitem concluir que é possível melhorar a qualidade da escrita de composições em diferentes níveis de atuação consoante as necessidades e recursos existentes, através, por exemplo, de uma lógica de Response to Intervention (RTI).Writing compositions is an activity extremely complex that requires from students, not only, knowledge about text and the topic, but also about the strategies regarding planning, writing and revision of the text. According to national and international data, a great number of students demonstrate to have severe difficulties in this activity, leading to negative repercussions throughout schooling and adult life. For this reason, in the last decades, reforms have been made in the field of the teaching of writing. However these writing difficulties tend to subsist, being higher than in reading or in mathematics. Given the scenario presented, which brings together several concerns, there is an urgent need to design programs with different levels of intervention in order to address the wide range of educational needs according to the existing resources. In order to meet the identified gaps, the current doctoral thesis presents four chapters corresponding to four accepted and submitted scientific works. The first chapter covers: (i) the role of self-regulated learning in the teaching of writing strategies to enhance writing quality; (ii) the usage of stories as effective tools to promote self-regulation skills; and (iii) the contribution of stories to the promotion of self-regulation in writing. This work, accepted for publication in an international book chapter, synthetizes the theoretical background that supports the empirical studies included in the current thesis. The second chapter provides a practical guide, targeted to elementary school teachers, that is based on a program to promote self-regulation in writing compositions that combines an evidencebased writing intervention model with a story-tool. This chapter, results from an invitation of researchers of SIG (i.e., Special Interested Group) Writing of EARLI, which will be published in the form of an e-book. It describes all the sessions of the program and provides strategies and materials to enhance the writing quality of compositions. The third chapter corresponds to the first empirical study of this thesis, which has been recently submitted for peer-review in an international scientific journal. This research assessed the impact of a free writing activity (i.e., writing a journal on the real-life experiences of the week) on writing quality of compositions for 12 weeks. This study has important educational and social relevance, showing that writing week-journals significantly contributes to fourth graders’ writing quality of compositions in a short period of time. This study has also found that the improvements in writing quality increase with the quality of the journals written by students. Nevertheless this writing activity has a ceiling effect after three weeks of intervention. Despite of the promising results, there remains a need to intervene on the students' writing difficulties, moving to areas of action that involves specialized programs to promote writing and self-regulated learning skills. The last chapter presents the second empirical study of this thesis, which has been recently submitted for peer-review in an international scientific journal, that examined, for 12 weeks, the impact of three interventions with increasing levels of specialization aiming to promote the writing quality of compositions of fourth graders (i.e., week-journals, evidence-based writing intervention model, and evidence-based writing intervention model combined with a story-tool as a promoter of self-regulated learning). Data showed that students’ writing quality is higher for students enrolling in a treatment condition with a high degree of specialization. Notwithstanding, the differences found between students who participated in the evidence-based writing intervention and the students who participated in the combined intervention program were not statistically significant. Despite the writing quality is not significantly higher for students who participated in the combined intervention program, teachers’ reports and the experience from the research field indicated that the usage of the story-tool facilitated students’ engagement during the learning of writing strategies. Further research is needed to deepen the knowledge concerning the process of self-regulation in writing using, for example, quantitative and qualitative research methods. The developed works allowed concluding that it is possible to improve students’ writing quality of compositions using different levels of action according to extant needs and resources through a logic of Response to Intervention (RTI)

    Propiedades psicométricas de la versión mexicana del Cuestionario para la Evaluación de Metas Académicas (CEMA)

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    Las metas académicas constituyen una de las variables más importantes desde el punto de vista motivacional para explicar las diferentes razones de que los estudiantes se im - pliquen en las tareas y actividades de aprendizaje. Al mismo tiempo, están relaciona- das con distintos patrones de pensamiento, emociones y acciones de los estudiantes y, además, con su logro académico. De ahí la importancia de incrementar los trabajos em - píricos en esta área y contar con instrumentos de evaluación que permitan una mayor comprensión de los procesos involucrados en el aprendizaje de los estudiantes, particu - larmente en la enseñanza superior. Es por ello que en este trabajo se examinan las pro - piedades psicométricas del Cuestionario para la Evaluación de Metas Académicas en una muestra de estudiantes universitarios mexicanos. Este instrumento de autoinforme valo - ra la orientación personal de los estudiantes hacia las metas académicas. Para ello, se llevó a cabo un análisis factorial confirmatorio (AFC) con una muestra de 735 estudiantes universitarios mexicanos del área de ingenierías. Los resultados obtenidos corroboran en general la estructura factorial del cuestionario original y garantizan suficientemente la consistencia interna de la escala para emplearla en la investigación dentro del contexto mexicano

    Self-career management intervention needs: a study with PhD grant holders

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    The present investigation consists of an exploratory study which looks to assess the needs for intervention in self-career management. The participants consisted of 62 graduates from the Universidade do Minho, currently research grant holders, of both sexes (40, 64.5% women), aged between 22 and 49 years old (M=29.73; DP=6.15). The assessment was conducted using the questionnaire, “A minha inscrição no Seminário Gestão Pessoal da Carreira versão B: motivações e receios (My enrollment in Self-Career Management Seminar version B: motivations and concerns).” This is composed of five questions which address the expectations, motivations and concerns associated with the participation in the seminar. The use of the content analysis proposed by Bardin (2004) revealed reduced levels of concern on the participants pertaining to self-awareness, adaptability to the labor market, as well as management of life roles. In contrast, the need for reevaluation of the vocational path, in the sense of reflecting about choices, behaviors and past decisions, as well as the definition of future objectives and development of an integrated plan of action, constitute themselves as the main focus of concern. It is therefore suggested, as other authors have (e.g., Luzzo, 2000; Whiston & Buck, 2008), that the development of interventions should focus on an initial assessment of the specific needs of the target population.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT

    Autorregulación del aprendizaje : una revisión sistemática en revistas de la base Scielo

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    Universitas Psychologica, vol. 13, no. 2, pp. 781-797El concepto de autorregulación del aprendizaje ha asumido una importancia creciente en la literatura ya que la investigación ha sugerido que los alumnos participan activamente en su proceso de aprendizaje, monitorizando y regulando su proceso de estudio con el fin de alcanzar determinados objetivos. La información recogida en revistas indexadas en la base Scielo, en cuanto a la autorregulación, todavía no ha sido sistematizada convenientemente Por ello, se ha realizado una revisión sistemática de la literatura, en base de datos SciELO.org, entre el período comprendido entre el año 2001 y el año 2011, para analizar las evidencias recogidas en diferentes investigaciones sobre a) la naturaleza del aprendizaje autorregulado, b) su evaluación, c) la promoción de habilidades para la autorregulación y su utilidad en el contexto educativo, y d) la posibilidad de implicación de los profesores en la promoción de dicho aprendizaje

    Autorregulación del aprendizaje: una revisión sistemática en revistas de la base Scielo

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    The concept of self-regulation in learning has been assuming a rising importance in the literature once the research has suggested that students participate actively in their learning process, monitoring and regulating their study process to achieve self-set goals. Nevertheless, the information about self-regulation has not been yet systematized on the journals indexed in Scielo. Therefore, the current study performed a systematic review of the literature on Scielo.org, between the period 2001 and 2011 to analyze the existence evidence regarding: a) the nature of self-regulated learning, b) it’s assessment, c) the promotion of self-regulated skills and their usefulness in the context of education, and d) the potential implication of teachers on the promotion of lifelong learning.El concepto de autorregulación del aprendizaje ha asumido una importancia creciente en la literatura ya que la investigación ha sugerido que los alumnos participan activamente en su proceso de aprendizaje, monitorizando y regulando su proceso de estudio con el fin de alcanzar determinados objetivos. La información recogida en revistas indexadas en la base Scielo, en cuanto a la autorregulación, todavía no ha sido sistematizada convenientemente Por ello, se ha realizado una revisión sistemática de la literatura, en base de datos SciELO.org, entre el período comprendido entre el año 2001 y el año 2011, para analizar las evidencias recogidas en diferentes investigaciones sobre a) la naturaleza del aprendizaje autorregulado, b) su evaluación, c) la promoción de habilidades para la autorregulación y su utilidad en el contexto educativo, y d) la posibilidad de implicación de los profesores en la promoción de dicho aprendizaje

    Promoting Self-Regulatory Skills in Writing Using a Story-Toll

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    <p>This E-Book chapter describes a 10-session instructional program for elementary school children, aimed to promote general and self-regulation skills during writing composition.This instructional program is based on the Story-Tool “Yellow Trials and Tribulations”.</p

    Writing week-journals to improve the writing quality of fourth-graders' compositions

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    Students' writing problems are a global educational concern and is in need of particular attention. This study aims to examine the impact of providing extra writing opportunities (i.e., writing journals) on the quality of writing compositions. A longitudinal cluster-randomized controlled design using a multilevel modeling analysis with 182 fourth grade students was conducted. We examined whether students' writing quality differed when writing journals on a weekly basis for 12 weeks, compared with a control group. Three covariates were analyzed, namely: (i) the students' attitudes towards writing; (ii) their self-efficacy in writing; (iii) and their use of self-regulation (SRL) strategies while writing. Findings have shown that students who wrote week-journals significantly improved the writing quality of their compositions and reported a higher use of SRL strategies in writing. Nevertheless, self-efficacy and attitude towards writing were found to not be related to the quality of the compositions. Moreover, data indicated that the writing quality of compositions improved along with the writing quality of the week-journals. Findings suggest the use of week-journals in class to promote writing.(undefined)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Does teacher homework feedback matter to 6th graders' school engagement?: a mixed methods study

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    The effectiveness of homework on improving student academic achievement depends on several factors; for example, feedback provided by the teacher (i.e. grading) and student engagement are important moderators in this process. However, the relationships between the types of homework feedback commonly used by teachers and student school engagement have not yet been examined. Anchored in the Self-Determination Theory, this mixed methods sequential explanatory study investigated how five types of teacher homework feedback predict three dimensions of students' school engagement. The participants included 6th graders (N = 4288) and their mathematics teachers (N = 170). For this investigation, a quantitative phase was run, followed by a qualitative phase. The quantitative data were analyzed using multivariate multilevel regression models. The quantitative data showed positive relationships between five types of feedback and school engagement, albeit with different results at student and class levels. The findings showed small effect sizes. The qualitative data, based on a purposeful sampling, provided further insights regarding the low effect sizes that were found. Data were analyzed using thematic analysis. Four themes were identified as follows: homework at home and/or at the study center, perceived homework feedback types, school engagement, and school disaffection. Both data sets indicated directions to strengthen the benefits of homework feedback and to maximize students' learning. This research paper discusses practical implications as well as future research directions.This study was conducted at Psychology Research Centre (UID/PSI/01662/2013), University of Minho, and supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology and the Portuguese Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education through national funds and co-financed by FEDER through COMPETE2020 under the PT2020 Partnership Agreement (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007653). The first author was supported by a PhD fellowship from the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT – SFRH/BD/95341/2013)