38 research outputs found

    The significance of race, gender, and class to identity formation in Beatrice Culleton Mosionier’s "In Search of April Raintree" and Andrea Levy’s "Never Far from Nowhere"

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    Im Zentrum der Romane 'In Search of April Raintree' und 'Never Far from Nowhere' stehen jeweils zwei Schwestern, die sich durch ein wesentliches Merkmal voneinander unterscheiden: ihre Hautfarbe. Dieses Merkmal wird zum Ausgangspunkt für unterschiedliche Identifikationen, denn in ihrem von Weißen dominierten sozialen Umfeld streben die jeweils ‚hellhäutigeren’ Charaktere nach Assimilation, während ihre Schwestern versuchen, sich als Métis bzw. Black British zu positionieren. Durch die Gegenüberstellung dieser unterschiedlichen Identitätsbildungsprozesse können die beiden Texte als postkoloniale Doppelbildungsromane mit weiblichen Protagonistinnen verstanden werden. Zunächst erfolgt daher eine ausführliche Auseinandersetzung mit der literarischen Gattung des Bildungsromans, dem Themenfeld des Postkolonialismus und sozialwissenschaftlichen Zugängen zu Identität, insbesondere dem Konzept der IntersektionalitĂ€t. Auf der Basis dieser theoretischen Erwägungen erfolgt eine vergleichende Analyse der beiden Romane, die in Hinblick auf unterschiedliche Lebensbereiche der Protagonistinnen demonstriert, welche Erfahrungen sie in diversen sozialen Kontexten mit Rassismus, Sexismus, und Klassendiskriminierung bzw. dem Zusammenspiel dieser Formen der Subordination machen, und wie sich diese Erfahrungen auf Bildungsprozess und Entwicklung eines Selbstverständnisses auswirken

    Die Darstellung von "Fremden" in österreichischen SchulbĂŒchern fĂŒr den Englisch-Unterricht

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    Die vorliegende Arbeit befasst sich mit der Frage, wie ‚Fremde’, worunter in ‚westlichen’ Diskursen konstruierte außereuropĂ€ische Gruppen und kulturelle Merkmale verstanden werden, in österreichischen SchulbĂŒchern fĂŒr den Englisch-Unterricht dargestellt werden. Mit Hilfe eines auf der Basis theoretischer ErwĂ€gungen erstellten Rasters wurden die im Schuljahr 2011/12 fĂŒr den Englisch-Unterricht in der 7. und 8. Schulstufe in Hauptschulen und der AHS-Unterstufe zugelassenen Text- bzw. Coursebooks analysiert. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass zwischen den einzelnen BĂŒchern signifikante Unterschiede hinsichtlich der Art und HĂ€ufigkeit der Darstellung ‚Fremder’ existieren. WĂ€hrend BemĂŒhungen erkennbar sind, vorurteilsbelastete Darstellungen und Rassismen zu vermeiden, finden sich zahlreiche ReprĂ€sentationen, die stereotype, exotisierende oder evolutionistische Vorstellungen fördern. Auch hinsichtlich der Thematisierung von Migration und der Art und Weise, in der einige BĂŒcher Vorurteils- und Rassismuskritik zu ĂŒben versuchen, konnten große Defizite festgestellt werden. Interkulturelle Inhalte finden zu wenig Beachtung oder werden zu unreflektiert prĂ€sentiert, sodass eurozentrische Perspektiven kaum ĂŒberwunden werden

    Targeted panel sequencing in the routine diagnosis of mature T- and NK-cell lymphomas: report of 128 cases from two German reference centers

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    Diagnosing any of the more than 30 types of T-cell lymphomas is considered a challenging task for many pathologists and currently requires morphological expertise as well as the integration of clinical data, immunophenotype, flow cytometry and clonality analyses. Even considering all available information, some margin of doubt might remain using the current diagnostic procedures. In recent times, the genetic landscape of most T-cell lymphomas has been elucidated, showing a number of diagnostically relevant mutations. In addition, recent data indicate that some of these genetic alterations might bear prognostic and predictive value. Extensive genetic analyses, such as whole exome or large panel sequencing are still expensive and time consuming, therefore limiting their application in routine diagnostic. We therefore devoted our effort to develop a lean approach for genetic analysis of T-cell lymphomas, focusing on maximum efficiency rather than exhaustively covering all possible targets. Here we report the results generated with our small amplicon-based panel that could be used routinely on paraffin-embedded and even decalcified samples, on a single sample basis in parallel with other NGS-panels used in our routine diagnostic lab, in a relatively short time and with limited costs. We tested 128 available samples from two German reference centers as part of our routine work up (among which 116 T-cell lymphomas), which is the largest routine diagnostic series reported to date. Our results showed that this assay had a very high rate of technical success (97%) and could detect mutations in the majority (79%) of tested T-cell lymphoma samples

    Differential methylation analysis via various next-generation sequencing technologies: The impact of differentially methylated regions on human brain evolution and cancer development

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    Die Evolution der Primaten zeigt eine Verbindung zwischen der zunehmenden KomplexitĂ€t des sozialen Verhaltens und der VergrĂ¶ĂŸerung des humanen Gehirns, insbesondere des prĂ€frontalen Cortex. Deshalb stellt der prĂ€frontale Cortex bezĂŒglich der Evolution des Menschen eine der interessantesten Strukturen im humanen Gehirn dar. Es wird angenommen, dass nicht allein die GrĂ¶ĂŸe, sondern auch die Funktion, vor allem das Zusammenspiel von Neuronen und nicht-neuronalen Zellen, wie z.B. Gliazellen, zur Differenzierung des menschlichen Gehirns von dem rezenter Primaten gefĂŒhrt hat. Daraus lĂ€sst sich schließen, dass die Gehirnfunktionen ĂŒber eine ausgeglichene und gut aufeinander abgestimmte transkriptionelle Landschaft kontrolliert werden, die durch ein zugrundeliegendes genetisches und epigentisches RĂŒckgrat organisiert ist. In dieser Studie wurden das Methylierungsprofil neuronaler und nicht-neuronaler Zellen des prĂ€frontalen Cortex (Brodmann-Areal 10) von drei Menschen und drei Schimpansen miteinander verglichen. Die intra- und interspezifischen differenziell methylierten Regionen (DMRs) waren in bestimmten genomischen Regionen angereichert. Intraspezifische Methylierungsunterschiede zwischen neuronalen und nicht-neuronalen Zellen konnten dreimal hĂ€ufiger beobachtet werden als interspezifische Unterschiede in den einzelnen Zelltypen. Rund 90% der humanen intraspezifischen DMRs wiesen eine Hypomethylierung in den neuronalen Zellen im Vergleich zu den nicht-neuronalen Zellen auf. In den intraspezifischen DMRs (Mensch und Schimpanse) waren Gene angereichert, die mit verschiedenen neuropsychiatrischen Erkrankungen assoziiert sind. Der Vergleich zwischen Menschen und Schimpanse in den neuronalen und nicht-neuronalen Zelltypen zeigte eine Anreicherung von Genen mit human-spezifischer Histonsignatur. In den nicht-neuronalen Zellen konnten mehr interspezifische DMRs (n=666) detektiert werden als in den neuronalen Zellen (n=96). UngefĂ€hr 95% der nicht-neuronalen interspezifischen DMRs waren im Menschen, im Vergleich zum Schimpansen, hypermethyliert. Daraus ergibt sich der Eindruck, dass mehrere hundert der nicht-neuronalen Gene wĂ€hrend der humanen Gehirnevolution einer Methylierungswelle unterlagen. Dies fĂŒhrt zu der Annahme, dass der Einfluss dieser VerĂ€nderungen in den nicht-neuronalen Zellen auf die VergĂ¶ĂŸerung des menschlichen Gehirns bisher stark unterschĂ€tzt wurde. Die bekannteste genetische Ursache fĂŒr erblichen Brust- und Eierstockkrebs sind Mutationen in den Tumorsuppressorgenen (TSG) BRCA1 und BRCA2. Dennoch können nur rund 20-25% der familiĂ€ren Brustkrebserkrankungen ĂŒber Keimbahnmutationen in BRCA1/BRCA2 erklĂ€rt werden, besonders bei Frauen, deren Erkrankung vor dem vierzigsten Lebensjahr auftritt. Epigenetische VerĂ€nderungen, die zu einer aberranten Genexpression fĂŒhren, spielen ebenfalls eine wichtige Rolle bei der Karzinogenese und der Entwicklung einer Brustkrebserkrankung. Es ist bekannt, dass TSG nicht nur durch den Verlust der Heterozygotie (engl. loss of heterozygosity, LOH) oder homozygote Deletionen, sondern auch durch transkriptionelle Stilllegung via DNA-Methylierung inaktiviert werden können. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde ĂŒberprĂŒft, welchen Einfluss aberrante Methylierungsmuster im Promotorbereich von TSG auf die Brustkrebskarzinogenese und die Expression der Gene haben. FĂŒr die Quantifizierung der Epimutationen wurden die Promotorbereiche von acht TSG (BRCA1, BRCA2, RAD51C, ATM, PTEN, TP53, MLH1, RB1) und des estrogene receptor (ESR1) Gens, welches eine Rolle in der Tumorprogression spielt, mittels Deep Bisulfite Amplicon Sequencing (DBAS) analysiert. Es wurden Blutproben von zwei unabhĂ€ngigen BRCA1/BRCA2-mutationsnegativen Brustkrebs (BC)-Patientenkohorten, sowie von zwei unabhĂ€ngigen alters-gematchten, gesunden Kontrollkohorten untersucht. BC-Kohorte 1 beinhaltet early-onset (EO) BC-Patientinnen. Kohorte 2 enthĂ€lt BC-Patientinnen mit einem Risiko von >95% eine heterozygote Mutation in BRCA1/BRCA2 (high-risk, HR) zu tragen. Allele mit >50% methylierten CpGs werden als funktionell relevante Epimutationen erachtet, da bekannt ist, dass TSG ĂŒber eine Methylierung im Promotorbereich transkriptionell stillgelegt werden. Im Vergleich zu ESR1 (Ø Methylierung, 3%), welches die Methylierungslevel eines durchschnittlichen Promotors wiederspiegelt, zeigten die TSG sehr geringe durchschnittliche Methylierungswerte von weniger als 1%. Zudem waren die durchschnittlichen Epimutationsraten (EMR; <0,0001-0,1%) der TSG sehr gering. Mit der Ausnahme von BRCA1, welches eine erhöhte EMR in der BC-Kohorte verglichen zu den Kontrollen (0,31% gegen 0,06%) zeigte, gab es keine signifikanten Gruppenunterschiede zwischen BC-Patientinnen und Kontrollen. Eine von 36 HR BC-Patientinnen zeigte im Vergleich zu den restlichen Proben eine stark erhöhte EMR von 14,7% in BRCA1. Rund ein Drittel (15/44) der EO BC-Patientinnen wiesen eine erhöhte Rate an Einzel-CpG Fehlern in mehreren TSG auf. Die nachfolgenden Expressionsanalysen ergaben eine erniedrigte Expression vieler TSG je analysierter Patientin. Diese Ergebnisse fĂŒhren zu der Annahme, dass epigenetische VerĂ€nderungen in normalen Körperzellen als ein möglicher Indikator fĂŒr einen gestörten Mechanismus, der fĂŒr die Aufrechterhaltung des unmethylierten Status und der daraus resultierenden normalen Genexpression zustĂ€ndig ist, angesehen werden können. Dies kann mit einem erhöhten BC-Risiko assoziiert werden.The increasing complexity of social behavior along the ascending scale of primates, peaking in human spoken language, is accompanied by an impressive expansion of the human brain, particularly of the prefrontal cortex. Hence, prefrontal cortex appears to be one of the most interesting structures of the human brain, at least from an evolutionary perspective. But not only size but also function, in particular the interplay of neurons and glia cells, are suspected to distinguish the human brain from great apes and other primates. It is plausible to assume that proper brain function is controlled by a coordinated and well balanced transcriptional landscape, orchestrated by the underlying genetic and epigenetic backbone. Using reduced representation bisulfite sequencing (RRBS), we have compared the methylation profiles of neuronal and non-neuronal cells from three human and three chimpanzee prefrontal cortices (Brodmann area 10). Bioinformatic analyses revealed a genome-wide significant enrichment of differentially methylated regions (DMRs) in specific genomic areas. Intraspecific methylation differences between neuronal and non-neuronal cells are about three times more abundant than the interspecific methylation differences. More than 90% of human intraspecific DMRs were hypomethylated in neuronal cells, compared to non-neuronal cells. Intraspecific DMRs showed enrichment of genes associated with different neuropsychiatric disorders. Comparison between humans and chimpanzees yielded enrichments of genes showing human-specific brain histon modification. Interspecific DMRs were much more frequent in non-neuronal cells (n=666) than in neurons (n=96). Approximately 95% of interspecific DMRs in non-neuronal cells were hypermethylated in humans, compared to chimpanzees. It can be assumed that several hundreds of non-neuronal genes underwent a wave of methylation during human brain evolution. The impact of these changes in non-neuronal cells on the extension of the human brain may have been largely underestimated so far. The most prominent genetic cause for inherited breast and ovarian cancer are mutations in the BRCA1 and BRCA2 tumor suppressor genes (TSG). However, BRCA1/BRCA2 germline mutations explain less than 50% of all familial breast cancers, even for women diagnosed before the age of 40 years. It has also been reported that epigenetic abnormalities, which contribute to changes in gene expression, play an important role in carcinogenesis and breast cancer development. To rapidly quantify the number of epimutations in different TSG, in both a qualitative and quantitative manner, we have developed a deep bisulfite sequencing assay targeting the promoter regions of eight TSG (BRCA1, BRCA2, RAD51C, ATM, PTEN, TP53, MLH1 and RB1) and the estrogene receptor (ESR1) gene, which plays a role in tumor progression. We have analyzed blood samples of two independent BRCA1/BRCA2-mutation negative breast cancer (BC) cohorts and two independent age-matched healthy control cohorts. BC cohort 1 represents patients with early-onset BC and BC cohort 2 patients with a high risk to carry a heterozygous mutation. Since it is well known that tumor suppressor genes are transcriptionally silenced by promoter methylation, alleles with >50% methylated CpGs are considered as functionally relevant epimutations. Compared to ESR1, which is representative for an average promoter, TSG exhibited very low (<1%) average methylation levels and also very low mean epimutation rates (EMR; <0.0001% to 0.1%). With exception of BRCA1, which showed an increased EMR in BC (0.31% vs. 0.06%), there was no significant difference between patients and controls detectable. One of 36 HR BC patients showed a dramatically increased EMR (14.7%) in BRCA1. We identified in approximately one third (15 of 44) of EO BC patients increased rates of single CpG methylation errors in multiple TSG. Both EO and HR BC patients exhibited global underexpression of blood TSG. We propose that epigenetic abnormalities in normal body cells are indicative of disturbed mechanisms for maintaining low methylation and appropriate expression levels and may be associated with an increased BC risk

    Neurodegenerative Lysosomal Storage Disorders: TPC2 Comes to the Rescue!

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    Lysosomal storage diseases (LSDs) resulting from inherited gene mutations constitute a family of disorders that disturb lysosomal degradative function leading to abnormal storage of macromolecular substrates. In most LSDs, central nervous system (CNS) involvement is common and leads to the progressive appearance of neurodegeneration and early death. A growing amount of evidence suggests that ion channels in the endolysosomal system play a crucial role in the pathology of neurodegenerative LSDs. One of the main basic mechanisms through which the endolysosomal ion channels regulate the function of the endolysosomal system is Ca2+ release, which is thought to be essential for intracellular compartment fusion, fission, trafficking and lysosomal exocytosis. The intracellular TRPML (transient receptor potential mucolipin) and TPC (two-pore channel) ion channel families constitute the main essential Ca2+-permeable channels expressed on endolysosomal membranes, and they are considered potential drug targets for the prevention and treatment of LSDs. Although TRPML1 activation has shown rescue effects on LSD phenotypes, its activity is pH dependent, and it is blocked by sphingomyelin accumulation, which is characteristic of some LSDs. In contrast, TPC2 activation is pH-independent and not blocked by sphingomyelin, potentially representing an advantage over TRPML1. Here, we discuss the rescue of cellular phenotypes associated with LSDs such as cholesterol and lactosylceramide (LacCer) accumulation or ultrastructural changes seen by electron microscopy, mediated by the small molecule agonist of TPC2, TPC2-A1-P, which promotes lysosomal exocytosis and autophagy. In summary, new data suggest that TPC2 is a promising target for the treatment of different types of LSDs such as MLIV, NPC1, and Batten disease, both in vitro and in vivo

    Multi-Satellite Observations of Cygnus X-1 to Study the Focused Wind and Absorption Dips

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    High-mass X-ray binary systems are powered by the stellar wind of their donor stars. The X-ray state of Cygnus X-1 is correlated with the properties of the wind which defines the environment of mass accretion. Chandra-HETGS observations close to orbital phase 0 allow for an analysis of the photoionzed stellar wind at high resolution, but because of the strong variability due to soft X-ray absorption dips, simultaneous multi-satellite observations are required to track and understand the continuum, too. Besides an earlier joint Chandra and RXTE observation, we present first results from a recent campaign which represents the best broad-band spectrum of Cyg X-1 ever achieved: On 2008 April 18/19 we observed this source with XMM-Newton, Chandra, Suzaku, RXTE, INTEGRAL, Swift, and AGILE in X-and Îł-rays, as well as with VLA in the radio. After superior conjunction of the black hole, we detect soft X-ray absorption dips likely due to clumps in the focused wind covering ≄ 95 % of the X-ray source, with column densities likely to be of several 10 23 cm −2 , which also affect photon energies above 20 keV via Compton scattering

    Sterile Alpha Motif Containing 7 (Samd7) Is a Novel Crx-Regulated Transcriptional Repressor in the Retina

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    <div><p>Inherited retinal diseases are mainly caused by mutations in genes that are highly expressed in photoreceptors of the retina. The majority of these genes is under the control of the transcription factor Cone rod homeobox (Crx), that acts as a master transcription factor in photoreceptors. Using a genome-wide chromatin immunoprecipitation dataset that highlights all potential <i>in vivo</i> targets of Crx, we have identified a novel sterile alpha motif (SAM) domain containing protein, Samd7. mRNA Expression of Samd7 was confined to the late postnatal and adult mouse retina as well as the pineal gland. Using immunohistochemistry and Western blot, we could detect Samd7 protein in the outer nuclear layer of adult mouse retina. Ectopic over-expression in HEK293 cells demonstrated that Samd7 resides in the cytoplasm as well as the nucleus. <i>In vitro</i> electroporation of fluorescent reporters into living mouse retinal cultures revealed that transcription of the Samd7 gene depends on evolutionary conserved Crx motifs located in the first intron enhancer. Moreover, Crx knock-down with shRNA strongly reduced Samd7 reporter activity and endogenous Samd7 protein, indicating that Crx is required for retinal expression of Samd7. Finally, using co-transfections in luciferase reporter assays we found that Samd7 interferes with Crx-dependent transcription. Samd7 suppressed luciferase activity from a reporter plasmid with five Crx consensus repeats in a dose dependent manner and reduced Crx-mediated transactivation of regulatory sequences in the retinoschisin gene and the Samd7 gene itself. Taken together, we have identified a novel retinal SAM domain protein, Samd7, which could act as a transcriptional repressor involved in fine-tuning of Crx-regulated gene expression.</p> </div

    Samd7 is expressed in the outer nuclear layer of the mouse retina and localizes to the nucleus of transfected cells.

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    <p>A: Immunhohistochemical analysis shows that Samd7 localizes to the outer nuclear layer in the adult mouse retina. Left panel: DAPI staining, right panel: anti-Samd7 antibody staining, ONL: outer nuclear layer, INL: inner nuclear layer, GCL: ganglion cell layer. Scale bar, 50 ”m. B: Western blot performed with retinal lysates detecting Samd7 at a molecular weight of 49 kDa and beta-actin as loading control. C: Western blot performed with protein lysates from naive HEK293 cells (Co) or HEK293 cells transfected with mock plasmid or Flag-Samd7 expression plasmid. Anti-Samd7 antibody, anti-flag antibody, and anti-beta-actin antibody were used. The Flag-Samd7 band had a molecular weight of approximately 51 kDa. D: Western blot of cytosolic and nuclear fractions of HEK293 cells transfected with mock plasmid or Flag-Samd7 expression vector. Samd7 was was detected in both the cytosolic and nuclear fractions at a molecular weight of 51 kDa. (E–P): Subcellular localization of Samd7 in HEK293 cells transfected with Flag-Samd7 expression vector shown in fluorescent Z-stacked optical images. Mock transfected cells did not show a specific red signal with either the anti-Flag (F) or the anti-Samd7 (L) antibody. The anti-Flag antibody (I, J) as well as the anti-Samd7 antibody (O, P) showed a specific nuclear staining in Flag-Samd7 transfected cells when couter-stained with DAPI.</p

    Samd7-dependent suppression of Crx-activated promoters.

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    <p>A: Schematic drawing of retinoschisin, Samd7, and 5xCrx tk Luc reporter constructs used for luciferase assays in HEK293 cells. B: The 5xCrx-tk-Luc construct was co-transfected with Crx and various concentrations of Samd7 expression plasmids. C: Samd7 expression plasmid was co-transfected in the absence or presence of Crx vector and the retinoschisin promoter activity was determined. D: Samd7 expression plasmid was co-transfected in the absence or presence of Crx vector and the Samd7 promoter activity was determined. pSV ÎČ-galactosidase vector was co-transfected in each reaction to control for transfection efficiency. Error bars represent standard deviation of the mean (n = 6). **<i>P</i><0.01 and ***<i>P</i><0.001 One-way Analysis of Variance and Tukey's Post Hoc Test.</p