57 research outputs found

    The Use of Difficulty Learning Assessment in Assessing the Concept Mastery of Biology Teacher Candidates on Development Stage of Animal Embriology

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    This study aims to obtain a description of the mastery of the concept of biology teacher candidates through the study of learning difficulties in the concept of development stage of animal embryo. The subjects of the study were 43 students of semester 6 of academic year 2013 which contracted embryology subjects. The instruments used consist of diagnostic questions (essays and multiple choice questions) and interview format. Data analysis was done quantitatively and qualitatively. The results showed that the mastery of the concept of students on aspects of C1 (remember) is 53% (enough); C2 (understanding) of 77% (good); C3 (applying) of 98% (excellent); And C4 (analyze) of 58% (enough). In addition, some students who experienced difficulty showed a positive response to their learning difficulties


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    This study aims to implement the use of integrated formative assessment level of inquiry (LoI-eFA) in developing formal-postformal operational reasoning and inquiry abilities of students in systematic learning of rock animals in numerical taxonomy. This study uses a mixed methods embedded experimental design. The participants in this study were 77 UMMI biology education students consisting of 29 general biology practicum students, 24 invertebrate zoology practicum students, and 24 vertebrate zoology practicum students. The research instrument used consisted of 28 questions of formal-postformal reasoning (divided into groups A and B), a rubric for assessing inquiry abilities, student response questionnaires, and lecturer interview formats. The results showed that the use of the LoI integrated assessment in developing formal-postformal operational reasoning for prospective teachers showed an increase in the average pretest and posttest results obtained by students in general biology, invertebrate zoology, and vertebrate zoology practicums. The results of the one way ANOVA statistical test obtained a significance value of 0.001 <0.05, so it can be concluded that the average value of the formal-postformal reasoning of the three participants was significantly different. In general biology practicum students, the highest indicator of formal-postformal reasoning was achieved by control variables and the lowest was in metasystematic reasoning. In invertebrate zoology practicum students, the highest indicator of formal-postformal reasoning is achieved by proportional reasoning and the lowest is metasystematic reasoning. In vertebrate zoology practicum students, the highest indicator of formal-postformal reasoning is achieved by proportional reasoning and the lowest is systematic reasoning. Students' inquiry skills developed through the use of LoI-eFA showed an increase in each meeting. Students and lecturers gave positive responses to the implementation of the use of LoI-eFA in developing post-formal reasoning and inquiry skills

    Analisis Kemampuan Literasi Digital Siswa SMP Ditinjau dari Penggunaan Aplikasi Mobile Learning pada Konsep Sistem Peredaran Darah Manusia: (Analysis of Digital Literacy Abilities of Junior High School Students in Terms of the Use of Mobile Learning Applications on the Concept of Human Circulatory System)

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    Digital literacy is one of the skills that students must have in the current era of industrial revolution 4.0. This study aims to analyze the level of digital literacy of middle school students, particularly in relation to the concept of the human circulatory system, in terms of the use of mobile learning in natural subjects. This survey is a descriptive qualitative survey conducted in May 2022 using an analytical survey methodology. The subjects of this survey are 24 eighth grade students SMPTIT Al-Hikmah. The instrument used was the digital literacy survey adopted from Japelidi. The results show that students' digital competence falls into five categories: very high, high, medium, low and very low. On the other hand, students have a high level of digital competence with an average percentage of the overall indicators of 71.51%. The conclusion of this survey is that based on the results of the survey, students have a high level of digital literacy in using Android-based mobile learning. Keywords : digital literacy, mobile learning, human circulatiory system   ABSTRAK Literasi digital merupakan salah satu kemampuan yang harus dimiliki pelajar pada era revolusi industri 4.0. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis tingkat literasi digital siswa SMP yang ditinjau dari penggunaan mobile learning pada mata pelajaran IPA khususnya pada konsep sistem peredaran darah manusia. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif deskriptif dengan metode studi analisis yang dilakukan pada Mei 2022. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah 24 orang siswa kelas VIII SMPT IT Al-Hikmah. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah angket kuesioner mengenai kemampuan literasi digital yang diadaptasi dari Japelidi. Adapun hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tingkat kemampuan literasi digital pada siswa dibedakan menjadi lima kategori diantaranya sangat tinggi, tinggi, sedang, rendah dan sangat rendah. Sementara tingkatan literasi digita siswa berada pada tingkatan tinggi dengan rata-rata presentase keseluruhan indikator yaitu 71,51%. Simpulan dari penelitian ini bahwa tingkat literasi digital siswa berada pada tingkatan tinggi ditinjau dari penggunaan mobile learning berbasis android melalui skor yang didapat pada angket kuesioner. Kata Kunci : literasi digital, mobile learning, sistem peredaran darah manusi

    Pengaruh Pendekatan Inkuiri-Kontekstual Berbasis Teknologi Informasi Terhadap Keterampilan Proses Sains Peserta Didik SMA Pada Konsep Ekosistem: (The Effect of Inquiry-Contextual Approach Based on Information Technology on The Science Process Skills of High School Students on The Ecosystem Concept)

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    This study aims to determine the effect of the inquiry-contextual approach on the science process skills of high school students in learning ecosystem materials using information technology media, namely google form, google meeting, google classroom and whatsapp group. This research method is a pre-experiment with the type of One Group Pretest-Posttest Design. The multiple choice questions consist of ten indicators of science process skills, each of wich contains one questions. The sampling technique was Simple Random Sampling from the population of SMA Negeri 2 Sukabumi City. The result showed that the inquiry-contextual approach had an influence in training students science process skills. It is proven in the acquisition of n-gain scores, per-indicator percentage values, gender dominance in answering correctly and the result of LKPD scores. Abstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pendekatan inkuiri-kontekstual terhadap keterampilan proses sains peserta didik sekolah menengah atas pada pembelajaran materi ekosistem dengan menggunakan media teknologi informasi yaitu google form, google meeting,google classroom dan whatsapp group. Metode penelitian ini berupa pra-eksperimen dengan jenis One Group Pretest-Posttest Design. Soal pilihan ganda berjumlah sepuluh indikator keterampilan proses sains dimana masing-masing memuat satu soal. Teknik pengambilan sampel berupa Simple Random Sampling dari populasi SMA Negeri 2 Kota Sukabumi. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa pendekatan inkuiri-kontekstual memiliki pengaruh dalam melatih keterampilan proses sains peserta didik. Dibuktikan dalam perolehan skor n-gain, nilai persentase per-indikator, dominasi gender menjawab benar dan hasil nilai LKPD


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    This descriptive study aimed to obtain oral communication skills prospective biology teachers through peer and self assessment in class discussions. Subjects were 26 students of Biology Education Department 6th semester 2015/2016 academic year  who contracted the courses of anatomy and physiology of the human body. The instrument used consisted of sheets of peer and self-assessment, as well as the student questionnaire. The result of research showed that the average of peer assessment for oral communication of students is different with the mean of self assessment. The spoken oral communication ability indicators that was revealed include: (1) choosing the most appropriate way to present the explanation of 66% (Good); (2) using tables, drawings, models to present an explanation of 62% (Good); (3) responds to a question from another student in the form of a convincing argument of 64% (Good); (4) interpret the obtained solution by 51% (Enough); (5) responds to a question from another student in the form of a convincing argument of 57% (Enough). Students responded positively to the implementation of peer and self assessment in lectures.Keywords     : Peer Assessment, Self Assessment, Classroom Discussions, Oral Communicatio

    The Emergence Profile of Tree Thinking of Senior High School Students Through the Inquiry Based Learning

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    The use of tree thinking in learning biology is still rarely used. The purpose of this study was to identify the tree thinking emergence profile of senior high school students through the inquiry-based learning model. This research is using the experimental method. The approach used in this research is a qualitative approach. The population in this study was 36 students of class X in SMA Negeri Sukabumi. The samples were taken by using a purposive sampling technique. The data collection was performed using a written test in the form of LKS by using five tree thinking indicators. The results showed that the value of tree thinking students for the first indicator gained a percentage of 69% included in the good category, the second indicator obtained a percentage of 63% included in the good category, the third indicator received a percentage of 73% included in the good category, the fourth indicator obtained a percentage of 81% included in the very category good, and the fifth indicator gets a percentage of 52% included in the category enough. This result leads to the Student learning outcomes that are categorized as good because the students follow the learning by using models, strategies, and learning approaches that can improve their ability of tree thinking in Arthropoda subjects. This study suggests that the inquiry-based learning model can be used as an alternative in learning biology to improve tree thinking skills

    Analisis Butir Soal Kemampuan Tree Thinking Pada Instrumen Uji Coba Materi Spermathophyta: (Analysis of tree thinking ability problem ability in spermathophyta trial material instruments)

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    This study aims to analyze the ability of Tree Thinking in students. This type of research is quantitative descriptive, the instrument used in the form of test items on Tree Thinking items on Spermatophyta material. This item is a multiple choice with 5 options. The results of this study are information in the form of item validity, distinguishing features, and level of difficulty of the questions. The results of the analysis show the quality of the items, valid at 95% while those that are not valid at 5%. Based on the ability to distinguish the questions, 10% is considered satisfactory, 50% is categorized as good and 40% is categorized as very good. Difficulties about the data obtained are 85% in the medium category, and 15% are in the difficult category. Data analysis shows that the item has a high validity while the distinguishing power is classified as good and the level of difficulty of the item is classified as moderate. Abstrak. Analisis kemampuan Tree Thinking pada siswa dilakukan menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Instrumen yang digunakan berupa hasil tes butir soal Tree Thinking pada materi Spermatophyta. Butir soal ini berupa pilihan ganda dengan 5 opsi. Objek yang diteliti adalah 20 butir soal pilihan ganda yang di ujikan pada kelas XI. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah informasi berupa validitas butir soal, daya pembeda, dan tingkat kesukaran soal. Hasil analisis menunjukkan kualitas butir soal, yang valid sebesar 95% sedangkan yang tidak valid sebesar 5%. Berdasarkan daya pembeda soal menunjukkan 10% dikategorikan memuaskan, 50% &nbsp;dikategorikan baik dan&nbsp; 40% dikategorikan sangat baik. Kesukaran soal data yang di dapat yaitu 85% berada pada kategori sedang, dan 15% berada pada kategori sukar. Analisis data menunjukkan bahwa butir soal memiliki validitas tinggi sedangkan daya pembeda tergolong baik dan tingkat kesukaran soal tergolong sedang

    Implikasi Model Double Loop Problem Solving Terhadap Kemampuan Berpikir Spasial Peserta Didik pada Materi Sistem Pencernaan

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    The aimed of this research is to analyze the influence of the double loop problem solving (DLPS) model on students' spatial reasoning abilities in digestive system subjects. The research used a quasi-experiment with a non-equivalent control group design. SMAN 1 Ciemas students' ability to think spatially is the variable that is measured. Research was led in two classes on the subject of the digestive system in the even semester of the 2022/2023 academic year. Before being handed over to students, all questions are validated by experts and then used with the help of research applications to find research results. The research data was tested for normality and homogeneity and finally the research hypothesis was tested using the Mann-Whitney test. The results of the research show that the DLPS model can influence students' spatial thinking abilities in class XI digestive system material at SMAN 1 Ciemas. In conclusion, the DLPS learning model with students' spatial thinking abilities can be an effective solution to face the progress of 21st century education. &nbsp; Keywords: Spatial Thinking Ability, Double Loop Problem Solving Model (DLPS), Students, Digestive Syste

    Profil Kompetensi Interpersonal Siswa Sekolah Menengah Pertama Di Sukabumi Pada Materi Pemanasan Global Berdasarkan Gender: (Profile of Interpersonal Competency of Junior High School Students in Sukabumi on Global Warming Materials Based on Gender)

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    Interpersonal competence is the ability to communicate in interacting with other humans to achieve certain goals. Interpersonal competence is very important for every student to have so that their abilities can develop and be well conveyed. In addition to cognitive abilities that student need to develop, interactions during adolescence are also important because without good interactions, adolescents will lose relationships with the people around them. The purpose of this study was to determine the interpersonal competence of seventh grade students in one of the schools in the city of Sukabumi on global warming material based on gender. This study used a quantitative descriptive method, with a sample of 31 students, formed into 6 groups. The instrument used was an observation sheet consisting of 10 statements developed from 5 indicators. In learning, students are formed in groups to make a simple practical video. The indicators in the instrument consist of the ability to initiate (Initiation), the ability to be assertive (Negative assertion), the ability to be open (self-disclosure), the ability to provide support to others (emotional support), and the ability to manage conflict (Conflict management). From the result of the research that has been done, the scores of all groups are quite good. The highest value is 85, the lowest value is 72,5. The greatest score per indicator is in providing support to others (Emotional support) and managing conflict (Conflict management) of 79%, while the lowest score is 73% on open indicators (self-disclosure). Based on gender, female students obtained higher interpersonal competence scroe than male students, this can be caused by several factors such as interaction with parents, education, age, environmental influences and desires of the individual, and extroverted personality. Abstrak. Kompetensi interpersonal merupakan kemampuan berkomunikasi dalam berinteraksi dengan manusia lain untuk mencapai tujuan tertentu. Kompetensi interpersonal sangat penting untuk dimiliki setiap siswa agar kemampuan yang dimilikinya dapat berkembang dan tersampaikan secara baik. Selain kemampuan kognitif yang perlu dikembangkan oleh siswa, interaksi pada masa remaja pun menjadi hal penting karena tanpa adanya interaksi yang baik, remaja akan kehilangan relasi dengan orang-orang di sekitarnya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui kompetensi interpersonal siswa kelas VII disalah satu sekolah yang ada di kota Sukabumi pada materi pemanasan global berdasarkan gender. Penelitian ini memakai metode deskriptif kuantitatif, dengan sampel sebanyak 31 siswa, dibentuk menjadi 6 kelompok. Instrumen yang digunakan berupa lembar observasi yang terdiri dari 10 pernyataan yang dikembangkan dari 5 indikator. Dalam pembelajarannya siswa dibentuk kelompok untuk membuat sebuah video praktikum sederhana. Indikator dalam instrumen terdiri dari kemampuan berinisiasi (Initiation), kemampuan bersikap asertif (Negative assertion), kemampuan bersikap terbuka (self-disclosure), kemampuan memberi dukungan kepada orang lain (Emotional support), dan kemampuan mengelola konflik (Conflict management). Dari hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan, nilai semua kelompok cukup baik. Nilai tertinggi sebesar 85, nilai terendah sebesar 72,5. Perolehan skor per indikator yang terbesar terdapat pada memberi dukungan kepada orang lain (Emotional support) dan mengelola konflik (Conflict management) sebesar 79%, sedangkan skor terendah yaitu 73% pada indikator bersikap terbuka (Self-disclosure). Berdasarkan gender siswa perempuan memperoleh skor kompetensi interpersonal lebih tinggi daripada siswa laki-laki, ini dapat disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor seperti, interaksi dengan orang tua, pendidikan, umur, pengaruh sekeliling dan keinginan dari diri individu tersebut, dan kepribadian yang ekstrovert

    Pengaruh Self Regulation Learning Terhadap Pengetahuan Metakognitif Peserta Didik Kelas XI Materi Sistem Ekskresi: (The Effect of Self Regulation Learning on Metacognitive Knowledge of Class XI Students on Excretion System Material)

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    This study aims to determine effect of Self Regulation Learning (SRL) learning strategy on the metacognitive knowledge of high school students. The research method used is Quasi Experiment with Non Equivalent Control Group Design. The research population used in this series of research, namely students at SMAN 4 Sukabumi City. The sampling of the two classes of samples was carried out using the purposive sampling method, which means that the sampling technique took into account certain components so that the sample could be said to be in accordance with the research criteria to be carried out. There is a difference in the mean and N-gain value of the scores obtained by the two research classes. It is shown that the experimental class has a higher average score than the control class. In addition, based on hypothesis testing on the independent sample t-test, the value of sig. of 0.000 which means H0 is rejected H1 is accepted. So it can be concluded that the application of Self Regulation Learning (SRL) has an effect on increasing students' metacognitive knowledge on the excretory system material. Key words: Self Regulation Learning, Metacognitive Knowledge Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh Self Regulation Learning (SRL) terhadap pengetahuan metakognitif peserta didik SMA. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu Quasi Eksperiment dengan desain Non Equivalent Control Group Design. Populasi penelitian yang digunakan dalam rangkaian penelitian ini, yaitu peserta didik di SMAN 4 Kota Sukabumi. Pengambilan kedua kelas sampel tersebut dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode purposive sampling yang berarti teknik pengambilan sampel dengan mempertimbangkan beberapa komponen tertentu sehingga sampel tersebut dapat dikatakan sesuai dengan kriteria penelitian yang hendak dilakukan. Terdapat perbedaan rata-rata dan nilai N-gain dari skor yang diperoleh oleh kedua kelas penelitian, Ditunjukkan bahwa kelas eksperimen memiliki nilai rata-rata lebih tinggi dibandingkan kelas kontrol. Selain itu berdasarkan pengujian hipotesis pada independent sample t-test ditunjukkan nilai sig. sebesar 0.000 yang artinya H0 ditolak H1 diterima. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa penerapan Self Regulation Learning (SRL) berpengaruh terhadap peningkatan pengetahuan metakognitif peserta didik pada materi sistem ekskresi. Kata kunci: Self Regulation Learning, Pengetahuan Metakogniti
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