110 research outputs found

    Influence of the Hydrolyzable Tannin Structure on the Characteristics of Insoluble Hydrolyzable Tannin-Protein Complexes

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    Precipitation of bovine serum albumin (BSA) by 21 hydrolyzable tannins (HTs) and the characteristics of the insoluble complexes were studied stoichiometrically by ultra-performance liquid chromatography. With regard to HT monomers, the protein precipitation and the characteristic of the formed precipitates were unique for each studied HT and depended upon the functional groups present in the structures. The monomeric units comprising the oligomers formed the functional units important for the protein precipitation capacity, and small structural differences among the monomer units were less important than the overall oligomer size and flexibility. In addition, the greater tendency of certain HTs to form insoluble complexes when mixed with BSA was partially linked to the higher self-association and consequent stronger cooperative binding of these HTs with BSA

    Multisource Point Clouds, Point Simplification and Surface Reconstruction

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    As data acquisition technology continues to advance, the improvement and upgrade of the algorithms for surface reconstruction are required. In this paper, we utilized multiple terrestrial Light Detection And Ranging (Lidar) systems to acquire point clouds with different levels of complexity, namely dynamic and rigid targets for surface reconstruction. We propose a robust and effective method to obtain simplified and uniform resample points for surface reconstruction. The method was evaluated. A point reduction of up to 99.371% with a standard deviation of 0.2 cm was achieved. In addition, well-known surface reconstruction methods, i.e., Alpha shapes, Screened Poisson reconstruction (SPR), the Crust, and Algebraic point set surfaces (APSS Marching Cubes), were utilized for object reconstruction. We evaluated the benefits in exploiting simplified and uniform points, as well as different density points, for surface reconstruction. These reconstruction methods and their capacities in handling data imperfections were analyzed and discussed. The findings are that (i) the capacity of surface reconstruction in dealing with diverse objects needs to be improved; (ii) when the number of points reaches the level of millions (e.g., approximately five million points in our data), point simplification is necessary, as otherwise, the reconstruction methods might fail; (iii) for some reconstruction methods, the number of input points is proportional to the number of output meshes; but a few methods are in the opposite; (iv) all reconstruction methods are beneficial from the reduction of running time; and (v) a balance between the geometric details and the level of smoothing is needed. Some methods produce detailed and accurate geometry, but their capacity to deal with data imperfection is poor, while some other methods exhibit the opposite characteristics

    Spatial variation and seasonal dynamics of leaf-area index in the arctic tundra-implications for linking ground observations and satellite images

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    Vegetation in the arctic tundra typically consists of a small-scale mosaic of plant communities, with species differing in growth forms, seasonality, and biogeochemical properties. Characterization of this variation is essential for understanding and modeling the functioning of the arctic tundra in global carbon cycling, as well as for evaluating the resolution requirements for remote sensing. Our objective was to quantify the seasonal development of the leaf-area index (LAI) and its variation among plant communities in the arctic tundra near Tiksi, coastal Siberia, consisting of graminoid, dwarf shrub, moss, and lichen vegetation. We measured the LAI in the field and used two very-high-spatial resolution multispectral satellite images (QuickBird and WorldView-2), acquired at different phenological stages, to predict landscape-scale patterns. We used the empirical relationships between the plant community-specific LAI and degree-day accumulation (0 degrees C threshold) and quantified the relationship between the LAI and satellite NDVI (normalized difference vegetation index). Due to the temporal difference between the field data and satellite images, the LAI was approximated for the imagery dates, using the empirical model. LAI explained variation in the NDVI values well (R-adj.(2) 0.42-0.92). Of the plant functional types, the graminoid LAI showed the largest seasonal amplitudes and was the main cause of the varying spatial patterns of the NDVI and the related LAI between the two images. Our results illustrate how the short growing season, rapid development of the LAI, yearly climatic variation, and timing of the satellite data should be accounted for in matching imagery and field verification data in the Arctic region.Peer reviewe

    Social risk factors for speech, scholastic and coordination disorders : a nationwide register-based study

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    Background: Broadly defined learning and coordination disorders (LCDs) are common in the population and have previously been associated with familial social risk factors and male sex. However, comprehensive nationwide studies of these risk factors in LCD subgroups are lacking. Our objective was to assess different LCDs in relation to sex and maternal education, marital status and socioeconomic status based on occupation. Methods: We conducted a nationwide register-based study. The following diagnoses were identified from the Finnish Hospital Discharge Register (FHDR) according to the ICD-10 (n = 28,192): speech disorders (F80), scholastic disorders (F81), motor and coordination disorders (F82) and mixed developmental disorder (F83). To study cumulative incidence and male: female ratios of service use of LCDs, we used a cohort design among all Finnish children born singleton 1996-2007 (n = 690,654); to study social risk factors, we used a nested case-control design with extensive register data on both cases and matched controls (n = 106,616). Results: The cumulative incidence was 4.7% for any LCD by age 15 and the changes in cumulative incidence over time were minor. The male: female ratios were 2.2-3.0 across LCD subgroups. Learning and coordination disorders were more common in households with lower maternal education, socioeconomic status based on occupation and among children with single mothers at the time of birth; the odds ratios (OR) for any LCD were 1.2-1.9 across risk factors. The odds for LCD diagnosis increased linearly with the number of social risk factors, except for coordination disorder. The effect size of three risk factors was highest in the group with mixed or multiple LCDs; OR 3.76 (95% CI 3.31-4.28). Conclusions: Multiple social risk factors increase the odds for multiple, more comprehensive learning difficulties. The findings have implications for service planning, as early identification and interventions of learning and coordination disorders might reduce related long-term social adversities.Peer reviewe

    Social risk factors for speech, scholastic and coordination disorders : a nationwide register-based study

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    Background: Broadly defined learning and coordination disorders (LCDs) are common in the population and have previously been associated with familial social risk factors and male sex. However, comprehensive nationwide studies of these risk factors in LCD subgroups are lacking. Our objective was to assess different LCDs in relation to sex and maternal education, marital status and socioeconomic status based on occupation. Methods: We conducted a nationwide register-based study. The following diagnoses were identified from the Finnish Hospital Discharge Register (FHDR) according to the ICD-10 (n = 28,192): speech disorders (F80), scholastic disorders (F81), motor and coordination disorders (F82) and mixed developmental disorder (F83). To study cumulative incidence and male: female ratios of service use of LCDs, we used a cohort design among all Finnish children born singleton 1996-2007 (n = 690,654); to study social risk factors, we used a nested case-control design with extensive register data on both cases and matched controls (n = 106,616). Results: The cumulative incidence was 4.7% for any LCD by age 15 and the changes in cumulative incidence over time were minor. The male: female ratios were 2.2-3.0 across LCD subgroups. Learning and coordination disorders were more common in households with lower maternal education, socioeconomic status based on occupation and among children with single mothers at the time of birth; the odds ratios (OR) for any LCD were 1.2-1.9 across risk factors. The odds for LCD diagnosis increased linearly with the number of social risk factors, except for coordination disorder. The effect size of three risk factors was highest in the group with mixed or multiple LCDs; OR 3.76 (95% CI 3.31-4.28). Conclusions: Multiple social risk factors increase the odds for multiple, more comprehensive learning difficulties. The findings have implications for service planning, as early identification and interventions of learning and coordination disorders might reduce related long-term social adversities.Peer reviewe

    Perunan tyvimÀdÀn tunnistaminen infektiossa vapautuvien yhdisteiden perusteella

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    Erwinia-bakteerien aiheuttama tyvi- ja mĂ€rkĂ€mĂ€tĂ€ on yksi pahimmista tautiongelmista perunantuotannossa. TyvimĂ€tĂ€ on emomukulasta alkavaa ja siitĂ€ perunan varsiin leviĂ€vÀÀ mĂ€tĂ€nemistĂ€, kun taas mukuloiden mĂ€tĂ€nemistĂ€ kutsutaan mĂ€rkĂ€mĂ€dĂ€ksi. Mukuloita pilaava mĂ€rkĂ€mĂ€tĂ€ aiheuttaa vuosittain suuria varastohĂ€vikkejĂ€ niin siemen- kuin ruokaperunatuotannossa. Taudin tekee erityisen ongelmalliseksi taudinaiheuttajien leviĂ€minen oireettomana siemenmukulassa kasvikaudesta toiseen. NĂ€kyvĂ€t tyvimĂ€dĂ€n oireet alkavat kehittyĂ€ vasta, kun mukulassa on riittĂ€vĂ€sti bakteerisoluja. Erwinia-bakteerien infektioiden yhteydessĂ€ vapautuu haihtuvia yhdisteitĂ€, jotka ovat nĂ€ille bakteereille ominaisia. Jos nĂ€mĂ€ yhdisteet voidaan mitata ja mÀÀrittÀÀ luotettavasti, piilevĂ€n tyvimĂ€dĂ€n infektio voidaan havaita ennen oireiden ilmenemistĂ€ ja koko perunaerĂ€n/-varaston saastumista tai pilaantumista.MTT Pohjois-Pohjanmaan tutkimusaseman, Turun yliopiston elintarvikekemian laboratorion, fysiikan laitoksen optiikan laboratorion ja Gasera Oy:n yhteistyönĂ€ toteuttaman tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittÀÀ, voidaanko piilevĂ€ tyvimĂ€tĂ€ havaita Erwinia-bakteerien infektion yhteydessĂ€ vapautuvien haihtuvien yhdisteiden perusteella ennen nĂ€kyvien oireiden ilmenemistĂ€. Perunalajikkeen Asterix mukuloita saastutettiin keinotekoisesti Erwinia carotovora alalaji atroseptica -bakteerilla ja sĂ€ilytettiin huoneen- tai varastolĂ€mpötilassa. Haihtuvia yhdisteitĂ€ kerĂ€ttiin eri ajankohtina ja analysoitiin SPME-GC-MS- ja FTIR -menetelmillĂ€. Molemmilla menetelmillĂ€ voitiin osoittaa selvĂ€ ero terveestĂ€ ja Erwi-nia-bakteerilla saastutetusta perunasta vapautuvien haihtuvien yhdisteiden vĂ€lillĂ€. SPME-GC-MS –menetelmĂ€llĂ€ ero havaittiin 15-18 ja FTIR-menetelmĂ€llĂ€ 12-18 tunnin kuluttua saastutuksesta, kun perunat sĂ€ilytettiin huoneenlĂ€mpötilassa (21-23 ÂșC). NĂ€kyvĂ€t mĂ€tĂ€nemisen oireet alkoivat ilmetĂ€ 48 tunnin kuluttua saastutuksesta. Samanlainen selvĂ€ ero havaittiin saastutettujen ja saastuttamattomien perunoiden haihtuvissa yhdisteissĂ€, kun perunoita sĂ€ilytettiin varastolĂ€mpötilassa (5 ÂșC). Inkubointiajan jatkuessa sekĂ€ haihtuvien yhdisteiden mÀÀrĂ€ ettĂ€ pitoisuudet kasvoivat. Saastuttamattomissa kontrollimukuloissa samoja haihtuvia yhdisteitĂ€ ei havaittu.SekĂ€ SPME-GC-MS- ettĂ€ FTIR –menetelmĂ€t soveltuivat perunoista vapautuvien haihtuvien yh-disteiden mÀÀritykseen laboratorio-oloissa, sillĂ€ molemmilla menetelmillĂ€ voitiin osoittaa selvĂ€ ero terveen ja Erwinia-bakteerilla saastutetun perunan vĂ€lillĂ€ ennen nĂ€kyvien oireiden ilmenemistĂ€. Menetelmien optimoinnilla ja validoinnilla voidaan saada tarkempia tuloksia mm. yhdisteiden absoluuttisista pitoisuuksista. Kumpikaan menetelmĂ€ ei sellaisenaan sovellu piilevĂ€n tyvimĂ€dĂ€n tunnistamiseen tuotanto-oloissa, mutta nĂ€illĂ€ menetelmillĂ€ voidaan kerĂ€tĂ€ aineistoa, joka mahdollistaa kenttĂ€kelpoisen sovelluksen kehittĂ€misen

    Variation in CO2 and CH4 fluxes among land cover types in heterogeneous Arctic tundra in northeastern Siberia

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    Arctic tundra is facing unprecedented warming, resulting in shifts in the vegetation, thaw regimes, and potentially in the ecosystem-atmosphere exchange of carbon (C). However, the estimates of regional carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) budgets are highly uncertain. We measured CO2 and CH4 fluxes, vegetation composition and leaf area index (LAI), thaw depth, and soil wetness in Tiksi (71 degrees N, 128 degrees E), a heterogeneous site located within the prostrate dwarf-shrub tundra zone in northeastern Siberia. Using the closed chamber method, we determined the net ecosystem exchange (NEE) of CO2, ecosystem respiration in the dark (ER), ecosystem gross photosynthesis (Pg), and CH4 flux during the growing season. We applied a previously developed high-spatial-resolution land cover map over an area of 35.8 km(2) for spatial extrapolation. Among the land cover types varying from barren to dwarf-shrub tundra and tundra wetlands, the NEE and Pg at the photosynthetically active photon flux density of 800 mu mol m(-2) h(-1) (NEE800 and Pg(800)) were greatest in the graminoid-dominated habitats, i.e., streamside meadow and fens, with NEE800 and Pg(800) of up to -21 (uptake) and 28 mmol M-2 h(-1), respectively. Vascular LAI was a robust predictor of both NEE800 and Pg(800) and, on a landscape scale, the fens were disproportionately important for the summertime CO2 sequestration. Dry tun- dra, including the dwarf-shrub and lichen tundra, had smaller CO2 exchange rates. The fens were the largest source of CH4, while the dry mineral soil tundra consumed atmospheric CH4, which on a landscape scale amounted to -9 % of the total CH(4 )balance during the growing season. The largest seasonal mean CH4 consumption rate of 0.02 mmol m(-2) h(-1) occurred in sand- and stone-covered barren areas. The high consumption rate agrees with the estimate based on the eddy covariance measurements at the same site. We acknowledge the uncertainty involved in spatial extrapolations due to a small number of replicates per land cover type. This study highlights the need to distinguish different land cover types including the dry tundra habitats to account for their different CO2 and CH4 flux patterns, especially the consumption of atmospheric CH4, when estimating tundra C exchange on a larger spatial scale.Peer reviewe

    AsukaslÀhtöisen perusparantamisen kehitystarpeet. IKE-esitutkimus

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    Asunto-osakeyhtiöiden kiinteistöjen peruskorjaus- ja -parannustarve kasvaa lÀhivuosina ja -vuosikymmeninÀ erittÀin voimakkaasti. Jotta ikÀÀntyvÀt talot ja niissÀ olevat kodit vastaavat paremmin erilaisten asukasryhmien muuttuvia tarpeita ja vaatimuksia, tuotantokeskeisestÀ peruskorjaamisesta on pÀÀstÀvÀ asukaslÀhtöiseen perusparantamiseen. TÀssÀ Ihmisten ja kiinteistöjen elÀmÀnsyklit (IKE)-esitutkimuksessa on selvitetty asuinkiinteistöjen perusparantamisen kipupisteitÀ ja hyviÀ kÀytÀntöjÀ erityisesti asukkaiden yksilöllisten tarpeiden ja kokemusten nÀkökulmasta. LisÀksi on arvioitu perusparannushankkeiden lÀpiviemisen ja prosessin hallinnan sekÀ viestinnÀn ja vuorovaikutuksen nykytilaa ja kehittÀmistarpeita. Asuinkiinteistöjen asukaslÀhtöisen perusparantamisen keskeisimmiksi kehitystarpeiksi tutkimuksessa nousevat asunto-osakeyhtiöiden strategisen elinkaarijohtamisen, asuinkiinteistöjen kuntoindeksin, asiakaslÀhtöisen tuotteistetun palvelu- ja yhteistoimintaprosessin, ennakoivan ja vuorovaikutteisen viestinnÀn, korjausrakentamisen teollisten menetelmien, yksilöllisten rahoitusratkaisujen sekÀ korjausrakentamisalan eri toimijoiden asiakaslÀhtöisen toimintatavan kehittÀminen. IKE-esitutkimuksen mukaan kehittÀmisen tavoitteeksi tulee asettaa asukkaiden, asunto-osakeyhtiön ja ammattilaisten vÀlinen tuotteistettu yhteistoiminta- ja palveluprosessi, jossa osapuolet korjaavat ja kehittÀvÀt kotitaloa yhdessÀ. Prosessin tulee tÀhdÀtÀ kotitalon ja sen asukkaiden yksilöllisten tavoitteiden lÀpinÀkyvyyteen, vaiheiden kÀytÀnnönlÀheiseen ja ymmÀrrettÀvÀÀn esittÀmiseen sekÀ asukaslÀhtöiseen toteuttamistapaan. Tavoitteet toteutetaan palveluliiketoimintana, jolloin kullekin osapuolelle on mÀÀritelty selkeÀt roolit ja vastuut. Osapuolet kohtaavat sovittuina ajankohtina mÀÀrittÀmÀÀn yhteisiÀ tavoitteita ja tarkentamaan niitÀ. Korjausrakentamisen tuotteita tarjoavien rakennusosa- ja tuotevalmistajien ja palveluntarjoajien tulee suunnitella tuotteensa osaksi asukaslÀhtöistÀ prosessia

    Meteorological responses of carbon dioxide and methane fluxes in the terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems of a subarctic landscape

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    The subarctic landscape consists of a mosaic of forest, peatland, and aquatic ecosystems and their ecotones. The carbon (C) exchange between ecosystems and the atmosphere through carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) fluxes varies spatially and temporally among these ecosystems. Our study area in Kaamanen in northern Finland covered 7 km2 of boreal subarctic landscape with upland forest, open peatland, pine bogs, and lakes. We measured the CO2 and CH4 fluxes with eddy covariance and chambers between June 2017 and June 2019 and studied the C flux responses to varying meteorological conditions. The landscape area was an annual CO2 sink of −45 ± 22 and −33 ± 23 g C m−2 and a CH4 source of 3.0 ± 0.2 and 2.7 ± 0.2 g C m−2 during the first and second study years, respectively. The pine forest had the largest contribution to the landscape-level CO2 sink, −126 ± 21 and −101 ± 19 g C m−2, and the fen to the CH4 emissions, 7.8 ± 0.2 and 6.3 ± 0.3 g C m−2, during the first and second study years, respectively. The lakes within the area acted as CO2 and CH4 sources to the atmosphere throughout the measurement period, and a lake located downstream from the fen with organic sediment showed 4-fold fluxes compared to a mineral sediment lake. The annual C balances were affected most by the rainy peak growing season in 2017, the warm summer in 2018, and a heatwave and drought event in July 2018. The rainy period increased ecosystem respiration (ER) in the pine forest due to continuously high soil moisture content, and ER was on a level similar to the following, notably warmer, summer. A corresponding ER response to abundant precipitation was not observed for the fen ecosystem, which is adapted to high water table levels, and thus a higher ER sum was observed during the warm summer 2018. During the heatwave and drought period, similar responses were observed for all terrestrial ecosystems, with decreased gross primary productivity and net CO2 uptake, caused by the unfavourable growing conditions and plant stress due to the soil moisture and vapour pressure deficits. Additionally, the CH4 emissions from the fen decreased during and after the drought. However, the timing and duration of drought effects varied between the fen and forest ecosystems, as C fluxes were affected sooner and had a shorter post-drought recovery time in the fen than forest. The differing CO2 flux response to weather variations showed that terrestrial ecosystems can have a contrasting impact on the landscape-level C balance in a changing climate, even if they function similarly most of the time

    Multisource Point Clouds, Point Simplification and Surface Reconstruction

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    As data acquisition technology continues to advance, the improvement and upgrade of the algorithms for surface reconstruction are required. In this paper, we utilized multiple terrestrial Light Detection And Ranging (Lidar) systems to acquire point clouds with different levels of complexity, namely dynamic and rigid targets for surface reconstruction. We propose a robust and effective method to obtain simplified and uniform resample points for surface reconstruction. The method was evaluated. A point reduction of up to 99.371% with a standard deviation of 0.2 cm was achieved. In addition, well-known surface reconstruction methods, i.e., Alpha shapes, Screened Poisson reconstruction (SPR), the Crust, and Algebraic point set surfaces (APSS Marching Cubes), were utilized for object reconstruction. We evaluated the benefits in exploiting simplified and uniform points, as well as different density points, for surface reconstruction. These reconstruction methods and their capacities in handling data imperfections were analyzed and discussed. The findings are that (i) the capacity of surface reconstruction in dealing with diverse objects needs to be improved; (ii) when the number of points reaches the level of millions (e.g., approximately five million points in our data), point simplification is necessary, as otherwise, the reconstruction methods might fail; (iii) for some reconstruction methods, the number of input points is proportional to the number of output meshes; but a few methods are in the opposite; (iv) all reconstruction methods are beneficial from the reduction of running time; and (v) a balance between the geometric details and the level of smoothing is needed. Some methods produce detailed and accurate geometry, but their capacity to deal with data imperfection is poor, while some other methods exhibit the opposite characteristics
