21 research outputs found

    Students’ Perceptions of Family Entrepreneurship – A Study on Family Business Academic Education

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    L’objectif de cette recherche est d’analyser les points de vue d’étudiants universitaires envers la condition des entrepreneurs. Le fond thĂ©orique analyse l’interaction entre l’entreprise familiale, le propriĂ©taireship, et l’éducation sur la condition des entrepreneurs. 211 Ă©tudiants de l’UniversitĂ© de JyvĂ€skylĂ€ ont participĂ© Ă  cette Ă©tude pendant le cours fondamental de Basic business studies appelĂ© “Introduction to Entrepreneurship and Business Operations” en septembre 2007. 143 d’entre eux ont Ă©crit un essai d’une page, soit en finnois soit en anglais, sur les entreprises familiales et les propriĂ©taires familiales. Les Ă©tudiants ont Ă©crit sur le phĂ©nomĂšne avec leurs propres mots. Les rĂ©sultats ont Ă©tĂ© analysĂ©s sous la forme d’analyse contenue pour comprendre comment amĂ©liorer l’éducation de l’entreprise familiale. Les rĂ©sultats de cette Ă©tude montrent que les entreprises familiales sont comprises par le concept de famille : une famille est le propriĂ©taire de, travaille dans et dirige une entreprise familiale. Les entreprises familiales ont Ă©tĂ© vues comme des petites entreprises qui emploient localement. La condition des entrepreneurs motive les Ă©tudiants, mais le fait d'ĂȘtre le propriĂ©taire d’une entreprise familiale Ă©tait dĂ©sintĂ©ressant. Les rĂ©sultats peuvent ĂȘtre utilisĂ©s dans l’éducation sur les entreprises familiales.The aim of this qualitative research is to analyze university students’ attitudes toward family entrepreneurship. The theoretical framework of the study analyzes the interaction between family business, ownership, and entrepreneurship education. 211 students from the University of JyvĂ€skylĂ€ participated in the study during the basic business study course “Introduction to Entrepreneurship and Business Operations” in September 2007. 143 of those wrote a one page essay, either in Finnish or English, on family entrepreneurship and family business ownership. The students were told to write about the phenomena in their own words. The results were analyzed with content analysis in order to understand how to improve the development of family business entrepreneurship education. The results of the study show that family businesses are perceived through the concept of family: a family owns, works in, and manages a family business. Students perceive family businesses as small businesses that employ people locally. Entrepreneurship motivates students, but owning a family business was perceived as unattractive. The results of the study can be utilized in family business entrepreneurship education.El objetivo de este estudio cualitativo es analizar las actitudes de los estudiantes universitarios en relaciĂłn con la iniciativa empresarial familiar. El marco teĂłrico de este estudio analiza la interacciĂłn entre la empresa familiar, la propiedad y la educaciĂłn en iniciativa empresarial. En este estudio participaron 211 estudiantes de la Universidad de JyvĂ€skylĂ€ asistentes al curso bĂĄsico de ciencias empresariales “IntroducciĂłn a la iniciativa empresarial y las operaciones empresariales” en septiembre de 2007. De ellos, 143 escribieron, en finĂ©s o en inglĂ©s, un ensayo de una pĂĄgina sobre iniciativa empresarial familiar y propiedad de empresa familiar. A los estudiantes se les habĂ­a pedido que escribiesen sobre el tema con sus propias palabras. En el anĂĄlisis de los resultados se realizĂł un anĂĄlisis de contenido para asĂ­ poder mejorar el desarrollo de la educaciĂłn en iniciativa empresarial familiar. Los resultados del estudio muestran que la empresa familiar se percibe a travĂ©s del concepto de familia: la familia posee, administra y trabaja en la empresa familiar. Los estudiantes perciben la empresa familiar como una pequeña empresa de dimensiones laborales locales. La iniciativa empresarial despierta el interĂ©s de los estudiantes, pero la empresa familiar resulta poco atractiva. Los resultados del estudio pueden ser utilizados para la educaciĂłn en iniciativa empresarial familiar

    Jatkajasukupolven nÀkökulma:: kasvu itsenÀisyyteen perheyrityksen omistajayrittÀjÀnÀ

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    Analysis of research ideas: combining metaphors for research

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    This paper presents a framework – idea puzzle – for scientific analysis of research ideas. Analysis of research ideas is included in research planning ahead of research implementation and reporting. Research planning is traditionally based on the project metaphor for research which specifies linear tasks, deliverables and deadlines. Such a metaphor does not make explicit, however, decisions which are implicit in research tasks. This gap is fulfilled by the jigsaw puzzle metaphor which specifies interdependent and iterative decisions instead. Idea puzzle framework illustrates the jigsaw puzzle metaphor since it is a synthesis of scientific method in twenty one decisions. Such decisions specify the theoretical, empirical, methodological, rhetoric, and authorial context of a research idea. The main benefits of idea puzzle framework are twofold. On the one hand, it facilitates the learning and teaching of scientific method. On the other hand, it accelerates the scientific generation, analysis, planning, and evaluation of research ideas

    Toisen asteen opiskelijoiden yrittĂ€jyysintentiot– Tutkimus kansainvĂ€lisen yrittĂ€jyyskasvatuksen kontekstissa

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    Yrittäjyysintentiolla on aikaisemmin selitetty uuden liiketoiminnan ja yritystoiminnan syntyä. Aie perustaa yritys ei kuitenkaan synnytä yksin uusia yrityksiä, koska intentio ei välttämättä johda toimintaan. Yrittäjäksi valikoituminen tapahtuu vuosien työn, kokemusten ja oppimisen kautta. Tämän tutkimuksen tulokset osoittavat, että yrittäjyysintentio on korkeampi toisen asteen opiskelijoiden keskuudessa Puolassa kuin Suomessa. Eroja kansainvälisen yrittäjyyskasvatuksen kehittämisen osalta edustavat erityisesti ammattitaidon kehittäminen yrityksen perustamiseksi, liiketoimintamahdollisuuksien aktiivinen etsintä ja yhteistyökumppanien etsintä liiketoiminnan käynnistämiseksi

    Russia of Transformations

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    The reader is holding the second, more comprehensive study on developments in Russia commissioned by the Ministry of Defence. The first, published in 2008, focused on society and domestic politics, the economy, traffic and transport, the environment and energy, and foreign and security policy. At the time, this project represented a new approach. Extensive use was made of expertise outside the defence establishment, while reports submitted for publication were drawn up by thematic working groups, based on the preliminary research question and their own work. From the Finnish security perspective, the ‘Russia of Challenges’ publication demonstrated a clear need to gather knowledge on Russia produced, analysed and processed in a practical manner. Three editions were published. Of these, around 13,000 copies in Finnish and 2,700 in English were downloaded from the internet. Over a period of four years, developments in both Russia and the international community have once again created the need for a survey of Russia by Finnish experts and specialists in various fields

    Muutosten VenÀjÀ

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    Lukijalla on nyt kĂ€dessÀÀn jĂ€rjestyksessÀÀn toinen puolustusministeriön tilaama laajempi tutkimus VenĂ€jĂ€n kehityksestĂ€. Vuonna 2008 julkaistussa VenĂ€jÀ–tutkimuksessa tarkastelun kohteena olivat yhteiskunta ja sisĂ€politiikka, talous liikenne ja kuljetus, ympĂ€ristö ja energia sekĂ€ ulko- ja turvallisuuspolitiikka. Hankkeen toteuttamismalli oli uusi: siinĂ€ hyödynnettiin laajasti puolustushallinnon ulkopuolista osaamista ja teemaryhmĂ€t tuottivat annettujen kysymysten ja työskentelynsĂ€ pohjalta raportit, jotka toimitettiin julkaisuksi. Haasteiden VenĂ€jĂ€ -julkaisu osoitti selvĂ€n tarpeen Suomen turvallisuuden nĂ€kökulmasta tuotetun, analysoidun ja kĂ€ytĂ€nnönlĂ€heisen VenĂ€jĂ€-tiedon kokoamiselle. Julkaisusta otettiin kolme painosta ja suomenkielisten Internet-latausten mÀÀrĂ€ oli noin 13 000 ja englanninkielisten noin 2 700. NeljĂ€n vuoden aikana sekĂ€ VenĂ€jĂ€llĂ€ ettĂ€ kansainvĂ€lisessĂ€ yhteisössĂ€ tapahtunut kehitys ovat jĂ€lleen kannustaneet kokoamaan yhteen eri alojen kotimaisen VenĂ€jĂ€-asiantuntemuksen

    MyyjiÀ, tuotekehittÀjiÀ ja tuotejohtajia : tuotepÀÀlliköiden tehtÀvÀrakenteen heijastuminen tuotekehitysprojektissa sisÀiseen yrittÀjyyteen ja intuitiiviseen pÀÀtöksentekotyyliin kuuluviin tekijöihin

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    The focus of the present study is on product managers’ responsibilities and job roles in product development projects. The aim of the research is to define how these responsibilities and job roles reflect joint intrapreneurial and intuitive characteristics in product development.The approach is quantitative. The concepts of product manager, product managers’ responsibilities and job roles, intrapreneurship and intuitive decision making style are defined in the framework. Product development project is an innovation process that lasts two to three years. Goals in this kind of projects are typically commercially successful products. Product development projects are based on team organizations. These projects need vision and innovativeness in order to create commercial success.Product managers work usually with marketing or product development as middle-managers. They might work as co-operation specialists between marketing and product development. They can also act as product champions, who are responsible for the whole product development project. Intuitive decision making style makes companies effective and successful. In different contexts firms need flexible ways of acting. In most cases companies need fast decision making and effective time managing. Intuition is based on experience. It is useful when dealing with large issues and ideas. Intrapreneurship and intuitive decision making style have got joint characteristics. As a result of a conceptual part of this study it is possible to say that the typical common abilities are knowledge, innovativeness, vision, long term responsibility, creativity, opportunity recognition, goal setting, independence, risk-taking and sharing responsibility and power.The questionnaire was mailed to 1218 product managers representing for the database of FEMDI (JTO). Altogether 316 of them responded. The response rate was 25,9 %. The results show that product managers in the technology industry work mainly with the product development. In the trade and service sector, product managers deal with marketing and sales management. They take responsibility of sales, costs and finance. In trade and service product managers are more likely product champions. They take long-term responsibility like product managers in the technology industry. In other industries, product managers work mainly with marketing and seeking new products. They assume short-term responsibility and they do not have intuitive and intrapreneurial characteristics as individuals and in the organizations. In the technology industry intrapreneurial and intuitive features exist in the organizations. Product managers as individuals are conservative, non-intuitive and non-intrapreneurial in the product development based technology sector. In the sales and service product managers have as individuals intuitive and intrapreneurial characteristics. Organizations encourage also to these features in the trade and service.Juha Kansikas tutki vĂ€itöskirjassaan sisĂ€isen yrittĂ€jyyden ja intuitiivisen pÀÀtöksentekotyylin yhteisiĂ€ tekijöitĂ€ sekĂ€ niiden heijastumista tuotepÀÀlliköiden työhön. Tutkimuksessa vertailtiin tuotepÀÀlliköiden muodostamia ryhmiĂ€, jotka toimivat markkinoinnin lisĂ€ksi tuotannon ja tuotekehityksen tehtĂ€vissĂ€. Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin myös eri ryhmiin kuuluvien tuotepÀÀlliköiden rooleja ja vastuita teknologiateollisuuden, muun teollisuuden, sekĂ€ kaupan ja palveluiden toimialaryhmissĂ€.Kansikas listaa kymmenen sisĂ€isen yrittĂ€jyyden ja intuitiivisen pÀÀtöksentekotyylin yhteistĂ€, liiketoimintaa edistĂ€vÀÀ, tekijÀÀ: tieto ja kokemus, innovatiivisuus, visiointi, pitkĂ€n aikavĂ€lin työskentely, luovuus, mahdollisuuksien havainnointi, tavoitteiden asettaminen, itsenĂ€isyys, riskinottokyky, sekĂ€ vallan ja vastuun delegointi.TuotepÀÀllikkö-nimikettĂ€ on kĂ€ytetty Suomessa eri tavoilla painottuvissa tehtĂ€vissĂ€. Kansikkaan tutkimus osoitti, ettĂ€ tuotepÀÀlliköiden tehtĂ€vĂ€rakenne muodostuu myyjien, tuotekehittĂ€jien ja tuotejohtajien rooleista. TuotepÀÀlliköt toimivat kaikissa toimialaryhmissĂ€ myyntityössĂ€. Painopistealueet työssĂ€ vaihtelevat erityisesti tuotekehitykseen osallistuttaessa. TuotepÀÀlliköiden ryhmittely edistÀÀ menestyksekkÀÀn tuotekehityksen analysointia.VĂ€itöksen mukaan tuotejohtajat sekĂ€ heidĂ€n työyhteisönsĂ€ kannustavat ja hyödyntĂ€vĂ€t eniten liiketoimintaa edistĂ€viĂ€ ominaisuuksia

    Editorial notes

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    Disguised Employment - The Nature of Forced Entrepreneurship

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    Present labor markets are in the wind of change. A widely made distinction between employees and individual contractors has been challenged. The study discusses abductively, i.e. both conceptually and empirically, the nature of being a responsible employer. Consequently, the two central concepts are: a) responsibility and b) employment relationship. The empirical research task is: Why does disguised employment exist? Question of the research is: What is disguised employment as forced entrepreneurship? The approach is qualitative and abductive, which in this case means a two-way dialogue between the findings gained from literature and interviews. For this exploration, twelve open and unstructured interviews were conducted, two authentic written descriptions of dispute cases were analyzed and three concluding theme-based interviews were made by phone to clarify some remaining open questions. Disguised employment causes harm to employers and employees in the form of forced contracts, lack of experience in firms and unethical and irresponsible outsourcing. Responsible employment is a balance between rights, obligations, power and corporate social responsibility