284 research outputs found

    Creation and persistence of ties in cluster knowledge networks = Kapcsolatok kialakulása és fennmaradása klaszterek tudáshálózatában

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    Although parallel processing is a promising way of increasing the performance cost efficiently, it is important to find the balance between the potential speed-up benefits and overheads due to the organization and the increased communication. Finding the optimal distribution of co-operating tasks, minimizing overheads and maximizing execution speed are often completed based on performance prediction. Complexity of prediction gradually increases with the number of links between the cooperating tasks. In this paper the efforts are focused on building up a performance model for a category of tasks running on clusters of workstations, where the result is expected at the same node the input was fed in, and a strong dependence between the partial solutions must be resolved to obtain the final result. In this domain we investigate the possibilities of prediction and minimization of execution time in the function of the cluster size. To show the utility of our model, the results are demonstrated on the common, widely used area of integer sorting. Modelling the execution time of different sorting algorithms has a strong mathematical background, which enables to easily build up formulas for the expected execution times helping to determine the optimal cluster size. As a conclusion, we show the execution times of the sorting algorithm measured on a test cluster, and compare the predicted times and the measured results

    Tudáshálózat elemzés és klaszterfejlesztés Kecskeméten

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    A klaszterek és a mögöttük álló lokális hálózatok régóta izgalmas vizsgálati területei a regionális gazdaságtannak. Jelen dolgozatom fő kérdése, hogy a tudáshálózatok elemzése hogyan tud hozzájárulni a klaszterek fejlesztéséhez. A klaszterek és a lokális hálózatok regionális gazdaságfejlesztési jelentőségének áttekintése után a tudáshálózatok szerepét a Kecskeméti nagyvárosi településegyüttes potenciális nyomdaipari klaszterének elemzésén keresztül mutatom be. A gyakorlati vizsgálatom során szerzett tapasztalataimra alapozva kívánom megítélni a tudáshálózatok elemzésének klaszterfejlesztéshez történő hozzájárulását. A kecskeméti nyomdaipar vállalkozásai közötti ismeretáramlást, tudásátadást Elisa Giuliani módszertana alapján egy kérdőíves felmérés segítségével vizsgáltam meg. A hálózat feltérképezésem alapján főbb következtetéseim, hogy a tudáshálózatok vizsgálata segít megismerni a klaszterek térségi beágyazottságát, a vállalkozások közötti kapcsolatok jellegét, a hálózati struktúrát, valamint azonosítani a legbefolyásosabb szereplőket. A tudáshálózat feltérképezés támogatja a klaszterek speciális fejlesztésének előkészítését

    Adalék Neményi Bertalan képzőművészeti gyűjteményéhez

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    The Budapest lawyer Dr. Bertalan Neményi (1892-1947) was one of the notable figures of Hungarian art collection in the interwar period. He was mainly drawn to contemporary Hungarian artists, so he had considerable numbers of works by József Rippl-Rónai, Lajos Gulácsy and Tivadar Csontváry Kosztka. The reconstruction of his collection is very difficult as the bulk disappeared at the end of WWII. In early 1944 he deposited a considerable segment of his collection in thirteen locked wooden crates in the safe of the Hungarian General Credit Bank. The safe was left intact by the siege of the city, but the corps of the Soviet army specialized for gathering art works plundered the safe. On 19 March 1945 Neményi asked help for the search after his collection. The list included 98 paintings, some 350 graphic sheets and 2000 books. Several of his treasures were not put in the bank but in homes of private persons. When Neményi died unexpectedly in 1947, the existing pieces of the collection got into the art trade. Some were also found there from the stock once deposited in the bank. Most of the bank deposits, however, went to Moscow. The paper tries the reconstruct the collection and the intellectual portrait of the collector with the help of archival sources first published here.</jats:p

    Spinoffs and tie formation in cluster knowledge networks

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    Calculations of Performance Losses for Automobile Vehicles

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    Vehicle-energetic-models are used to analyze the performances and when a comprehensive structure is established even optimization could be done. For these kinds of models, the losses of the vehicles have to be known. These losses could significantly effect of the vehicle fuel consumption. From these losses the rolling resistance, drive elements and aerodynamic drag are discussed. This paper reviews some of the literatures that describes the calculation methods and gives us some idea about the degree of their value. Our further goals are to have an UpToDate loss coefficient dataset and calculation methods for further vehicle-energetic modelling

    The characteristics of the roe deer’s group formation in an agricultural habitat

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    Brokering the core and the periphery: Creative success and collaboration networks in the film industry

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    In collaboration-based creative industries, such as film production, creators in the network core enjoy prestige and legitimacy that are key for creative success. However, core creators are challenged to maintain diverse access to new ideas or alternative views that often emerge from the network periphery. In this paper, we demonstrate that creators in the network core can increase the probability of their creative success by brokering peripheral collaborators to the core. The argument is tested on a dynamic collaboration network of movie creators constructed from a unique dataset of Hungarian feature films for the 1990-2009 period. We propose a new way to capture brokers' role in core/periphery networks and provide evidence that being in the core and at the same time bridging between the core and the periphery of the network significantly increases the likelihood of award winning
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