19 research outputs found

    Bilateral renal agenesis/hypoplasia/dysplasia (BRAHD):postmortem analysis of 45 cases with breakpoint mapping of two de novo translocations

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    Bilateral renal agenesis/hypoplasia/dysplasia (BRAHD) is a relatively common, lethal malformation in humans. Established clinical risk factors include maternal insulin dependent diabetes mellitus and male sex of the fetus. In the majority of cases, no specific etiology can be established, although teratogenic, syndromal and single gene causes can be assigned to some cases.45 unrelated fetuses, stillbirths or infants with lethal BRAHD were ascertained through a single regional paediatric pathology service (male:female 34:11 or 3.1:1). The previously reported phenotypic overlaps with VACTERL, caudal dysgenesis, hemifacial microsomia and Müllerian defects were confirmed. A new finding is that 16/45 (35.6%; m:f 13:3 or 4.3:1) BRAHD cases had one or more extrarenal malformations indicative of a disoder of laterality determination including; incomplete lobulation of right lung (seven cases), malrotation of the gut (seven cases) and persistence of the left superior vena cava (five cases). One such case with multiple laterality defects and sirelomelia was found to have a de novo apparently balanced reciprocal translocation 46,XY,t(2;6)(p22.3;q12). Translocation breakpoint mapping was performed by interphase fluorescent in-situ hybridization (FISH) using nuclei extracted from archival tissue sections in both this case and an isolated bilateral renal agenesis case associated with a de novo 46,XY,t(1;2)(q41;p25.3). Both t(2;6) breakpoints mapped to gene-free regions with no strong evidence of cis-regulatory potential. Ten genes localized within 500 kb of the t(1;2) breakpoints. Wholemount in-situ expression analyses of the mouse orthologs of these genes in embryonic mouse kidneys showed strong expression of Esrrg, encoding a nuclear steroid hormone receptor. Immunohistochemical analysis showed that Esrrg was restricted to proximal ductal tissue within the embryonic kidney.The previously unreported association of BRAHD with laterality defects suggests that renal agenesis may share a common etiology with heterotaxy in some cases. Translocation breakpoint mapping identified ESRRG as a plausible candidate gene for BRAHD

    The Evolutionary Origin of Human Subtelomeric Homologies—or Where the Ends Begin

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    The subtelomeric regions of human chromosomes are comprised of sequence homologies shared between distinct subsets of chromosomes. In the course of developing a set of unique human telomere clones, we identified many clones containing such shared homologies, characterized by the presence of cross-hybridization signals on one or more telomeres in a fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) assay. We studied the evolutionary origin of seven subtelomeric clones by performing comparative FISH analysis on a primate panel that included great apes and Old World monkeys. All clones tested showed a single hybridization site in Old World monkeys that corresponded to one of the orthologous human sites, thus indicating the ancestral origin. The timing of the duplication events varied among the subtelomeric regions, from ∼5 to ∼25 million years ago. To examine the origin of and mechanism for one of these subtelomeric duplications, we compared the sequence derived from human 2q13—an ancestral fusion site of two great ape telomeric regions—with its paralogous subtelomeric sequences at 9p and 22q. These paralogous regions share large continuous homologies and contain three genes: RABL2B, forkhead box D4, and COBW-like. Our results provide further evidence for subtelomeric-mediated genomic duplication and demonstrate that these segmental duplications are most likely the result of ancestral unbalanced translocations that have been fixed in the genome during recent primate evolution

    Evolutionary Conservation of a Coding Function for D4Z4, the Tandem DNA Repeat Mutated in Facioscapulohumeral Muscular Dystrophy

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    Facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy (FSHD) is caused by deletions within the polymorphic DNA tandem array D4Z4. Each D4Z4 repeat unit has an open reading frame (ORF), termed “DUX4,” containing two homeobox sequences. Because there has been no evidence of a transcript from the array, these deletions are thought to cause FSHD by a position effect on other genes. Here, we identify D4Z4 homologues in the genomes of rodents, Afrotheria (superorder of elephants and related species), and other species and show that the DUX4 ORF is conserved. Phylogenetic analysis suggests that primate and Afrotherian D4Z4 arrays are orthologous and originated from a retrotransposed copy of an intron-containing DUX gene, DUXC. Reverse-transcriptase polymerase chain reaction and RNA fluorescence and tissue in situ hybridization data indicate transcription of the mouse array. Together with the conservation of the DUX4 ORF for >100 million years, this strongly supports a coding function for D4Z4 and necessitates re-examination of current models of the FSHD disease mechanism

    Highly conserved non-coding elements on either side of SOX9 associated with Pierre Robin sequence

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    Pierre Robin sequence (PRS) is an important subgroup of cleft palate. We report several lines of evidence for the existence of a 17q24 locus underlying PRS, including linkage analysis results, a clustering of translocation breakpoints 1.06–1.23 Mb upstream of SOX9, and microdeletions both approx1.5 Mb centromeric and approx1.5 Mb telomeric of SOX9. We have also identified a heterozygous point mutation in an evolutionarily conserved region of DNA with in vitro and in vivo features of a developmental enhancer. This enhancer is centromeric to the breakpoint cluster and maps within one of the microdeletion regions. The mutation abrogates the in vitro enhancer function and alters binding of the transcription factor MSX1 as compared to the wild-type sequence. In the developing mouse mandible, the 3-Mb region bounded by the microdeletions shows a regionally specific chromatin decompaction in cells expressing Sox9. Some cases of PRS may thus result from developmental misexpression of SOX9 due to disruption of very-long-range cis-regulatory element