7 research outputs found

    An inline optic sensor technology to determine milk pH in yogurt manufacturing

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    Accurate determination of yogurt fermentation end-point (i.e., the end of the fermentation process at pH = 4.6) is essential for yogurt manufacturing. As a result of the high complexity of milk fermentation induced by lactic acid bacteria, an inadequate fermentation end-point selection could significantly compromise manufacturing cost and the final yogurt quality. Currently, acid coagulation to produce yogurt in the industry is monitored from discontinuous pH measurements that are measured manually every 10-15 minutes, a laborious and inaccurate techniquePostprint (published version

    Establiment del protocol per l'anàlisi sensorial descriptiu de la mel per al control de qualitat

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    Este trabajo ha tenido como objetivo establecer el protocolo para el análisis sensorial descriptivo de la miel para el control de calidad. Se ha realizado una búsqueda bibliográfica sobre el producto de la miel y algunas de sus variantes monoflorales, así como sobre su análisis sensorial. A partir de la información obtenida se han elegido las referencias para algunas mieles monoflorales. También se ha revisado la ficha de cata propuesta al trabajo anterior (Vázquez, 2019) proponiendo y validando las referencias para distintos descriptores. Las principales observaciones han sido las siguientes: Para el defecto del sabor a caramelo en la miel, la referencia es la miel calentada entre 78 y 82 °C durante 50 minutos. Para el defecto de aroma a fermentado las referencias son: miel no fermentada, mezcla de miel no fermentada (50 %) con miel fermentada (50 %), miel fermentada. La referencia para el sabor de nivel intermedio de dulzor es la miel de roble con un 25 % de fructosa añadida. Esa es una referencia que se debe revisar. Se ha determinado como más conveniente las siguientes referencias para mieles monoflorales: alcanfor para la miel de romero, antranilato de metilo para la miel de azahar, fenol para la miel de tomillo, malteado para la miel de alzina-roble, y humus o setas para la miel de brezo. Finalmente se propone la ficha de cata completa para el análisis sensorial de la miel y se propone el método de entrenamiento para el panel de catadores.Aquest treball ha tingut com a objectiu establir el protocol per l'anàlisi sensorial descriptiu de la mel pel control de qualitat. S'ha realitzat una recerca bibliogràfica sobre el producte de la mel i algunes de les seves varietats monoflorals, així com també de la seva anàlisi sensorial. A partir de la informació obtinguda s'ha fet una elecció de referències per algunes d'aquestes mels monoflorals. També s'ha revisat la fitxa de tast proposada al treball anterior (Vázquez, 2019), proposant i validant les referències per a diferents descriptors. Les principals observacions han estat les següents: Pel defecte del gust a caramel a la mel la referència és la mel escalfada entre 78 i 82 °C durant 50 minuts. Pel defecte de l'aroma a fermentat, les referències són: mel no fermentada, barreja de mel no fermentada (50 %) amb mel fermentada (50%) i mel fermentada. La referència pel gust de nivell mig de dolçor és mel de roure amb un 25% de fructosa afegida. Aquesta és una referència que cal revisar. S'han determinat com a més adients les següents referències olfactives per a mels monoflorals: camforat per a la mel de romaní, antranilat de metil per a la mel de tarongina, fenol per a la mel de farigola, maltejat per a la mel d'alzina-roure i humus o bolets per a la mel de bruc. Finalment és proposa la fitxa de tast completa per l'anàlisi sensorial de la mel i es proposa el mètode d'entrenament pel panel de tastadors.This essay aimed to establish the protocol for honey's descriptive sensorial analysis for quality control. Bibliographical research was conducted around honey and some of its different single-flower honey varieties, as well as honey's sensorial analysis. From the information obtained, a selection of references for some of the single-flower honeys was established. The profile sheet proposed by the previous paper (Vázquez 2019) was also revised for new descriptors; references were validated, and new ones were proposed for several descriptors. The main findings were as follows: For honey to achieve a caramel aroma by default, honey must be heated at a temperature ranging from 78 to 82 °C for 50 minutes. To obtain a fermented aroma, the references are the following: non-fermented honey, a mixture of non-fermented honey (50%) with fermented honey (50%) and fermented honey. As for flavor, oak tree honey with a 25% of added fructose will provide a mild sweet taste. This reference needs to be revised. For single-flower honeys the following olfactory references were determined as being the most fitting: camphor for rosemary honey, methyl anthranilate for orange blossom honey, phenol for thyme honey, malt for oak and evergreen oak honey and hummus or mushrooms for Erica honey Finally, the complete profile sheet for honey's sensorial analysis is proposed along with the training method for the group of tasters

    Naltrexone but Not Ketanserin Antagonizes the Subjective, Cardiovascular, and Neuroendocrine Effects of Salvinorin-A in Humans

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    Salvinorin-A is a terpene found in the leaves of the plant Salvia divinorum. When administered to humans, salvinorin-A induces an intense but short-lasting modified state of awareness, sharing features with those induced by the classical serotonin-2A receptor agonist psychedelics. However, unlike substances such as psilocybin or mescaline, salvinorin-A shows agonist activity at the kappa-opioid receptor rather than at the serotonin-2A receptor. Here, we assessed the involvement of kappa-opioid receptor and serotonin-2A agonism in the subjective, cardiovascular, and neuroendocrine effects of salvinorin-A in humans. We conducted a placebo-controlled, randomized, double-blind study with 2 groups of 12 healthy volunteers with experience with psychedelic drugs. There were 4 experimental sessions. In group 1, participants received the following treatment combinations: placebo+placebo, placebo+salvinorin-A, naltrexone+placebo, and naltrexone+salvinorin-A. Naltrexone, a nonspecific opioid receptor antagonist, was administered at a dose of 50mg orally. In group 2, participants received the treatment combinations: placebo+placebo, placebo+salvinorin-A, ketanserin+placebo, and ketanserin+salvinorin-A. Ketanserin, a selective serotonin-2A antagonist, was administered at a dose of 40mg orally. Inhalation of 1mg of vaporized salvinorin-A led to maximum plasma concentrations at 1 and 2 minutes after dosing. When administered alone, salvinorin-A severely reduced external sensory perception and induced intense visual and auditory modifications, increased systolic blood pressure, and cortisol and prolactin release. These effects were effectively blocked by naltrexone, but not by ketanserin. Results support kappa opioid receptor agonism as the mechanism of action underlying the subjective and physiological effects of salvinorin-A in humans and rule out the involvement of a serotonin-2A-mediated mechanism

    Salvinorin-A Induces Intense Dissociative Effects, Blocking External Sensory Perception and Modulating Interoception and Sense of Body Ownership in Humans

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    BACKGROUND: Salvinorin-A is a terpene with agonist properties at the kappa-opioid receptor, the binding site of endogenous dynorphins. Salvinorin-A is found in Salvia divinorum, a psychoactive plant traditionally used by the Mazatec people of Oaxaca, Mexico, for medicinal and spiritual purposes. Previous studies with the plant and salvinorin-A have reported psychedelic-like changes in perception, but also unusual changes in body awareness and detachment from external reality. Here we comprehensively studied the profiles of subjective effects of increasing doses of salvinorin-A in healthy volunteers, with a special emphasis on interoception. METHODS: A placebo and three increasing doses of vaporized salvinorin-A (0.25, 0.50, and 1mg) were administered to eight healthy volunteers with previous experience in the use of psychedelics. Drug effects were assessed using a battery of questionnaires that included, among others, the Hallucinogen Rating Scale, the Altered States of Consciousness, and a new instrument that evaluates different aspects of body awareness: the Multidimensional Assessment for Interoceptive Awareness. RESULTS: Salvinorin-A led to a disconnection from external reality, induced elaborate visions and auditory phenomena, and modified interoception. The lower doses increased somatic sensations, but the highest dose led to a sense of a complete loss of contact with the body. CONCLUSIONS: Salvinorin-A induced intense psychotropic effects characterized by a dose-dependent gating of external audio-visual information and an inverted-U dose-response effect on body awareness. These results suggest a prominent role for the kappa opioid receptor in the regulation of sensory perception, interoception, and the sense of body ownership in humans

    Salvinorin-A Induces Intense Dissociative Effects, Blocking External Sensory Perception and Modulating Interoception and Sense of Body Ownership in Humans

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    Salvinorin-A is a terpene with agonist properties at the kappa-opioid receptor, the binding site of endogenous dynorphins. Salvinorin-A is found in Salvia divinorum, a psychoactive plant traditionally used by the Mazatec people of Oaxaca, Mexico, for medicinal and spiritual purposes. Previous studies with the plant and salvinorin-A have reported psychedelic-like changes in perception, but also unusual changes in body awareness and detachment from external reality. Here we comprehensively studied the profiles of subjective effects of increasing doses of salvinorin-A in healthy volunteers, with a special emphasis on interoception. A placebo and three increasing doses of vaporized salvinorin-A (0.25, 0.50, and 1mg) were administered to eight healthy volunteers with previous experience in the use of psychedelics. Drug effects were assessed using a battery of questionnaires that included, among others, the Hallucinogen Rating Scale, the Altered States of Consciousness, and a new instrument that evaluates different aspects of body awareness: the Multidimensional Assessment for Interoceptive Awareness. Salvinorin-A led to a disconnection from external reality, induced elaborate visions and auditory phenomena, and modified interoception. The lower doses increased somatic sensations, but the highest dose led to a sense of a complete loss of contact with the body. Salvinorin-A induced intense psychotropic effects characterized by a dose-dependent gating of external audio-visual information and an inverted-U dose-response effect on body awareness. These results suggest a prominent role for the kappa opioid receptor in the regulation of sensory perception, interoception, and the sense of body ownership in humans

    Characteristics and predictors of death among 4035 consecutively hospitalized patients with COVID-19 in Spain

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