3,846 research outputs found

    Hubbard U and Hund's Exchange J in Transition Metal Oxides: Screening vs. Localization Trends from Constrained Random Phase Approximation

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    In this work, we address the question of calculating the local effective Coulomb interaction matrix in materials with strong electronic Coulomb interactions from first principles. To this purpose, we implement the constrained random phase approximation (cRPA) into a density functional code within the linearized augmented plane wave (LAPW) framework. We apply our approach to the 3d and 4d early transition metal oxides SrMO3 (M=V, Cr, Mn) and (M=Nb, Mo, Tc) in their paramagnetic phases. For these systems, we explicitly assess the differences between two physically motivated low-energy Hamiltonians: The first is the three-orbital model comprising the t2g states only, that is often used for early transition metal oxides. The second choice is a model where both, metal d- and oxygen p-states are retained in the construction of Wannier functions, but the Hubbard interactions are applied to the d-states only ("d-dp Hamiltonian"). Interestingly, since -- for a given compound -- both U and J depend on the choice of the model, so do their trends within a family of these compounds. In the 3d perovskite series SrMO3 the effective Coulomb interactions in the t2g Hamiltonian decrease along the series, due to the more efficient screening. The inverse -- generally expected -- trend, increasing interactions with increasing atomic number, is however recovered within the more localized "d-dp Hamiltonian". Similar conclusions are established in the layered 4d perovskites series Sr2MO4 (M=Mo, Tc, Ru, Rh). Compared to their isoelectronic and isostructural 3d analogues, the 4d 113 perovskite oxides SrMO3 (M=Nb, Mo, Tc) exhibit weaker screening effects. Interestingly, this leads to an effectively larger U on 4d shells than on 3d when a t2g model is constructed.Comment: 21 pages, 7 figure

    Zeros of 6j Symbols:Atoms:Nuclei and Bosons

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    The same 6j symbols that explains the absence of a certain atomic state in LS coupling also explain the absence of certain states for a system of bosons and also for certain nuclear states in jj coupling

    Chaos and localization in the wavefunctions of complex atoms NdI, PmI and SmI

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    Wavefunctions of complex lanthanide atoms NdI, PmI and SmI, obtained via multi-configuration Dirac-Fock method, are analyzed for density of states in terms of partial densities, strength functions (Fk(E)F_k(E)), number of principal components (Îľ2(E)\xi_2(E)) and occupancies (\lan n_\alpha \ran^E) of single particle orbits using embedded Gaussian orthogonal ensemble of one plus two-body random matrix ensembles [EGOE(1+2)]. It is seen that density of states are in general multi-modal, Fk(E)F_k(E)'s exhibit variations as function of the basis states energy and Îľ2(E)\xi_2(E)'s show structures arising from localized states. The sources of these departures from EGOE(1+2) are investigated by examining the partial densities, correlations between Fk(E)F_k(E), Îľ2(E)\xi_2(E) and \lan n_\alpha \ran^E and also by studying the structure of the Hamiltonian matrices. These studies point out the operation of EGOE(1+2) but at the same time suggest that weak admixing between well separated configurations should be incorporated into EGOE(1+2) for more quantitative description of chaos and localization in NdI, PmI and SmI.Comment: There are 9 figure

    Low-energy excitations of a linearly Jahn-Teller coupled orbital quintet

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    The low-energy spectra of the single-mode h x (G+H) linear Jahn-Teller model is studied by means of exact diagonalization. Both eigenenergies and photoemission spectral intensities are computed. These spectra are useful to understand the vibronic dynamics of icosahedral clusters with partly filled orbital quintet molecular shells, for example C60 positive ions.Comment: 14 pages revte

    Radio-frequency dressed lattices for ultracold alkali atoms

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    Ultracold atomic gases in periodic potentials are powerful platforms for exploring quantum physics in regimes dominated by many-body effects as well as for developing applications that benefit from quantum mechanical effects. Further advances face a range of challenges including the realization of potentials with lattice constants smaller than optical wavelengths as well as creating schemes for effective addressing and manipulation of single sites. In this paper we propose a dressed-based scheme for creating periodic potential landscapes for ultracold alkali atoms with the capability of overcoming such difficulties. The dressed approach has the advantage of operating in a low-frequency regime where decoherence and heating effects due to spontaneous emission do not take place. These results highlight the possibilities of atom-chip technology in the future development of quantum simulations and quantum technologies, and provide a realistic scheme for starting such an exploration

    An efficient approach for spin-angular integrations in atomic structure calculations

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    A general method is described for finding algebraic expressions for matrix elements of any one- and two-particle operator for an arbitrary number of subshells in an atomic configuration, requiring neither coefficients of fractional parentage nor unit tensors. It is based on the combination of second quantization in the coupled tensorial form, angular momentum theory in three spaces (orbital, spin and quasispin), and a generalized graphical technique. The latter allows us to calculate graphically the irreducible tensorial products of the second quantization operators and their commutators, and to formulate additional rules for operations with diagrams. The additional rules allow us to find graphically the normal form of the complicated tensorial products of the operators. All matrix elements (diagonal and non-diagonal with respect to configurations) differ only by the values of the projections of the quasispin momenta of separate shells and are expressed in terms of completely reduced matrix elements (in all three spaces) of the second quantization operators. As a result, it allows us to use standard quantities uniformly for both diagona and off-diagonal matrix elements

    Alternative Mathematical Technique to Determine LS Spectral Terms

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    We presented an alternative computational method for determining the permitted LS spectral terms arising from lNl^N electronic configurations. This method makes the direct calculation of LS terms possible. Using only basic algebra, we derived our theory from LS-coupling scheme and Pauli exclusion principle. As an application, we have performed the most complete set of calculations to date of the spectral terms arising from lNl^N electronic configurations, and the representative results were shown. As another application on deducing LS-coupling rules, for two equivalent electrons, we deduced the famous Even Rule; for three equivalent electrons, we derived a new simple rule.Comment: Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    On the secondly quantized theory of many-electron atom

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    Traditional theory of many-electron atoms and ions is based on the coefficients of fractional parentage and matrix elements of tensorial operators, composed of unit tensors. Then the calculation of spin-angular coefficients of radial integrals appearing in the expressions of matrix elements of arbitrary physical operators of atomic quantities has two main disadvantages: (i) The numerical codes for the calculation of spin-angular coefficients are usually very time-consuming; (ii) f-shells are often omitted from programs for matrix element calculation since the tables for their coefficients of fractional parentage are very extensive. The authors suppose that a series of difficulties persisting in the traditional approach to the calculation of spin-angular parts of matrix elements could be avoided by using this secondly quantized methodology, based on angular momentum theory, on the concept of the irreducible tensorial sets, on a generalized graphical method, on quasispin and on the reduced coefficients of fractional parentage

    Wireless sensor network for radiometric detection and assessment of partial discharge in HV equipment

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    Monitoring of PD activity within high-voltage electrical environments is increasingly used for the assessment of insulation condition. Traditional measurement techniques employ technologies that require either off-line installation or have high power consumption and are hence costly. A wireless sensor network is proposed that utilizes only received signal strength to locate areas of PD activity within a high voltage electricity substation. The network comprises low-power and low-cost radiometric sensor nodes which receive the radiation propagated from a source of PD. Results are reported from several empirical tests performed within a large indoor environment and a substation environment using a network of nine sensor nodes. A portable PD source emulator was placed at multiple locations within the network. Signal strength measured by the nodes is reported via WirelessHART to a data collection hub where it is processed using a location algorithm. The results obtained place the measured location within 2 m of the actual source location

    Emergence and rapid global dissemination of CTX-M-15-associated Klebsiella pneumoniae strain ST307

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    Abstract Recent reports indicate the emergence of a new carbapenemase producing Klebsiella pneumoniae clone, ST307. Here we show that ST307 emerged in the mid-1990s (nearly 20 years prior to its first report), is already globally distributed and is intimately associated with a conserved plasmid harbouring the bla CTX-M-15 extended-spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL) gene plus other antimicrobial resistance determinants. Our findings support the need for enhanced surveillance of this widespread ESBL clone in which carbapenem resistance is now emerging
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