169 research outputs found

    Mental Health Activities in the Program of Family Health: Congruencies and Difficulties of Practicing the Principles of Psychiatric Reform and Health

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    Objectives: To discuss linkages between the Psychiatric Reform and the Health Reform in Brazil by analyzing the practices of mental health care in the Family Health Program (PSF, in Portuguese)

    Ocorrência do besouro tigre Neotropical, Cylindera suturalis helvaea (W. Horn, 1903) (Coleoptera, Cicindelidae), em bancos de areia do Reservatório da Barragem da Pedra, Rio de Contas, Bahia, Brasil

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    The occurrence of the tiger beetle Cylindera (Plectographa) suturalis helvaea (W. Horn, 1903) in sandbanks of Reservoir Barragem da Pedra, Bahia, Brazil, is registered. Adult beetles were collected using entomological nets on sandbanks between May and September 2003. Cicindelids are one of the most conspicuous groups among invertebrates. That is why thay are well suited for bioindication of biodiversity as well as of disturbance and modification in terrestrial ecosystems.Neste estudo é registrada a ocorrência do besouro tigre Cylindera (Plectographa) suturalis helvaea (W. Horn, 1903) em bancos de areia no Reservatório da Barragem da Pedra, Bahia, Brasil. Indivíduos adultos foram coletados utilizando-se de redes entomológicas, entre os meses de Maio e Setembro de 2003. Cicindelídeos são um dos mais conspícuos grupos de invertebrados, sendo considerados como bons indicadores de biodiversidade assim como de distúrbios e modificações nos ecossistemas terrestres

    Recommending knowledge in a knowledge based social network

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    The organizations aim to increase its competitiveness. In this context, they have been searching for new ways to improve their productivity, the quality of their products, and cost reduction. To achieve these goals, it is essential to use the collaborators’ potentials and the relationship among them to find and share tacit knowledge. Since tacit knowledge is stored in people’s mind, it is hard to be formalized and documented. Facing this difficulty, identifying and recommending persons who retain the needed knowledge might be a good option. This work presents the Specialist Recommender System (SWEETS) and its application into the a.m.i.g.o.s. environment, a social network platform for knowledge management. The SWEETS system uses folksonomy to extract a lightweight ontology, which is essential to effectively identify people’s skills. This lightweight ontology is based by tags (concepts) relating them to items (instances), and its co-occurrences. In addition, such ontology is domain independent, which is a contribution of this work. Applying the SWEETS system into the a.m.i.g.o.s. environment we are looking for minimizing the communication problem in the corporation, providing an improvement on knowledge sharing. Therefore, a better usage of the collaborators knowledge may be expected.Key words: SWEETS, social network, knowledge managemen

    A Low Cost Concept for Data Acquisition Systems Applied to Decentralized Renewable Energy Plants

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    The present paper describes experiences of the use of monitoring and data acquisition systems (DAS) and proposes a new concept of a low cost DAS applied to decentralized renewable energy (RE) plants with an USB interface. The use of such systems contributes to disseminate these plants, recognizing in real time local energy resources, monitoring energy conversion efficiency and sending information concerning failures. These aspects are important, mainly for developing countries, where decentralized power plants based on renewable sources are in some cases the best option for supplying electricity to rural areas. Nevertheless, the cost of commercial DAS is still a barrier for a greater dissemination of such systems in developing countries. The proposed USB based DAS presents a new dual clock operation philosophy, in which the acquisition system contains two clock sources for parallel information processing from different communication protocols. To ensure the low cost of the DAS and to promote the dissemination of this technology in developing countries, the proposed data acquisition firmware and the software for USB microcontrollers programming is a free and open source software, executable in the Linux and Windows® operating systems

    Produção de biogás a partir de bagaço de laranja

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     Na indústria de suco, após a etapa de processamento da laranja são gerados grande quantidade de resíduos como bagaço de laranja, que são utilizados como ração animal ou destinados a aterros sanitários, entretanto, esses resíduos podem ser utilizados como fonte de biomassa na digestão anaeróbia para produzir biogás e biofertilizante que pode ser usado no solo. Diante disso o trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a produção e potencial de geração de biogás de resíduos de bagaço de laranja em combinação com lodo industrial.  Foi avaliado o potencial bioquímico de metano (BMP) de bagaço de laranja em reatores em batelada de 250 mL em condições mesófilas durante 47 dias. Em termos de resultado o bagaço de laranja em combinação com lodo industrial apresentou potencial de geração em termos de biogás e metano de 288,0 NmL/gSSV e 85,92 NmL/SSV respectivamente.  O resíduo de laranja estudado na digestão com lodos industrial pode ser utilizado na digestão anaeróbia com potencial a sua valorização e aproveitamento energético. O uso do lodo anaeróbio como inóculo na digestão dos resíduos de laranja mostrou favorecer e acelerar a formação biogás com metano de alta qualidade (acima de 54%).