751 research outputs found

    Análisis y acciones para la mejora de la eficiencia en la estructura de una empresa, basándose en la reducción de costes fijos actuando con una supresión o una reprogramación de las actividades que realizan los empleados

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    Partiendo de las necesidades de reducción de costes de estructura en las empresas, el presente proyecto pretende exponer una metodología de análisis de costes fijos basado en un estudio de actividades poco contribuyentes al beneficio de la empresa -en adelante “EMPRE SA”– y, siendo así, suprimirlas. El proyecto se divide en tres fases. En la primera, se hace un análisis exhaustivo de las tareas que realizan los empleados de EMPRE SA, así como de las actividades a las cuales van asociadas. El estudio se hace por departamentos o unidades de negocio, y se obtiene un coste para cada actividad hallando la contribución porcentual en tiempo de cada FTE (Full time Employee) a cada una de las tareas que realiza en su jornada laboral. En la segunda fase, denominada “Estudio y Ranking de Actividades”, dados unos costes ponderados por actividad en tiempo, se debe hallar el coste empresa de los FTE’s para obtener el coste-Actividad; se deben separar las actividades en discrecionales o fundamentales, y elaborar un ranking, ordenado decrecientemente por coste. Una vez obtenido el ranking, se debe hacer un estudio ABC para las fundamentales y una matriz coste-beneficio para las discrecionales. Estos estudios sirven para analizar por separado los dos tipos de actividades, empezando por las discrecionales, en las cuales se estudiarán en primer lugar las que tienen un coste asociado muy alto y una contribución al beneficio de la empresa bajo (con abscisa pequeña y ordenada alta en la matriz coste-beneficio), y siguiendo por las fundamentales, cuyo estudio se basa en analizar las que suponen un mayor coste VS el total de actividades, puesto que por ser fundamentales no se pueden suprimir. En la tercera y última fase, o fase de análisis de resultados se debe preguntar a la compañía (al GM o consejo de Administración) acerca de sus factores clave de éxito (KSF) y luego preguntar a los responsables de cada departamento o unidad de negocio acerca de la contribución de cada actividad de estudio (sólo las filtradas en la fase anterior) a cada uno de los factores clave, mediante una puntuación del tipo (muy bajo, bajo, alto, muy alto). A partir de aquí se enumeran ciertas propuestas de mejora tales como, eliminar tareas sin valor añadido (Esperas, Inspecciones, Movimientos); reducir tiempos y costes de proceso; compactar tareas; fundamentar el autocontrol o integrar a terceros, y se establece un plan de prioridades basado en la matriz beneficio-complejidad, y se empieza actuar en primer lugar por las que obtendrán un mayor beneficio y carecen de excesiva complejidad de implantación. La implantación de dichas propuestas es competencia de la empresa de estudio y no se contempla en este proyecto

    Flexible Strain Gauge Sensors as Real-Time Stretch Receptors For Use in Biomimetic BPA Muscle Applications

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    This work presents a novel approach to real-time length sensing for biomimetic Braided Pneumatic Actuators (BPAs) as artificial muscles in soft robotics applications. The use of artificial muscles enables the development of more interesting robotic designs that no longer depend on single rotation joints controlled by motors. Developing robots with these capabilities, however, produces more complexities in control and sensing. Joint encoders, the mainstay of robotic feedback, can no longer be used, so new methods of sensing are needed to get feedback on muscle behavior to implement intelligent controls. To address this need, flexible strain gauge sensors from Portland company, LiquidWire, are ironed onto a sewn Nylon sleeve for external placement on BPAs. This approach offers accurate real-time feedback for enhanced robotic control, addressing the need for low-profile, modular sensors that mimic muscle stretch receptors. Calibration equations that include strain rate and hysteresis are developed to convert strain gauge resistance into muscle displacement. Experimental results demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed method, achieving low error rates and high biomimicry. The non-linear calibration outperforms linear methods, showcasing its suitability for artificial proprioceptive neural networks

    A Yau-Tian-Donaldson correspondence on a class of toric fibrations

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    We established a Yau--Tian--Donaldson type correspondence, expressed in terms of a single Delzant polytope, concerning the existence of extremal K\"ahler metrics on a large class of toric fibrations, introduced by Apostolov--Calderbank--Gauduchon--Tonnesen-Friedman and called semi-simple principal toric fibrations. We use that an extremal metric on the total space corresponds to a weighted constant scalar curvature K\"ahler metric (in the sense of Lahdili) on the corresponding toric fiber in order to obtain an equivalence between the existence of extremal K\"ahler metrics on the total space and a suitable notion of weighted uniform K-stability of the corresponding Delzant polytope. As an application, we show that the projective plane bundle P(L0L1L2)\mathbb{P}(\mathcal{L}_0\oplus\mathcal{L}_1 \oplus \mathcal{L}_2), where Li\mathcal{L}_i are holomorphic line bundles over an elliptic curve, admits an extremal metric in every K\"ahler class.Comment: Final version, corrected and updated references, a clarification of the proof of Theorem 7.12 and Lemma 6.3. To appear in Annales de l'Institut Fourie

    Angular-dependence of magnetization switching for a multi-domain dot: experiment and simulation

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    We have measured the in-plane angular variation of nucleation and annihilation fields of a multi-domain magnetic single dot with a microsquid. The dots are Fe/Mo(110) self-assembled in UHV, with sub-micron size and a hexagonal shape. The angular variations were quantitatively reproduced by micromagnetic simulations. Discontinuities in the variations are observed, and shown to result from bifurcations related to the interplay of the non-uniform magnetization state with the shape of the dot.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, for submission as a regular articl

    Fer-nos vells

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    Optimizing the flux coupling between a nanoSQUID and a magnetic particle using atomic force microscope nanolithography

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    We present results of Niobium based SQUID magnetometers for which the weak-links are engineered by the local oxidation of thin films using an Atomic Force Microscope (AFM). Firstly, we show that this technique allows the creation of variable thickness bridges with 10 nm lateral resolution. Precise control of the weak-link milling is offered by the possibility to realtime monitor weak-link conductance. Such a process is shown to enhance the magnetic field modulation hence the sensitivity of the magnetometer. Secondly, AFM lithography is used to provide a precise alignment of NanoSQUID weak-links with respect to a ferromagnetic iron dot. The magnetization switching of the near-field coupled particle is studied as a junction of the applied magnetic field direction

    Growth modes of Fe(110) revisited: a contribution of self-assembly to magnetic materials

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    We have revisited the epitaxial growth modes of Fe on W(110) and Mo(110), and propose an overview or our contribution to the field. We show that the Stranski-Krastanov growth mode, recognized for a long time in these systems, is in fact characterized by a bimodal distribution of islands for growth temperature in the range 250-700°C. We observe firstly compact islands whose shape is determined by Wulff-Kaischev's theorem, secondly thin and flat islands that display a preferred height, ie independant from nominal thickness and deposition procedure (1.4nm for Mo, and 5.5nm for W on the average). We used this effect to fabricate self-organized arrays of nanometers-thick stripes by step decoration. Self-assembled nano-ties are also obtained for nucleation of the flat islands on Mo at fairly high temperature, ie 800°C. Finally, using interfacial layers and solid solutions we separate two effects on the preferred height, first that of the interfacial energy, second that of the continuously-varying lattice parameter of the growth surface.Comment: 49 pages. Invited topical review for J. Phys.: Condens. Matte

    Learning retention in mathematics over consecutive weeks: Impact of motivated forgetting

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    Retention is the ability to retain information in the mind, either in short-term or long-term memory. Memory in the long-term is more ideal. Thus, this has become a challenge for educators on how to transfer ideas in short-term memory to long-term memory. To concretize the effect of time on mathematics learning retention, a randomized pre-test post-test x groups design, using matched subjects was used in the study. Seven matched groups of students were identified, and took the pre-test as the basis of the initial amount of learning, after which a group of students was assigned to take the post-test every week for seven weeks. The post-tests results were the basis of the amount of retained learning of the students. The study found out that: i) The amount of retained learning among the students diminished following a negative exponential curve; ii) The amount of retained learning was comparably equal with the initial amount of learning up to the second week; iii) The amount of retained learning became incomparable with the initial amount of learning after the third week; and iv) The concepts in the knowledge level had a great chance to be remembered while the concept with analysis level was prone to motivated forgetting

    Un Concepte de seguretat ciutadana

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