43 research outputs found

    Molecular diversity within clones of cv. Tannat (Vitis vinifera)

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    DNAs from 9 clones of cv. Tannat (Vitis vinifera) were analyzed at 89 microsatellite loci. Only one, VMCNg 1d12, showed a differential pattern that separated the clones in two groups. The statistical analysis of concentrations for aroma compounds from microvinifications also resulted in the same two groupings of clones. Many analyzed microsatellite loci amplified only one allele, implying that Tannat is a highly homozygous variety. For a given set of 15 microsatellites the level of homozygosity was 53 % for Tannat, in contrast to 6 % for Pinot, 20 % for both Cabernet Franc and Chardonnay and 33 % for Cabernet Sauvignon. We provide molecular data for Tannat, originating from southwestern France and nowadays becoming the emblematic cultivar of Uruguayan fine red wines. We also report a correlation between aroma-related compounds and molecular markers within clones of a cultivar.

    Hydrogen peroxide is involved in the acclimation of the Mediterranean shrub, Cistus albidus L., to summer drought

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    This study evaluated the possible role of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) in the acclimation of a Mediterranean shrub, Cistus albidus L., to summer drought growing under Mediterranean field conditions. For this purpose, changes in H2O2 concentrations and localization throughout a year were analysed. H2O2 changes in response to environmental conditions in parallel with changes in abscisic acid (ABA) and oxidative stress markers, together with lignin accumulation, xylem and sclerenchyma differentiation, and leaf area were also investigated. During the summer drought, leaf H2O2 concentrations increased 11-fold, reaching values of 10 μmol g−1 dry weight (DW). This increase occurred mainly in mesophyll cell walls, xylem vessels, and sclerenchyma cells in the differentiation stage. An increase in ABA levels preceded that of H2O2, but both peaked at the same time in conditions of prolonged stress. C. albidus plants tolerated high concentrations of H2O2 because of its localization in the apoplast of mesophyll cells, xylem vessels, and in differentiating sclerenchyma cells. The increase in ABA, and consequently of H2O2, in plants subjected to drought stress might induce a 3.5-fold increase in ascorbic acid (AA), which maintained and even decreased its oxidative status, thus protecting plants from oxidative damage. After recovery from drought following late-summer and autumn rainfall, a decrease in ABA, H2O2, and AA to their basal levels (∼60 pmol g−1 DW, ∼1 μmol g−1 DW, and ∼20 μmol g−1 DW) was observed

    Lichen rehydration in heavy metal polluted environments: Pb modulates the oxidative response of both Ramalina farinacea thalli and its isolated microalgae

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    Lichens are adapted to desiccation/rehydration and accumulate heavy metals, which induce ROS especially from the photobiont photosynthetic pigments. Although their mechanisms of abiotic stress tolerance are still to be unravelled, they seem related to symbionts' reciprocal upregulation of antioxidant systems. With the aim to study the effect of Pb on oxidative status during rehydration, the kinetics of intracellular ROS, lipid peroxidation and chlorophyll autofluorescence of whole Ramalina farinacea thalli and its isolated microalgae (Trebouxia TR1 and T. TR9) was recorded. A genetic characterization of the microalgae present in the thalli used was also carried out in order to assess possible correlations among the relative abundance of each phycobiont, their individual physiological responses and that of the entire thallus. Unexpectedly, Pb decreased ROS and lipid peroxidation in thalli and its phycobionts, associated with a lower chlorophyll autofluorescence. Each phycobiont showed a particular pattern, but the oxidative response of the thallus paralleled the TR1's, agreeing with the genetic identification of this strain as the predominant phycobiont. We conclude that: (1) the lichen oxidative behaviour seems to be modulated by the predominant phycobiont and (2) Pb evokes in R. farinacea and its phycobionts strong mechanisms to neutralize its own oxidant effects along with those of rehydration

    Taking the ‘Just' Decision: Caseworkers and Their Communities of Interpretation in the Swiss Asylum Office

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    Decision-making in street-level bureaucracies has often been portrayed as being riddled with a practical dilemma: that of having to juggle between compassion and rigid rule-following. However, drawing on three ethnographic studies of Swiss asylum administration, we argue that often what are from the “outside” perceived as conflicting rationales of decision-making, are not experienced as such by the caseworkers themselves. Rather these different rationales are made to fit. We argue that decision-makers’ “volitional allegiance” with the office plays a crucial role thereby. For the caseworkers we encountered, decision-making is about taking “just decisions”, i.e. decisions that they consider “correct” and “fair”. We suggest that these notions of correctness and fairness are crucially influenced by their affiliations and allegiances with different “communities of interpretation” within the office

    Ansiedad y trastornos de la conducta alimentaria: estudio empírico sobre una muestra clínica y un grupo control

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    Fil: Persano, Humberto. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Medicina. Escuela de Nutrición, Argentina.Fil: Ciccioli, Melisa I. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Medicina. Escuela de Nutrición, Argentina.Fil: Gonzalo, Macarena. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Medicina. Escuela de Nutrición, Argentina.Fil: Jubany, Florencia A. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Medicina. Escuela de Nutrición, Argentina.Fil: Pugliese, Camila S. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Medicina. Escuela de Nutrición, Argentina.Fil: Soto, Sofía. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Medicina. Escuela de Nutrición, Argentina.Los trastornos de la conducta alimentaria (TCA) son patologías severas de origen multifactorial, que afectan principalmente a mujeres jóvenes y adolescentes y generan riesgos para la salud de quien los padece. En distintos estudios se vinculan estos trastornos con los fenómenos de ansiedad.Eating disorders (ED) are serious pathologies of multifactorial origin, whichaffect adolescentsand young women. ED generate severe health risks. These disorders are linked to the anxiety phenomena, according to different studies