24 research outputs found

    Representaciones de justicia social en estudiantes de Educación Primaria. Estudio cuantitativo y cualitativo comparado entre España y Argentina

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    Tesis doctoral inédita leída en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Formación de Profesorado y Educación, Departamento Interfacultativo de Psicología Evolutiva y de la Educación. Fecha de lectura: 06-04-2018La presente tesis doctoral se enmarca dentro de la línea de investigación: Desarrollo Humano y Justicia Social, del grupo G.I.C.E. (Cambio Educativo para la Justicia Social), de la Facultad de Formación de Profesorado y Educación de la UAM, y pretende acercarse a las representaciones de estudiantes acerca de la Justicia Social. En primer lugar, se hace una revisión teórica exhaustiva de los conceptos de Justicia Social y representaciones, con el objetivo de definir el enfoque de Justicia Social que trabajamos desde nuestra línea de investigación, entendiéndola desde un modelo de tres dimensiones (Redistribución, Reconocimiento y Representación) y como un medio para llegar al fin de lograr una vida digna. Con la mirada puesta en dicho enfoque, exponemos los estudios más destacados de representaciones de Justicia Social, especialmente en el ámbito educativo. Posteriormente, llevamos a cabo dos estudios empíricos en los que se investiga las representaciones de Justicia Social, a través de dilemas que plantean situaciones de desigualdad, en estudiantes de 4º y 6º curso de Educación Primaria de la Comunidad de Madrid y de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires. En el primero de ellos se utiliza un cuestionario, que fue aplicado a distintas muestras en función del curso, género y ciudad, encontrándose diferencias estadísticamente significativas en las tres variables, y entre las tres dimensiones. En el segundo estudio, se realizaron entrevistas, dado que el objetivo fundamental fue profundizar en los argumentos que proporcionan niñas y niños, en función de su menor o mayor posicionamiento hacia la Justicia Social

    Quantitative analysis of social justice representations in spanish and argentine primary education students

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    El marco teórico bajo el que se enmarca el presente estudio es un modelo de tres dimensiones de Justicia Social: Redistribución, Reconocimiento y Representación/Participación (Murillo y Hernández-Castilla, 2011; Jacott y Maldonado, 2012). En la investigación, se indagan las ideas que tienen los estudiantes de 4º (9/10 años) y 6º curso (11/12 años) de Educación Primaria sobre Justicia Social, entendida bajo este modelo, en Madrid y en Buenos Aires, viendo si existen diferencias dependiendo del género, curso o ciudad de los participantes. Para ello, se aplica un cuestionario a 970 estudiantes, en el que se exponen diversas situaciones de desigualdad a través de dilemas, donde los estudiantes deben elegir una alternativa de solución de las tres propuestas para cada una de ellas. Se realizan comparaciones a través de pruebas ANOVAS univariantes por curso, género y ciudad, encontrándose diferencias estadísticamente significativas en las tres variables, por lo que puede concluirse que el curso, género y la ciudad de los estudiantes, influye en sus representaciones de Justicia Social. Además, parecen existir diferencias en las representaciones en cuanto a la dimensión utilizada, lo que creemos debe tenerse en cuenta para planificar actividades en consecuenciaThe theoretical framework under which this study is framed is a three-dimensional model of Social Justice: Redistribution, Recognition and Representation /Participation (Murillo and Hernández-Castilla, 2011; Jacott and Maldonado, 2012). In the investigation, we inquire about the ideas of Social Justice, understood under this model, in students of 4th (9/10 years) and 6th grade (11/12 years) of Primary Education, in Madrid and in Buenos Aires are investigated, for see if there are differences for gender, grade or city of the participants. For this, a questionnaire is applied to 970 students, in which various situations of inequality are exposed through dilemmas, where students must choose an alternative solution of the three proposals for each one of them. Comparisons are made through univariate ANOVA tests by grade, gender and city, with statistically significant differences in the three variables, so that it can be concluded that the grade, gender and city of students, influences their representations of Social Justice. In addition, there appear to be differences in the representations as to the dimension used, which we believe should be taken into account in order to plan activities accordingl

    Food and nutrition myths among future secondary school teachers: A problem of trust in inadequate sources of information

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    The Internet and social networks are full of nutrition information, offering people guidance to make healthy eating choices. These sources always present themselves as a gateway to reliable information on healthy eating; however, too often this is not the case. Far from being trustworthy, there are usually plenty of food myths. A food myth is a widespread false belief about food, nutrition, and eating facts that gives rise to certain behaviors, from fashionable trends to diets. Academic training is a valuable tool to combat food myths and the pseudoscience linked to them, but educators must participate in this battle. To test this idea, we analyzed the prevalence of nine highly popular food myths held by 201 secondary school Spanish teachers. The aim was to assess whether expertise in science areas prevents teachers from falling into these food misconceptions. Our study results showed that food myths are held regardless of specialty area. The power of the media in popularizing and spreading nutrition myths among educators may be the cause, even more potent than academic training. We conclude that since scientific knowledge is not enough to erase food myths, we need further actions if we aim to prevent the problems that food myths may cause

    Social justice representations of trainee teachers

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    El objetivo del presente estudio es conocer las representaciones que tienen los docentes en formación de la Justicia Social y de sus tres dimensiones (Murillo y Hernández-Castilla, 2011, Jacott y Maldonado, 2012): Redistribución, Reconocimiento y Representación/Participación), intentando explorar si existen diferencias por género, rama de estudios (Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales o Ciencias), o experiencia pedagógica o docente previa (con o sin ella). Para ello se ha diseñado y validado un cuestionario que nos ha permitido evaluar dichas representaciones en los estudiantes del Máster Universitario en Formación de Profesorado de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria y Bachillerato, Formación Profesional y Enseñanza de Idiomas de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Los resultados muestran que no existen diferencias significativas en las representaciones en cuanto al género, ni en cuanto a la rama de estudios. En cambio, sí se encuentran diferencias entre los sujetos con relación a la presencia o ausencia de su experiencia pedagógica previa. En el artículo, mostramos el concepto de Justicia Social desde el que trabajamos en nuestro equipo de investigación y la importancia de esta en la formación del profesorado, como tarea urgente para su implantación en los centros educativos. Para formar a los futuros docentes en Justicia Social, creemos que es fundamental conocer previamente las representaciones e ideas que tienen en este campo.The main of the present study is to know the Social Justice representations (and the three dimensions: Redistribution, Recognition and Representation/Participation. Murillo and Hernández-Castilla, 2011, Jacott and Maldonado, 2012 ) of training teachers, trying to explore whether there are differences by gender, type of studies (Humanities and Social Sciences or Sciences), or previous pedagogical or teaching experience (with or without it). For this objective, a questionnaire has been designed and validated that has allowed us to evaluate such representations in the students of the Master's Degree in Teacher Training in Secondary Education and Baccalaureate, Vocational Training and Language Teaching at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. The results show that there are not significant differences in gender representations, nor in the field of studies. On the other hand, there are differences between the subjects in relation to the presence or absence of their previous pedagogical experience. In the article, we show the concept of Social Justice from which we work in our research team and the importance of this in the training of teachers, as an urgent task for their implementation in schools. In order to train the future teachers in Social Justice, we believe that it is fundamental to know beforehand the representations and ideas that they have in this field.Este trabajo forma parte de los siguientes proyectos de investigación: “Escuelas para la Justicia Social” del Plan Nacional I+D+i (2011) Proyectos de Investigación Científica y Desarrollo Tecnológico, I+D+I. Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación y “Educación y Justicia Social: una mirada interdisciplinar”, CEMU-2012-024,I Convocatoria de la UAM de Proyectos de Investigación Multidisciplinares (2012)

    Social justice representations of students and teachers in Spain

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    In this empirical study, we designed a questionnaire that seeks to analyse the representation that Spanish students and teachers have about Social Justice. The questionnaire includes a set of different dilemmas about social justice issues, especially in educational context The questions equitably represent three fundamental dimensions in social justice: Representation, Redistribution and Recognition. The questionnaire for students has 30 dilemmas and for teachers has 39 ones. The instrument has been applied to a sample of teachers and students of secondary education in 17 secondary public schools of different Spanish Communities Autonomous. The results show a good reliability of our instrument and differences in social justice conceptions regarding level of education, age and gender. These results show a developmental and gender trend and differences between students and teachers in the accessibility to the three dimensions of Social Justice: Representation, Recognition and Representation

    Social justice representations of students and teachers in Spain

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    In this empirical study, we designed a questionnaire that seeks to analyse the representation that Spanish students and teachers have about Social Justice. The questionnaire includes a set of different dilemmas about social justice issues, especially in educational context The questions equitably represent three fundamental dimensions in social justice: Representation, Redistribution and Recognition. The questionnaire for students has 30 dilemmas and for teachers has 39 ones. The instrument has been applied to a sample of teachers and students of secondary education in 17 secondary public schools of different Spanish Communities Autonomous. The results show a good reliability of our instrument and differences in social justice conceptions regarding level of education, age and gender. These results show a developmental and gender trend and differences between students and teachers in the accessibility to the three dimensions of Social Justice: Representation, Recognition and Representation

    Social justice: A qualitative and quantitative study of representations of social justice in children of primary education

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    In order to study children’s conceptions of primary education about Social Justice, we have applied a questionnaire and an interview, based on dilemmas of different situations on the educative and social context. Participants were 4th and 6th grade primary education students from five schools of the Community of Madrid. We compared the responses of the students by grade, gender and school type (schools promoters of social justice vs. standard schools).The results show differences between grade or gender, in a different way in questionnaire and interview. In further analysis we are try to compare the responses of the students enrolled in schools promoters of social justice with those of students enrolled in standard schools

    Social justice: A qualitative and quantitative study of representations of social justice in children of primary education

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    In order to study children’s conceptions of primary education about Social Justice, we have applied a questionnaire and an interview, based on dilemmas of different situations on the educative and social context. Participants were 4th and 6th grade primary education students from five schools of the Community of Madrid. We compared the responses of the students by grade, gender and school type (schools promoters of social justice vs. standard schools).The results show differences between grade or gender, in a different way in questionnaire and interview. In further analysis we are try to compare the responses of the students enrolled in schools promoters of social justice with those of students enrolled in standard schools

    Table_4_Unravelling soluble immune checkpoints in chronic lymphocytic leukemia: Physiological immunomodulators or immune dysfunction.xlsx [Dataset]

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    Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) is a lymphoid neoplasm characterized by the accumulation of mature B cells. The diagnosis is established by the detection of monoclonal B lymphocytes in peripheral blood, even in early stages [monoclonal B-cell lymphocytosis (MBLhi)], and its clinical course is highly heterogeneous. In fact, there are well-characterized multiple prognostic factors that are also related to the observed genetic heterogenicity, such as immunoglobulin heavy chain variable region (IGHV) mutational status, del17p, and TP53 mutations, among others. Moreover, a dysregulation of the immune system (innate and adaptive immunity) has been observed in CLL patients, with strong impact on immune surveillance and consequently on the onset, evolution, and therapy response. In addition, the tumor microenvironment is highly complex and heterogeneous (i.e., matrix, fibroblast, endothelial cells, and immune cells), playing a critical role in the evolution of CLL. In this study, a quantitative profile of 103 proteins (cytokines, chemokines, growth/regulatory factors, immune checkpoints, and soluble receptors) in 67 serum samples (57 CLL and 10 MBLhi) has been systematically evaluated. Also, differential profiles of soluble immune factors that discriminate between MBLhi and CLL (sCD47, sCD27, sTIMD-4, sIL-2R, and sULBP-1), disease progression (sCD48, sCD27, sArginase-1, sLAG-3, IL-4, and sIL-2R), or among profiles correlated with other prognostic factors, such as IGHV mutational status (CXCL11/I-TAC, CXCL10/IP-10, sHEVM, and sLAG-3), were deciphered. These results pave the way to explore the role of soluble immune checkpoints as a promising source of biomarkers in CLL, to provide novel insights into the immune suppression process and/or dysfunction, mostly on T cells, in combination with cellular balance disruption and microenvironment polarization leading to tumor escape.Peer reviewe

    Table_3_Unravelling soluble immune checkpoints in chronic lymphocytic leukemia: Physiological immunomodulators or immune dysfunction.xlsx [Dataset]

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    Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) is a lymphoid neoplasm characterized by the accumulation of mature B cells. The diagnosis is established by the detection of monoclonal B lymphocytes in peripheral blood, even in early stages [monoclonal B-cell lymphocytosis (MBLhi)], and its clinical course is highly heterogeneous. In fact, there are well-characterized multiple prognostic factors that are also related to the observed genetic heterogenicity, such as immunoglobulin heavy chain variable region (IGHV) mutational status, del17p, and TP53 mutations, among others. Moreover, a dysregulation of the immune system (innate and adaptive immunity) has been observed in CLL patients, with strong impact on immune surveillance and consequently on the onset, evolution, and therapy response. In addition, the tumor microenvironment is highly complex and heterogeneous (i.e., matrix, fibroblast, endothelial cells, and immune cells), playing a critical role in the evolution of CLL. In this study, a quantitative profile of 103 proteins (cytokines, chemokines, growth/regulatory factors, immune checkpoints, and soluble receptors) in 67 serum samples (57 CLL and 10 MBLhi) has been systematically evaluated. Also, differential profiles of soluble immune factors that discriminate between MBLhi and CLL (sCD47, sCD27, sTIMD-4, sIL-2R, and sULBP-1), disease progression (sCD48, sCD27, sArginase-1, sLAG-3, IL-4, and sIL-2R), or among profiles correlated with other prognostic factors, such as IGHV mutational status (CXCL11/I-TAC, CXCL10/IP-10, sHEVM, and sLAG-3), were deciphered. These results pave the way to explore the role of soluble immune checkpoints as a promising source of biomarkers in CLL, to provide novel insights into the immune suppression process and/or dysfunction, mostly on T cells, in combination with cellular balance disruption and microenvironment polarization leading to tumor escape.Peer reviewe