142 research outputs found

    La contribución de Manuel de Torres a la economía agraria en España (1930-1960)

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    Este trabajo analiza, desde una perspectiva de historia del pensamiento económico, la introducción del análisis económico en el estudio de la agricultura española a través de los escritos agrarios de Manuel de Torres durante el periodo 1930-1960. Se ha incidido en el modelo analítico que subyace a sus trabajos sobre la agricultura española y en la correspondencia entre la evolución de su pensamiento económico y su análisis agrario a lo largo del periodo. Finalmente, el trabajo ha contribuido a iluminar una de las parcelas más desconocidas de la historia de la agricultura española en el siglo XX: el pensamiento económico- agrario.This paper studies the introduction of Economics into the analysis of agriculture in Spain through Manuel de Torres' works, who was one of the main agrarian economists from 1930 to 1960. The attention is focused on two topics. On the one hand, the economic model underlying the analysis of the Spanish agriculture by Torres. On the other, the links between the evolution of Torres’ economic thought and his analysis on agriculture during the period. Finally, the paper sheds light on one of the most unknown fields of the history of the Spanish agriculture: the Economic-Agrarian Thought

    El keynesianismo desde la óptica de los países atrasados: su adaptación por Manuel de Torres a la Economía española

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    Editada en la Fundación SEPIEl siguiente trabajo se propone estudiar la introducción del keynesianismo en España a través de los escritos de Manuel de Torres, probablemente el más activo de los economistas que adoptaron de una u otra forma la nueva doctrina en la posguerra. Dada la escasez en España de una reflexión teórica original, el artículo prestará especial atención a la adaptación que realiza Torres de las ideas keynesianas al contexto de la economía española. En particular, las ideas keynesianas contribuyeron decisivamente a sustituir la vía agraria defendida por Torres como camino de desarrollo de la economía española por el industrialismo que sostiene en la posguerra. El articulo ofrece las claves de esta evolución doctrinal y reivindica el papel de las ideas económicas como poderoso instrumento de transformación.The main aim of the article is to analyse the introduction of keynesianism into Spain through the Manuel de Torres' works, the most active proponent of the new doctrine duríng the forties and fifties. The article focus on the adaptation to the Spanish context of the Keynes's ideas by Manuel de Torres. In particular, Keynesianism contrihuted to replace the agrarian ideas defended by Torres in the thirties by a new interest in industrial development during the 40's and 50's. Thus, the article provides an explanation of Torres' doctrinal evolution and vindicates the role played by the economic ideas as an instrument of transformation. These ideas contributed to change the Torres perception of the Spanish economic reality.Publicad

    Los diccionarios de Comercio y Economía en el siglo XVIII español

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    En los últimos años la investigación internacional sobre Historia del Pensamiento Económico está tratando de rehabilitar la importancia de un cierto tipo de literatura económica normalmente poco conocida y valorada como secundaria, cual es el caso de los manuales docentes, las revistas, las publicaciones periódicas y todo tipo de obras destinadas a la popularización de los conocimientos económicos. En esta línea, se viene estudiando la relevancia de los diccionarios y las enciclopedias –especializados o no– de comercio y Economía en los procesos de elaboración, adaptación y difusión internacional del pensamiento económico. El bjeto de este trabajo es analizar los diccionarios con se contenido específico emprendidos y publicados durante la Ilustración española, ya fueran traducciones o ya obras originales de factura española.The research on the History of Economic Thought has been widely enriched during the last years with the analysis of handbooks, journals, periodicals in general, and many other works that aimed at popularizing political economy among the general public. The gradual increase of international studies on this topic has highly contributed to rehabilitate this almost unknown area of economic literature, since, to some extent, it had been considered until recently secondary. In this context, historians have also begun to analyse the relevance of the encyclopaedic literature (such as encyclopaedias or specialized –and not– dictionaries on commerce and olitical economy), in the international diffusion and national adaptation of the economic doctrines. The aim of this work is to analyse the dictionaries with this specific content published during the Spanish Enlightenment. It includes both translations and origina works

    Political economy and the mirror of ‘otherness’: moral and foreign political models in the works of the Spanish economist T. Anzano (1768-1795)

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    This article focuses on two aspects of the works of the leading Spanish economist of the second half of eighteenth century Tomás de Anzano which are concerned with the idea of ‘facing otherness’: the opposite interests of merchants and consumers and big landowners and agrarian workers on the one hand; and the impact of some foreign influences in Spanish economic thought on the other. The analysis is contextualized within the realm defined by Anzano’s moralistic approach to subsistence goods markets related to the question of their liberalization which embodied scholastic concepts and was essentially influenced by Jacques Necker’s doctrine. Consequently, it goes beyond economic issues and addresses social, cultural and political questions that are usually neglected by the analysis of the historians of political economy. Among other outcomes the article demonstrates how the British representative political system could be a desirable utopia to Spanish Enlightenment

    La Economía en los diccionarios y las enciclopedias del Siglo XVIII en España

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    This article tackles with the economic content of the Spanish encyclopaedic literature of the 18th Century. After having analysed the genealogy of the dictionaries of commerce of the European Enlightenment, the paper studies the Spanish projects, as well as the economic content of the Spanish encyclopaedic literature of the Eighteen Century. The works analysed gather the translations of foreign works, but mainly the Spanish original compilations that embraced encyclopaedias, specialized dictionaries on political economy or commerce and other dictionaries on topics linked to economics, like agriculture, arts and crafts, geography or public finance. Lexicographical dictionaries, in particular those that defined the terms related to arts and crafts, have been also studied.Economic Thought; European Economic Enlightenment; International Circulation of Economic Ideas; Encyclopaedism; Dictionaries on Commerce.

    Analysis of energy efficiency measures and retrofitting solutions for social housing buildings in spain as a way to mitigate energy poverty

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    Energy poverty is a common issue in social housing all over Europe, with a harder impact in Southern European countries. Social housing buildings play an important role in energy poverty. They are usually owned and managed by public institutions and usually share common characteristics and issues. Behavioural changes and energy retrofitting are interesting paths forward but some solutions do not fit well in this type of housing due to socioeconomic reasons. This paper makes a thorough analysis of possible energy efficiency measures in social housing buildings, characterizing them by energy and economic savings and investment and proposing different methods of prioritization. A rational approach of behavioural and retrofitting solutions that best fit into this particular housing type is delivered, with the aim to increase the thermal comfort of the residents and mitigate the energy poverty issue. Results show that there is a wide range of domestic efficiency measures to be applied in this type of dwellings at none or low costs, bringing annual savings per average dwelling of about 510 €/year (55% of initial energy costs) including measures both at domestic level, and at building level with a final aggregated payback of the investments to be about 1.5 years

    The internationalisation of family SMEs in the Valencian region: the growing role played by Latin America, 1980-2018

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    SME's and family businesses are central elements in Spain's modern economic growth. However, their process of internationalization has been little explored in recent research, particularly when it has been primarily aimed at emerging economies.  The article aims to understand and explain the internationalisation process of SME's in the Valencian region in Latin America. Through a set of cases of companies from different sectors (Metal, Machinery, Chemical, Ceramics, Textile, Furniture) it is showed that since 1990, the different Latin American countries have been increasing their presence in the preferential markets of most of the 22 companies studied. The growing role of the region in the investments of Valencian SME's shows the diversification and expansion of destination markets, including geographically not only the traditional European or Arab countries but also those of Latin America. Different reasons underlie this internationalisation: but the enterprises analysed based on a case studies approach showed different models of expansion. The common denominator being that of strategies specifically developed and adapted to the destination country's local environment: from an incremental and gradual expansion

    Los diccionarios de Comercio y Economía en el siglo XVIII español

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    The research on the History of Economic Thought has been widely enriched during the last years with the analysis of handbooks, journals, periodicals in general, and many other works that aimed at popularizing political economy among the general public. The gradual increase of international studies on this topic has highly contributed to rehabilitate this almost unknown area of economic literature, since, to some extent, it had been considered until recently secondary. In this context, historians have also begun to analyse the relevance of the encyclopaedic literature (such as encyclopaedias or specialized –and not– dictionaries on commerce and political economy), in the international diffusion and national adaptation of the economic doctrines. The aim of this work is to analyse the dictionaries with this specific content published during the Spanish Enlightenment. It includes both translations and original works.En los últimos años la investigación internacional sobre Historia del Pensamiento Económico está tratando de rehabilitar la importancia de un cierto tipo de literatura económica normalmente poco conocida y valorada como secundaria, cual es el caso de los manuales docentes, las revistas, las publicaciones periódicas y todo tipo de obras destinadas a la popularización de los conocimientos económicos. En esta línea, se viene estudiando la relevancia de los diccionarios y las enciclopedias –especializados o no– de comercio y Economía en los procesos de elaboración, adaptación y difusión internacional del pensamiento económico. El bjeto de este trabajo es analizar los diccionarios con se contenido específico emprendidos y publicados durante la Ilustración española, ya fueran traducciones o ya obras originales de factura española