2,984 research outputs found

    Data on enrichment of chitosan nanoparticles for intranasal delivery of oligonucleotides to the brain

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    Data on preparation and characterization of chitosan-based nanoparticles (NP) carrying small interfering RNA (siRNA) for non-invasive gene therapy is presented. Polyelectrolyte complexation method was carried out in diluted concentrations to obtain relatively small (less than 200 nm) NP. To provide substantial dose of siRNA within tolerable volume of intranasal administration the NP were subjected to enrichment process. Offered here NP fabrication does two steps process comprise provisional and enriched preparations? The differences between these preparations were analyzed with hydrodynamic size distribution and zeta potential measurements. The effect of siRNA lipophilicity on NP physical instability was also tested. Biological evaluation of nanoparticles is described in our published article [1]

    La seguridad en los países que rodean a Colombia

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    En América Latina el tema de la seguridad nunca ha sido -hasta ahora- objeto de una atención y preocupación constante y sistemática por parte del foro académico en tanto dimensión específica de los problemas de las relaciones internacionales. A ello ha contribuido lo que algunos estudiosos han denominado la “relativa irrelevancia” de la región en materia de seguridad a nivel mundial, resultado de diversos factores dentro de los que pueden destacarse al menos los tres siguientes: el bajísimo nivel de conflictividad interestatal (a pesar de episodios esporádicos como la Guerra de las Malvinas y la escaramuza bélica entre Ecuador y Perú en la Cordillera del Cóndor), el hecho de ser un área relativamente libre de armas nucleares (el tratado de Tlatelolco, suscrito en 1967, es pionero en materia de control de armas y de no proliferación), y en los últimos años, el fin del conflicto centroamericano y con ello, la pacificación de la región, no obstante la persistencia del conflicto interno colombiano. Esta marcada tendencia ha empezado a cambiar de curso bajo la influencia de los efectos que en la dinámica de las relaciones internacionales produjeron los sucesos del 11 de septiembre de 2001 en los Estados Unidos. En efecto, estos acontecimientos no sólo provocaron una creciente securitización de la agenda internacional (lo que implica que las políticas exteriores, o el análisis de las relaciones internacionales, tengan que ser pasados por el prisma de la seguridad, a la que todo se subordina, desde la economía -el libre mercado como herramienta para luchar contra el terrorismo- hasta los intercambios culturales -las restricciones al acceso de extranjeros a ciertos programas de educación superior). También obligaron a darle una nueva mirada a las zonas consideradas pacíficas, en la medida en que el terrorismo es una amenaza global que se viene enfrentando con una guerra igualmente global, que no se atiene a la clásica distinción geopolítica entre zonas bajo un orden de paz y zonas en estado de guerra. En este contexto aparece el esfuerzo colectivo de los miembros de la línea sobre seguridad regional e internacional del Centro de Estudios Políticos e Internacionales (CEPI)(...), de las Facultades de Ciencia Política y Gobierno y de Relaciones Internacionales de la Universidad del Rosario, en torno al análisis de la construcción de la seguridad en América Latina, cuyo primer resultado es un afortunado y pertinente intento por delinear los perfiles de seguridad de los países que integran el “círculo de Colombia”: Brasil, Ecuador, Panamá, Perú y Venezuela(...) y al cual seguirán tres trabajos adicionales dedicados a la seguridad de los países del Cono Sur, de Centroamérica y el Caribe, y por último, de Colombia con una perspectiva comparada. Esos perfiles de seguridad se determinan a través de un análisis que se considera un espectro mucho más ensanchado de nuevas amenazas a la seguridad y en el que los factores de seguridad clásicos, principalmente geopolíticos y militares, se enlazan fluidamente con los económicos, sociales, ambientales y culturales, hasta ahora relegados a una posición relativamente secundaria

    Estudio experimental de los campos de velocidades de dos diseños de boquillas de melt blown

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    The air velocity field of two melt blown die designs has been measured using hot wire anemometry. The aim of this article is to present and compare the results obtained for the two designs. Moreover, the effect that the main geometric parameters have on the resulting velocity field of each design is also discussed. The conclusions that emerge from this work help to gain a much deeper insight into the performance of the melt blown dies designed to produce hot melt adhesives.Se han realizado mediciones de los campos de velocidades del aire en dos diseños de boquillas de melt blown utilizando anemometría de hilo caliente, obteniéndose resultados para dos componentes de la velocidad. En este artículo se presentan y se comparan los principales resultados obtenidos para cada diseño de boquilla. También se analiza el efecto que producen los distintos parámetros geométricos de las boquillas en los campos de velocidades generados por las mismas. Las conclusiones emergentes de este trabajo ayudan a profundizar la comprensión acerca del funcionamiento de las boquillas de melt blown destinadas a aplicaciones de cola caliente

    Occult Follicular Thyroid Carcinoma presenting as Primary Breast Tumor with Sternal and Skull Metastasis

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    Introduction: Follicular thyroid carcinoma (FTC) that initially presented as breast tumor with no previous medical history of malignancy of thyroid gland is relatively rare and may cause diagnostic confusion.Presentation of case: We report a 59-year-old Mexican woman with no prior history of malignant thyroid neoplasm that presents with pain and swelling in the upper outer quadrant of the left breast with a year of evolution. Subsequently, subcutaneous tumor was identified in left parietal region. Clinically it was thought in primary breast tumor metastasis to skull. Furthermore, computerized tomography scan identified a tumor in the deep portion of the left breast, infiltrating the sternum that subsequently was confirmed a follicular carcinoma of the thyroid gland.Conclusion: Metastatic FTC may mimic a primary breast tumor. The combined use of clinical information, histopathology and immunohistochemistry were important to establishing a correct cancer diagnosis

    Perspective Chapter: Airborne Pollution (PM2.5) Forecasting Using Long Short-Term Memory Deep Recurrent Neural Network Optimized by Gaussian Process

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    Forecasting air pollution is a challenging problem today that requires special attention in large cities since they are home to millions of people who are at risk of respiratory diseases every day. At the same time, there has been exponential growth in the research and application of deep learning, which is useful to treat temporary data such as pollution levels, leaving aside the physical and chemical characteristics of the particles and only focusing on predicting the next levels of contamination. This work seeks to contribute to society by presenting a useful way to optimize recurrent neural networks of the short and long-term memory type through a statistical process (Gaussian processes) for the correct optimization of the processes

    Non-Invasive Tests of Liver Fibrosis Help in Predicting the Development of Hepatocellular Carcinoma among Patients with NAFLD

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    Carcinoma hepatocelular; Elastografía transitoriaCarcinoma hepatocel·lular; Elastografia transitòriaHepatocellular carcinoma; Transient elastographyBackground: The potential role of non-invasive tests (NITs) for liver fibrosis for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) prediction remains poorly known. Methods: Retrospective analysis of a NAFLD cohort from a single university hospital in Barcelona, Spain. Incidence rates and cumulative incidence for the overall cohort, as well as cirrhotic and non-cirrhotic patients were calculated. Logistic regression analyses were carried out to investigate risk factors of HCC. Results: From the entire cohort of 1040 patients, 996 patients (95.8%) were analyzed, in whom 35 cases of HCC were detected, of which 26 (72.4%) HCC incident cases were newly diagnosed during a median follow-up of 2.5 (1.9–3.6) years. Two-hundred and thirty-one (23.2%) were cirrhotic at baseline. With the exception of 2 (7.7%) cases of HCC, the rest were diagnosed in cirrhotic patients. Overall HCC cumulative incidence was 9.49 (95% CI 6.4–13.9) per 1000 person-years. The incidence rate for cirrhotic patients was 41.2 (95% CI 27.6–61.6) per 1000 person-years and 0.93 (95% CI 0.23–3.7) per 1000 person-years for patients without cirrhosis. Overall mortality was significantly higher amongst patients with HCC (4.4% vs. 30.8%, p < 0.001). In patients with available liver biopsy (n = 249, 25%), advanced fibrosis (F3–F4) was significantly associated with higher HCC incidence, but not steatosis, lobular inflammation, nor ballooning. In the overall cohort, FIB-4 ≥1.3 (HR 8.46, 95% CI 1.06–67.4, p = 0.044) and older age (HR 1.06, 95% CI 1.01–1.11, p = 0.025) were associated with increasing risk of HCC over time, whereas in cirrhotic patients predictors of HCC included decreasing values of albumin (HR 0.34, 95% CI 0.13–0.87, p = 0.024), platelets (HR 0.98, 95% CI 0.98–0.99, p = 0.001), and increasing values of liver stiffness (HR 1.03, 95% CI 1.00–1.06, p = 0.016). Conclusions: In a Spanish cohort of NAFLD patients, HCC was rare in non-cirrhotic patients. NITs might play a relevant role at predicting HCC.The study was conducted in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki and approved by the Vall d’Hebron University Hospital Campus Institutional Review Board (study protocol code PR(AG)626/2021)

    Physiological and transcriptomic characterization of a fliA mutant of Pseudomonas putida KT2440

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    Pseudomonas putida KT2440 encodes 23 alternative sigma factors. The fliA gene, which encodes σ28, is in a cluster with other genes involved in flagella biosynthesis and chemotaxis. Reverse transcriptase-PCR revealed that this cluster is comprised of four independent transcriptional units: flhAF, fleNfliA, cheYZA and cheBmotAB. We generated a nonpolar fliA mutant by homologous recombination and tested its motility, adhesion to biotic and abiotic surfaces, and responses to various stress conditions. The mutant strain was nonmotile and exhibited decreased capacity to bind to corn seeds, although its ability to colonize the rhizosphere of plants was unaffected. The mutant was also affected in binding to abiotic surfaces and its ability to form biofilms decreased by almost threefold. In the fliA mutant background expression of 25 genes was affected: two genes were upregulated and 23 genes were downregulated. In addition to a number of motility and chemotaxis genes, the fliA gene product is also necessary for the expression of some genes potentially involved in amino acid utilization or stress responses; however, we were unable to assign specific phenotypes linked to these genes since the fliA mutant used the same range of amino acids as the parental strain, and was as tolerant as the wild type to stress imposed by heat, antibiotics, NaCl, sodium dodecyl sulfate, H2O2 and benzoate. Based on the sequence alignment of promoters recognized by FliA and genome in silico analysis, we propose that P. putidaσ28 recognizes a TCAAG-t-N12-GCCGATA consensus sequence located between −34 and −8 and that this sequence is preferentially associated with an AT-rich upstream region

    Biohybrids of scaffolding hyaluronic acid biomaterials plus adipose stem cells home local neural stem and endothelial cells: Implications for reconstruction of brain lesions after stroke.

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    [EN] Endogenous neurogenesis in stroke is insufficient to replace the lost brain tissue, largely due to the lack of a proper biological structure to let new cells dwell in the damaged area. We hypothesized that scaffolds made of hyaluronic acid (HA) biomaterials (BM) could provide a suitable environment to home not only new neurons, but also vessels, glia and neurofilaments. Further, the addition of exogenous cells, such as adipose stem cells (ASC) could increase this effect. Athymic mice were randomly assigned to a one of four group: stroke alone, stroke and implantation of BM, stroke and implantation of BM with ASC, and sham operated animals. Stroke model consisted of middle cerebral artery thrombosis with FeCl3. After 30 days, animals underwent magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and were sacrificed. Proliferation and neurogenesis increased at the subventricular zone ipsilateral to the ventricle and neuroblasts, glial, and endothelial cells forming capillaries were seen inside the BM. Those effects increased when ASC were added, while there was less inflammatory reaction. Three-dimensional scaffolds made of HA are able to home newly formed neurons, glia, and endothelial cells permitting the growth neurofilaments inside them. The addition of ASC increase these effects and decrease the inflammatory reaction to the implant.Contract grant sponsor: CIBER BBN Contract grant sponsor: ERANET NEURON CALL; contract grant number: PRI-PIMNEU-2011-1372 Contract grant sponsor: Spanish Science & Innovation Ministery; contract grant number: MAT 2011-28791-C03-01, MAT 2011-28791-C03-02 an Contract grant sponsor: TERCEL; contract grant number: RD12/0019/0010 Contract grant sponsor: Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness through grants MAT2015-66666-C3, and DPI2015-72863-EXPSanchez-Rojas, L.; Gómez-Pinedo, U.; Benito-Martin, MS.; León-Espinosa, G.; Rascón-Ramirez, F.; Lendinez, C.; Martínez-Ramos, C.... (2019). Biohybrids of scaffolding hyaluronic acid biomaterials plus adipose stem cells home local neural stem and endothelial cells: Implications for reconstruction of brain lesions after stroke. 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    Análisis de la gestión del agua de uso doméstico. Caso de la subcuenca del río Amajac, estado de Hidalgo, México

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    La disponibilidad de agua en cantidad y calidad se ésta tornado crítica en la zona de la subcuenca del río Amajac en el estado de Hidalgo, debido a la inadecuada gestión de los actores sociales, ya que no existen espacios de participación en los que se pueda trasladar esta problemática para la búsqueda conjunta de soluciones. El objetivo del presente trabajo es analizar la gestión y consecuencias de la actual forma de utilización del agua de uso doméstico, así como los espacios de participación con los que se cuenta para la búsqueda de soluciones en el tema del agua. Para esto, se identificó a los usuarios y se analizó comó manejan el agua, su percepción sobre el apoyo institucional y su participación en las decisiones sobre el uso doméstico. Además, se realizó un análisis sobre el acceso de los usuarios a los espacios de participación generados por el Estado y su representatividad. Las principales conclusiones son que los espacio de participación generados por el Estado para la gestión del agua de uso doméstico no permiten la representación de los usuarios y que el actual modo de uso del agua repercute en la calidad de ésta, lo que se traduce en problemas locales de contaminación