15 research outputs found

    Challenges for Digitalisation in Building Renovation to Enhance the Efficiency of the Process: A Spanish Case Study

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    Although construction is one of the largest industries in the world, it is one of the least digitised and its productivity is still very low. Excesses of time and cost are common and are even more accentuated for building renovation. Recently, the building information modeling (BIM) methodology has strongly entered in the construction sector and appears to be an effective paradigm shift. Considering all of the previously mentioned aspects, this article addresses the identification and analysis of the critical barriers of renovation and the potential for digitalisation to overcome them using BIM. The methodology that was used is based on an open innovation approach called Living Labs, where consultations with the key stakeholders of the construction process aims for a higher digitalisation to focus on real needs and fitted to the user’s requirements. Starting from a worldwide survey, the analysis of the Spanish casuistry is deepened. From the analysis of barriers and opportunities, the necessary requirements for an optimal BIM application in renovation are highlighted. After identifying the key aspects that each stakeholder’ typology has considered as relevant, a set of key performance indicators have been selected, to monitor the improvements in the renovation process when BIM is adopted.This work has been developed within the project BIM4Ren. The project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon H2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No. 820773

    Analysis of the State of Building Conservation through Study of Damage and Its Evolution with the State of Conservation Assessment BIM Model (SCABIM)

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    Residential building inspections are periodically required by public authorities. However, current approaches to storing and viewing data concerning an inspection are often collected in reports whose form and limited content hamper the rigorous assessment of the building’s state of conservation and subsequent repair of the identified damage and alterations. This research proposes a method for documenting and displaying inspection-related information in BIM models to generate a dynamic information model. Damage is spatially located by means of a parametric family, which collects the necessary information about each instance of damage and enables agile and up-to-date information extraction. The proposed method was validated in a residential building situated in San Sebastián, with a scenario designed to demonstrate its ability to support the diagnosis of causes and decision making regarding maintenance. This work demonstrates the advantages of the parametric representation of information on damage and alterations in a BIM model, which facilitates the management of a residential building’s life cycle by means of a digital twin of the building. The results shown in this research may be very interesting for researchers as well as for those whose work involves the rehabilitation of residential buildings.This reserach is funded by UPV-EHU grant number US19/10

    BIM Application for Sustainable Teaching Environment and Solutions in the Context of COVID-19

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    COVID-19 had a major impact on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and it produced a crisis in Goal 4, which is aimed at ensuring quality education, among others. In this work, a university experience that aims to solve the challenges in this complicated context by means of BIM technology is presented. On the one hand, this study focuses on the development of teaching by means of active methodologies based on real projects through BIM models, using the latest information and communication technologies, and on the other hand, it focuses on the management of the education center by means of a virtual BIM building. This allowed for, among other things, tackling the sustainable management of the measures required to prevent contagion. These BIM models made it possible, for example, to optimize spaces while maintaining social distances between occupants, to simulate the best options for classroom ventilation, and to optimize special cleaning and disinfection resources. Students who developed their learning through these BIM virtual models were not restricted in receiving online classes; they learned to collaborate from anywhere in the world, acquiring skills that allow them to effectively face real situations that are as complicated as COVID-19

    Challenges for Digitalisation in Building Renovation to Enhance the Efficiency of the Process: A Spanish Case Study

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    Although construction is one of the largest industries in the world, it is one of the least digitised and its productivity is still very low. Excesses of time and cost are common and are even more accentuated for building renovation. Recently, the building information modeling (BIM) methodology has strongly entered in the construction sector and appears to be an effective paradigm shift. Considering all of the previously mentioned aspects, this article addresses the identification and analysis of the critical barriers of renovation and the potential for digitalisation to overcome them using BIM. The methodology that was used is based on an open innovation approach called Living Labs, where consultations with the key stakeholders of the construction process aims for a higher digitalisation to focus on real needs and fitted to the user’s requirements. Starting from a worldwide survey, the analysis of the Spanish casuistry is deepened. From the analysis of barriers and opportunities, the necessary requirements for an optimal BIM application in renovation are highlighted. After identifying the key aspects that each stakeholder’ typology has considered as relevant, a set of key performance indicators have been selected, to monitor the improvements in the renovation process when BIM is adopted.This work has been developed within the project BIM4Ren. The project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon H2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No. 820773. This manuscript reflects only the author’s views and the Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains

    Challenges for Digitalisation in Building Renovation to Enhance the Efficiency of the Process: A Spanish Case Study

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    Although construction is one of the largest industries in the world, it is one of the least digitised and its productivity is still very low. Excesses of time and cost are common and are even more accentuated for building renovation. Recently, the building information modeling (BIM) methodology has strongly entered in the construction sector and appears to be an effective paradigm shift. Considering all of the previously mentioned aspects, this article addresses the identification and analysis of the critical barriers of renovation and the potential for digitalisation to overcome them using BIM. The methodology that was used is based on an open innovation approach called Living Labs, where consultations with the key stakeholders of the construction process aims for a higher digitalisation to focus on real needs and fitted to the user’s requirements. Starting from a worldwide survey, the analysis of the Spanish casuistry is deepened. From the analysis of barriers and opportunities, the necessary requirements for an optimal BIM application in renovation are highlighted. After identifying the key aspects that each stakeholder’ typology has considered as relevant, a set of key performance indicators have been selected, to monitor the improvements in the renovation process when BIM is adopted.This work has been developed within the project BIM4Ren. The project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon H2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No. 820773. This manuscript reflects only the author’s views and the Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains

    Identifying Strategies for Energy Consumption Reduction and Energy Efficiency Improvement in Fruit and Vegetable Producing Cooperatives: A Case Study in the Frame of TESLA Project☆

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    Abstract TESLA (Transfering Energy Save Laid on Agroindustry) is a EU project pointing to the reduction of energy consumption and the improvement of energy efficiency in key agro-food sectors' cooperatives, as those processing fruit and vegetables. After a general analysis of energy consumptions during the first phase of the project, the processes responsible for the higher energy consumptions in these fruit and vegetable industries, as cold storage, have been identified. In the second phase of the project, a few case studies aimed at proposing customized solutions for reducing energy wastage and for improving energy efficiency in specific selected cooperatives have been performed. In this manuscript we report preliminary results of a case study carried out in an Italian horticulture cooperative having several production lines for fresh (1 st range) and minimally processed (4 th range) fruit and vegetable products. In this cooperative, an in-depth energy audit has been performed, and additionally a process simulation software has been applied to model, evaluate and improve the operations in this processing centre and in the supply chain from the primary production sites. Such case study may be used as an example for similar cooperatives of the fruit and vegetables sector, thus contributing in making this sector more economically and energetically sustainable

    Implementation of the BIM Methodology in the Architecture Degree: Experience of the Architecture School of San Sebastian

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    [EN] The emergence of the Building Information Modelling (BIM) methodology in the design, generation, maintenance and data management of any type of building has meant the most important advance in decades in the construction sector. Moreover, current European and Spanish regulations require its mandatory use. In this context, the university degree studies related to construction must challenge this new reality. The aim of the project conducted in the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) School of Architecture of San Sebastian, is the implementation of the BIM methodology in its Architecture Degree. The intention of this research is to implement the BIM methodology without subtracting competencies or content from the current Syllabus. This methodology should be gradually integrated into the different courses and intertwined with the contents of different subjects, in order to train Architecture graduates on BIM and preparing them to join a professional market that demands this knowledge. The purpose of this communication is to report the current status and the level of development of this study.Uranga, E.; Leon, I.; Alberdi, A.; Otaduy, JP.; Azcona, L.; Etxepare, L.; Lizundia, I.... (2021). Implementation of the BIM Methodology in the Architecture Degree: Experience of the Architecture School of San Sebastian. En 7th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd'21). Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 687-694. https://doi.org/10.4995/HEAd21.2021.13015OCS68769

    Discovery of a late medieval palace by means of historical, architectural, and archaeological studies: the Urdaiaga caserío

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    The possible intervention to authorise the construction of two residences in a farmhouse listed as an area of presumed archaeological interest in Usurbil, Spain, entailed carrying out archaeological, historical and architectural studies. Before the beginning of the studies, it was known that the lineage of the Urdaiagas counted two palaces in Usurbil, a modest one about which there is not much information, which authors such as Manso de Zúñiga (Spanish ethnographer, 1902-1982) situated in the property of the caserío (farmhouse) Urdaiaga, and another large late-medieval palace about which 16th century plans and elevations are preserved in the Ducal House of Hijar (archive of noble relatives), and whose precise location was unknown. Studies conducted around the property have proven that the caserío Urdaiaga, which has reached the present day totally transformed, was the large building described in the historical documentation, being, therefore, of great patrimonial value

    Análisis de ciclo de vida GEIs en producto agroalimentario sobre casos prácticos en cooperativas agroalimentarias españolas

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    Trabajo realizado por Cooperativas Agro-alimentarias y CO2 Consulting SL.Convenio de asistencia técnica de Cooperativas Agroalimentarias de España y el Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambient

    Proyectos para el desarrollo de productos y servicios en la agricultura en el marco de la transformación digital. Influencia de los enfoques participativos y de otros factores en su eficacia

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    La tesis resalta la importancia de la mejora de los métodos de diseño de productos y servicios digitales en la agricultura. La agricultura de precisión, antecedente del nuevo “Smart Farming” no proporcionó soluciones suficientemente adaptadas a las necesidades de los agricultores y esto provocó una baja implantación. Los productos y servicios desarrollados deben superar las barreras y condicionantes de ambos ámbitos, el de la tecnología TIC y el del sector agroalimentario, que son identificados en este documento. Se utilizan consultas directas a expertos y agentes de la transformación digital, complementados con análisis sobre proyectos reales ejecutándose durante este trabajo. Actualmente la tasa de éxito de los proyectos es considerablemente baja y es debido a condicionantes tecnológicos, sectoriales, socioeconómicos y reglamentarios. El análisis de la información disponible y la consulta de expertos permite recomendar algunas mejoras. Un enfoque participativo mejoraría la orientación de los proyectos a la resolución de los problemas concretos que afrontan los agentes que operan en el sector agrario. Es recomendable, además, la alianza con agregadores e intermediarios que faciliten y optimicen este enfoque participativo, trabajar sobre la simplicidad de los productos y su adaptación a las distintas ramas de producción y tipología de usuario. Lograr una mayor pluridisciplinariedad y formación específica para garantizar la creación de equipos de desarrollo maduros. Finalmente se propone explorar una metodología que permita evaluar los proyectos en función de unos criterios de éxito adaptados al sector de la agricultura digital. ----------ABSTRACT---------- This thesis highlights the importance of improving methods of designing digital products and services in agriculture. Precision agriculture, the forerunner of the new "Smart Farming", did not provide solutions sufficiently adapted to the needs of farmers and this led to a low uptake. The products and services developed must overcome the barriers and constraints in both the ICT technology and agrifood sector, those are identified in this document. Direct consultations with experts and agents of the digital transformation are used, complemented with analyses on real projects being carried out during this work. Currently the success rate of projects is considerably low and may be due to technological, sectoral, socio-economic and regulatory constraints. The analysis of the available information and the consultation of experts allows issuing some recommendations. A participatory approach that improves the problem-solving orientation of the projects. The alliances with aggregators and intermediaries that facilitates and optimizes this participatory approach. Working on the simplicity of the products and their adaptation to the different branches of production and types of users. To achieve greater multidisciplinarity and specific training to ensure the creation of mature development teams. Finally, it is proposed to explore a methodology to evaluate projects according to success criteria adapted to digital farming sector