83 research outputs found

    Chemical oscillators synchronized via an active oscillating medium: dynamics and phase approximation model

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    Different types of synchronization states are found when non-linear chemical oscillators are embedded into an active medium that interconnects the oscillators but also contributes to the system dynamics. Using different theoretical tools, we approach this problem in order to describe the transition between two such synchronized states. Bifurcation and continuation analysis provide a full description of the parameter space. Phase approximation modeling allows the calculation of the oscillator periods and the bifurcation pointWe gratefully acknowledge financial support by the Spanish Ministerio de EconomĂ­a y Competitividad and European Regional Development Fund under contract RTI2018-097063-B-I00 AEI/FEDER, UE, and by Xunta de Galicia under Research Grant No. 2018-PG082. APM and DGS are part of the CRETUS Strategic Partnership (AGRUP2015/02). All these programs are co-funded by FEDER (UE)S

    pH oscillating system for molecular computation as a chemical turing machine

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    It has previously been demonstrated that native chemical Turing machines can be constructed by exploiting the nonlinear dynamics of the homogeneous oscillating Belousov-Zhabotinsky reaction. These Turing machines can perform word recognition of a Chomsky type 1 context sensitive language (CSL), demonstrating their high computing power. Here, we report on a chemical Turing machine that has been developed using the H2O2-H2SO4-SO32--CO32- pH oscillating system. pH oscillators are different to bromate oscillators in two key ways: the proton is the autocatalytic agent, and at least one of the reductants is always fully consumed in each turnover─meaning the system has to be operated as a flow reactor. Through careful design, we establish a system that can also perform Chomsky type 1 CSL word recognition and demonstrate its power through the testing of a series of in-language and out-of-language words

    Exploring the symbol processing 'time interval' parametric constraint in a Belousov-Zhabotinsky operated chemical Turing machine

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    Chemical reactions are powerful molecular recognition machines. This power has been recently harnessed to build actual instances of each class of experimentally realizable computing automata, using exclusively small-molecule chemistry (i.e. without requiring biomolecules). The most powerful of them, a programmable Turing machine, uses the Belousov-Zhabotinsky oscillatory chemistry, and accepts/rejects input sequences through a dual oscillatory and thermodynamic output signature. The time interval between the aliquots representing each letter of the input is the parameter that determines the time it takes to run the computation. Here, we investigate this critical performance parameter, and its effect not only on the computation speed, but also on the robustness of the accept/reject oscillatory and thermodynamic criteria. Our work demonstrates that the time interval is a non-trivial design parameter, whose choice should be made with great care. The guidelines we provide can be used in the optimization of the speed, robustness, and energy efficiency of chemical automata computations
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