159 research outputs found

    How to be Trustworthy, by Katherine Hawley, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2019,161 p., $35.00 ISBN 0198843909

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    In a global and interconnected society that shares questions and abounds in solutions, the question is not only what to trust, but also who to trust. This problem has become particularly acute as a..

    Digital leadership, Twitter and Pope Francis

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    AbstractThe Internet reproduces and strengthens our model of social dialog. Just as in the physical world, the online public conversation and, above all, the ideological debate, requires leaders who can be a point of reference to either foster values or contradict them. The concept of leadership has drawn the attention of several studies concerning communication management. Leaders are neither all equal nor do they exercise leadership by means of the same tools. This article studies both the concept of digital leadership as a guide for online conversation and the use that microblogs, such as Twitter, can provide for this purpose. Among several public figures using Twitter, we have focused our study on the @Pontifex account to have an insight into the type of leadership exercised by the Holy Father and the impact of his teaching. The analysis shows that the Pope uses Twitter for catechetical purposes and that he is aware that his message can reach a large audience. Moreover, although interaction between th..

    The Role and Usage of Apps and Instant Messaging in Religious Mass Events

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    Over the last few years, large events have conferred great importance on Event Management, or the management of mass meetings. In the religious sector, for centuries, pilgrimages have been a clear example of mass events of a spiritual nature. Due to globalization and increased mobility, recent times have seen the multiplication of international events without a fixed location: Taizé encounters, Kumbh Mela (India), and World Youth Day are all good examples of this. These events imply at least a threefold spiritual, organizational and touristic challenge, and success in each one of these areas contributes to the favourable result of the others. Due to the particular nature of these events, which can mobilize millions of people in just a few days, communication is fundamental. In this sense, the development of mobile technology allows for direct communication with the individual and an unprecedented capacity for diffusion, especially by means of apps and instant messaging, which are two of the most-used channels available on these devices. This paper offers a reflection on the prospects and management of information via smartphones during these large religious events. As a practical case, we will study the beatification of the Catholic bishop Álvaro del Portillo held in Madrid in September 2014, in a ceremony that drew more than 250,000 people from over 70 countries

    Deficiencia visual en el niño

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    La visión suministra una perspectiva global, simultánea y anticipadora del entorno. Un déficit severo de visión constituye un obstáculo para el adecuado desarrollo cognitivo y social del niño. La respuesta educativa a las necesidades prioritarias que la deficiencia visual genera, requiere una adecuada formación por parte de los profesionales: Para ello, es preciso que adquieran los conocimientos básicos relativos a la clasificación y el diagnóstico de la deficiencia visual, los aspectos esenciales del desarrollo y los fundamentos de la intervención educativa. El objetivo del presente trabajo es analizar las principales características de la deficiencia visual en los niños, y el impacto que dicha deficiencia tiene en el desarrollo y en el aprendizaje

    El español en el comercio internacional

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    The aim of this paper is to estimate how much worthy is Spanish language, that is, how much this common language promotes international trade. In order to quantify its economic effects, it is implemented a gravity model with panel data that collects bilateral trade flows between 51 countries for the period 1996-2004. In addition to the basic variables of these models, the equation incorporates both cultural and institutional determinants. It carefully concludes that countries sharing Spanish as a common language trade almost 290 for 100 more among themselves than with other countries. This language coefficient is even more intensive than in the case of English speaking countries.El propósito de este trabajo es el de determinar cuánto vale el español, es decir, cuánto potencia esta lengua común, si es que lo hace, los intercambios internacionales. Para ello se plantea un modelo gravitatorio con datos de panel que recoge, junto a las variables habituales de estos modelos y las específicamente referidas a los factores culturales (y la lengua en particular) e institucionales, los flujos bilaterales de comercio entre 51 países para el período 1996-2004. Se concluye, en la más prudente de las estimaciones, que los países que comparten el español como lengua común comercian casi un 290 por 100 más en virtud de este hecho, efecto que resulta ser, incluso, más intenso que el detectado para los países de habla inglesa.Flujos bilaterales de comercio, español, Comercio internacional, Lengua española, Flujos bilaterales de comercio

    Dificultades en la percatación rápida de incongruencias en el trastorno de aprendizaje procedimental: posible disfunción de la coherencia central

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    Procedural learning disorder, or non-verbal learning disorder, affects the automation of perceptual motor and cognitive skills and routines. AIM: To further our knowledge of the neurocognitive dysfunction in this disorder and, more specifically, to analyse the difficulties experienced when going from recognition of the constituting elements of something to an understanding of the whole. DEVELOPMENT: Contrasting simultaneous visual information and the swift recognition of contradictions are especially difficult abilities for children with procedural learning disorder. CONCLUSIONS: These difficulties may reflect a central coherence dysfunction and can partly account for the deficient ability to adapt their social behaviour displayed by these childre

    Detección y estudios específicos en el trastorno de aprendizaje procesal

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    The main disabilities in non-verbal learning disorder (NLD) are: the acquisition and automating of motor and cognitive processes, visual spatial integration, motor coordination, executive functions, difficulty in comprehension of the context, and social skills. AIMS. To review the research to date on NLD, and to discuss whether the term 'procedural learning disorder' (PLD) would be more suitable to refer to NLD. DEVELOPMENT: A considerable amount of research suggests a neurological correlate of PLD with dysfunctions in the 'posterior' attention system, or the right hemisphere, or the cerebellum. Even if it is said to be difficult the delimitation between NLD and other disorders or syndromes like Asperger syndrome, certain characteristics contribute to differential diagnosis. Intervention strategies for the PLD must lead to the development of motor automatisms and problem solving strategies, including social skills. CONCLUSIONS: The basic dysfunction in NLD affects to implicit learning of routines, automating of motor skills and cognitive strategies that spare conscious resources in daily behaviours. These limitations are partly due to a dysfunction in non-declarative procedural memory. Various dimensions of language are also involved: context comprehension, processing of the spatial and emotional indicators of verbal language, language inferences, prosody, organization of the inner speech, use of language and non-verbal communication; this is why the diagnostic label 'PLD' would be more appropriate, avoiding the euphemistic adjective 'non-verbal'

    El sistema ejecutivo y las lesiones frontales en el niño

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    Frontal lobe syndrome in adulthood is characterised by executive function deficits leading to altered behavioural control with difficulties in social interactions and in maintaining stable jobs and interpersonal relationships. Generalisation of this concept to children with early frontal lobe damage is not straightforward. There are complex interactions between the effects of the lesion itself and the effects in other interconnected regions, timing of lesion, how long it was since the lesion occurred to the time of evaluation, and how old the child is at examination. These facts lead to consider that there might be a number of 'frontal syndromes' in childhood rather than a unique one. We report 9 cases of children with early frontal lobe lesions who were followed up for an average of 10 years. CONCLUSION: A variety of different outcomes suggests that prognosis for these patients might be better that previously reported

    Thermal 3D CFD Simulation with Active Transparent Façade in Buildings

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    In recent years active façades have acquired greater importance given their capacity to improve the energy efficiency of buildings. One such type is the so-called Active Transparent Façade (ATF). A 3D numerical model based on computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and the Finite Element Method (FEM) has been generated to simulate the thermal performance of buildings equipped with this type of façade. This model is introduced for general application and allows the design parameters to be adapted for this system. The case study of Le Corbusier’s proposal for the City of Refuge in Paris, the clearest example of previous use of an ATF is examined. In addition, a proposal is presented for the energy improvement of Le Corbusier’s original solution. In order to do so, the conditions for the supply of air into the ATF cavity and in the mechanical ventilation system are assessed to guarantee comfort conditions

    El síndrome de Rett como patología de la hodogénesis

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    En los últimos cinco años se viene adoptando la concepción del síndrome de Rett como un peculiar trastorno del neurodesarrollo posmigracional que impide la correcta formación de las interconexiones dendríticas en estructuras corticales y subcorticales. Se comenta aquí la particular patocronía de las formas clásicas y los datos más recientes de investigación neurobiológica y genética que sugieren posibles explicaciones, a confirmar en el futuro, acerca de la naturaleza y el origen de este síndrome