25 research outputs found

    Learning strategies to raise the academic level of students of Medical Sciences in Pinar del Rio

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    The paper deals with learning strategies and their necessity in contemporary education as a way to provide lifelong learning to medical science students. It systematizes some of the most used theoretical positions in the understanding of the subject. It aims to present a theoretical position from a complex and dialectical approach in relation to the perception of learning strategies and the way in which these positions have evolved, highlighting the role that the teacher should play to promote their development. The intention of the present work, leads to the discussion of a detected problem and, above all, raises lines of action that lead to an improvement, however, this improvement is presented in an innovative way, since it starts from the theoretical support, from those arguments that characters of the psychology of learning and cognition have raised, through their explanations of how the process of learning occurs, from the process of teaching. The data reveal that high-performing students use more strategies than low-performing ones. Hence the importance of guiding students in the use of learning strategies so that they can perform a variety of tasks and facilitate the study of the different disciplines that make up the curriculum throughout their careers, helping them to be more autonomous and effective in their learning

    Homeoprofilaxis en tiempos de coronavirus.

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    Introduction: the spread of epidemics has been frequent in the history of mankind. Since December 2019, in the People's Republic of China, with the emergence of the Coronavirus Acute Respiratory Syndrome 2 (SARS-CoV-2) - known worldwide as COVID-19, this epidemic has caused an unprecedented global impact associated with a high number of deaths. Development: legends and curious data on the use of homeopathic therapeutics in Cuba come to light. In 1992, the Ministry of Public Health authorized the diffusion of Homeopathy in Cuba, Juan Artiga group was created, and in 1993, the first Homeopathic Medical Service was opened and Homeopathy was retaken as a modality within the Natural and Traditional Medicine. In 1999, the II Cuban Congress of Homeopathy was held at Frank Pais Hospital Convention Center, and in 2003 the III Congress was held. However, the most novel in our view, is referred to how despite having this science ancient origins, nowadays it stands out as a measure to prevent viral respiratory diseases.Conclusions: homeopathy, trying to bring the patient to that state of physical, social and psychological well-being, which is indefinable and unconscious. Homeopathic prophylaxis in Cuba has set high the principles of Community Medicine and once again demonstrates the broad vision of a Cuban socialist healthcare system.Introducción: la propagación de epidemias ha sido frecuente en la historia de la humanidad. Desde diciembre de 2019, en la República Popular China, con el surgimiento del Síndrome Respiratorio Agudo por Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) –  conocido mundialmente como COVID-19, este ha ocasionado un impacto mundial sin precedentes al que se asocia un elevado número de fallecidos.Desarrollo: Salen a la luz leyendas y datos curiosos sobre el empleo de esa terapéutica la homeopatía en Cuba. En 1992, el Ministerio de Salud Pública autoriza la difusión de la Homeopatía en Cuba, por lo que se crea el grupo “Juan Artiga", ya en 1993, se abren las primeras consultas y se retomó de esta manera la Homeopatía como modalidad dentro de la MNT. En 1999 tuvo lugar en el Centro de Eventos del Hospital “Frank País”, el II Congreso Cubano de Homeopatía, y en el 2003 se realizó el III Congreso. Sin embargo, lo más novedoso a nuestro modo de ver, está referido a cómo a pesar de ser esta una ciencia con orígenes antiguos, sobresale en la actualidad como medida para prevenir enfermedades respiratorias virales.Conclusiones: La Homeopatía, tratar de llevar al enfermo a ese estado de bienestar físico, social y psicológico, que es indefinible e inconsciente. La homeoprofilaxis en Cuba ha puesto en alto los principios de la Medicina Comunitaria y una vez más, demuestra la amplia visión de un sistema de salud socialista cubano

    Effectiveness of alternative treatment with topical oleozon in patients with onychomycosis

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    Introducción: las onicomicosis son infecciones fúngicas de la lámina ungueal y tejidos adyacentes.Objetivo: determinar la eficacia del tratamiento alternativo con oleozón tópico en pacientes con onicomicosis de los consultorios 24 y 25 del Policlínico Universitario “Luis Augusto Turcios Lima” de la provincia de Pinar del Río, de 2017-2018. MétodoS: se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo y de corte transversal a los pacientes diagnosticados con onicomicosis en los consultorios 24 y 25 del Policlínico “Luis Augusto Turcios Lima” durante el 2017-2018, el universo estuvo conformado por 90 pacientes con el diagnostico de esta enfermedad, se trabajó con la totalidad de ellos; se estratificó en tres grupos, grupo A (ketoconazol tópico más fluconazol tableta), grupo B (oleozón tópico) y grupo C (fluconazol tableta más oleozón tópico).Resultados: predominó el grupo etáreo de 60-69 (31,1 %) y el sexo masculino (65,6 %), predominaron los pacientes que presentaron cambios de coloración en las uñas (32 %), en el grupo A el 56,7 % de los pacientes presentaron mejoría entre tres y seis meses, el grupo B el 93,3 % en el mismo periodo que el grupo A y en el grupo C el 100 % se curaron en el mismo periodo que los demás grupos.Conclusiones: predominó el grupo de 60-69 años de edad, el sexo masculino fue el más afectado. El signo más frecuente fue el cambio de coloración y el síntoma el dolor; el tratamiento combinado fue el más efectivo.Introduction: onychomycoses are fungal infections of the nail plate and adjacent tissues.Objective: to determine the efficacy of alternative treatment with topical oleozon in patients with onychomycosis of the 24th and 25th Doctor’s Offices belonging to Luis Augusto Turcios Lima University Polyclinic in Pinar del Rio province during 2017-2018. Methods: an observational, descriptive and cross-sectional study was conducted on patients diagnosed with onychomycosis in the 24th and 25th Doctor’s Offices belonging to Luis Augusto Turcios Lima University Polyclinic in Pinar del Rio province during 2017-2018.  The target group comprised 90 patients diagnosed with this disease, working with all of them, which were stratified into three groups, group-A (topical ketoconazole plus fluconazole tablet), group-B (topical oleozon) and group-C (fluconazole tablet plus topical oleozon).Results: the age group 60-69 (31,1 %) and male sex (65,6 %) predominated, patients with nail discoloration changes predominated (32 %), in group-A 56,7 % of patients showed improvement between 3 and 6 months, group-B 93,3 % in the same period as group-A and in group-C 100 % were cured in the same period as the other groups.Conclusions: the age group from 60-69 predominated, male sex was the most affected. The most frequent sign was discoloration change and the symptom was pain; combined treatment was the most effective

    Supplementary booklet Nutrition Education at different stages of life

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    Introduction: Hundreds of millions of people suffer from diseases resulting from excessive or unbalanced diets, and many countries are currently facing serious nutritional health problems, morbidity and mortality due to non-communicable diseases are increasing. Nutritional education of the population is required; the observatory of food sovereignty and nutritional education is created to empower decision-makers with knowledge so that they can have at the right time the necessary data to document their decisions. Objective: to elaborate a complementary booklet on nutrition education at different stages of life, which can be used by students and professors of the medical career. Methods: theoretical methods were used with documentary review, updated on the subject in journals, books and basic bibliography of the subjects of General Comprehensive Medicine, historical-logical analysis, combined with health education techniques; it was structured as an introduction, four chapters and bibliography, Results: emphasis is made on the promotion of adequate nutritional diets at different stages of life, applying health education techniques with messages and images of healthy eating, it has an introduction on nutritional education, each chapter deals with this topic at different stages, chapter I- pediatric age; II- pregnant; III- older adult, IV.- some non-communicable diseases and bibliography. Conclusions: Nutrition education is an educational strategy that leads to improve the health status of the population, responds to the government management model based on science, technology and innovation

    Teaching-research organizational environment at Pedro Borras Astorga University Polyclinic, Pinar del Rio

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    Introduction: analyzing and understanding the organizational phenomenon is a necessity for the professionals, particularly those working in the health sector. Objective: to evaluate the organizational environment in the teaching-research area at Pedro Borrás Astorga University Polyclinic. Method: a descriptive research was carried out on health systems and services, from an evaluative point of view in the chosen health area of Pinar del Río city from October to November 2016. The target group included 75 professors from the Institution, while for the selection of the sample a simple random method was used, 60 of them were chosen at random. The statistical data processing was performed using absolute and percentage frequencies, keeping the rules of the medical ethics. Results: in the dimension of the organizational-educational-research, motivation prevailed (6.2), while organizational structure emphasized the performance of teaching and research components (6.2), as well as the leadership style which prevailed in both processes (6.8). Most dimensions were characterized by an adequate environment (≥6). Conclusions: the study enriched the teaching-research work of the health area, contributing to the achievement of positive results and developers

    Hábito tabáquico en pacientes con enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica del Policlínico Universitario “Luis Augusto Turcios Lima”

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    Introduction: smoking constitutes a worldwide epidemic and a serious burden for the individual, the family and society.Objective: to determine the behavior of smoking in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.Methods: an observational, descriptive and cross-sectional study was carried out at “Luis Augusto Turcios Lima” University Polyclinic between January and February 2021. The questionnaire of the CARMEN project was applied as an instrument. Descriptive statistics was used.Results: the group over 70 years old predominated (65 %) and 57,41 % of the smokers belonged to male sex. Both smokers and the general group were predominantly retired (59,26 % and 65 % respectively), with less than 12th grade of schooling (75,93 % and 76,25 % respectively), having urban origin (51,85 % and 57,5 % respectively). Smokers over 40 years old (51,8 %) and those smoking up to one pack a day (68,5 %) predominated. Hypertension was the most prevalent comorbidity (65 %), and 64,81 % of hypertensive patients were smokers.Conclusions: among patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease there was a high rate of smokers, mainly in elderly people, with educational levels below twelfth grade and urban origin. There was observed a large number of patients with higher daily consumption of cigarettes, who smoke for more than 40 years.  The presence of neoplasms and cardiovascular diseases was common in smokers with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.Introducción: el tabaquismo constituye una epidemia universal y una grave carga para el individuo, la familia y la sociedad.Objetivo: determinar el comportamiento del tabaquismo en pacientes con enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica.Métodos: se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo y transversal, en el Policlínico Docente Universitario “Luis Augusto Turcios Lima”, entre enero y febrero de 2021. Se utilizó como instrumento el cuestionario utilizado por el proyecto CARMEN. Se empleó estadística descriptiva.Resultados: predominó el grupo de mayores de 70 años (65 %) y el 57,41 % de los fumadores fueron del sexo masculino. Tanto en los fumadores como en el grupo general predominaron los jubilados (59,26 % y 65 % respectivamente), la escolaridad menor de 12 grado (75,93 % y 76,25 % respectivamente) y la procedencia urbana (51,85 % y 57,5 % respectivamente). Predominaron los fumadores por más de 40 años (51,8 %) y aquellos que fuman hasta una cajetilla diaria (68,5 %). La hipertensión arterial constituyó la comorbilidad con mayor prevalencia (65 %), donde el 64,81 % de los hipertensos fueron fumadores.Conclusiones: entre los pacientes con enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica existió una alta tasa de fumadores, principalmente en edades avanzadas de la vida, con niveles educacionales menores del duodécimo grado y de procedencia urbana. Existió un elevado número de pacientes con alto consumo diario de cigarrillos, los cuales a su vez presentaron el hábito por más de 40 años.  La presencia de neoplasias y enfermedades cardiovasculares fue común en pacientes fumadores con enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica

    Ambiente organizacional docente-investigativo del Policlínico Universitario “Pedro Borrás Astorga” de Pinar del Río

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    Introduction: analyzing and understanding the organizational phenomenon is a necessity for the professionals, particularly those working in the health sector.Objective: to evaluate the organizational environment in the teaching-research area at Pedro Borrás Astorga University Polyclinic.Method: a descriptive research was carried out on health systems and services, from an evaluative point of view in the chosen health area of Pinar del Río city from October to November 2016. The target group included 75 professors from the Institution, while for the selection of the sample a simple random method was used, 60 of them were chosen at random. The statistical data processing was performed using absolute and percentage frequencies, keeping the rules of the medical ethics.Results: in the dimension of the organizational-educational-research, motivation prevailed (6.2), while organizational structure emphasized the performance of teaching and research components (6.2), as well as the leadership style which prevailed in both processes (6.8). Most dimensions were characterized by an adequate environment (≥6).Conclusions: the study enriched the teaching-research work of the health area, contributing to the achievement of positive results and developers. Introducción: analizar y comprender el fenómeno organizacional constituye una necesidad por parte de los profesionales, particularmente los del sector salud.Objetivo: evaluar el ambiente organizacional en lo docente-investigativo del Policlínico Universitario “Pedro Borrás Astorga”.Método: se realizó una investigación descriptiva en sistemas y servicios de salud, de corte evaluativo en dicha área de salud de la ciudad Pinar del Río, en el período de octubre a noviembre del 2016. El universo estuvo constituido por 75 docentes pertenecientes a la institución, mientras que para la selección de la muestra se utilizó el método aleatorio simple escogiendo 60 de ellos al azar.  El procesamiento estadístico de los datos se realizó utilizando frecuencias absolutas y porcentajes, respetándose la ética médica.Resultados: en la dimensión comportamiento organizacional docente-investigativo prevaleció la motivación (6,2), mientras que en estructura organizacional se destacó el funcionamiento en la docencia e investigación con 6,2, así como en el estilo de dirección prevaleció el liderazgo en ambos procesos con 6,8. La mayoría de las dimensiones se caracterizaron por poseer un clima adecuado (≥6).Conclusiones: el estudio enriqueció el trabajo docente-investigativo del área de salud, contribuyendo al logro de resultados positivos y desarrolladores

    Ambiente organizacional docente-investigativo del Policlínico Universitario “Pedro Borrás Astorga” de Pinar del Río

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    Introduction: analyzing and understanding the organizational phenomenon is a necessity for the professionals, particularly those working in the health sector.Objective: to evaluate the organizational environment in the teaching-research area at Pedro Borrás Astorga University Polyclinic.Method: a descriptive research was carried out on health systems and services, from an evaluative point of view in the chosen health area of Pinar del Río city from October to November 2016. The target group included 75 professors from the Institution, while for the selection of the sample a simple random method was used, 60 of them were chosen at random. The statistical data processing was performed using absolute and percentage frequencies, keeping the rules of the medical ethics.Results: in the dimension of the organizational-educational-research, motivation prevailed (6.2), while organizational structure emphasized the performance of teaching and research components (6.2), as well as the leadership style which prevailed in both processes (6.8). Most dimensions were characterized by an adequate environment (≥6).Conclusions: the study enriched the teaching-research work of the health area, contributing to the achievement of positive results and developers. Introducción: analizar y comprender el fenómeno organizacional constituye una necesidad por parte de los profesionales, particularmente los del sector salud.Objetivo: evaluar el ambiente organizacional en lo docente-investigativo del Policlínico Universitario “Pedro Borrás Astorga”.Método: se realizó una investigación descriptiva en sistemas y servicios de salud, de corte evaluativo en dicha área de salud de la ciudad Pinar del Río, en el período de octubre a noviembre del 2016. El universo estuvo constituido por 75 docentes pertenecientes a la institución, mientras que para la selección de la muestra se utilizó el método aleatorio simple escogiendo 60 de ellos al azar.  El procesamiento estadístico de los datos se realizó utilizando frecuencias absolutas y porcentajes, respetándose la ética médica.Resultados: en la dimensión comportamiento organizacional docente-investigativo prevaleció la motivación (6,2), mientras que en estructura organizacional se destacó el funcionamiento en la docencia e investigación con 6,2, así como en el estilo de dirección prevaleció el liderazgo en ambos procesos con 6,8. La mayoría de las dimensiones se caracterizaron por poseer un clima adecuado (≥6).Conclusiones: el estudio enriqueció el trabajo docente-investigativo del área de salud, contribuyendo al logro de resultados positivos y desarrolladores

    Efficacy of phytotherapy in hypertensive older adults belonging to the "Raul Sanchez" University Polyclinic

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    The accelerated demographic and epidemiological transition experienced by Latin American countries has given rise to a progressive aging of the population that has become an indicator, both in developed and developing countries, of improvement in world health. Almost all older adults, as a consequence of their aging, suffer from at least one chronic disease, being very frequent in this population risk group arterial hypertension, so it is necessary to know the alternatives offered by Natural and Traditional Medicine, especially phytotherapy, in the treatment of this disease. The objective of the research is to evaluate the effectiveness of phytotherapy in the treatment of hypertensive older adults of the family doctor's office # 89 belonging to the Raúl Sánchez polyclinic, in Pinar del Río. For this purpose, an observational, descriptive and cross-sectional study was carried out in 133 hypertensive older adults treated with phytopharmaceuticals. As a result, the research determined the most effective phytopharmacological treatment for hypertension in this population segment

    Comportamiento de algunos marcadores indirectos de disfunción endotelial en pacientes con ICTUS isquémico aterotrombótico

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    Introduction: cerebrovascular diseases are one of the leading causes of hospitalization and death worldwide, as well as sequelae and disability.Objective: to characterize the behavior of some indirect markers of endothelial dysfunction in patients admitted to the Hospital León Cuervo Rubio with a diagnosis of ischemic-type cerebrovascular disease (atherothrombotic), from January 2017 to May 2019.Method: an observational study was carried out, descriptive and cross-sectional study of the behavior of some indirect markers of endothelial dysfunction in people admitted to the stroke service of the León Cuervo Rubio Hospital. The universe consisted of 850 patients diagnosed with some type of cerebrovascular disease; the sample consisted of 76 patients admitted for ischemic cerebrovascular disease of an atherothrombotic type confirmed by Computed Axial Tomography.Results: the most affected age group was over 70 years old with 61.9%, the sex that predominated was male with 53.9%, it was observed that arterial hypertension had a higher incidence as a personal pathological antecedent, this entity was present in 76.3% of the cases. According to the diagnostic tests used in the study, it is noteworthy that C-reactive protein was positive in 90.3% of the cases.Conclusions: there was a predominance of males, of the age group older than 70 years, arterial hypertension was the predominant personal pathological antecedent and C-reactive protein was the test with the highest degree of positivity.Introducción: las enfermedades cerebrovasculares constituyen a nivel mundial una de las primeras causas de hospitalización y muerte, así como de secuelas y de invalidez.Objetivo: caracterizar el comportamiento de algunos marcadores indirectos de disfunción endotelial en pacientes ingresados en el Hospital León Cuervo Rubio con diagnóstico de enfermedad cerebrovascular de tipo isquémico (aterotrombótico), de enero 2017 a mayo 2019.Método: se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo y transversal sobre el comportamiento de algunos marcadores indirectos de disfunción endotelial en personas ingresadas en el servicio de Ictus del Hospital León Cuervo Rubio. El universo estuvo constituido por los 850 pacientes diagnosticados con algún tipo de enfermedad cerebrovascular, la muestra se constituyó por 76 pacientes ingresados por enfermedad cerebrovascular isquémica de tipo aterotrombótico confirmados por Tomografía Axial Computarizada.Resultados: el grupo etario más afectado fue el de más de 70 años con un 61,9 %, el sexo que predominó fue el masculino con un 53,9 %, se observó que la hipertensión arterial tuvo una mayor incidencia como antecedente patológico personal, dicha entidad estuvo presente en el 76,3 % de los casos, según las pruebas diagnósticas empleadas en el estudio, se destaca que la proteína C reactiva fue positiva en el 90,3 % de los casos.Conclusiones: hubo un predomino del sexo masculino, del grupo etario mayor de 70 años, la hipertensión arterial fue el antecedente patológico personal que predominó y la proteína C reactiva fue la prueba que mayor grado de positividad tuvo