480 research outputs found

    Importancia del conocimiento empírico en obras civiles

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    This article is presented on the importance of empirical knowledge in order to make known the need, incidence and application of such knowledge in civil works. In addition, it is made with the purpose of documenting the subject that involves masters of work, engineers, workers and other participants of work, but that does not count with diffusion. The article was mostly written at the Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas, Facultad Tecnológica, with the support of workers from the area, master builders, civil engineers and other participants in the work at the university and in the surrounding areas. It established the need for empirical thinking and made it clear that it is not the only thing necessary for good performance in civil works, reaching the conclusion that empirical knowledge and academic knowledge are necessary to perform in the best way in civil works because both knowledge are important for certain moments of working life.Se presenta este artículo sobre la importancia del conocimiento empírico con el fin de dar a conocer la necesidad, incidencia y aplicación de dicho conocimiento en obras civiles. Además, se realiza con el fin de documentar sobre el tema que involucra a maestros de obra, ingenieros, obreros y demás participantes de obra, pero que no cuanta con difusión. El artículo se realizó mayormente en la Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas, Facultad Tecnológica con el apoyo de obreros de la zona, maestros de obra, ingenieros civiles y demás participantes de obras en la universidad y en zonas aledañas. Se establecieron necesidades del pensamiento empírico y se dejó claro que no es lo único necesario para un buen desempeño en obra civiles, llegando a la conclusión de que el conocimiento empírico y el conocimiento académico son necesarios para desempeñarse de la mejor manera en obras civiles pues ambos conocimientos son importantes para ciertos momentos de la vida laboral

    Regulación de Internet: una propuesta para el mercado ecuatoriano

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    This study of masters has denominated it: “Regulación de Internet: Una propuesta para el Mercado ecuatoriano”, leads to us to make a proposal based on a process of change of regulatory models that are being developed in many countries of the region, some have implanted already it, to others continue it discussing. In the Ecuadorian case it is observed that they have not defined still his positions on this subject, exist conjectures that do not finish convincing and propose that totally they have not been discussed; therefore we think that an opportunity exists to present contributions of regulation to the Internet that gather the perspective of our society.Este estudio de maestría se la ha denominado “Regulación de Internet: Una propuesta para el mercado ecuatoriano”, la misma que conduce a la elaboración de una propuesta basada en un proceso de cambio de modelos regulatorios que se están desarrollando en muchos países de la región, algunos ya lo han implantado, otros lo siguen discutiendo. En el caso ecuatoriano, se observa que los organismos de control aún no han definido sus posturas sobre este tema, existen conjeturas que no terminan por convencer y propuestas que no han sido totalmente discutidas; por consiguiente se cree que existe una oportunidad de presentar contribuciones de regulación al Internet que recojan las perspectivas de esta sociedad ecuatoriana

    Emotional factors that influence the development of speaking skills in post-pandemic classes in third baccalaureate students.

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    This research project was conducted with the purpose of analyzing the influence of emotional factors on the development of speaking skills in post-pandemic classes with third-year high school students. Identifying these factors helped us to analyze emotional factors such as nervousness, anxiety, low self-esteem, fear of making mistakes, and lack of confidence in speaking activities during English classes. The design of this research was designed for third year high school students and we focused on a specific course that showed to have students with these problems in order to analyze the emotional factors and how it affects the development of speaking skills. Based on the results obtained from this research, it can be concluded that the emotional factors that affect the students are mostly nervousness and fear of making mistakes. Despite this, the students are positive in wanting to improve their skills and knowledge in the English language because they show a motivation that is shared among classmates and understand that making mistakes or receiving corrections from the teacher helps them to obtain better knowledge in aspects such as pronunciation or grammar. Therefore, emotional factors affect students in the acquisition of a foreign language and in the development of foreign language skills, but with a pleasant classroom environment, motivation, and peer support, these emotional factors are reduced, and positive aspects of learning are increased

    La existencia de Heidegger y el mar de Antonio Machado

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    The article seeks to unravel the meaning of one of the symbols of Antonio Machado, the sea. Firstly, the most obvious meanings of the symbol have been identified in order to later analyze the word’s occurrence, where the meaning is more difficult to discern. The conclusion reached is that the central value of the word is existence.El artículo pretende desentrañar el significado de uno de los símbolos de Antonio Machado, el del mar. Se han delimitado primero los significados más evidentes del símbolo para después abordar el análisis de las apariciones de la palabra en las que el significado presenta más dificultades. Se llega a la conclusión de que el valor central de la palabra es el de existencia


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    The purpose of this paper is to assess the extent of applicability of bankruptcy - Black and Scholes (1973) and Merton (1974) - to the securities market in Colombia using the contingent claim approach in the context of the new current economic cycle in Latin America. It particularly examines the ability of the contingent claim approach, from the perspective of Moody's KMV, to estimate the two following credit risk indicators: distance to bankruptcy and probability of default. It then provides a comparison of these measurements versus those generated by the market. The findings suggest that there is a possibility of using this model in Colombia, especially with non-listed companies.

    Anxiety self-perception in Elementary Education teachers of Badajoz and Castelo Branco

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    Este estudio forma parte de otro más amplio cuya finalidad es analizar la influencia de la competencia emocional en el clima social de un aula y en el rendimiento académico de los alumnos. Concretamente, esta parte del estudio pretende conocer el grado de Autopercepción de la Ansiedad en Maestros de Enseñanza Básica de centros educativos de la ciudad de Castelo Branco (Portugal) y en Maestros de Educación Primaria de la ciudad de Badajoz (España), como aspecto que condiciona la calidad de la enseñanza. Para ello se diseñó una investigación, en la que se compararon los resultados de un Test de Autopercepción de Ansiedad en situaciones del contexto educativo cumplimentado por profesores portugueses y españoles. Como conclusión general, la autopercepción de la ansiedad y el estrés de los docentes españoles es superior al de los portugueses, sobre todo en lo que concierne a las manifestaciones motoras, en las que existen diferencias significativas.This study makes part of another broader one whose aim is analyzing the influence of the emotional competence on the social environment of a class and on the pupils’ academic performance. In particular, this part of the study intends to know the degree of Anxiety Self-Perception in Elementary Education teachers of educational centers of Castelo Branco (Portugal) and Primary Education teachers in the town of Badajoz (Spain), as an aspect which makes a condition of the teaching quality. To do so they designed an investigation, in which the results of an Anxiety Self-Percetion Test were contrasted in situations of the educational context carried out by Portuguese and Spanish teachers. As a general conclusion, the anxiety and stress self-perception in Spanish teachers is higher than in Portuguese ones, especially regarding the motor appearances, where we can find significant differences.peerReviewe

    Analysis of the effectiveness of an Emotional Intelligence Program with teachers from Badajoz and Castelo Branco

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    Este estudio forma parte de otro más amplio cuya finalidad es analizar la influencia de la competencia emocional en el clima social de un aula y en el rendimiento académico de los alumnos. Concretamente, esta parte del estudio pretende conocer el grado de competencia emocional que poseen los docentes y cómo puede incrementarse a través de una intervención. Para ello se diseñó una investigación, en la que se elaboró un programa de intervención con seis bloques de contenidos, que se trabajaron con el grupo experimental en dos sesiones de cinco horas cada una. Como conclusión general, la competencia emocional y social de los docentes con los que se intervino incrementó con respecto a las de aquellos que no recibieron formación.This study is part of a broader one whose purpose is to analyze the influence of emotional competence in the social climate of a classroom and in the students’ academic performance. Specifically, this part of the study is aimed at learning the degree of emotional competence that teachers have and how it could be enhanced through intervention. For this purpose, we carried out a research which developed an intervention program with six blocks of content. They were worked with the experimental group in two sessions of five hours each. As a general conclusion, emotional and social competence of teachers which took part in our research increased compared to those who did not receive any training.peerReviewe