8,837 research outputs found

    ROAM: a Rich Object Appearance Model with Application to Rotoscoping

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    Rotoscoping, the detailed delineation of scene elements through a video shot, is a painstaking task of tremendous importance in professional post-production pipelines. While pixel-wise segmentation techniques can help for this task, professional rotoscoping tools rely on parametric curves that offer the artists a much better interactive control on the definition, editing and manipulation of the segments of interest. Sticking to this prevalent rotoscoping paradigm, we propose a novel framework to capture and track the visual aspect of an arbitrary object in a scene, given a first closed outline of this object. This model combines a collection of local foreground/background appearance models spread along the outline, a global appearance model of the enclosed object and a set of distinctive foreground landmarks. The structure of this rich appearance model allows simple initialization, efficient iterative optimization with exact minimization at each step, and on-line adaptation in videos. We demonstrate qualitatively and quantitatively the merit of this framework through comparisons with tools based on either dynamic segmentation with a closed curve or pixel-wise binary labelling

    Huygens' principle and Dirac-Weyl equation

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    We investigate the validity of Huygens' principle for forward propagation in the massless Dirac-Weyl equation. The principle holds for odd space dimension n, while it is invalid for even n. We explicitly solve the cases n=1,2 and 3 and discuss generic nn. We compare with the massless Klein-Gordon equation and comment on possible generalizations and applications.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figur

    Tratamiento periodístico del deporte “minoritario’’ en España durante los JJ.OO de Río 2016

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    Los Juegos Olímpicos son una ocasión perfecta para que el periodismo aproxime a la sociedad deportes que no son tratados habitualmente en la prensa deportiva, pues están alejados de la agenda setting de los medios. Esos deportes minoritarios necesitan de los profesionales de la comunicación para que expliquen en las páginas del medio el reglamento, formatos de competición, términos propios o el formato competitivo. Todo ello para que el público se sienta atraído por unos contenidos deportivos que pueden verse plasmados en la consecución de medallas para nuestro país. Este trascendental evento, permite al periodismo deportivo una oportunidad para informar e innovar sobre cada uno de los deportes menos mediatizados, mostrando sus resultados y narrando sus historias. Este trabajo de investigación se basa en un estudio de la cobertura periodística en la prensa escrita, concretamente en los líderes del sector, As y Marca, durante los Juegos Olímpicos de Río, celebrados en Río de Janeiro (Brasil) entre el 5 y el 21 de agosto de 2016.Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Periodismo I

    Contribuciones de Don Antonio Gimbernat a la anatomía y cirugía de la pared abdominal y a la enseñanza de la cirugía en España

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    ResumenEn la segunda mitad del sigloxviii, con la fundación de los Reales Colegios de Cirugía de Cádiz, Barcelona y Madrid, se sientan las sólidas bases para el futuro desarrollo de la anatomía y la cirugía en España.Con el presente trabajo pretendemos rendir un modesto homenaje a la figura de Antonio Gimbernat, continuador de la obra docente e investigadora de su gran maestro, Pedro Virgili. Maestro y discípulo protagonizaron uno de los capítulos más brillantes de la historia de la cirugía y de la medicina en España.AbstractWith the foundation during the second half of the 18th century of the Royal Colleges of Surgery in the cities of Cádiz, Barcelona and Madrid, solid foundations were laid for the future development of Anatomy and Surgery in Spain.With this work we pay a modest tribute to the figure of Antonio Gimbernat, who carried on the teaching and research work of his great master, Pedro Virgili. Master and pupil led one of the most brilliant chapters in the history of Surgery and Medicine in Spain

    Nacimiento de la cirugía española moderna en el siglo xviii

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    ResumenA comienzos del siglo xviii, tanto la enseñanza como la práctica de la cirugía en España se hallan en franca decadencia. La Real Armada y el ejército tienen que valerse de cirujanos extranjeros. Con la fundación, en la segunda mitad del siglo, de los Reales Colegios de Cirugía, se sientan las sólidas bases que posibilitarán el creciente desarrollo de la cirugía española en los siglos venideros. Pedro Virgili es el alma de este profundo cambio, al que podemos considerar como un auténtico Renacimiento de la cirugía española.AbstractAt the beginning of the 18th century, both the teaching and the practice of surgery in Spain were in considerable decline. The Navy and the Army had to make use of foreign surgeons. With the founding of the Royal College of Surgery during the second half of the century, solid foundations were laid for the growing development of Spanish surgery over the following centuries. Pedro Virgili is the soul of this profound change, which we can regard as an authentic renaissance of Spanish surgery


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    A range of nonthermal techniques have demonstrated process efficacy in ensuring food product safety, extension of shelf-life and in general a retention of key quality attributes. However, various physical, chemical and biochemical effects of nonthermal techniques on both macro and micronutrients are evident, leading to both desirable and undesirable changes in food products. It is important to outline the effects of non-thermal techniques on food chemistry and the associated degradation mechanisms with the treatment of foods. Oxidation is one of the key mechanisms responsible for undesirable effects induced by non-thermal techniques. Degradation of key macromolecules largely depends on the processing conditions employed. Various extrinsic and intrinsiccontrol parameters of high pressure processing, pulsed electric field, ultrasound processing and cold atmospheric plasma on chemistryof processed food is outlined