11 research outputs found

    The DDG^G-classifier in the functional setting

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    The Maximum Depth was the first attempt to use data depths instead of multivariate raw data to construct a classification rule. Recently, the DD-classifier has solved several serious limitations of the Maximum Depth classifier but some issues still remain. This paper is devoted to extending the DD-classifier in the following ways: first, to surpass the limitation of the DD-classifier when more than two groups are involved. Second to apply regular classification methods (like kkNN, linear or quadratic classifiers, recursive partitioning,...) to DD-plots to obtain useful insights through the diagnostics of these methods. And third, to integrate different sources of information (data depths or multivariate functional data) in a unified way in the classification procedure. Besides, as the DD-classifier trick is especially useful in the functional framework, an enhanced revision of several functional data depths is done in the paper. A simulation study and applications to some classical real datasets are also provided showing the power of the new proposal.Comment: 29 pages, 6 figures, 6 tables, Supplemental R Code and Dat

    Goodness-of-fit tests for the functional linear model based on randomly projected empirical processes

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    We consider marked empirical processes indexed by a randomly projected functional covariate to construct goodness-of-fit tests for the functional linear model with scalar response. The test statistics are built from continuous functionals over the projected process, resulting in computationally efficient tests that exhibit root-n convergence rates and circumvent the curse of dimensionality. The weak convergence of the empirical process is obtained conditionally on a random direction, whilst the almost surely equivalence between the testing for significance expressed on the original and on the projected functional covariate is proved. The computation of the test in practice involves calibration by wild bootstrap resampling and the combination of several p-values, arising from different projections, by means of the false discovery rate method. The finite sample properties of the tests are illustrated in a simulation study for a variety of linear models, underlying processes, and alternatives. The software provided implements the tests and allows the replication of simulations and data applications.Supported by projects MTM2014-56235-C2-2-P and MTM2017-86061-C2-2-P from the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness. Supported by projects MTM2013-41383-P and MTM2016-76969-P from the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness, and the European Regional Development Fund; project 10MDS207015PR from Dirección Xeral de I + D, Xunta de Galicia

    Soil organic carbon in peninsular Spain: Influence of environmental factors and spatial distribution

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    Soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks and their geographical distribution in peninsular Spain were estimated from a georeferenced database consisting of 12,724 surface samples (0–30 cm) and 3607 subsurface samples (30–50 cm), covering different climate, land use, elevation, parent material, soil type and soil pH. SOC density showed a high heterogeneity, with the lowest values in arid regions, where the average in topsoil ranged between 20 and 60 t C ha−1, under woody crops and forest respectively. Carbon stocks gradually increases as precipitation increases, and its variability is also dependent of other factors, fundamentally the presence/absence of active lime or active Al. In semi-arid zones, calcaric soils (pH ≈ 8.3) have higher contents of SOC than neutral to weakly acidic soils from siliceous materials. However, in humid regions, calcareous materials have undergo total or partial decarbonatation in the upper layer (pH < 4.0–7.5) and SOC stocks are markedly lower than in other materials. In forest soils it seems that a steady state (around 100–120 t C ha−1) (0–30 cm) has been reached in a wide range of precipitation, between 900 and 1700 mm; most of this carbon (about 80%) is labile-C. Soils from granitic rocks are acidic (pH 4.5–5.5) (Al buffering) and the mean SOC stock in the indicated precipitation range is between 170 and 200 t ha−1 (it is estimated that approximately 60% is stabilized as metal-C or mineral-C complexes). The highest values (190–240 t ha−1) are recorded in acidic soils derived from mafic rocks, which in these regions usually develop andic properties (around 73% is involved in stable metal-C or mineral C complexes). Finally, the SOC stored in neutral soils from serpentinized ultramafic rocks (without excess Ca or Al) is similar to that of the decarbonated soils derived from calcareous materials. In all regions, forest soils are a much more important SOC sink than live forest biomass (2–4 times higher in the upper 30 cm and 3–6 times greater in the upper 50 cm). Random Forest regression was used as modeling tool and digital mapping. Mean annual precipitation was estimated to be the most important predictor variable, followed by land use, lithology/soil type and soil pH. Model performance was calibrated by the internal RF validation and through cross-validation, and the results were similar. In topsoil, the mean error, root mean square error and R2 were −0.007% C, 1.48% C and 0.61, respectively. In the subsurface layer these indices were −0.020, 1.07 and 0.37, respectively. SOC stock for peninsular Spain was estimated at 3.33 Pg in the upper (0–30 cm) layer, and 0.85 Pg in the subsurface (30–50 cm) layer. Total SOC stock for 0–50 cm was 4.19 Pg, with a 95% confidence interval ranging between 3.33 and 5.03 PgThis work was supported by the Ministry of Science and Innovation, Spain (CGL2009, 13857: 2010-2014); and the Consellería de Educación-Xunta de Galicia, Spain (2014-GRC GI-124, 2014-2017)S

    Impacto de la pandemia por SARS-CoV-2 en la formación de los alumnos de la Carrera de Médico Especialista en Reumatología

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    Introducción: en 2020, la rápida evolución de la pandemia por SARS-CoV-2 desencadenó una emergencia sanitaria que generó una importante reorganización del sistema de salud, lo que llevó a la discontinuación y posterior adecuación de los sistemas de formación. El objetivo de este estudio fue describir el impacto de la pandemia en un grupo de reumatológos en formación en la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires. Materiales y métodos: se envió una encuesta online por correo electrónico a los alumnos de la Carrera de Especialista en Reumatología de la Sociedad Argentina de Reumatología y de la Universidad de Buenos Aires. Incluyó 24 preguntas relacionadas con el impacto de la pandemia en diferentes aspectos de la formación y las nuevas estrategias educativas implementadas

    Reumatólogos frente al papeleo: evaluación de la carga administrativa en un Servicio de Reumatología

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    Introducción: los resúmenes de historia clínica (RHC), confeccionados por reumatólogos, los solicitan los pacientes para realizar diversos trámites. Su incumplimiento afecta el acceso a las prestaciones sanitarias e implica que los médicos destinen tiempo a un requisito puramente burocrático. Los objetivos de este estudio fueron: determinar la frecuencia de RHC solicitados y realizados en nuestro Servicio durante un semestre y el tiempo dedicado a dicha tarea; describir los motivos de las solicitudes y las caracte- rísticas de los solicitantes. Materiales y métodos: se incluyeron todos los pacientes que solicitaron ≥1 RHC en el último semestre de 2019. Se registraron características sociodemográficas, enfermedad de base y motivos de solicitud. Se consideró, como parámetro de comparación, una duración predeterminada de 15 minutos por consulta médica

    Participación laboral en espondiloartritis axial radiográfica y no radiográfica

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    Introducción: las limitaciones laborales son un punto importante a considerar en el tratamiento de la espondiloartritis axial (EspAax) dado que esta enfermedad afecta a las personas en la etapa más productiva de la vida. Objetivos: describir la situación laboral en pacientes con EspAax de Argentina, incluyendo la espondilitis anquilosante (EA) y la espondiloartritis axial no radiográfica (EspAax-nr), y evaluar los factores asociados a la pérdida de productividad laboral (PPL) en esta cohorte nacional y los factores asociados a estar empleado

    Asociación entre Artritis Reumatoidea y otras enfermedades autoinmunes

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    Objetivos: determinar la frecuencia de enfermedades autoinmunes (EAI) en pacientes con Artritis Reumatoidea (AR) y comparar la frecuencia de EAI entre pacientes con AR y sin AR ni otra EAI reumatológica. Material y Métodos: estudio multicéntrico, observacional, analítico, retrospectivo. Se incluyeron pacientes consecutivos con AR (ACR/EULAR 2010) y como grupo control pacientes con diagnóstico inicial de Osteoartritis primaria (OA).

    Improving the smoking patterns in a general hospital psychiatric unit

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    Objectives: The purpose of the present paper is to evaluate the effects of a smoking ban in a general hospital psychiatric unit. Methods: We study the effects of smoking ban in 40 consecutive psychiatric inpatients. The staff registered socio-demographic and tobacco-related variables. We also registered any kind of behavioral effects of smoking ban.Results: The patients were willing to stop smoking during their hospital stay (with or without nicotine replacement) with two mild behavioural incidences registered throughout the study. Conclusions: The benefits of non-smoking policy in a psychiatric unit can be significant. The introduction of smoking bans in psychiatric inpatients settings is possible and safe

    Modificación del patrón de consumo de tabaco en una unidad de psiquiatría de hospital general

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    Objetivo: el presente trabajo tiene como objetivo estudiar los efectos de la prohibición del consumo de tabaco en una unidad de psiquiatría de hospital general. Material y métodos: Se valoraron los efectos de la prohibición en 40 pacientes ingresados en la unidad de forma consecutiva tras la prohibición de consumo de tabaco en la unidad de Psiquiatría. Se realizó una recogida de variables socio-demográficas y relacionadas con el consumo de tabaco. A los pacientes que los solicitasen se les ofertó la posibilidad de utilizar terapia sustitutiva con nicotina. Durante el ingreso se registraron las incidencias producidas por la prohibición de fumar. Resultados: Los pacientes fueron capaces de mantenerse la abstención de fumar con o sin la ayuda de tratamiento sustitutivo con nicotina. Solo se registraron dos incidencias leves achacables a la prohibición de fumar. No hubo ninguna negativa al ingreso, ni se precipitó ningún alta por durante el período de estudio. Conclusiones: las ventajas de la prohibición del uso de tabaco en nuestra unidad superaron los inconvenientes, haciendo posible y recomendable la modificación en los hábitos de consumo de tabaco en la unidad suprimiendo su uso. Abstract: Objectives: The purpose of the present paper is to evaluate the effects of a smoking ban in a general hospital psychiatric unit. Methods: We study the effects of smoking ban in 40 consecutive psychiatric inpatients. The staff registered socio-demographic and tobacco-related variables. We also registered any kind of behavioral effects of smoking ban. Results: The patients were willing to stop smoking during their hospital stay (with or without nicotine replacement) with two mild behavioural incidences registered throughout the study. Conclusions: The benefits of non-smoking policy in a psychiatric unit can be significant. The introduction of smoking bans in psychiatric inpatients settings is possible and safe. Centro de Trabajo: (1) Psiquiatra. Servicio de Psiquiatría. Hospital Valle del Nalón; (2) Pediatra. Atención Primaria. Área V (Asturias, España); (3) Enfermero/a. Servicio de Psiquiatría. Hospital Valle del Nalón (Asturias, España). Fecha del Trabajo: 11/02/2008 Palabra Clave: Tabaco, Unidad de psiquiatría, Prohibición de fumar, Salud Mental, Actitudes del personal. Key Words: Tobacco, Psychiatry unit, Smoking ban, Mental health, Personal attitudes.